(autyzm) The Essential Guide to Autism

Are You Worried & Scared That Someone You Love Has The Signs & Symptoms Of
"Give Me 17 Minutes And I Guarantee To
Reveal The 31 Signs of Autism, Plus Proven
Strategies That Show You How To Awaken
The Maximum Potential Of Someone With
By - Rachel Evans
You Too Can Learn The Carefully Kept Tactics That Give You The
Advantage Over Autism!
"Oh Rachel, thankyou so much with all of my heart. At last I can tell everyone that my beautiful
little 5 year old grandson is NOT lazy, is NOT naughty, and above all is NOT stupid.... The Essential
Guide To Autism provided the information that I have been striving to find... Thankyou and bless
Beryl- June 2006
Hello I'm Rachel Evans, and in the next few minutes I am going to
show you how to cut through the confusion surrounding the signs
and symptoms of autism.
Plus I am going show you which treatment options are available
right now and how you can decide which option is best for your
situation. All this and more on how to manage Autism in the most
effective way possible.
So why am I sharing this information with you...?
...Well, it is because I know what it is like to be worried, confused and unsure about
what to do for the best.
Did You Know That...
1 in every 250 babies born has Autism.
Families with one autistic child have a 2 to 8 Percent chance of having
another autistic child.
Boys are three to four times more likely to be diagnosed with Autism.
Autism occurs more often than childhood cancer or cystic fibrosis.
Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability.
In the U.S. alone, autism increased by 172% during the 1990s.
When autism is detected and treated early, costs associated with the disorder
can be reduced by 66%.
Sadly, I am embarrassed to say that before Autism touched my life all I knew about
the disorder came from watching the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the
film "Rainman".
Experts who I turned to help me understand autism did little to explain to me about
the options available and when I asked them about special classes and treatment
options - well let's just say they were not very helpful.
So, I searched high and low for good books on Autism, but struggled to find
anything useful. The few that I did find were either poorly written, written for
doctors or medical practitioners, contained out-of-date information or only part of
the information that I needed. I am sure you have found the same...
So, I searched high and low for good books on Autism, but struggled to find
anything useful. The few that I did find were either poorly written, written for
doctors or medical practitioners, contained out-of-date information or only part of
the information that I needed. I am sure you have found the same...
So, the only option available was to find the answers myself...
And so, I spent many hours, days, weeks researching proven techniques to diagnose
and manage Autism, and they have been compiled into a comprehensive, but easy to
understand ebook for anyone looking for answers...
This is the ebook I wish I could have had five years ago. This is the ebook that will
calm your fears, put your mind at ease and help you develop a workable plan for you
and your loved one's future.
"Introducing  The Essential Guide to Autism& "
Here is just some of what you'll learn:
The history of autism  including when it was first discovered, initial treatments,
myths surrounding the disorder and more .
13 common ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) misconceptions and the real
truth for each  this information will greatly help put your mind at ease about this dreaded
The three main signs of autism  and how to quickly and easily recognize each.
The three broad categories of autism  and how to immediately tell in which
category someone with autism belongs.
The 5 most recent, most accepted theories about the cause of ASDs  this
information may surprise you.
13 questions all concerned parents should ask themselves if they think their
child may have autism  your responses to these questions will ensure you know what step
to take next .
28 additional signs of autism  you ll know exactly what behaviors to look for when
assessing your child or loved one.
Common treatments for autism  and how to know if a treatment is right for your
child or loved one .
18 questions you should always ask before submitting your child or loved one
for a particular treatment  this information will help ensure your child receives the
treatment that s right for him or her .
The six most common autism treatments used today  plus, whether or not it is
good to combine treatments.
The positives and negatives of using Applied Behavioral Analysis to treat
autism  and how to tell if your child is right for an ABA program.
How to choose an ABA provider  including four things that you should always look
for before deciding upon a provider.
The five steps involved in a successful floor time program  if a program doesn t
include all five of these steps then it is definitely not right for you child.
The effectiveness of the most common alternative autism treatments  plus, 14
things that you should always look for before selecting an alternative treatment program.
How to use the diet to help control autism naturally - proponents of dietary
management of autism agree that many symptoms will decrease in severity and some may
even disappear with a change in diet & learn more here .
Supplements that have been shown to benefit those with autism  and how to
ensure your autistic child takes the supplements .
6 tips for a successful supplementation program  these tips will help you cut
costs and ensure that your child adjusts to the program quickly and easily.
