vtr Core Errata

[World of Darkness Rulebook, pg 165-166: The  stake through the heart
rules have changed. These rules begin on page 165, but all of your changes
are on page 166. Replace the first full paragraph on page 166 (just above
 Armor ) with the following:]
To stake an opponent, an attacker must target the heart. Wielded in hand, a stake calls
for a Strength + Weaponry roll. Fired from some kind of projection device or thrown, a
stake demands a Dexterity + Firearms or Athletics roll. The damage your character
inflicts is lethal but must also be sufficiently high to pierce muscle, bone and organ. All
totaled, efforts to stake a resisting target are at a  3 dice penalty; an exceptional success
must be scored to strike all the way to the heart. If an ordinary success is achieved,
damage is done, but not enough in the proper spot to have any special effect on a
monstrous target.
[World of Darkness Rulebook pg 169: The old staking rules are referenced
in the footnotes to the table on this page. Replace the  ** entry with the
** Crossbows require three turns to reload. A character may use a crossbow to attempt to
stake a creature with a targeted shot ( 3 penalty; an exceptional success is required to
successfully stake a target).
[World of Darkness Rulebook pg 170: In the Melee Weapons Chart s  Stake
entry, remove the asterisks from the  Type column, and insert the
following in the  Special field for the Stake:]
Stake through the heart*** (p. 165)
[World of Darkness Rulebook pg 170: One more time  the Melee Weapons
Chart contains a staking footnote that needs to be changed. Replace what s
there with this:]
*** The attacker must target the heart ( 3 penalty) and achieve an exceptional success
on the attack.
[V:tR pg 65-66: The complete text of the following entries needs to be
relocated under the  Rituals and Observances text that s there now:
The Coils of the Dragon
Finding the Wyrm s Nests
Following the Dragon s Tail
Honoring the Mentor
[V:tR pg 103: Replace the first paragraph following the Status example
(near the top of the right column) with the following paragraph ( Dread
Gaze has been replaced with  Mesmerize in this paragraph):]
Status does not add to dice pools predicated on supernatural powers. For example, a
Prince s City Status is not added to a dice pool for use of his Mesmerize power.
[V:tR pg 106: Clarifying a sentence for the sake of Masquerade players
making assumptions about the new game. In the paragraph marked
 Appearance, make the following change to the sentence beginning  Due
to&  Appear becomes seem.]
Due to their clan weakness, they must always be wary of just how bestial they seem to
others, and some especially old (or angry) Gangrel learn some amount of Obfuscate to
avoid potentially disastrous situations.
[ V:tR pg 120: Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph at the top
of the right column with the following (the phrase  + Blood Potency is
Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex is rolled versus the subject s Composure + Blood
Potency in a contested action.
[V:tR pg. 128: Remove the last sentence of the  Possession entry, just above
 Majesty, which reads:]
IF this power is turned on a vampire with whom the user has a blood tie (see p. 162), a
+2 bonus applies.
[V:tR pg. 146: The last paragraph of the  Vitae Reliquary ritual is changed.
Replace what is there with what should be and, lo, let it be.]
Offering: The vessel of infusion itself is the offering, and must be something the caster
can lift with one hand. The offering crumbles to dust after the last Vitae is removed.
Prior to that point, the item functions as it normally would (a knife may still be used to
attack, a book may still be read).
[V:tR pg. 127: The Dice Pool needs to be changed for The Forgetful Mind.
Replace what s there with the following:]
Dice Pool: Wits + Persuasion + Dominate  Resolve
[V:tR pg. 135: The Dice Pool needs to be changed for Mortal Fear. Replace
what s there with the following:]
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare  subject s Composure (The
Nosferatu clan weakness does not apply to the Discipline user s roll.)
[V:tR pg. 139-140: Clarifying the Shape of the Beast power. Replace the
paragraph running from page 139 to 140 with the following paragraph:]
While she is in animal form, a vampire can use any Discipline in her repertoire except for
Theban Sorcery, Crśac and Dominate (which becomes impossible when one is trying to
bark and yip commands). Each form conveys a separate host of benefits due to its form:
As a wolf, the vampire s claws and teeth inflict lethal damage and add a +1 bonus to
attack pools, Speed is doubled, Size becomes 4, and two bonus dice are added to any
Wits + Composure rolls to be aware of events that happen in the wolf s environment. As
a bat, the vampire s Strength and Size become 1, but he can fly at a Speed of 20 (plus five
more per dot of Vigor activated), three dice are added to all hearing-based rolls, and
Defense increases by two. Adjust the vampire s Health to reflect the Size of the new form.
