Genki Particle Table

Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L1: 14
o0 X o0 Yg0Y0 Ź0_0W0 o0L0O0[0D0 g0Y00 (Ź0_0W0o0)k0m00[0D0g0Y00 "X o0" is often dropped.
Watashi wa gakusee desu. (Watashi wa) ni-nensee desu.
X o0 {N desu / V / Adj.}
'(As for me,) I'm a student.' '(As for me,) I'm a sophomore.'
topic marker; contrast
L2: 37
'as for (X)'; "0~0`0U00o0L0O0[0D0X00B00~0[000
'(X), at least'
Yamada-san wa gakusee ja arimasen.
'(As for) Mr. Yamada(, he) is not a student.'
'Mr. Yamada is not a student, (at least).'
D0]0L0 M00F0
L5: 100
M0n0F0o0 Ł_ W0K0c0_0g0Y00g000ĘNe o0r0~0g0Y00
'(As for) yesterday, I was busy, but I have a lot of free time today, (at least).'
L11: 217
(B0j0_0o0)0O0ł0000ł0 Ś0~0Y0K00
'(As for you,) do you often drink coffee?'
D0D0H00(ł0000o0) \00\00Ś0~0[000
a00 n0
g000J06 o0 0O0Ś0~0Y00
'No, I don't drink [coffee] at all, (at least), but I often drink tea, (at least).'
M00F0 Ź0_0W0 h0 W00K00 D0
L11: 217
ĘNe ( y o0) óVłf ( k0 LM0~0Y00
g000LL k0o0 LM0~0[000
(another particle) o0
'(As for me,) I'll go to the library today, but I won't go to LL, (at least).'
W00v00 0
L11: 217
(B0j0_0o0)F0a0g0 e^ ł0 0~0Y0K00
'(As for you,) do you read the newspaper at home?'
0 h0 W00K00 0
D0D0H00(F0a0g0o0) 0~0[000g000óVłf ( g0o0 0~0Y00
(another particle) o0
'No, I don't read it [at home, (at least) ], but I do at the library, (at least).'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L1: 15
K0 (X o0 Y g0Y0)K00 (B0j0_0o0)00F0L0O0[0D0g0Y0 K00
1 question marker (Yes/No-Q) (Anata wa) ryuugakusee desu ka.
'Is X Y?' 'Are you an international student?'
L1: 15
(X o0 QW g0Y0)K00 [0000 o0j00 g0Y0 K00
question marker (WH-Q) Senmon wa nan desu ka.
'QW is X?' 'What is your major?'
L2: 35
(QW . . . )K00
Dore ga Michiko-san no kasa desu ka.
question marker (WH-Q)
'Which one is Michiko's umbrella?'
'QW . . . ?' W00F0~0d0 j0k0
L3: 54
1+g o0_0D0f0D0 UO ł0W0~0Y0K00
'What do you usually do on the weekend?'
K00S0O0 _0D0Ź00 D0
L10: 190
K0 X K0 Y
ÓżVK0 S~nk0LO0d000g0Y00
2 alternative
'I intend to go to Korea or Taiwan.'
'X or Y'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L2: 37
0 (X)0(Y g0Y00) 0ó0ę00U00o0L0O0[0D0g0Y00 Ź0_0W00L0O0[0D0 g0Y00 o0 0
1 Mearii-san wa gakusee desu. Watashi mo gakusee desu.
(X)0{N desu / V / Adj.}
'Mary is a student.' 'I'm a student, too.'
Ź0_0W0 h0Q0D0 K0 K0
L4: 81
'also'; ł0 0
( y o0) Bf ł0 ŚD0~0W0_00 K0U00 ŚD0~0W0_00
'. . ., too';
'I bought a watch.' 'I also bought an umbrella.'
