Facebook Fast Cash 2013

By Jeremy Kennedy
Copyright 2013. Any unauthorized distribution, or copying is
prohibited. The author and publisher are not legally responsible
for your use of the techniques discussed herein.
I ve been using this method a good bit recently to pick up
some extra cash for the holidays and after talking to a few
people I was rather shocked to find at how many people are
completely unaware of this cool little money maker.
I ve actually been doing it for years just not as
aggressively as I have recently. I ve used it to make hundreds
in just a day or two, and thousands within just a couple weeks.
ANYONE can do this, all you need is a computer and
Facebook, you have the rest. I guarantee you can make money with
this within a couple days if you simply do it and it s not
beyond saying you could make a full time income from it working
only a few hours a week.
There exists on Facebook a subculture of people buying and
selling their stuff everyday. Stuff sitting in your house, stuff
you don t need or want anymore. Cheap stuff, expensive stuff,
anything goes. TONS of it.
Think Craigslist, but it happens much faster, it s highly
local and you interact, buy and sell things with a lot of the
same people. These communities are also very good about weeding
out the bad eggs fast so you don t have to worry so much about
I m in a few of these communities in my local area and it s
amazing at how active they are& I usually see around 20-40 items
for sale per day, and the stuff sells very quickly.
The communities themselves are open and closed Facebook
groups generally with names like  online yard sale  online
garage sale  local swap meet and the like.
Now, right off the bat they seem very simplistic, and they
are& but tens thousands of dollars are exchanged in these
communities every month.
I m going to show you how to find them and later I m going
to show you some really cool advanced strategies you can use to
up your game and turn 3 and 4 digits a month into 5+ digits a
The first thing you want to do is log into your Facebook
account and do a search for the name of your town followed by
 online yard sale . Then click the  groups tab because we only
want to search for groups.
So for example, I live in Heber Springs so my search will
look like this:  Heber Springs online yard sale . Get creative
with your searches and try different keywords.  Heber Springs
Online Garage Sale  Heber Springs Swap Meet  Heber Springs Buy
Sell And Trade , etc.
I find them by all kinds of keywords so do be sure to try
out a bunch as there will likely be more than one in your area.
Also do searches for towns nearby. You can see in the screenshot
below that there are several in my surrounding area, just using
the term online yard sale.
If you don t see one in your area, don t give up. And if
all else fails, it s easy to start your own (and can be more
powerful) but we ll talk more about that in a bit.
Most of these groups will be open to join but you will
still need to click the  Join Group button. The admin will then
have to accept your request but most of the time I get added in
less than 24 hours.
Notice in the screenshot above that these communities often
contain hundreds to thousands of people in them and larger
cities often contain tens of thousands of members. When you get
in you may be surprised to see how active they are, as I
mentioned before having lots of posts daily.
Another thing worth mentioning is that I often find these
communities built around specific types of items like car &
truck sales, ATV & motorcycles, antiques, animals, furniture,
art, electronics& all kinds of stuff. You could be an instant
online car salesman with zero overhead (besides the car of
course) doing all of your business of buying and selling cars
right within these groups (just an idea J).
So here is what a good post looks like:
First off, be sure to have a good picture of the item. The
more the merrier to show different angles. Next you want to
describe in detail what you have to offer. There is no need to
be all  internet markety & just tell them exactly what you have
with as many details that you can think of.
In the example above, you see she included the brand, size,
condition and asking price of the jeans. Yea, that s right
JEANS& and take a look at the number comments on that post, looks
like she may have already sold them and posted it only 7 hours
It just goes to show that you can sell anything. I found
that the most popular sellers are clothes, shoes, and
electronics, furniture and appliances. Not to say that you can t
sell anything fast, but those are some of the more common things
I see in my particular groups.
Always set your price point slightly above what you expect
to get for an item. Its common practice for people to offer less
and a bit of haggling is normal friendly behavior. If you price
a tad higher then you will likely end up with the amount you
really want. It s also common to see people state the price is
firm but I found the open price points get a lot more response
especially with more popular items.
I ve also seen communities that are based on auction sales,
you can do a search for  [your town] online auction . These are
golden gems because the price is always going up as people go
into bidding wars which means more profit for you.
There are several advantages to setting up your own online
yard sale community. First, you have full control and you set
the rules. You can allow auction sales or whatever you want.
Another is that as the admin, your stuff will generally be
more popular. You can even sort of brand it toward a certain
style of products. There are a couple other advantages I will go
over in a moment.
To set up a group, look under your groups on the right hand
side of your Facebook window and click  Create Group .
Set a name for the group. You want the name to be easily
found in search by people looking for it. Use terms like yard
sale, garage sale, buy sell trade, swap meet, auction, etc.
Don t steal the name of another group. So if there is
already a  Heber Springs Online Yard Sale call yours  Heber
Springs Buy, Sell & Trade or something similar.
I suggest keeping your group privacy to  Open . Members
will still have to be approved by you, but it will allow non-
members to browse through and find something they like and then
join. Kinda like window shopping. They look in, and find
something they like and will join to get it.