[V:tR pg. 153: The Dice Pool needs to be changed under Veridical Tongue.
Replace what s there with the following:]
Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Majesty  subject s Composure
[V:tR pg. 165: The text of the second paragraph in the left column (above the
sidebar) is changed. Here s the paragraph in its entirety:]
In most cases the vessel doesn t resist, as the ecstasy of the Kiss overwhelms the shock
the Kindred places on the mortal s system. This depends on the environment, however.
A vessel seduced or even surprised and subjected to the Kiss may lose herself in it, while
a foe bitten in combat (or even one who feels threatened or otherwise at risk) does not
yield to pleasure just because the Kiss feels good. Players of mortals and other living
victims who wish to resist the Kiss must succeed on a Resolve + Composure roll, with a 
5 dice penalty imposed by the supernatural power of the Kiss. Vampires are immune to
the Kiss of other Kindred, know exactly what s going on and can fight back.
[V:tR pg. 165: The  Vampire s Bite sidebar. Replace the second paragraph
of the sidebar with the following:]
If a vampire wishes to feed from a foe in combat, he goes about the procedure as normal,
except a vampire s bite causes lethal damage, not bashing. Instead of biting to inflict
damage, however, a vampire may choose to consume Vitae that turn. In this case, the
vampire inflicts harm through blood loss: one point of lethal damage.
[V:tR pg. 165: The 80 percent figure is incorrect, I guess. Replace the
sentence in the middle of the right column (beginning  For example, a
Kinred would have to consume&  ) with the following sentence:]
For example, a Kindred would have to consume an amount roughly equal to 86 percent
of the blood in a human body to glean a single point of Vitae if the blood in question was
[V:tR pg. 176: The rules for voluntary torpor have changed a bit. I ve tried to
keep them about the same length, though. Replace the two paragraphs in
the right column of page 176 that correspond with those below with those
Voluntary torpor lasts at least as long as the base duration set by the character s
Humanity. At the end of that time, the character can choose to wake up with a
successful Resolve + Composure roll. The player may choose not to make the roll at all
and let the character continue to sleep for another increment of time. If the player fails
the roll, the character remains in torpor for another increment, and so on.
Example: Scratch finds himself on Prince Maxwell's shit list and decides to lay low for a while,
seeking refuge in voluntary torpor. His Humanity is 4, so he spends at least one year in torpor.
After that first year, Scratch s player decides not to make the roll to awaken, so Scratch lays
torpid for another year. After the second year, Scratch's player rolls Resolve + Composure but
fails to achieve any successes. Scratch remains torpid for another year, at which point the player
succeeds on the roll and Scratch is free to rise.
[V:tR, pg. 176-177: The staking rules have changed. The following paragraph
replaces the last paragraph on page 176 (and continuing onto 177).]
Driving a stake through a vampire s heart is extraordinarily difficult. The feat requires a
melee or ranged attack with the stake. In combat, the attacker suffers a  3 dice penalty
to strike so precisely and an exceptional success is required to actually thrust through
the vampire s body and into the heart. The staked vampire immediately collapses into
torpor, appearing stone dead for all that a mortal can tell.
[V:tR pg. 249-250: Clarifying some rules of Cachexy. The  Dice Pool
paragraph of the Contaminate power is changed. Replace the first sentence
of that paragraph with the following:]
Dice Pool: No roll is required to activate this power, but a roll may be necessary to
touch the target (see p. 157 of the World of Darkness Rulebook.
[Continuing from above, on page 250, the following must be added to the
end of the last paragraph which used to be just on sentence:]
The range of this power is 10 yards per dot of the Morbus Stamina. Victims who escape
the range continue to suffer for the remainder of the power s established duration.
[V:tR pg. 287: Baron Cimitiere should have Humanity: 5, due to his 5 dots of
Crłac (if you care).]
Humanity: 5
[Credits Page and Throughout: Do a find/replace in your copy of the
manuscript. Replace  Justin with  Stinky ,  Achilli with  Jones ,  will
with  William , and  supernatural with  gol damn lucky. Thank you.]
This document is copyright White Wolf Publishing. All rights reserved.


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