Exercise Programs for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Olaf Verschuren, BSc, PT
Marjolijn Ketelaar, PhD
Cerebral Palsy
Tim Takken, MSc, PhD
Paul J.M. Helders, MSc, PhD, PCS
Jan Willem Gorter, MD, PhD
From the Center of Excellence,
Rehabilitation Center  De
Hoogstraat, Utrecht, the Netherlands
(OV, MK, JWG); Department of
Exercise Programs for Children with
Pediatric Physical Therapy & Exercise
Physiology, University Hospital for
Children and Youth  Het Wilhelmina Cerebral Palsy
Kinderziekenhuis, University Medical
A Systematic Review of the Literature
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the
Netherlands (OV, TT, PJMH);
Department of Rehabilitation and
Rudolf Magnus Institute of
Neuroscience, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the
Netherlands (MK, JWG); and Partner
Verschuren O, Ketelaar M, Takken T, Helders PJM, Gorter JW: Exercise pro-
of NetChild, Network for Childhood
grams for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of the literature. Am J
Disability Research, the Netherlands
Phys Med Rehabil 2008;87:404 417.
The purpose of this literature review, regarding all types of exercise programs
focusing on cardiovascular fitness (aerobic and anaerobic capacity) and/or lower-
This study was funded by the Dr.
extremity muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy (CP), was to address the
W. M. Phelps Foundation.
following questions: (1) what exercise programs focusing on muscle strength,
cardiovascular fitness, or a combination are studied, and what are the effects of
these exercise programs in children with CP? (2) What are the outcome mea-
All correspondence and requests for
sures that were used to assess the effects of the exercise programs? (3) What is
reprints should be addressed to Olaf
the methodological quality of the studies?
Verschuren, Rehabilitation Center
 De Hoogstraat, Rembrandtkade 10,
We systematically searched the literature in electronic databases up to October
3583 TM Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2006 and included a total of 20 studies that were evaluated. The methodological
quality of the included trials was low. However, it seems that children with CP
may benefit from improved exercise programs that focused on lower-extremity
American Journal of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, or a combination. The outcome measures
Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott
used in most studies were not intervention specific and often only focused on the
Williams & Wilkins
International Classification of Function, Disability and Health body function and
activity level. There is a need to determine the efficacy of exercise programs to
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31815b2675
improve the daily activity and participation level of children with CP and increase
their self-competence or quality of life.
Key Words: Fitness, Exercise, Cerebral Palsy, Muscle Strength, Review
Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of disorders of the development of
movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-
progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain.1
The motor disorders of CP are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation,
cognition, communication, perception, and/or behavior, and/or by a seizure
disorder.1 Because of the impairments, many children and adolescents2 with CP
have at least difficulty with activities such as walking independently, negotiating
stairs, running, or navigating safely over uneven terrain.3 (The term childhood
generally refers to the period of 2 12 yrs of age, and adolescence refers to the
period of 13 21 yrs of age.2 In this review, children and adolescents are referred
404 Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. Vol. 87, No. 5
to as children.) Improving one s ability to walk or tremity muscle strength in children with CP was
to perform other functional activities are often the performed.
primary therapeutic goals for children with CP.4
Exercise refers to planned structured activities
involving repeated movement of skeletal muscles
Search Strategy
that result in energy expenditure and seeks to
The following electronic databases were searched
improve or maintain levels of physical fitness above
from their respective inceptions to September 2006:
the intensity of activities of daily living.5 Exercise
in children with CP has often been avoided because
cus, Cochrane, and PEDro. Search terms included
of the concern about the negative effect of such effort
subject headings and text words based on (I) cerebral
on muscle spasticity and children s movement pat-
palsy; (II) exercise (in combination with strength,
terns.6 Several factors have contributed to a recent
fitness, working capacity, aerobic power, anaerobic
shift in perspective about the use of exercise in chil-
power, endurance, cardiorespiratory physical train-
dren with CP. Studies evaluating the effect of exercise
ing or program); (III) lower extremity; and (IV) clin-
on children with CP reported no adverse effect on
ical trials. Inclusion criteria were (1) children and
patterns of movement,7,8 flexibility,8,9 or spasticity.10
adolescents with CP, (2) intervention (exercise pro-
These findings have influenced current practice.
grams focusing on lower-extremity muscle strength,
Most exercise programs for children with CP
cardiovascular fitness, or a combination), and (3)
are primarily designed for the lower extremity. The
outcome (measurement of change in body function
most common functions of the lower extremity
and structure, activity, or participation). Exclusion
tend to be gross motor activities that involve re-
criteria were (1) doctoral dissertations, (2) reports
petitive, reciprocal, coordinated motions of both
published in books, (3) reports published in confer-
extremities to move through space and that often
ence proceedings, and (4) studies that included chil-
require little conscious effort once under way.11
dren with CP as well as children with other diagnoses.