You ll then be asked to choose an icon for your group. You
can skip this step if you wish but it s cool to have an icon
that stands out from the others in your area. I chose the little
money icon for this test group.
Next you ll want to click on the ABOUT tab and add a
description for your group.
Use the description to your advantage, this is prime real
estate. Start off by telling them exactly what the group is for.
Add lots of keywords which will help people searching for these
types of groups.
Set up some ground rules. You don t want your group to get
wild and crazy and they surely will if you don t have rules in
place and you MUST enforce them or members will start leaving if
it gets out of control.
Use this space wisely. It s a great place to stick a link
to your website (an Amazon affiliate store for example), or even
multiple websites and places that you have.
You can also add some documents to the files, yet another
great way to gain extra exposure. You can either upload a
document or file or you can create one using their text editor.
Add some useful documents to make their experience better
like  How to get more offers on your items or  Hot items to
sell in this group and even a  Other great places to buy, sell,
and trade online .
You can see in the screenshot above, I m using their
standard text editor to create a new document. This is so
awesome because you can put your internet marketing skills to
good use. Teach others how to make money online J and then point
them to your other sites/products where they can learn more and
you can make more money. The more value you provide for free
upfront, the more traffic you are going to get to that website
you point out in the end. REMEMBER, this is not a sales pitch.
Give them good advice and simply drop a link to learn more.
You can also upload more stuff like PDFs that you may have
written for making money online, etc. It doesn t stop there. The
upload limit is 25MB so you can also upload audio files and
short videos, etc. It s like an instant high traffic website on
steroids. People also have the ability to like and comment on
these files so if it s good content you ll get good reviews
which leads to more people reading them and more people clicking
the link inside and more people buying more of your stuff. More
more more!!!
Everyone in these groups is looking to make money,
particularly online. They are also looking to spend money, so
take full advantage of that information. That s what makes these
groups so incredibly powerful and profitable.
Another cool feature of Facebook groups is the ability to
start a live chat with the entire group& oh yea baby!
This opens up the chat pane&
Now, listen up closely. DO NOT ABUSE GROUP CHAT!!! You will
piss people off VERY quickly using this feature as it starts an
instant message chat with everyone in the entire group. Yea,
it s cool to send an instant message to 2k people all at once,
but when they all start jumping in the chat people get very
angry if you don t have something worth their time.
A great idea of how to PROPERLY use this feature would be
to have regular group auctions. You can do this by creating
events in the EVENT tab. Name the event something like  Heber
Springs Group Auction and set it for a certain day and time.
When the auction time comes around, you can go into the
group settings and temporarily disable posting for everyone
except admins. Then post in the group at the top that you are
now holding a live auction.
You will then open up a new group chat and state that the
groups live auction is now beginning. People who don t want to
be involved can leave the chat.
So once you get some people in the auction, you can start
posting items in the group one at a time and be the auctioneer
via the live chat and let people bid on the item, once an item
is sold you mark it as sold and the price sold for and the
person sold to in the comments on the item s post and move on to
the next item.
This is a wonderful way to highly engage your group and get
them fired up. If you do it on a regular basis then you will
have a nice following amped up for the auction ready to buy
every time. You can charge a small fee to the item owners and
make a handsome chunk of change by the end of it.
It s easier than you think. I commonly see people promoting
their group in other similar groups, particularly if your group
is aimed at something a little different like antiques. Make
sure you are in good with the admins before posting or even ask
them to swap a link with you& you post theirs and they post
As your group grows, traffic will naturally come to you
from Facebook search as well. This is especially the case when
your group is focused on a specific thing like antiques or cars.
Also members of other groups regularly point people in the
direction of targeted groups. So for example Joe Shmo posts a
car in a yard sale group. It s highly likely someone will
suggest that they also post it in Jimmy John s car sales group
for more exposure to their listing.
Also use word of mouth. Spread the news to all of your
local friends and have them join the group& they will eventually
tell others when someone says  I m looking to buy a used___
your friend will of course suggest your group.
You can also post flyers around town and even put an ad in
your local classifieds paper with the URL of your group. Leave
small postcard size flyers at local gas stations on the counter
and other local businesses. Most business owners don t mind as
long as it s free and you can even offer to post a link to their
Get creative with your item listings. This is Facebook so
you can also post videos of your items. Videos will surely get
more attention and will give prospects a better view of your
You can also fire up Photoshop or Gimp and make your images
a bit more appealing. You can add little arrows and stuff to
certain cool features of the item or even make them funny or
maybe put flames or something around the edges and call it a
 fire sale .
When writing the descriptions for your items keep them
short sweet and to the point. No one wants to read a novel about
it but you do want to present all important aspects in a speed
read manner.
Now let s jump into some more advanced methods for
generating some real dough. These strategies will add zeros to
end of your monthly income.
It s easy enough to start out selling the stuff you already
have to grab some quick cash. But if you want to turn a good
profit you re going to need more inventory.
One of the best places to do so is offline yard sales. You
can get really good stuff at yard sells for REALLY cheap and
it s very easy to talk a yard seller down on their price because
they typically just want to get rid of their crap as fast as
Every weekend go out and hit the yard sales in your area,
they are easy to find and often people list them in the local
classifieds. Grab a good stock of items to sell for the
following week.
