
Particle Wiki Upgrading Guide

A guide to upgrading from a previous version.

From version 1.0.0

From version 1.0.0
Backup your files and data then grab the changed files and upload them over the existing files. Run install/upgrade/from_1.0.0.php and this will take care of the database changes. Delete the installation directory.
Now delete includes/version.php as it isn't needed anymore. Also you need to make the following changes (if you haven't customised any skins, just upload the new files over the top). Open overall_footer.tpl and find:
Replace with:
Save and close. Now open up overall_navigation.tpl and find:
<a href="admin.php">
Replace with:
<a href="admin.php?from={PAGE_FROM}">
Save and close. Open element_config.tpl and find:
<input type="text" id="{CONFIG_NAME}" name="{CONFIG_NAME}" value="{CONFIG_VALUE}" size="20" maxlength="255" />
Replace with:
<input type="text" id="{CONFIG_NAME}" name="{CONFIG_NAME}" value="{CONFIG_VALUE}" size="30" maxlength="255" />
Save and close. Open page_edit.tpl and find:
<form action="{WIKIPAGE}?edit={QUERY}" method="post">
Replace with:
<form action="{WIKIPAGE}?edit={QUERY}" method="post" id="editform" name="editform">
Add the follow code to the end of the file:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
window.onload = document.editform.reason.focus();
Save and close. Open page_admin.tpl and find:
    <a href="admin.php?page={SIGN_LINK}">{SIGN_TEXT}</a>
Replace with:
    <a href="admin.php?page={SIGN_LINK}">{SIGN_TEXT}</a>
Save and close. Obviously upload them ;).

 © 2004-2005 Particle Soft


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