There has been an increased interest in developing
Titles and available abstracts of all items iden-
and implementing exercise programs that improve
tified by the electronic searches were scrutinized
the cardiovascular fitness (aerobic and anaerobic
by one author (O.V.).
capacity) and/or lower-extremity muscle strength
of children with CP.
Data Extraction
Two systematic reviews have been published
Included papers were read in full by three
that examined the effects of strengthening in the
(arbitrarily chosen out of a sample of five for each
CP population.12,13 To date, there is no systematic
paper) independent reviewers with their back-
review that examined all types of exercise programs
ground in pediatric physical therapy, exercise phys-
focusing on cardiovascular fitness (aerobic and an-
iology or rehabilitation. They all recorded details of
aerobic capacity) and/or lower-extremity muscle
the study design, practice setting, participants, inter-
strength in children with CP.
ventions, outcome measures, results, and conclu-
The purpose of the present paper was to sys-
sions on a data extraction form. Any disagreements or
tematically review the literature regarding exercise
discrepancies were resolved through discussion and
programs in children with CP to address the fol-
checking the original papers. Where key information
lowing questions: (1) what exercise programs fo-
was not reported, efforts were made to contact the
cusing on lower-extremity muscle strength, car-
authors to obtain further details.
diovascular fitness or a combination are studied
Lower-extremity strength training was de-
and what are the effects in children with CP? (2)
fined as prescribed exercises for the lower limbs,
what are the outcome measures that were used to
with the aim of improving strength and muscular
assess the effects of the exercise programs? and (3)
endurance, that are typically carried out by making
what is the methodological quality of the studies?
repeated muscle contractions resisted by body
In many systematic reviews, a meta-analysis is
weight, elastic devices, masses, free weights, spe-
performed, statistically combining the results of the
cialized machine weights, or isokinetic devices.15
various studies into a single estimated effect size.
Aerobic (fitness) training was defined as aiming to
However, meta-analysis has been described specifi-
improve the cardiorespiratory component of fit-
cally for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We
ness, typically performed for extended periods of
expected most of the studies to be observational stud- time.15 Anaerobic (fitness) training refers to exer-
ies, a situation in which the use of meta-analysis is
cises that require large bursts of energy over short
generally not recommended.14 Therefore, a qualita- ( 30 secs) periods of time.15 Mixed (physical fit-
tive systematic review on the effects of all types of ness) training was, on the basis of the United States
exercise programs focusing on cardiovascular fitness Department of Health and Human Services,15 de-
(aerobic and anaerobic capacity) and/or lower-ex- fined as a planned, structured regimen of regular
May 2008 Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy 405
physical exercise deliberately performed to improve in internal validity. So, the ideal method for deter-
one or more components of physical fitness (i.e., mining efficacy of a treatment is through RCTs, but
muscle strength, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, such trials are often difficult to pursue.19 As a result,
flexibility, and body composition). many studies employ less-well-controlled research
Included trials were divided in four categories: designs. The variety of research designs in the liter-
lower-extremity strength training, aerobic training, ature mandates use of a method to help evaluate
anaerobic training, and mixed training. Because in diverse studies and give weight to their findings. To
some studies it can be difficult to distinguish between determine the degree of confidence that can be placed
the different categories, any disagreements among in the evidence available about an intervention, a grad-
the three reviewers were resolved by a discussion ing system developed by the American Academy for
until a consensus was reached. Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)
The outcome measures used in the studies were can be used.20 For evidence levels, see Table 1.
categorized by using the International Classification
of Function, Disability and Health (ICF)16 framework
for the description of health. In this framework, a
Search Results
person s disability can be considered in terms of im-
The initial search of the electronic databases
pairment on the body function or structure level,
and the manual search of reference lists identified
activity limitations and participation restrictions. In
581 citations. On the basis of title and abstract, we
line with the ICF we consider a person s functioning
excluded 559 studies that did not meet our inclu-
as a dynamic interaction between the health condi-
sion criteria. Of the remaining 22 articles that were
tion (in this case, CP) and personal and contextual
read full text, 4 articles were excluded because the
factors such as the environment.
intervention did not meet the criteria. Screening of
references of these studies led to another 2 studies
Quality Assessment
being included. In total, 20 studies remained and
Obtained reports were assessed by the same
were included in the present systematic review
three reviewers that performed the data extraction
(Fig. 1): 11 studies on strength training interven-
for each specific paper. Empirical studies that met
tions, 5 studies on aerobic training interventions, and
inclusion criteria were rated for methodological
4 studies on mixed training interventions. All infor-
quality with the PEDro Scale, based on the Delphi
mation was obtained directly form the articles.
list described by Verhagen et al.17 With the PEDro
No article focused on anaerobic training; there-
Scale, the following indicators of methodological
fore, the included trials were divided into three cate-
rigor were scored independently as either absent
gories: lower-extremity strength training, aerobic
(zero points) or present (one point) by the review-
training, and mixed training.
ers: (1) specification of eligibility criteria, (2) ran-
dom allocation, (3) concealed allocation, (4) prog-
Intervention Characteristics and Effects
nostic similarity at baseline, (5) subject blinding,
Lower-Extremity Strength Training
(6) therapist blinding, (7) assessor blinding, (8)
85% follow-up for at least one key outcome, (9) Table 2 shows the characteristics of the 11
intention-to-treat analysis, (10) between-group sta- included strength training interventions9,21 30 in
tistical analysis for at least one key outcome, and children with CP, varying in age from 6 to 20 yrs.
