SHSpec 221 6211C29 R2 12 Theory and Practice (Part II)

6211C29 SHSpec-221 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part II)

R2-12 bridges over easily into 3GAXX: step four of R3-21 [See p. 332,
above and p. 356, below]. But the purpose of R2-12 is to cure the great big
PTP's that are impinged on the GPM. The PC's bugbear, that which he "must
destroy", is half of a dumbbell package of the GPM. The PC looks only at one
side of the package. He never says, "Who am I?" Everyone accepts this,
because the PC's objection to the other side looks "reasonable". The green
auditor in particular is likely to think, "Of course!", and pay no further
attention to it because it doesn't seem aberrative. This is clearest when
rockslammers can't find rock slams on other rockslammers. This reasonableness
is your most fruitful source of error. This is a sort of mutual out-rud, a
tacit consent.

The mechanics of the situation is that whenever a person has his
attention fixated on some PT thing, that thing represents a piece of one side
of the GPM. Its opposing piece or side lies hidden. A rockslammer is
dramatizing the other half of the dumbbell. The first half is being
represented in PT by scientology, the PC's wife, the boss, etc. The PC never
asks himself, "What would oppose _______ ?", because he opposes it and he has
keyed in some unconfrontable terminal. But the PC is being audited over a
considerable PTP. His fixation prevents him from going back track. He is
dramatizing the other terminal. The thing he is fixated on in PT is not part
of the bank. It is a substitute for, a lock on, the GPM item, that keeps the
GPM item in continuous restimulation. Therefore, because one side is
restimulated, hidden, and out of sight, we have the PC's terminal. The PC
never recognizes this, but he does dramatize this.

The rock slam on an item means overts against, withholds from, fixation
on, reality on, and a games condition with, the item.

So we find that the PC gets sensation when we call the item. We list,
"Who or what would oppose _______ ?" and we get a rockslamming terminal. If
the original thing didn't rockslam, we do a "represent" list to get something
that steadily rockslams. Either way, we get a package that will discharge.
You can do other things with the package. You could represent each, sending
the PC deeper into the bank, or you could get goals with the items you find.

Why is it called a GPM? It is" a mass which is composed of identities
which oppose identities, and they are so delicately faced against each other
on the track that they don't slip.... Neither has ever overwhelmed the
other." They finally make up a big black mass. The identities in the GPM are
round black ridges. They are black. They are round. They do have mass. They
do oppose each other. This is not allegorical. The anatomy of a problem is
item vs. item, postulate vs. postulate. It is a game where you have two sides
equally opposed. A problem doesn't become a problem until one is unable to
overwhelm and won't be overwhelmed. It is a matter of balance.

"Don't underestimate the age of a pair of items in the GPM. [The] whole
thing is built ... basically on the alter-isness of goals." It has gone on for
trillions of years. You may say,

"Why not resolve it all by just finding the PC's goal?" Because it
doesn't immediately resolve the PT items, that's why, so you are trying to
audit someone with a screaming PTP. The by-passed items are primed into PT
and are beyond the PC's reach or confront. So the PC doesn't list to a free
needle after you get the goal. The opposed items could have been there for
trillions of years.

The game before that, likewise, etc. It takes a long time to get in that
condition. The PC has lived many lives corresponding to each pair.

To the main pair are accumulated thousands of lesser ones, also opposed
[in groups of two]. The GPM would be easy to plot if all the pairs were
neatly aligned in the bank, on a neat time track. But the PC is a case of
"Scrunch!". The reactive mind has no time. This is also one of the highest
characteristics of a thetan. A thetan has no time. The bank is the
lower-scale mockery of this. To the PC, the whole of the GPM is now. So when
you null, things react in this instant; hence instant reads. The analytical
mind would require time, so analytical reads are latent.

The most aberrative thing is time. To the bank, a hundred million years
ago is now. So if time is all the same, what differentiation can we use to
work on? In theory, whenever you say, "Boo!" to the PC, the whole reactive
mind reacts. But this is an unattainable absolute, a nonsensical statement.
In actual fact, the situation, as we look at the meter, is only saved by the
reality of the PC. "The meter reads on what the PC has reality on, not what
the PC is momentarily in."

There is free track alongside the GPM, and the PC can move along it.
Dianetics is the study of that free track. Free track is timed. The reality
of the PC is governed by the PC's tolerance of force. A thing reads because
it most closely approximates a PC's limit of reality on force. You can always
run against the ceiling of that limit. That ceiling is marked by the rock
slam. That is how much force the PC can confront. A person "is as sane as he
can tolerate force. Not use force, [necessarily]. Tolerate it." If you run
around banning bombs, you won't get much support, because the bulk of the
population don't believe in them. There is too much force to confront in one
of them, so people don't confront them, and they are not real. If the
populace could tolerate force, they would long since have torn the governments
of the U.S. and Russia to shreds. Wars occur because people can't tolerate
force, so they have no reality on what they are doing. They don't know how
much force they are going to turn loose. It is an irresponsible action. The
amount of force a person will throw out is no measure of sanity, but how much
he can confront is.