'. . ., either'
Ź0_0W0 M00F0 D0
L4: 81
( y o0)ĘNe LL k0 LM0~0[00g0W0_00
h0 W00K00 D0
óVłf ( k0 0 LM0~0[00g0W0_00
(another particle) 0
'I didn't go to LL today. I didn't go to the library, either.'
j0k0 y0d0 j0k0 j0k0
L7: 135
0 QW 0
ĘNUOł0W0f0D0~0Y0K00  %R k0UO0W0f0D0~0[000 UO 0 - in a negative
L8: 159
2 emphasis
'What are you doing now?' - 'I'm not doing anything in particular.' sentence only
'(not) any'
L10: 197
QW (another particle) 0
ĘNei0S0K0k0LO0  F0F000i0S0k00LK0j0D00
'Will you go anywhere today?'  'No, I will not go anywhere.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L1: 16
n0 Noun 1 n0 Noun 2 H0D0T0 n0[00[0D0 0a0S0U00 n0K0p00
1 N 1 specifies N 2 eego no sensee Michiko-san no kaban
'N1's N2'; 'an English teacher' 'Michiko's bag'
'N1 N2'; 'a teacher of English'
'N2 {of/at/in/for/by/on} N1'
h0F0M00F0n0`0D0L0O0 cf. h0F0M00F0`0D0L0O0
Tookyoo no daigaku Tookyoo daigaku
'a university in Tokyo' 'the University of Tokyo'
s00F0D00 {00"0 0N0
N2 = location word L4: 78
o0,gK\n0 óSg0Y00
'The hospital is to the right of the bookstore.'
{00"0 s00F0D00 B0D0`0
,gK\o0u b
h0ą00Ń00 n0 g0Y00
'The bookstore is between a hospital and a supermarket.'
y00M00F0 y00M00F0
L8: 160
e,gśn0 R7_ ł0W0~0Y00 cf. e,gśł0 R7_ W0~0Y00
'I do Japanese language study.' 'I study the Japanese language.'
N2 may be omitted. L10: 190
A: HSMRh0HSŚ_n0 żO L0B00~0Y0L0 . . . 0
'We have a morning flight and an afternoon flight, but . . .'
s00 m0L0
B: HSMRn0( żO )ł0J0 XŚ D0W0~0Y00
'A morning (flight), please.'
Special uses of n0
J00L0O0 M0 Y0
L8: 157
n0 V-short n0
2 nominalizer
'I like listening to music.'
X0 W00 K0
NEVER say: L10: 195
n0 Adj. n0
A: 0F0śŹłfł0ŚD0~0W0_0K00
Adj.n0 Noun ! WRONG
3 pronoun
'Have you already bought a dictionary?'
X0 W00 K0
B: H0H00\U0D0{śŹłf  n0}ł0ŚD0~0W0_00
'Yes, I bought a small {dictionary / one}.'
y00 0 X0 W00 K0
C: H0H00 żO )Rj0{śŹłf  n0}ł0ŚD0~0W0_00 MUST retain na in na-Adj.
'Yes, I bought a useful {dictionary / one}.'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L2: 35
L0 (X o0) (subject)L0~ i0Ś0L00a0S0U00n0K0U0g0Y0K00 o0 does not mark QW.
1 subject marker Dore ga Michiko-san no kasa desu ka.
no English equivalent 'Which one is Michiko's umbrella?'
Ź0_0W0 k0{00T0 Ź0
L4: 75
Do NOT use ł0.
( y o0)e,gś L0 RK00~0Y00
'I understand Japanese language.'
L4: 77
S0S0k0D0l0 L0D0~0Y00 (place) k0 (animate thing)
'There is a dog here.'
(place) k0 (inanimate thing)
'There is a hospital over there.'
L7: 138
ŹNP[U00o0 ę L0 wD0g0Y00
(body part/attribute) L0
'Kyoko has long hair.'
L7: 140
(someone/something) L0
#-counter (NO Particle)
'There are two children.' 'I have two children.'
M00F0`0D0 j00k00
(B0j0_0o0) DQ_ L0 UOND0~0Y0K00
'How many brothers and sisters do you have?'
L8: 153
Do NOT use ł0.
(yo0)J0Ńę L0D00~0Y00
'I need money.'
B0m0 Y0
(X= someone/something) L8: 157
Y o0{,g,gł00n0}L0 }YM0g0Y00
X o0(someone/something)L0
'My older sister likes {books / reading books}.'
B0k0 H0D0 T0 H0D0 T0 o0j0 x0_0
X o0(something)L0{X00F0Z0/
DQo0{ ńśńśł0qY0n0}L0 NKbg0Y00
'My older brother is bad at {English / speaking English}.'
o0X0 o0X0
L9: 173
NBfk0Ń00Ć0Ł00L0 Y~0c0_00 (something)L0Y~00
'The party began at 7:00.' cf.
cf. NBfk0Ń00Ć0Ł00ł0 Y0_00
'We began the party at 7:00.'