(11) point estimates of variability provided for at Exercise interventions lasted for 6 wks in seven
least one key outcome. Points are only awarded trials,21 24,26,27,30 8 wks in three trials,9,25,29 and 9
when a criterion is clearly satisfied and reported in mos in one trial.28 All exercise frequencies were
the trial report. three times a week. Nine programs were individu-
According to the PEDro guidelines, criteria 2 ally based,9,21 25,27,28,30 and two programs were
through 11 are used for scoring purposes so that a group programs.26,29 In six studies,22 24,26,28,30 the
score from 0 to 10 can be obtained. The PEDro scale supervisor was a physical therapist or parent/part-
has shown moderate levels of interrater reliability ner, in four studies9,21,25,27 the supervisor was not
(intraclass correlation coefficient 0.54; 95% confi- described, and in one study the supervisor was a
dence interval (CI), 0.39 0.71).18 To improve the research assistant.29
reliability of this scale, any disagreement between the All studies reported outcome results on the ICF
reviewers were resolved by discussion with an inde- body structure and function level, and eight stud-
pendent reviewer until consensus was reached. ies22,23,25 30 reported on the activity level. In two
RCTs,23,24 small improvements in performance on
Evidence Assessment
tests of muscle strength were found for the experi-
RCTs are the best method to ensure that any mental group. In one RCT,29 only significant change
differences in outcome were attributable to the treat- in the perception of body image and a more upright
ment and not other factors. They give one confidence posture were found. Another RCT28 found no signifi-
406 Verschuren et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. Vol. 87, No. 5
TABLE 1 American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) levels
of evidence
Level Nonempirical Group Research Research Single-Subject Research
I Randomized controlled N-of-1 randomized
trial controlled trial
All-or-none case series
II Nonrandomized controlled Analytic survey ABABA design
trial Alternating treatments
Prospective cohort study with Multiple baseline across
concurrent control group subjects
III Case control study ABA design
Cohort study with historical
control group
IV Before-and-after case series AB design
without control group
V Descriptive case series or
case reports
Expert opinion
Theory based on physiology,
bench, or animal research
Common sense/first principles
cant changes at all. Five trials reported significant im- capacity, and nonsignificant improvements on an-
provements in tests of muscle strength after strength aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and fat mass,
training programs lasting 6 8 wks.9,21,22,25,27 Dodd et was found. One study35 investigated the activity
al.,23,24 Mac Phail et al.,25 Morton et al.,27 Unger et al.,29 level, measured with the Gross Motor Function
and Patikas et al.28 were the only studies that used Measure (GMFM; dimension D: standing; and E:
long-term follow-up measurements, which varied from walking, running, jumping) of the subjects. Three
4 wks up to 1 yr. Only three studies concluded that the trials31,32,34 reported statistically significant im-
gained benefits on muscle strength,23,25,27 gross motor provements of aerobic capacity.
function,23,25,27 scholastic competence and social accep- Physical activity ratio,31 fat mass,31 anaerobic
tance,24 and muscle tone27 of training were maintained. capacity,31 and the energy expenditure index35 were
studied as well. No statistically significant changes
Aerobic Training
were found in the included studies.
In two studies, follow-up measurement took
Table 3 shows the results of the five stud-
place.31,33 Both studies, including one RCT,31 con-
ies31 35 that focused the intervention on aerobic
cluded that inactivity during summer vacation (ap-
exercise in children with CP. They varied in age from
proximately 3 mos) significantly reduced the aero-
7 to 20 yrs (except one subject in the study performed
bic capacity.
by Berg et al.33 who was 25 yrs old.) Exercise inter-
ventions varied from 6 wks to 16 mos, with exercise
Mixed Training
frequencies varying from two to four times a week for
20 45 mins. The intensity of the training programs In Table 4, the results of four studies that
varied from exercise at the anaerobic threshold examined the effects of mixed training interven-
point,32 training at an intensity of 70% of the heart tions36  39 in children with CP, varying in age from
rate reserve31 to various loads based on the maximal 4 to 20 yrs, are shown. Exercise interventions varied
cycling capacity.33 One study did not describe the from 4 wks to 6 mos. Exercise frequencies varied
intensity of the training.34 Two programs31,34 were from two to three times a week and from 30 to 60
group programs, and three32,33,35 were individually mins. All programs were group programs. However,
based programs. In two studies,33,34 the supervisor one study38 combined the group program with an
was a physical therapist, and in three studies31,32,35 individual swimming program. In three stud-
the supervisor was not described. ies,36,37,39 the supervisor was a physical therapist; in
All included studies, of which one was an one study,38 the supervisor was not described.
