eim1 14 worksheet

Unit 14 Grammar Practice
1 Complete the sentences. Use should with 3 Match the questions with the answers.
& &
the verbs.
1 That dress looks lovely on you! I think you 1 What's the dog a It was horrible. It
like? rained every day!
should buy buy) it!
2 What's Helen b It was really good and
2 I had a ®ght with my boyfriend. I think you
like? tasty.
.............................. phone) him!
3 What are his c They're very unfriendly.
3 The baby is crying! I think you
parents like? d He's very lazy!
.............................. feed) him. 4 What was the e He's big and friendly
®lm like? but he barks a lot!
4 My brother broke the window with the
5 What was the f It was fantastic. I love
football. I think he ..............................
weather like? Kevin Costner!
6 What's Bob like? g It's brilliant. It's got
5 She is very fat! I think she
7 What was the three bedrooms and
.............................. eat) less. food like? an enormous kitchen.
8 What's the h It's beautiful and
6 They are very un®t! I think they
house like? sunny.
.............................. exercise) more.
9 What is the i She's hard-working
7 I am very thirsty. I think I ..............................
weather like? and honest.
drink) some water.
4 Put the words in order to make sentences.
8 My Dad is very tired. I think he &
1 like / ? / Jane / 's / what
.............................. . sleep)
What's Jane like?
9 We haven't got any food in the fridge. I
2 your / ? / 's / French / what / teacher / like
think we .............................. go) shopping.
3 the / ? / like / was / concert / what
2 Complete the text with should or shouldn't.
4 girlfriend / his / like / ? / was / what
In England when someone invites you to their
5 weather / ? / like / 's / what / the
house for the ®rst time, you 1) should shake
6 what / ? / the / were / neighbours / like
their hand and say hello!', you
7 like / what / hotel / is / the / ?
2) ..................... kiss them on the cheeks.
8 are / the / what / like / ? / people
You 3) ..................... always take a present.
9 ? / were / her / what / like / friends
You 4) ..................... take your favourite ®lm
on video/DVD, you 5) ..................... take a
bottle of wine or some Żowers. You
6) ..................... arrive too early and you
7) ..................... arrive too late. They say it's
polite to arrive ten minutes late! You
8) ..................... be polite and kind, you
9) ..................... be rude and unkind.
Following these rules, they 10) .....................
invite you again!
PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge University Press 2004 Level 1 Unit 14


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