L12: 229
(yo0)n0i0L0 n M0~0W0_00
(body part/attribute)L0
'I got thirsty.'
X0 W00 "0Y0
L7: 145
L0 (clause 1)L00(clause 2)0 Comma (0) must be
S0n0śŹłfo0[ D0g0Y0L00B0~000O0B00~0[000
2 contrast
'This dictionary is cheap, but it is not very good.'
'(clause 1), but (clause 2).'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
[0000 v00L0O0
L2: 38
m0 (sentence)m00 NO comma (0) before m0
\o0e f[g0Y0 m00
Senmon wa bungaku desu ne.
'Your major is literature, right?'
casual exclamation
Tag-Q ؚ D0g0Y0 m00
(e.g.) Takai desu ne.
'isn't it?' 'is it?' 'It's expensive, isn't it!'
'don't you?' 'do you?'
'right?' 'you know'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L2: 38
0 (sentence)00 J0D0W0D0 g0Y0 00 NO comma (0) before 0
certainty; assertion Oishii desu yo.
'I tell you'; 'I assure you'; 'It's delicious, I assure you.'
'I'm telling you'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L2: 30
ł0 (direct object)ł0(transitive V) ]0n0h0Q0D0ł0O0`0U0D00
1 direct object marker Sono tokee o kudasai.
No English equivalent 'Give me that watch (close to you).'
L2: 31
Kore o onegai-shimasu.
'I will have this one.' lit. 'I request (that you do) this one.'
L3: 57
_0D0f0D0M0c0U0f00g0ł0000ł0 Ś0~0Y00
'I usually drink coffee at the coffee shop.'
M0c0f0 00~0D0
L5: 96
RKb ł0 VgO0`0U0D00
#-counter (NO Particle)
'Give me four stamps.'
O00~0 F00f00
L8: 160
(yo0) Ę ł0 K W0~0Y00
'I drive a car.'
O00~0 F00f00
(yo0) Ę n0 K ł0W0~0Y00
'I drive a car.' lit. 'I do car-driving.'
L11: 215
m0S0o000Ż0ł0Ś0_0L0c0f0D0~0Y00 (someone /something)o0
'A cat wants to drink milk.'
(someone /something)ł0
V-stem {_0L00_0L0c0
cf. (yo0)4l{L0ł0}Ś0_0D00
'I want to drink water.'
d0N0 f0D0 J0
L6: 117
ł0 (starting point)ł0(intransitive V)
!kn00ą0 \Pg00ą0ł0 M
2 detachment;
'I will get off the bus at the next bus stop.'
starting point where some
L0c0S0F0 "0Y0
L6: 117
movement begins
M0n0F0f[ !hł0 O 0~0W0_00
'out'; 'off;'; 'from'
'I was absent from school yesterday.'
H0M0 r0L0W0P0a0 g0
L6: 280
řn0qg ćS ł0 śQf0O0`0U0D00
'Please go out the east exit of the station.'
L11: 212
'Have you ever cut classes?'
0a0 Ź0_0
L6: 130
ł0 (passing point)ł0(intransitive V)
B0n0 S ł0 !n c0f0O0`0U0D00
3 space where some
'Please cross that street (over there).'
(unidirectional) movement
"0~00a0 B00
L10: 303
J0X0D0U00o0wD0 q\ S ł0 ikD0f00^0~0W0_00
'in'; 'on'; 'across'
'The old man went home by walking on the long mountain road.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
O0 X0 L0c0S0F0 D0
L3: 61
x0 (place)x0 x0 may be replaced by k0.
]NBfk0f[!h x0 LM0~0Y00
'I will go to school at 9:00.'
goal of movement
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
O0 X0 L0c0S0F0 D0
L3: 61-62
k0 (time / date)k0 Do NOT use k0:
]NBf k0 f[!hk0LM0~0Y00
1 a specific point in time
'I will go to school at 9:00.'
ĘNek0 B0W0_0k0
'at'; 'on'
~0D0k0a0 ~0D0p00
k0a00F0s0 H0D0L0 0
k ek0 k ifk0
efe k0 f;uł0~0Y00
'I will see a movie on Sunday.'