RCT,31 reported results on the ICF level of body All included studies reported results on the level
function. In the RCT performed by Van den Berg- of body function. Two studies36,39 found a significant
Emons et al.,31 a significant increase in aerobic increase in muscle strength. One study38,39 reported
May 2008 Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy 407
FIGURE 1 Flow chart of included studies.
a significant increase in vital capacity, and another mometer,25 the Cybex,31 the spring scale,9 the Lat-
study36 reported no significant change in heart rate eral Step-up Test,39 the Motor Assessment Scale
and energy expenditure. The study performed by (Sit-to-Stand),39 a 10-repetition maximum,24 and
Darrah et al.36 showed a significant increase for self- the minimum chair height test39 were used.
perception of physical appearance. Two studies inves-
tigated the effects on the level of activity.38,39 Blundell
Spasticity and Muscle Tone
et al.39 reported a significant increase in stride length,
To measure spasticity and muscle tone the
and mixed results for walking speed. Darrah et al.36
modified Ashworth scale of Spasticity25,28 and the
found a significant change in walking speed. There
resistance to passive stretch27 were used in all
were two studies that used a follow-up measure-
included studies.
ment.36,39 Blundell et al. concluded that all training
improvements were maintained after 8-wk follow-
Fat Mass
up.39 The results found by Darrah et al. show that the
Fat mass was measured using skinfold mea-
significant changes in muscle strength were main-
tained 10 wks after completion of the program.36 surement in one study.31
Outcome Measures Fitness Measures
The outcomes that were used in all included
The energy expenditure index,22,25,26,28,35,36
studies were categorized by using the ICF16 frame- which is defined as walking heart rate minus rest-
work for the description of health and can be ap- ing heart rate, divided by walking speed, expressed
preciated in Table 5.
in beats per meter,40 was used to quantify the
energy consumed during walking. To measure the
Body Function and Structure
aerobic capacity, the cycle ergometer (arm and leg)
Muscle Strength
was used in five studies.31 34,36 One study31 inves-
To measure muscle strength, the handheld tigated the effects of an aerobic-focused interven-
dynamometer,21 23,27,35,36,39 the isokinetic dyna- tion on anaerobic performance, using the Wingate
408 Verschuren et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. Vol. 87, No. 5
TABLE 2 Strength training exercise studies for the lower extremity involving children with cerebral palsy
Subjects Design Intervention Program Results According to the ICF Levels
Number Time and Frequency
of Number of Training of the Training Program and Body Function and
Study Age n Groups Randomized Measurements Duration Training Ind/Gr Exercises Sup Structure Activity Participation PEDro AACPDM
Dodd 8 18 21 2 Yes 1. Start 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training PT parent Nonsignificant increase Nonsignificant increase  7/10 I
et al.23 2. 6 wks week 3 sets of 8 10 reps in muscle strength in gross motor
3. 18-wks 3 muscle groups LE Significant increase in function, stair
follow-up (ankle plant flex/knee combined muscle walking, and walking
ext/hipext) strength speed
McBurney 8 17 11 1 No 1. Posttraining 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training PT parent Improved perception of Improvement in Improvement in 7/10 I
et al.30 week 3 sets of 8 10 reps strength, flexibility, mobility school,
3 muscle groups LE posture, walking, and leisure,
(ankle plant flex/knee the ability to social, and
ext/hipext) negotiate stairs family events
Increased well-being
Damiano 6 14 14 1 No 1. Before 2. 3 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training ND Significant increase in   3/10 IV
et al.21 wks 3. 6 wks week 4 sets of 5 reps with each forceps muscle
leg strength and
Load 65% of max nonsignificant change
in hamstrings muscle
MacPhail 12 20 17 1 No 1. Before 8 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training ND Significant increase for Significant increase in  3/10 IV
et al.25 2. After. week 3 sets of 5 max effort at total muscle strength gross motor function
3. 3-mos for 45 90% Nonsignificant change in (9/17)
follow-up mins Knee flexors and extensors spasticity and energy Nonsignificant change
expenditure in walking speed
Damiano 6 12 11 1 No 1. Before 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training PT parent Significant increase in Significant increase in  3/10 IV
et al.22 2. 2 wks week Load 65% of max. muscle strength gross motor function
3. 4 wks isom. strength No change in energy and walking velocity
4. 6 wks 4 sets of 5 rep. for each expenditure and cadence
muscle group lower
Eagleton 12 20 7 1 No 1. Pretraining 6 wks 3 times a Gr Strength training PT partner Significant decrease in Significant increase in  0/10 IV