High value items are generally easy to find. Electronics,
tools and furniture are all high turnover items you can profit
nicely on. And don t overlook shoes& I don t know what it is but
women just LOVE to buy shoes in these groups, the profit isn t
substantial but with a lot of inventory they can add up.
This method was actually inspired by my mother. She used to
own a local resell shop and all of her inventory came from
auctioned off mini-storage units. Basically this is where
someone who was renting a self storage unit doesn t pay for
several months, the storage company can then legally auction off
the contents of the entire unit.
These are absolute GOLD MINES, and if you ve ever seen the
TV show  Storage Wars you know exactly what I mean. You can get
these units for cheap cheap, starting around $100+ and there is
usually tons of stuff in there waiting for you to sell.
I ve seen my mother make $5k off a unit she paid $200 for.
It s serious business. This provides you with an almost
unlimited supply of stuff to sell and doubles as the perfect
place to store your inventory if you pick up the unit rent
(usually like $30-40/m). Also it s a bit safer as you can have
buyers meet you at the storage unit instead of your house.
Typically self-storage companies do regular bi-weekly or
monthly auctions and depending on the month they can have
several units available for auction which increases your chances
of getting one cheaper, or buying more units if you have the
extra cash. And do bring cash cause they don t take plastic.
It s easy enough to go to your local self-storage places
and ask when they hold auctions but sometimes they list them in
the classifieds as well.
Another way to really amp up your game is to buy stuff from
online sources like Ebay, Craigslist, Amazon and wholesale
provides, etc. This is better if you are looking to sell certain
types of products like electronics.
You can dig around and find really good deals on ebay and
turn around and sell it for a markup. Now you can really start
to generate some serious money with this method. For example if
you buy flat screen TVs and bulk sets of clothes, shoes, purses
and jewelry. The profit margin is much higher because you are
selling higher ticket items.
Remember what I said in the beginning about being a car
salesman? I was serious. The best way to do this is to either
obtain or find a friend with a car dealer license. This is a
golden ticket that will give you access to private car auctions
exclusive to car dealers. It s easy enough to get a license just
Google it.
The beauty of these auctions is that you can get used cars
for extremely low prices. I m talking only a few hundred bucks
for a decent used vehicle.
So you can pick up a car at auction for say $500 in sell it
in the groups for $3000. Cha-ching!!!
If you thought there couldn t possibly be more I could add,
you were wrong. We can fulfill the most common internet
marketing quote.  The money is in the list . Yep, didn t think
about that one did you?
Why the heck not? This is especially easy if you are the
group admin by using the files and documents I mentioned before
pointing members to your squeeze pages.
Great examples of products to pitch would be making money
with auctions, making money with ebay, craigslist, making money
period. These people are here to make money& show them how and
get them on your list. It s also worth mentioning that the
people in these groups are usually your average Joes and not
internet marketers so they are much easier to market to and get
on a list if you are giving them value.
If you don t own the group you can strike a deal with the
admin of your target group. You can approach them in several
ways, but you want to be sure that you are focusing on THEM
being the one to benefit.
One way you can do this is to offer to write up a document
on how to get more offers on stuff or the example docs I
mentioned above. They will get kudos for providing their members
with good value and info and you get your non-intrusive link for
more info at the bottom, it s a win win. Also you could try and
pay them off for a post in their group but this is less likely
to get them on board. DO NOT come off as a marketer just trying
to turn a profit. Your goal should be to befriend them and
portray that you want to be an active leader in the group and
help the admin provide value to their group& this is powerful
You read that right. I absolutely love this one. I ve got a
sweet trick up my sleeve for getting stuff to sell that won t
cost you one red cent.
Not only are there groups on Facebook for buying and
selling, but there are also groups for people that are giving
away unwanted stuff! These groups are a goldmine.
A lot of the stuff will be junk of course. But the daily
browse will usually render a couple good items that you can
easily take and resell.
To find these groups, just use the same search as you would
for the yard sale groups but replace  yard sale with  free or
 free stuff or  give away etc.
Craigslist is another fantastic place to find free stuff.
They even have a  free section if you look in your local area
listing, you ll see it. I ve seen tons of valuable stuff go
through there. In fact, I was highly surprised that hot tubs are
a very common thing to see in the free section on Craigslist. I
have no idea why, but I see them quite regularly. How much do
you think you could get for a hot tub?
This is EASY money guys. Some of the easiest money I ve
ever made. I ve sold all kinds of things in these groups.
iPhones, cars, clothes, baby stuff, dishes, furniture and so
much more.
What s great is you can start RIGHT NOW, literally this
very moment fire up Facebook, find a group, and snap a shot of
that old couch you ve been wanting to get rid of forever and
score some quick cash within the next day or two.
There are absolutely NO excuses for this method. If you
don t have stuff, go to a yard sale or your momma s house or
your friend Johnny Junior  cause I promise they have some crap
they just want to get rid of and will gladly let you take it off
their hands.
Love this? Let me know.
I m Jeremy Kennedy.
My website is AutoMagicIM.com
Email me at jeremy@automagicim.com


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