O0 X0 L0c0S0F0 D0
L3: 60
k0 (place)k0 k0 may be replaced by x0.
]NBfk0f[!hk0 LM0~0Y00
2 direction ; destination;
'I will go to school at 9:00.'
goal of movement
L5: 99
k0 (place)k0
0ą0k0 WNc0f0O0`0U0D00
3 destination
'Please get on the bus.'
'in'; 'on'; 'to'
~0D0p00 O0 X0 u0ć0 o0D0
L6: 117
kif]NBfk0J0ŚBTk0 eQ 0~0Y00
'I take a bath at 9:00 every night.'
L9: 173
q\ NHQuo00O0Ć00Ó0k0 śQ~0Y00
'Professor Yamashita often appears on TV.'
a0K0 "0~0 n0|0 Y0
L11: 212
ŃŹO0n0 q\ k0 {v 0n0L0}YM0g0Y00
'I like climbing a nearby mountain.'
L11: 213
ń00ę0ą0k0 Yuf[W0_0S0h0L0B00~0Y0K00
'Have you ever been to England for study?'
L4: 75
k0 (place)k0
lQW k0 P[i00L0D0~0Y00
4 location of existence
'Children are in the park.'
'in'; 'at'; 'on'; 'for'
000ż0'Y f[o0i0S0k0B00~0Y0K00
'Where is the University of Minnesota?'
D0 Y0 Y0Ź0
L6: 116
iP[k0 ż^ c0f0O0`0U0D00
'Please seat yourself in a chair.'
B0k0 h0F0M00F0 Y0
L7: 135
DQo0qgŹNk0 OO0g0D0~0Y00
'My older brother lives in Tokyo.'
ko0'YM0D0O>y k0d0h00f0D0~0Y00
'My mother {works for / is employed at} a big company.'
K0m0 "0Y0 h0
L10: 193
J0Ńę L0j0K0c0_0K000 [ D00Ć00k0 Ęl~0c0_00
'I didn't have money, so I stayed at a cheap hotel.'
[0D0 X0 M00F00
L12: 229
(yo0)e,gn0 ?e lk0  sTL0B00~0Y00
'I {am interested in / have an interest in} Japanese politics.'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
Ź0_0W0 S0F0H00 h00 B0
L4: 75
k0 (X o0) (indirect object)k0(direct
( y o0) M0n0F0 lQW g0 S`0a0k0 OD0~0W0_00
object ł0) V
'I saw my friend in the park yesterday.'
target; recipient
Ź0_0W0 {00`0 f0 L00 K0
'to'; 'for'
( y o0) ,g0uU00k0 Kb } ł0 łfM0~0W0_00
'I wrote a letter to Ms. Honda.'
Ź0_0W0 _0j0K0 X0K00 M0
L5: 99
( y o0) 0u-NU00k0Bf ł0 ^M0~0W0_00
'I asked Mr. Tanaka the time.'
h0W00K00 {00 K0H0
(B0j0_0o0) óVłf( k0 ,g ł0 ŹW0~0W0_0K00
'Did you return the book to the library?'
h00 g00Ź0
(yo0) S`0a0k0
q ł0K0Q0~0W0_00
'I made a phone call to my friend.'
H0D0T0 J0W0
Y00~0[000(yk0)a00c0h0ńś ł0YeH0f0O0`0U0D00
'Excuse me. Please teach me English a little.'
K0^0O0 K0
L10: 190
(yo0) ś[e k0J00"0R0 ł0 ŚD0~0W0_00
'I bought a souvenir for my family.'
W00F0K0D0 W00F0K0D0
L11: 213
(yo0) 0u-NU00k0,g0uU00ł0 9}N W0~0W0_00 X k0 Y ł0 9}N Y00
'I introduced Ms. Honda to Mr. Tanaka.'
'introduce Y to X'
B0m0 K0m0 K0
L6: 117
k0 (someone)k0(something)ł0
(yo0) Y k0J0Ńę ł0 P0~0W0_00
6 source
'I borrowed money from my older sister.'
'by'; 'from'
L9: 173
(yo0) DQ k0M0c0w0 ł000c0_00
'I received a ticket from my older brother.'
0D0W00F000S0F0 D0
L6: 128
k0 (something) k0
eg1 eL k0 LM0~0Y00
7 purpose; role
'I will go on a trip next week.'