et al.26 2. Posttraining week for Load: 80% of 1RM energy expenditure walking speed, step
40 60 Muscle groups: trunk and length, cadence, and
mins lower extremity distance
Dodd 8 16 17 2 Yes 1. Before 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training PT parent Trend (borderline sign)   6/10 I
et al.24 2. 6 wks week 3 sets of 8 10 reps using in increase in muscle
3. 18-wks 3 exercises for lower strength
follow-up extremity Significant decrease in
self-concept for
scholastic competence
and social acceptance
May 2008
Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy
TABLE 2 Continued
Subjects Design Intervention Program Results According to the ICF Levels
Number Time and Frequency
of Number of Training of the Ind/ Training Program and Body Function and
Study Age n Groups Randomized Measurements Duration Training Gr Exercises Sup Structure Activity Participation PEDro AACPDM
Healy 8 16 5 1 No 1. 0 wks 8 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training ND Significant increase in   3/10 IV
et al.9 2. 2 wks week 2 programs: muscle strength and
3. 4 wks 1. Concentric 3 sets of 10 range of motion
4. 6 wks reps at half of 10 RM No significant
5. 8 wks a. Half of 10 RM differences between
b. Three fourths of 10 gains when the two
RM methods are
c. 10 RM compared
2. Static 6 secs (two
thirds of RM)
Morton 6 12 8 1 No 1. Pretraining 6 wks 3 times a Ind Strength training ND Significant increase in Nonsignificant  3/10 IV
et al.27 2. Posttraining week Progressive, free weight muscle strength and increase in walking
3. Follow-up program for quadriceps significant decrease speed and step
(4 wks) and hamstrings; in muscle tone length
concentric and Significant increase in
eccentric Load 65% of self-selected cadence
mean strength Significant (Dim E)
and nonsignificant
(Dim E) increase in
gross motor
Patikas 6 16 39 2 Yes 1. Presurgery 9 mos 3 times a Ind Strength training PT parent No difference in No significant  5/10 I
et al.28 and week Two sets of 5 repetitions spasticity difference in gross
pretraining for 30 7 exercises involving motor function
(n 39) 45 the following muscle
2. 1-yr mins groups: hip-, knee-,
postsurgery and ankle extensors
(n 39) and flexors
3. Follow-up
gait analysis
(n 22)
Unger 13 18 31 2 Yes 1. Pretraining 8 wks 1 3 times Gr Strength training RA Significant change in Significant change in  8/10 I
et al.29 2. Posttraining a week 8 12 individually the perception of a more upright
3. Follow-up for 40 designed exercises body image. No posture. No
(4 wks) 60 selected from a 28- significant change in significant change
mins station circuit functional for stride length,
1 3 sets of 12 repetitions competence velocity, or cadence
Ind/Gr, individual/group; sup, supervisor; PT, physical therapist; ND, not described; RA, research assistant.
Verschuren et al.
Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil.

Vol. 87, No. 5
TABLE 3 Aerobic training exercise studies for the lower extremity involving children with cerebral palsy
Subjects Design Intervention Program Results According to the ICF Levels
Number Time and
of Number of Training Frequency of Training Program Body Function and
Study Age n Groups Randomized Measurements Duration the Training Ind/Gr and Exercises Sup Structure Activity Participation PEDro AACPDM
Van den 7 13 20 2 Yes 1. Before trial 9 mos 4 times a Gr Aerobic training ND Significant increase   6/10 I
Berg-Emons 2. 2 mos week for Cycling, running, in aerobic capacity
et al.31 3. 9 mos 45 mins swimming, Nonsignificant
4. 12 mos wheelchair increase in
driving, flying anaerobic capacity
saucer, mat Trend to improve for
exercises muscle strength
Trend to improve for
physical activity
Fat mass Ä„
Shinohara 11.8 16.3 11 2 No 1. Before 6 20 wks 2 times a Ind Aerobic training ND Significant increase   3/10 IV
et al.32 2. During week for Cycling or arm in aerobic capacity
3. After 20 mins cranking at the for leg group, and
AT point for 20 nonsignificant
mins increase for arm
Increase for physical
endurance for leg
Berg et al.33 7 25 22 1 No 1. Before 1.5 16 mos 3 times a Ind Aerobic training PT Nonsignificant   3/10 IV
2. Posttraining week for 20 mins with increase for aerobic
3. 3-mos 20 mins various loads capacity
follow-up based on max
cap cycling
Lundberg 15 20 14 1 No 1. Before 6 wks 2 times a Gr Aerobic training PT Significant increase   3/10 IV
et al.34 2. After week for Exercising large for aerobic capacity
20 mins muscle groups
for 1 2
and jumping)
Schlough 17 20 3 1 No A1B1A2B2 Subject: 3 times a Ind Aerobic training ND Mixed results for Nonsignificant  3/10 IV
et al.35 design 1Ä„ 10 wks week Exercise on energy expenditure increase in gross
2Ä„ 20 wks elliptical Nonsignificant motor function
2Ä„ 21 wks machine, increase for muscle
treadmill, or strength
recumber Nonsignificant
stepper between increase in physical
40 and 70% appearance
HRmax (self-concept)
Ind/gr, individual/group; sup, supervisor; PT, physical therapist; ND, not described.
