
PBedit Installation:

1. Untar the PBedit archive.
2. Upload the whole directory "pbedit" to your web root directory.
3. Attention: Please be sure to upload the *.php files in the BINARY mode !
4. Give the permissions 777 to the directories "pbedit/backup/".
5. Give the permissions 666 to all files you want to edit.
6. Open the configuration file "pbedit/configuration/pbedit.cfg" and enter the files you want to edit.
7. Each file you enter will be displayed in the file selection dropdown menu.
8. The first line "$edit_file['info'][]....." is the Description of the file which you will see in the menu.
9. The second line "$edit_file['name'][]....." is the path/filename.
10. You can use relative or absolute path.
11. Here is an example:

// ================================================================
// Specify the files which are displayed in the file list.
// ================================================================
$edit_file['info'][] = "PBedit Configuration"; // Name which yo will see in the menu
$edit_file['name'][] = "configuration/pbedit.cfg"; // relative path

$edit_file['info'][] = "Apache Configuration"; // Name which yo will see in the menu
$edit_file['name'][] = "/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf"; // absolute path

12. You can configure if the editor first should make a backup before saving a file.
13. The backupfile will have the name "filename.fileending_DDMMYY_HHMMSS".
14. An backupname example: "httpd.conf_171105_043450".
15. You also can specify the size of the browser window, the size of the editor window and some more things :)
16. Open the url "//pbedit/index.php".
17. Now you will see the file selection menu and you can use the script - have fun !
18. If you have a question write us an e-mail to:


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