Upgrading from e_Match 2.0

1.) e_Match 3.0+ stores user files in a directory outside of your web space, if the appropriate path
is set. This is to eliminate the possibility of a hacker finding the user.log, and thereby
finding a user's personal files. This isn't very likely to occur with 2.0, but 3.0 makes it
even less likely. However, if you have too many user files and you don't want to relocate them,
just leave them where they are, and set $datapath and $htmlpath equal to the old $datapath. This
is not as secure as the new setup, although I've receive no reports of any problems with the old

Upgrading from e_Match 3.0

2.) The simplest thing to do is to install the new .cgi files in a new directory, and transfer your
setup data from setup.cgi to setup35.cgi. (However if your version of index.cgi is heavily modified,
see *). You don't need to replace your data files or your public_html files. Run 35_upgrade.cgi to
update your data structures, and you all set. Change your links to point to the new index35.cgi,
and you're done.

###########NOTE: To try the operation below you need to know how to use your text editor effectively!

* If you want to try modifying your current index.cgi rather than replacing it, you can try this:

1.) In index35.cgi you'll find markers indicating which sections of code have been changed. The marker
at the beginning of a block of new code is:

##start changes##
##start changes##

and at the end of the block of new code:

##end changes##
##end changes##

2.) For each of these blocks, note the lines of code just before the first marker(##start...), and just
after the second(##end...). Now find these two sets of lines in your index.cgi. All the code between
the two sets of code you just found need to be replaced by the corresponding section of code in index35.cgi.

For example, in index35.cgi, a new code section will be in the form:

[code lines A]

##start changes##
##start changes##

[new code]

##end changes##
##end changes##

[code lines B]

In order to properly insert [new code] into your index.cgi, you need to find [code lines A] and [code
lines B], and replace all lines between these lines with [new code] from index35.cgi. There are six
sections of new code in index35.cgi, and they vary in length.

When you're done, rename index.cgi to index35.cgi. All other cgi files should to be replaced by the new



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