May 2008
Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy
TABLE 4 Mixed training exercise studies for the lower extremity involving children with cerebral palsy
Subjects Design Intervention Program Results According to the ICF Levels
Number Time and
of Number of Training Frequency of Training Program Body Function and
Study Age n Groups Randomized Measurements Duration the Training Ind/Gr and Exercises Sup. Structure Activity Participation PEDro AACPDM
Darrah 11 20 23 1 No 1. Before 10 wks 3 times a Gr Mixed training PT students Significant increase Non significant  3/10 IV
et al.36 2. Before week Aerobic exercises instruct in muscle strength. change in
3. Before Weight training 3 Nonsignificant walking speed
4. 10 wks sets of 12 reps change in heart
5. 20 wks (upper and rate and energy
lower expenditure
extremity) Non significant
flexibility change in
significant increase
for physical
appearance and
changes for other
Rintala 7 11 8 1 No 1. Baseline 15 wks 2 times a Gr Mixed training PT teacher Non significant   2/10 IV
et al.37 t1 t4 week for Balance skills change for balance,
2. Posttraining 60 mins Balance grip strength,
t5 t11 coordination walking distance,
sprint capacity, and
ball skills
Hutzler 5 7 46 2 No 1. Pretraining 6 mos 3 times a 2 Ind Mixed training ND Significant increase Significant increase  5/10 II
et al.38 2. Posttraining week for 1 Gr Water orientation for vital capacity for water
30 mins skills (group) orientation
Locomotion and
ball handling
Blundell 4 8 8 1 No 1. Baseline 4 wks 2 times a Gr Mixed training PT parent Significant increase Significant increase  3/10 IV
et al.39 2. Pretest week for Strength: circuit for muscle strength in stride length
(2 wks) 60 mins Aerobic training: and significant
3. Posttest treadmill and non-
(6 wks) significant
4. Follow-up increases for
(8 wks) walking speed
Ind/Gr, individual/group; sup, supervisor; PT, physical therapist; instruct, instructor; ND, not described.
Verschuren et al.
Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil.

Vol. 87, No. 5
TABLE 5 Outcome measures used in exercise studies for the lower extremity involving children with
cerebral palsy
Outcome Measures According to the ICF Levels
Study Body Function and Structure Activity Participation
Strength training
Dodd et al.23 HHD GMFM (D&E) 
Timed stair test
10-m timed walking
McBurney et al.30 Self-constructed, semistructured interview Self-constructed, semistructured Self-constructed, semistructured
interview interview
Damiano et al.21 HHD  
MacPhail et al.25 Isokinetic dynamometer GMFM (D&E) 
Modified Ashworth scale of spasticity
Damiano et al.22 HHD GMFM 
EEI Gait analysis (comp.)
Eagleton et al.26 EEI 10-m timed walking 
3-min treadmill walking
Dodd et al.24 10-repetition maximum  
Healy et al.9 Spring scale goniometer  
Morton et al.27 HHD 10-m timed walking 
Resistance to passive stretch (RPS) GMFM D &E
Patikas et al.28 MAS GMFM
VO2 measurement during two 5-min walks
Unger et al.29 Self-perception questionnaire Six-camera video-based motion-capturing
system: VICON 370 data station
Aerobic training
Van den Berg-Emons Cycle ergometer  
et al.31 Wingate cycling or arm cranking test
Physical activity ratio
Skinfold measurement (four sites)
Shinohara et al.32 Cycle or arm ergometer  
Physical endurance interview
Berg et al.33 Cycle ergometer  
Lundberg et al.34 Cycle ergometer (and Douglas bag)  
Schlough et al.35 EEI GMFM D&E 
Mixed training
Darrah et al.36 EEI  
Cycle test
Sit-and-reach test
Behind-the-back reach test
Intermalleolar distance
Rintala et al.37 Balance test  
Grip strength
9-min walk
50-m sprint
Balance skills
Hutzler et al.38 Spirometer Water orientation checklist 
Blundell et al.39 HHD 10-m timed walking 
Lateral step-up test 2-min walk test
Motor Assessment Scale (sit to stand)
Minimum chair height test
HHD, handheld dynamometer; EEI, energy expenditure index; GMFM, Gross Motor Function Measure; SPPC, Self-
Perception Profile for Children; MAS, modified Ashworth scale; SPPCS, Self-Perception Profile for College Students; SPPA,
Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents.
test. One study28 measured the oxygen uptake ticipants before and after training by using the sit
(VO2) during two 5-min walks. and reach, the behind-the-back reach test, and the
intermalleolar distance.