How to cope with the stress of raising an autistic child  this information will
have you feeling better and more relaxed than you have in years .
How to ensure the safety of an autistic child  follow these 12 simple tips and your
child s safety is practically guaranteed .
How to ensure the education needs of your autistic child are being met 
including seven questions that you should always ask your child s school .
How to deal with an autistic adolescent  follow these tips to safely navigate your
way through this difficult time in anyone s life.
How to plan for your autistic child s transition to adulthood  including 13
questions you should ask yourself .
And much, much more!
Autism  Now a Worldwide Epidemic!
Recent studies have shown that there is currently a worldwide autism epidemic. In fact,
more than 1.5 million people are affected in the United States alone, with one in every
250 children diagnosed. Here are some additional autism statistics:
Families with one autistic child have a 2 to 8 percent chance of having
another autistic child
Boys are three or four times more likely to be diagnosed with an ASD
In terms of developmental disabilities, autism is the third most
common (only mental retardation and cerebral palsy rank ahead of it)
Mental retardation is present in 75-80% of individuals with autism
Autism occurs more often than childhood cancer or cystic fibrosis
Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability. In the U.S.,
autism increased by 172% during the 1990s.
When autism is detected and treated early, costs associated with the
disorder can be reduced by 66%.
It's true that early detection and early treatment are the two key factors in improving
prognosis -- but too often parents get bogged down in denial or confusion about this still
mysterious disorder, and are unable or unwilling to take the necessary steps.
The Essential Guide to Autism contains advice and information that will help you
make the right treatment decisions for your child. For instance, you'll learn:
What an autism diagnosis really means
How to understand and assess the various treatment options
What your child's rights are in the school system
How to cope with common marital and family related stress
How to make the stigma of autism a thing of the past
And much, much more!
Children with Autism Face Unique Educational,
Social & Communication Challenges...
Ensure You Have the Information You Need to Help Your Child Overcome These
Challenges with The Essential Guide to Autism.
To minimize the challenges your autistic child or loved one faces, special educational
planning and implementation is necessary.
As with treatment, education must be individualized to address your child's needs and to
help him or her build skills that are lacking.
Then as your child becomes an adolescent, a whole new set of challenges will arise.
While these challenges are the normal challenges every parent of a teenager faces, they are
exacerbated by autism. Autistic teenagers have difficulty communicating with their peers,
but at the same time, they want to pull away from their parents. This can leave them with
no one at all to talk to. They also have the issue of raging hormones, but the inability to
understand or appropriately manage sexual behaviors.
Living with autism also brings added stress to the entire family. Siblings may sometimes
feel as though their own needs aren't being met or are just not seen as being as important
in comparison to the needs of their autistic sibling.
Couples may find their lives revolving around the care of their autistic child and be unable
to find time to spend alone, which can cause the breakdown of the relationship. And, of
course, there are financial stresses and concerns over the future of the autistic child.
In addition, people with autism have a normal life expectancy, so naturally plans must be
made for their adult life. Many adults with autism are able to lead fulfilling
independent lives. They are able to hold jobs and participate in their communities. To
help them do so, parents must start planning for the transition to the working world early.
The child must be helped to find appropriate employment that incorporates his or her
skills and interests, while keeping challenges associated with autism to a minimum.
In short, a diagnosis of autism shouldn't be seen as a guarantee of a lesser life. All you
need is the right advice and instruction to ensure your autistic child is placed and stays on
the right path - what you need is The Essential Guide to Autism as it walks you
through exactly this approach.
Here is a list of the topics this ebook covers in-depth:
Discovering Autism
Myths Surrounding ASDs
Autism and the MMR Vaccine
Other Common Myths
Types of ASDs
Asperger Syndrome
Kanner's Syndrome
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Rett Syndrome
Causes of ASDs
Signs Pointing to ASD 2
Diagnosing an ASD
ASD Statistics
Applied Behavioral Analysis
History of ABA and Autism
ABA and Autism Research
ABA Basics
Children Best Suited to ABA
The Pros and Cons of ABA
Choosing an ABA Provider
Floor Time
Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Therapy
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
Speech Therapy
Facilitated Communication
Holding Therapy
Auditory Integration Therapy
Dolman/Delacato Method
The GFCF Diet
Starting a GFCF Diet
Foods to Avoid
Foods to Include
Dietary Supplements and Autism
Starting a Supplement Regimen
Tips for a Successful Supplement Regimen
Autism and the Family
Coping with Stress
Siblings of Autistics
Grandparents of Autistics
Home Safety
Educational Needs
Dealing with the Autistic Adolescent
Managing Loss of Normalcy
Using Interests to Boost Self-Esteem
Autism and Developing Sexuality
Transitioning to Adulthood
Planning for your Autistic Child's Future
Finding the Right Living Arrangements
Making the Leap from School to a Career or Job
Finding an Employment Fit
Financial and Insurance Implications
Strategies for Everyday Living
This is Your Chance to Get the Step-by-Easy-Step
Instructions You Need to Ensure Your Autistic Child
Receives the Best Treatment Available.
