
Alice Bailey - From Bethlehem to Calvary - IV - The Third Initiation - The
Transfiguration on a High Mountain

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From Bethlehem to Calvary - Chapter Four - The Third Initiation - The

We shall see later that upon the revelation of the risen
Christ must the new world religion take its stand. Christ upon the Cross, as will appear
when we study the next great crisis, showed us love and sacrifice carried to their extreme
expression; but Christ alive from all time, and vitally alive today, is the keynote of the
new age, and upon this truth must the new presentation of religion be built and, later,
the new theology be constructed. The true meaning of the Resurrection and the Ascension
has not yet been grasped; as a divine subjective reality those truths still await
revelation. The glory of the new age will be the unveiling of those two mysteries, and our
entrance into a fuller understanding of God as life. The true Church of Christ is the
assembly of all who live through the life of Christ, and whose life is one with His. This
will be increasingly realized and will bring forth into clearer and more radiant light the
wonder and glory which lies, unrevealed as yet, in God the Father.It is only the man
who has understood something of the value of the Transfiguration initiation and the nature
of the perfection then revealed who can follow along with Christ, to the vision which was
accorded Him as He came down from that high point of achievement, and can later share with
Him an understanding of the nature of world service. This world service is rendered
perfectly by those whose inner perfection is approximate to Christ's and whose lives are
controlled by the same divine impulses and subordinated to the same vision. This stage
connotes that complete spiritual freedom which we must eventually reach. [164] Now the
time has come for human beings to leave off believing, and pass on to true
knowledge, through the method of thought, reflection, experiment, experience and
revelation. The immediate problem for all who are seeking this new knowledge, and who
desire to become conscious knowers instead of faithful believers, is that they should
achieve it in the world of everyday. After each expansion of consciousness and each
unfoldment of a deepened awareness we return, as Christ did, to the plains of everyday
life, and there subject our knowledge to the test, discover its reality and truth, and
find out also wherein lies for us our next point of expansion, and what new knowledge must
be acquired. The task of the disciple is the understanding and the use of his divinity.
The knowledge of God immanent, yet based on a belief in God transcendent, is our endeavor.
This was
the experience of the Apostles upon the mountain top. We are told that "when they had
lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only." (St. Matt., XVII, 8). The
familiar appeared to them again. It is of real interest to compare a somewhat similar
story related in The Bhagavad Gita, wherein Arjuna has had revealed to him the
glorious form of the Lord. At the close of the revelation God, in the person of Krishna,
says to him, with tenderness and understanding, "Let not fear nor confusion overcome
thee, beholding My form so terrible! Behold my former shape once more, thy fear gone, thy
heart at rest!" and then he goes on to tell him:

"This form of Mine which thou hast seen is hard indeed to see! Even the Gods ever
desire a sight of this form! Nor can I be seen thus through Vedas, penances, gifts,
sacrifices, in the form which thou hast seen. But I can be known thus through
single-hearted love, Arjuna, and seen as I truly am, and entered, O Consumer of the
- The Bhagavad Gita, Book XI, 49, 52, 53, 54.

The Word of
Recognition had gone forth, and the command to hear the Christ had been given. Jesus
having returned [165] "to His proper form," the descent from the mountain had to
follow. Then occurred what might be regarded as a great, sad, spiritual reaction,
inevitable and terrible, expressed by Christ in the following words:

"The Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of men, and they shall kill him,
and the third day he shall be raised again." (St. Matt., XVII, 22, 23.)

Then comes
the simple comment that the disciples "were exceedingly sorry." This vision of
Christ's, if we trace it in the records, fell into two parts. First, He had a vision of
achievement. The mountain-top achievement, a great spiritual experience, lay behind Him.
Now He has a vision of a physical consummation in the form of the triumphal entry into
Jerusalem. But this is accompanied by a presentiment or a prevision of the culmination of
His life of service upon the Cross. He saw clearly, perhaps for the first time, what lay
ahead of Him, and the direction in which His service to the world was leading Him. The via
dolorosa of a World Savior stretched out before Him; the destiny of all pioneering
souls climaxed in His experience, and He saw Himself rejected, pilloried and killed, as
have many lesser sons of God. World rejection always precedes world acceptance.
Disillusionment is a stage on the way to reality. The hatred of those who are not yet
ready to recognize the world of spiritual values is ever the lot of those who are. This,
Christ faced, and yet "He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." (St.
Luke, IX, 51.)
As we
consider these happenings, the particular test which Christ now encountered becomes clear
in our minds. It was again a threefold test, as was that after the Baptism initiation; but
this time it was of a far subtler nature. He was faced with the test as to whether He
could endure and handle worldly success, and pass along the triumphant way of His entry
into the Holy City, without deviating from [166] His purpose, without being attracted by
material achievement and by being acclaimed King of the Jews. Success constitutes a far
more drastic disciplining, and produces many more opportunities to forget God and reality
than do failure and neglect. Self-pity, a sense of martyrdom, and resignation are potent
and effective ways of handling one's failure. But to rise upon the crest of the wave, to
be accorded public recognition, and to seem to have achieved the earthly goal are far more
difficult factors to face. These Christ did face, and He faced them with spiritual poise
and with that farsighted wisdom which produces a correct sense of values and a proper
sense of proportion.

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