As the person comes down the track through the GPM, he has become less
and less capable of tolerating force. So the PT terminals and oppterms
usually seem quite insurmountable to the PC, until [they are] audited on
R2-12. All PCs suffer from some reaction like this. They think that there is
more to it than there is. That is one of the guiding idiocies of a thetan.
For instance, a PC will think that he has some huge, dramatic withhold to
account for the fact that his ruds keep being out. Then he finally spots the
withhold that he thought the instructor's tie was crooked. Drama, i.e.
dramatic, heavy events in PT, seldom has Anything to do with the degree on
enturbulation of the PC. He is trying to match the significance, in PT, of
the drama that does exist in the GPM. Auditors do this sometimes. They hound
the PC because he has a dirty needle.

PCs have been "good" for hundreds of years. Underlying it will be the
reverse, but it takes some time for the PC to confront this fact. You do find
dramatic stuff in the GPM: magnitudinous overts, etc. But you don't pull them
out bit by bit. They come out as packages. PCs try to match up with the
GPM. It restimulates them to believe that they must be guilty of something,
but they can't put their finger on it. It is in the GPM. If you know this,
you will realize that some of the tech for freeing people on this planet is
utterly outrageous. What we are doing is quite fantastic. PCs can get quite
upset doing this, i.e. being audited, so it requires an auditor who can go
steadily on to complete the job. There is no room for an auditor who quits
because the PC twitters or gets a somatic. He has to complete the cycle of
action that is in progress. We could clear somebody, albeit slowly, by
continuing to find and oppose RI's. More importantly, as you go down the rock
slam channel, the PC will eventually find his goal. But a goal is senior to
items. It is easier to find the goal first and then, from it, to find the
RI's. You would now be doing R3-21. So

R2-12 cuts into R3-21 at a place determined by the extent to which R2-12
is run. You could go into 3GAXX, using the pre-hav scale to get more items.
If you did R2-12 and had the case flying, you might find the PC coming up with
his goal after six packages had been found. If you have a PC who is very
stacked up and identified, it may take a good deal longer. You could just
keep finding items until the PC goes clear, doing nothing with his goal. Of
course, if you ignore it and don't acknowledge it, he is thrown into
protesting the goal, and he won't go clear. When the PC may have had a wrong
goal found and/or run, you must get rid of the wrong goal as a senior action
to R2-12, since that is now his PTP. You run "Wrong goal" with big tiger [See
p. 295a, above.] if it has just been found. You prepcheck it if it has been

When you have a PC who has had bad auditing and has been "all fouled up
ever since that session" do R2-12. It will handle it. An item was loused up,
not the PC. Items are senior to any other auditing except goals.

R2-12 is also usable as an assist. If the PC is bothered by something,
you could ask, "What illness of yours have you been interested in?" The PC
answers, "My lumbosis." You ask, "All right. Who or what does your lumbosis
represent to you?" That would use the principle of R2-12. The question could
be unmetered and unnulled. If the PC is interested in it, it is identified
like mad. He must have an A=A=A about it. If the PC has a psychosomatic
illness, he must have the past in PT. Therefore there is instantaneousness
connected with it. Therefore it has some connection with the GPM. If the PC
has an engram chronically is restimulation, one tag end of it must be headed
into the GPM.

Otherwise it would destimulate in three to ten days after going into
restimulation. To do an assist on chronic somatics, i.e. timeless somatics
that didn't disappear in three to ten days, the first thing you have to know
is that they are hooked up to the GPM. The GPM, or any part of it, can never
be educated out of anybody. That is the source of repetitive criminality.
Nothing will cure it, short of getting rid of the GPM. The criminal has been
a criminal longer than one life. "He's straight in the middle of [an] identity
of the GPM. He knows what stores are for: to put in trucks at night." He
can't be handled by do-gooders. Some processes can key out the valence,
remarkably enough. That we can have MEST clears is fantastic luck.

Matter, energy, and space are also in the GPM. Probably the GPM has mass
simply because time is nothing, but the energy, space, and matter isn't
nothing yet. This makes an interesting mathematical proposition. If time
were actually zero, there would be no matter or energy, and possibly no
space. So there is only an apparency of no time in the A=A=A nature of the
bank, and although there is an apparency of no matter, there is mass. There
is an apparency of no energy and no space, but in actuality there is energy
and space. So matter, energy, space, and time are in the GPM. Whenever you
restore any differentiation, even from identity to slight similarity, you get
more matter, energy, and space, because you get more time. Things cease to
read instantly and you start to get prior and latent reads. The case that has
been a dub-in case may get very upset to find himself going black. As you get
more differentiation, you get more mass.

Smooth auditing is essential in handling the GPM. Otherwise, the PC's
ability to confront the increasing matter, energy, space, and time in his bank
is repressed, so he would tend to hang fire. Auditing could take the place of
the PTP. Some cases see that they are being asked to confront more than they
care to. They will turn off the reality that has been turning on and
momentarily get worse. The more the PC lists, the more matter, energy, space,
and time is materializing. Probably the only thing that permits the process
to work is that there is more time. Time permits escape from the pressure of
the increased mass, etc., as past time becomes differentiated from PT. So the
PC is not so stuck in the mass, energy, and space.


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