'for'; 'as'
K0 L11: 217
J00"0R0 k0J0K0W0ł0ŚD0~0Y00
'I will buy snacks as a souvenir.'
'We'll go to Hawaii for our honeymoon.'
L7: 140
k0 (V-stem) k0 motion V i0S0k0B0]0s0 k0 LM0~0W00F0K00
8 purpose of movement 'Where shall we go to have fun?'
'to (V-infinitive)'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L3: 60
g0 (place)g0
1 place of action
'I usually drink coffee at the coffee shop.'
'at; in; on'
cf. L11: 212
6ro0qgŹNn0O>yg0 P D0f0D0~0Y00
'My father works at a company in Tokyo.'
L4: 77
g0 (place)g0
'Yf[ g0 ł0ó0000L0B00~0Y00
2 place of event
'There is a concert at the university.'
'at'; 'in'; 'on'
a0 K0f0d0 j0K0 D0a0p00o0"0
L10: 194
g0 (something )g0
Ęh00W NDłn0-N g00i0Ś0L0 N ju  D0g0Y0K00
3 scope; range
'Among bus, train and subway, which [one] is the fastest?'
'in'; 'among'
D0a0p00 y00M00F0
S0n0Ż00ą0(n0-N) g0 0u-NU00L0 N ju0O0 R 7_ W0~0Y00
'Mr. Tanaka studies most in this class.'
L10: 193
g0 (something)g0
4 means / instruments to do
'May I pay by credit card?'
'by'; 'in'; 'on'; 'with'; 'using'
e,gś g0 qW0~0W00F00
'Let's talk in Japanese!'
'I usually eat meals with chopsticks.'
0Z0F00 ą0F00D0
L11: 210
g0 (something)g0
000ż0o0M0Ś0D0j0 Vn g0 g Tg0Y00
5 reason; cause
'Minnesota is famous for beautiful lakes.'
'because of'; 'due to'; 'for'
s00F0M0 D0a0k0a0
6ro0ul g0 Ne NNł0O0~0W0_00
'My father got a day off of work because of illness.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
f0D0 h00 D0a0 X0 K00 ~0
L4: 75
P0 (number-counter)P00D0 P00D0 may be replaced by
0ą0 \Pg0S`0a0ł0 NBf P00D0 _a0~0W0_00
0 (demonstrative adj.)P00D0 O00D0.
'I waited for my friend at a bus stop for about an hour.'
approximate extent
L10: 190
'How long(, approximately,) will it take to get to Tokyo Station?'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
k0O0 "0U0D0 K0
L4: 81
h0 noun h0 noun
ą00Ń00g0 h0 ę܃ł0ŚD0~0Y00
1 exhaustive listing
'I will buy meat and vegetables at the supermarket.'
{00"0 s00F0D00 B0D0`0
,gK\o0u b
h0 0Ń000n0 g0W0_00
'The bookstore was between a hospital and a department store.'
D00F0h0 H0D0L0 0 D0
L4: 81
h0 (someone/something)h0 h0  h0D0c0W00k0
ąY o0h00`0a0h0 f;uł0k0LM0~0W0_00
2 partner that does something
'My younger sister went to see a movie with her friend.'
w/ the subject of a clause
0D0m00 Q0c0S00
L7: 135
'with'; 'from'
egt^00ń000ó00h0 P}ZZW0~0Y00
'I will marry with my boyfriend next year.'
L11: 213
'I don't want to quarrel with my roommate.'
"0~00h0 K0n0X00 Ź0K0
L12: 229
q\,gU00o0|_ sY h0 %R Ś0_00
'Mr. Yamamoto {broke up with / separated from} his girlfriend.'
L8: 155
h0 (clause) h0
(yo0)WSU00o0f[u`0 h0`D0~0Y00
3 quotative marker
'I think (that) Mr. Minami is a student.'
0a0S0 D0
SP[U00o0-NżVk0LM0_0D0h0 c0f0D0~0Y00
'Michiko {says / is saying} that she wants to go to China.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L5: 99
~0 (ending point)~0g0
R&{o0000 ~0g0D0O00g0Y0K00
temporal /spatial limit
'As for a ticket, how much is it (to get) as far as Chicago?'