Range of Motion/Flexibility
The goniometer was used to examine the range
of motion of the lower extremity in one study.9 McBurney et al.30 used a semistructured inter-
Darrah et al.36 examined the flexibility of the par- view to explore the changes in perception of strength,
May 2008 Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy 413
posture, walking, and the ability to negotiate stairs, studies were RCTs.23,24,28,29,31 The remaining 15
and one study29 used a self-developed self-perception selected studies could not fulfill criteria related to
questionnaire. Four studies24,29,35,36 investigated the RCTs (e.g., group allocation and blinding) as de-
effects of a training program on the self-concept of tailed in PEDro criteria 2 through 6. Most of the
the subjects using the Self-Perception Profile for studies fulfilled criteria 8, 9, and 11, indicating that
Children, Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, and most subjects undertook the designated training
the Self-Perception Profile for College Students and a program and that their outcome measures were
short, self-administered self-perception question- reported.
naire. To determine the degree of confidence, the
AACPDM levels of evidence were used. The five
RCTs scored a level I on this assessment of degree
Gross Motor Function
of confidence placed on the evidence.23,24,28,29,31
The median on the AACPDM levels of evidence
Six studies investigated the effects of an exer-
scale was 4.
cise program on the activity level by measuring
changes in gross motor function, using the GMFM.
Two studies22,28 used the total GMFM score, and
There are only five RCTs investigating the effi-
four studies23,25,27,35 only used dimensions D
cacy of exercise training in children with CP, and
(standing) and E (walking, running, jumping) to
many of the extant studies have been poorly con-
evaluate the effects of the intervention program.
trolled. This is disappointing, because evidence sug-
gests that nonphysically active children are more
likely to become physically inactive adults and that
The timed stair test,23 the 10-m timed walk-
encouraging the development of physical activity
ing,23,26,27,39 3-min treadmill walking,26 the com-
puterized gait analysis,22 and the 2-min walk test39 habits in children helps establish patterns that con-
tinue into adulthood.41 Prevention of this decline
were other instruments used to evaluate the effects
from childhood and adolescence to adulthood should
on gait speed or stride length. Kinematic data were
captured in the study performed by Unger et al.,29 emphasize increased physical activity.42
This systematic review examined the literature
using the VICON 370 data station.
regarding exercise programs in children with CP,
provides an overview of the intervention character-
Water Orientation
istics, and the outcome measures that are used in
The Water Orientation Checklist38 was used to
exercise programs in children with CP.
evaluate the effects of a swimming program.
Intervention Characteristics
Physical Activity
The reviewed exercise studies involving children
McBurney et al.30 used a self-developed semi-
with CP vary in program design, population, and
structured interview, containing a preliminary
evaluation. They include training programs con-
schedule of four questions about the program, to
ducted in a laboratory setting, the community, and
explore the changes in physical activity after a
school- and home-based settings. The supervisors in
strengthening program.
the studies varied from physical therapists to parents.
Thus far, there is little evidence to identify the
optimal mode, frequency, intensity, setting, super-
McBurney et al.30 used the same semistructured
vision, and duration of activity in exercise pro-
interview to evaluate the outcomes of a strength
grams. On the basis of the strength training pro-
training program on the participation level.
grams that were reviewed, it can be suggested that
a training program for a minimum of 6 wks, with
Methodological Quality of Included
a frequency of three training sessions a week, may
be sufficient to improve the muscle performance of
Tables 2, 3, and 4 summarize the findings of the lower extremity. This finding supports the find-
the included publications. Initial inspection of the ings of Dodd et al.12 and Pippenger et al.43 They
studies suggested that most were of a repeated- conclude that there is evidence supporting the view
measures design without a control group. that progressive resistance exercise can increase
The methodological quality was assessed with the ability to generate muscle force in children
the PEDro scale. No article scored more than 8 (out with CP. This conclusion was supported by another
of 10) on this scale, and the median score was 3. systematic review of seven studies.13
Not all the criteria on the PEDro scale can be To improve the aerobic capacity of children
satisfied in these studies (e.g., blinding of subjects with CP, training sessions that vary from two to
is often difficult or impossible). Five of the 20 four times a week and that last at least 6 wks may
414 Verschuren et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. Vol. 87, No. 5
be adequate. The mixed training programs that the type of activity the subjects train in. Because
showed significant increases in muscle strength improvements in the fitness studies often used
and stride length varied from 4 wks to 6 mos. non-intervention-specific testing, to assess change,
No study compared the training response in we suspect specificity was not an important factor
different age groups. In the studies that were re- in the ability to detect an improvement in cardio-
viewed there was no indication that young children vascular fitness with the exercise programs. How-
(under 12 yrs of age) react different to the exercise ever, to find results that are more exercise-related,
programs compared with the older children (12 yrs intervention-specific tests should be used in future
of age and older). In general, aerobic capacity and research. This may enhance the results of the stud-
muscle strength seem to be trainable in children of ies and their interpretation. However, interven-
all ages.44 Measures of anaerobic ability, such as tion-specific measurement is often limited to the
peak and mean power and anaerobic capacity, seem function level.