I firmly believe this is the best, most comprehensive ebook on autism ever created!
But don't take my word for it. Here's what just a few of my many satisfied readers
have to say about this ebook:
"This is a very-well-written and informative book for parents of autistic children. I
highly recommend it." - Sharon P.
"I've gone through your terrific and informative ebook. You have thought of and
covered every question that came to mind about autism. Your information is laid
out in an easy to read format, and is a valuable step-by-step resource and guide for
raising an autistic child. Thank you." - Erica W.
"I found The Essential Guide to Autism to be well-written and easy to
understand. What s more, it covers all the vital topics that you need to know to
raise an autistic child." - Janice K.
Isn't It Time That You Gained a Better Understanding of Autism?
Order The Essential Guide to Autism Today and Learn Everything You Need to
Know to Raise an Autistic Child.
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How much would you expect to pay for advice and information that quite
literally could change yours and your child's lives by providing you with the
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Certainly, hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable, but relax you won't
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In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special
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Could Your Child Have Autism?
Get The Essential Guide to Autism Today & Learn to Recognize the Signs of the Disorder - Plus,
Discover What Steps You Should Take Next!
As a parent, teacher, or caregiver you may already know the frustration of trying to
communicate and connect with children or adults who have autism.
You may feel ignored as they engage in endlessly repetitive behaviors
You may despair at the bizarre ways they express their inner needs
You may feel sorrow that your hopes and dreams for them may never
But there is help and hope. Gone are the days when people with autism were isolated
and/or sent away to institutions.
Today, many youngsters can be helped to attend school alongside their peers. Methods
are available to help improve their social, language, and academic skills. Some programs
are demonstrating that with appropriate support, many people with autism can be
trained to do meaningful work and participate fully in community life.
Don't you owe it to yourself and your child or loved one to learn everything you can
about autism - so that you ensure they receive the right treatment, so you ensure that
they have the best shot at living a rich and fulfilling life?
 The Essential Guide to Autism
Will Answer All Your Autism Questions!
You'll learn the answers to such questions as:
What Is Autism?
How Is Autism Diagnosed?
What Causes Autism?
Are There Disorders That Accompany Autism?
Is There Reason for Hope with Autism?
Can Autistics' Social Skills and Behavior Be Improved?
What Autism Medications Are Available?
What Are the Educational Options for Autism?
Can Autism Be Outgrown?
Can Adults With Autism Live Independent Lives?
How Do Families Learn to Cope With Autism?
What Hope Does Research Offer for Autism?
What Are Sources of Autism Information and Support?
And much more!
So What Are You Waiting For?
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Save Yourself Countless Hours of Precious Time and
Heartache -
Only The Essential Guide to Autism:
Debunks myths about autism while providing the true history of the disorder
Looks into the causes of autism and attempts to explain why people with ASDs act the
way they do
Informs parents on what to expect when raising an autistic child and what to do after
a diagnosis of autism
Provides vital information on treatments, therapies, and interventions
Explains what it is like to be a parent of an autistic child
Reveals what family life can be like for siblings
Explains what the educational prospects are for an autistic child
Reveals how an autistic child can fit into the community and what the future may
hold for that child
Plus, If You Order Now You Will Also
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Value $125.00
This FREE Research Portfolio contains information on the
following topics:
Autism and Diet  What Are the Effects?
How to Tell Someone -  Your Child Has Autism
Autism and Supplementation
Managing Social Anxiety in Children with Autism
The Impacts of Autism on the Family
Second FREE Bonus
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Value $37.77
Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD are closely linked
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A complete overview of ADHD
How to tell if your child should be evaluated for ADHD
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Sincerely, your friend
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P.P.P.S Let me give you one more reason why you should buy this ebook today:
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