Simple, Real & Scalable

Simple, Real & Scalable:
$278.59 Without Traffic,
Clicks or Conversions - 100%
Daniel Edstrom
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2012 ForgetMeNutz
Copyright & Earnings Disclaimer
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You have NO Resell or Private Label Rights and You may NOT distribute this report in any way.
The Internet is changing all the time and even if one thing works today it might not work
This is something I or no one else can do anything about or be held responsible for. How
much you will earn and the results you will get from this system is ultimately up to you and I m
not responsible for your actions or results.
This information is for educational purposes only. Therefore, if you wish to apply the ideas
contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions and results.
I make no guarantees whatsoever!
Simple & Realistic System Overview
1. Acquire a domain(s) with Minimum Pagerank 1, you can use one that you already
have or invest in one and find many of these domains with this incredible tool called
PR Powershot, it s only about $17 and does an amazing job!
2. Important: Old domains with Pagerank and backlinks can be sold as is. So they are
most often a good investment but why not monetize them smart to further enhance
the value and make some money in the process.
3. Note: The effective time to implement each unit in this system is very small.
However there s a waiting period on a few days when purchasing domains. This
is still totally worth it because you re making good investments! Even though
it s rare, there s always a chance to find HIGH PR domains that sell for BIG
4. Install WordPress on this domain in your hosting account: If you don t have any
hosting, here s the one I recommend and use: Unlimited Websites  $4.95 / Month
5. Create a Postlinks account and Install the Postlinks WordPress plugin and add the
domain to you Postlinks account.
6. Important! You ll be receiving articles and comments through the Postlinks system,
make sure it s suitable to do so for your website/domain
7. Repeat this simple process to add more blogs.
Did you think there was more to it? & Sorry to disappoint you & that s all ..
takes to make this simple system work. (More details on this further down)
With the Overview in Mind & Please Read On ..
How Does Postlinks Work & Why Don t We Need
any Traffic, Clicks, Conversions?
We don t need any of traffic, clicks or conversion because we are monetizing the Pagerank
alone. Postlinks are paying us because they can post articles on our domains that has a
minimum of Pagerank 1, that s why we don t need anything else than just Pagerank.
Important: The higher the Pagerank on the domain, the more money Postlinks pay to post
every article or comment. It s as simple as that.
The combination of the awesome tool PR Powershot(created by Walter Bayliss ) and Postlinks,
actually makes this business model not only possible, but very easy for anyone to do.
How it works- Step by Step:
1. We are monetizing the Pagerank by letting Postlinks post articles and comments to our
2. This earns us credits in the Postlinks system.
3. The credits are converted to a dollar amount at the end of the month.
4. The money is paid to your PayPal account at the end of every month.
Step by Step Implementation Details: How I Do It
Note: If you have different hosting, some details might differ.
1. Buy a domain(s) with minimum PR 1 using PR Powershot. Watch the instruction video!
Note: If you have any questions regarding using PR Powershot, shoot me an
email( or add me to Skype: daniel.edstrom2
2. GoDaddy: Change nameserver s to your hosting accounts.
3.CPANEL: Create Addon Domain in your hosting account.
4. CPANEL: Use Simple Scripts WordPress Installer for Easy & Fast Install
5. CPANEL: Enter the necessary details on this screen to install Wordpress.
6. Postlinks: (First create account if you haven t) Add Blog to Postlinks System
7. Postlinks: Download & Install Postlinks Wordpress Plugin(Follow the Instructions)
8. Postlinks: Verfify the Blog in the Postlinks Blog list after Plugin Install
9. Postlinks: New Website is Receiving Articles and Comments.
That's it ... the new website is earning Postlinks credits and this means $$$. This is pretty easy
Tools & Resources worth Having a Look At
PR Powershot  Incredible Tool that Finds Aged Domains With Pagerank
WP Empire  For Easy WordPress Management & Installation
WP SNapper  For Easy WordPress Installation
GoDaddy 33% Discount Code
Use this code when purchasing domains: gdx713k
This system is so simple that I don t think there s anything more to it.
However, in case I ve forgotten to include something or you need help, please just let me know
by emailing me at: or add my Skype: daniel.edstrom2
Best regards and I Wish You All the Luck in the World
/Daniel Edstrom


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