also to be trainable in children, but there are ap- Only one study30 reported examples of chil-
parently no reports in the literature examining the dren who increased their participation in school,
anaerobic trainability across different stages of leisure, social and family events after undertaking
maturation.44 an exercise program. It is surprising that only one
None of the training programs focused on an- study examined the effects on the participation
aerobic capacity. This is surprising, considering level. Especially, because participation of children
that almost all daily childhood activities are more with CP in everyday activities is a goal shared by
of a short-term, high-intensity, than of a long-term parents, service providers and organizations in-
activity character.45,46 Because many of the daily volved in children s rehabilitation.49 Children with
childhood activities consist of short-term bursts of physical disabilities are at risk of limited participa-
intense activity, anaerobic fitness is thought to be tion.49,50 In future research the effect of exercise
an important measure of functional capacity.45 In programs on the participation level in children
children with a neurodevelopmental disease, an- with CP needs to be studied.
aerobic power is considered a better measure of There were two RCTs that studied the effects of
functional capacity than prolonged maximal aero- an exercise program on the self-concept. Dodd et
bic power.47 al.24 reported a significant decrease in self-concept
The ability of the children with a diagnosis CP for scholastic and social competence, whereas the
to maintain the gains achieved in the long term study performed by Darrah et al.36 demonstrated
generally remains unknown because only a few an increase in the self-concept for physical appear-
trials have included a follow-up period. On the ance of the children posttraining. A difference be-
basis of the limited findings in this review, it can be tween both studies may be relevant. The study
suggested that the benefits that children gained performed by Darrah et al.36 was performed in a
during strength training and mixed training were group environment, whereas the exercise pro-
maintained at follow-up. However, aerobic capacity grams from Dodd et al.24 was individually based. A
was significantly reduced at follow-up. group environment can be a motivating and so-
Activity patterns of youth vary considerably. cially stimulating therapy for children.36 Within a
Activities during the daily life of a child consist of group context, games, races, and cooperative activ-
aerobic, anaerobic and muscle strength components. ities can be used to enhance engagement of chil-
To date, there is no study that trained all three fitness dren with CP in exercise interventions.51 Moreover,
components combined. Exercise training, in which group treatment permits peer modeling, competi-
these three components are combined, may be more tion, and, potentially, a wider range of activity,
appropriate to improve the activity and participation which may benefit the child s overall participation
level of children with CP. This needs to be investi- in the prescribed exercises. However, Schlough et
gated in future research. al.35 reported an increase in self-concept in a study
that was individually based. Therefore, the under-
Outcome Measures
lying reasons for the discrepancy in findings are
Instruments used to measure the effects of unclear. More research is needed to find out what
fitness training that were used in the included kind of training, and what duration is the most
studies were diverse. To evaluate aerobic power five beneficial for improvement in the self concept of
studies used cycle ergometers.31 34,36 To assess the children with CP.
changes on the activity level no cycling-based test Overall, only a few studies have measured the
was used. There is a discrepancy between the in- effects of an exercise program on activity in chil-
struments used on the body function and the ac- dren with CP. In the studies that focused on muscle
tivity level. Training effects are exercise mode spe- strength, only one study examined the effect of an
cific.48 Specificity of testing means that the exercise program on the societal participation of
modality of the testing tool needs to be similar to children with CP.30 In the studies that focused on
May 2008 Exercise Programs for Cerebral Palsy 415
with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:
aerobic and mixed training the participation was
1157 64
not measured at all. These findings are similar to
13. Darrah J, Fan JS, Chen LC, Nunweiler J, Watkins B: Review
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in children with cerebral palsy: a clinical consensus exer-
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review revealed the same result for other exercise
140 4
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15. USDHHS: Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the
Surgeon General. Atlanta, U.S. Dept Health and Human
Services, 1996
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16. World Health Organization: International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF. Geneva, WHO,
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17. Verhagen A, de Vet H, de Bie R: The Delphi list: a criteria list
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18. Sherrington C, Herbert RD, Maher CG, Moseley AM: PEDro.
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19. Butler C, Chambers H, Goldstein M, et al: Evaluating re-
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20. Butler C: AACPDM Methodology for Developing Evidence
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