'as far as'; 'till'; 'to': 'up to'; 'until';
VBfK00kQBf ~0g0 R 7_ W0~0W0_00
'I studied from 4:00 to 8:00.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
D0]0 X0 K00
L6: 121
K0 (situation clause)0(reason K00 MUST be
%`N0~0W00F00Bf L0B00~0[00K000
immediately AFTER
0 clause) K000
'Let's hurry! (It's) because we don't have time.'
(reason clause)
(reason clause) K000
X0 K00 D0]0
L7: 285
(situation clause)0 Bf L0B00~0[00K000 %`N0~0W00F00
L9: 177
'Because we don't have time, let's hurry!'
reason; explanation 'We don't have time, so let's hurry!'
'because (reason clause)';
'(reason clause), so . . .'
'I have good-tasting wine, so won't you come have a drink?'
'Won't you come have a drink? (It's) because I have good-tasting wine.'
B0U0 p00 y00M00F0
K0 (starting point)K00
g K00 if~0g0 R 7_ W0~0W0_00
temporal /spatial starting point
'I studied from morning till night.'
L0c0S0F0 K0H0
L7: 285
f[!hK00 0^c0f00X00O0k0LM0~0Y00
'I come home from school and go to cram school.'
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
comparison of two items L10: 194
0 (someone/something)00
f K0D0g0Y00
basis of comparison
'Hawaii is warmer than Minnesota.'
'{more ~ / -er) than'
L10: 197
e,gśo0MR 00 ć
'Japanese language has gotten more difficult than before.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L11: 213
`0 (number-counter)`0Q0
(yo0)00T0ł0Nd0 `0Q0 Śc0_00
'I bought only one apple.'
'just'; 'only'
'Just two students came.'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L11: 216
"0 noun "0 noun ą00Ń00g0Ó000"0 000ą0ł0ŚF0d000`00 cf. (noun) h0 (noun)
inexhaustive listing 'I intend to buy beer and juice, (and things like that) at a supermarket.'
'and (, and things like that)'; 'and
so forth'; 'for example'
P Structural patterns Examples Notes GENKI
L12: 313
j0 (someone/something)j0i0 000"0H00t0d0 j0i0L0D00~0Y00 (X "0) Y j0i0
exemplification 'We need notebooks, pencils, and so on.'
'and so on'; 'and the like';
'for example'; 'etc.'
'I bought notebooks, etc. yesterday.'
The contents of this table have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota, the publisher of GENKI or
the authors of GENKI. The author of this table is solely responsible for any errors or inaccuracies contained in this
This table may be revised as necessary. The author encourages the users to discuss with their classmates and/or instructors,
should they have grammatical questions on particles. If you have any comments or questions regarding this table, contact Keiko
Emmett at < >. (created: March 15, 2005; 1st revision: July 20, 2005; 2nd revision: Aug. 6, 2006)
Particles in GENKI: Lessons 1-12 (Emmett)
Banno, Eri, Yutaka Ohno, Yoko Sakane and Chikako Shinagawa. 1999. Genki: An integrated course in elementary Japanese I.
Tokyo: The Japan Times.
Endo-Simon, Mutsuko. 1986. Supplementary grammar notes to An introduction to modern Japanese: Part 1 Lessons 1-15.
Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
Endo-Simon, Mutsuko. 1987. Supplementary grammar notes to An introduction to modern Japanese: Part 2 Lessons 15-30.
Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
Jorden, Eleanor with Mari Noda. 1987. Japanese: The spoken Language Part I. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Jorden, Eleanor with Mari Noda. 1988. Japanese: The spoken Language Part II. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Jorden, Eleanor with Mari Noda. 1990. Japanese: The spoken Language Part III. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Kojien (Japanese language dictionary, Fifth edition). 1997. Izuru Shinmura (ed.) Tokyo: Iwanami shoten.
Kuno, Susumu. 1973. Nihon bunpoo kenkyuu ('Research on Japanese grammar'). Tokyo: Taishukan.
Makino, Seiichi and Michio Tsutsui. 1986. A dictionary of Basic Japanese grammar. Tokyo: The Japan Times.
Obusha kokugo jiten (Japanese language dictionary). 1982. Kenji Shuzui, et al. Tokyo: Obunsha.
Reikai shin kokugo jiten (Japanese language dictionary, Sixth edition). 2002. Shiro Hayashi, et al. Tokyo: Sanseido.


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