
Luck Be A Lady







Luck Be A Lady



CJ England




Aspen Mountain Press




Luck Be A Lady

Copyright © 2010 by CJ England




This e-Book is a work of fiction.
While references may be made to actual places or events, the names,

characters, incidents, and
locations within are from the authorłs imagination and are not a resemblance to

actual living or dead persons,
businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.



Aspen Mountain Press

18121-C E. Hampden Ave, Ste 221

Aurora CO 80013



First published by Aspen Mountain
Press, October 2010



This e-Book is licensed to the
original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal

and a violation of International
Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines

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without the express permission of the publisher.



ISBN: 978-1-60168-322-9



Published in the United States of America



Editor: Pat Sager


Cover artist: CJ England

I dedicate this book to my Nana whose love
of gaming made me want to write this story.

She really loved her slot machines and since
she wanted a partner, she taught me how to play poker before I started

God love you, Nana!


I also want to acknowledge the Sterling
Casino Lines of Port Canaveral, Florida for allowing me to come on board and pick
the brains of all their staff.


A special hug and thank you goes to Warren
Delano, Pit Supervisor. He not only gave
me loads of information, he showed me just how gracious and wonderful a man
could be. You will find a lot of yourself
in my herobecause I think a man like you is one.

Thank you!!!









pumpkin landed on the counter with a squishy thump, making Lara groan low in
her throat. It was only the first of
October and she was already tired of Halloween.

smiled sickly at the little boy who grinnedgap-toothedup at her. Lord, if she had a dollar for every pumpkin
shełd hauled around in the last two weeks, shełd be a rich woman.

she made small talk with the child and sent him on his way, his arms wrapped
carefully around a ten pound pumpkin.

turned back to her next customer and groaned.
It was Mrs. Bombeck, the neighborhood busybody. Just what she needed. Lara was hot, tired and fed up with this job
anyway. Now she had to make nice with a
woman she usually wanted to strangle on a regular basis.
“Are you going to check me
out?" came the cranky question.

pasted on a bright smile. “Of course,
małam. Right away." Immediately she started ringing up the few
items in the matronłs cart.

soap is on sale for ninety-nine cents," the woman complained. She snatched it up and waved it under Larałs
nose. “You overcharged me!"

swallowed a hot reply. It was the same
thing every time. Like the woman wanted
someone to argue with. Was that what
getting old alone did to a person? She
suppressed a shudder and tried to be polite.

a minute, Mrs. Bombeck. IÅ‚ll get a price

woman drew herself up to her full height and looked down her nose at Lara. “Are you calling me a liar?"

her tongue, Lara fought not to roll her eyes.
“ItÅ‚s policy, maÅ‚am. If I donÅ‚t,
I could get the difference taken out of my paycheck."

the crabby lady huffed. “I donÅ‚t see why
I should have to wait, just because you donłt know the correct price."

opened her mouth to respond, but another voice interrupted.

there a problem here?"

time Lara did groan. Perfect. Now her manager was involved. “I just need a price check, Mr. Kravitz. On this

doesnłt believe me about the price."
Mrs. BombeckÅ‚s eyes glinted now that she had a new audience. “I should know what it is. IÅ‚ve been coming to this store for years."

tried to explain it was policy." Lara
spoke through gritted teeth.

now," Gerald Kravitz soothed. He turned
to Lara. “I think this time, Ms.
Kincade, we can make an exception for such an old and valued customer." He smiled at the now preening widow. “Give it to her for whatever she said it

snorted under her breath. “IÅ‚d like to
give it to her, all right."

was that, Ms. Kincade?"

sir," she mumbled in response as she rang up the soap. She didnłt say anything else. She just let the manager sweet-talk the old
harridan. The woman was all smiles when
she finally left the store, but Lara had a feeling shełd hear more about the
episode later.

was proved right when she got back from a quick bathroom break. Kravitz took her aside and explained about
customer relations and how to keep them happy.
When Lara had protested she was just following his policy, hełd
squeezed her hand and smiled greasily.
Then hełd invited her out to dinner so he could talk about his policy
for manager / employee relations.

was all she could do not to throw up on his shoes. He hadnłt taken her flat ęnoł gracefully. In fact, hełd stormed away after telling her
she would be sorry.

back at the register, Lara shuddered again.
Shełd been working here for almost six months. It wasnłt a lot of money, but it was steady
work and she didnłt want to lose it.
This was her eleventh job in less than four years. She was twenty-six, had a degree in business
administration, but no matter what she tried, it never worked out.

either got fired for something she didnłt do, got laid off due to budget cuts
or ran into some smarmy boss who thought because she was attractive, she put
out. The whole thing was getting really
old. If she didnłt know better shełd say
she was cursed.

tried to smile at her next customer as she began ringing up the items in her
cart. Shełd graduated top in her
business class, and here she was ringing up frozen okra. Life sucked.


turned to see a distinguished-looking gentleman in a charcoal suit standing at
the end of her register. “May I help

smiled. “Are you Ms. Lara Kincade?"

narrowed her eyes. Now what? “Yes."

man handed her a card. “It is important
I speak to you Ms. Kincade."

frowned and stared down at the card. It
was cream colored with fancy gold lettering.


~ Esquire~

Specializing in Inheritance and Probate Law


“WhatÅ‚s this about?"

The manMr. Martelsmiled again. “Your future, Ms. Kincade."

“Perhaps her future could begin with
checking this lady out?" Gerald Kravitz said pointedly as he walked up behind
her. His close-spaced eyes shifted
between the two of them. “You do still
work here, donłt you, Ms. Kincade? Now
isnłt the time for flirting."

Lara bit her lip to keep back angry
words. “This is an attorney. He needs to speak to me."

Gerald Kravitz pursed his mouth until his
thin lips disappeared. “It will have to
wait until your lunch hour. Youłve
already wasted enough time as it is."

“Now wait a"

“That will be fine," the lawyer interjected,
stopping LaraÅ‚s heated response. “And
when is your lunch?"

Tossing a narrow look at her boss, she
answered him. “In about forty-five

Mr. Martel sketched a short bow. “I will return for you then."

They all watched him walk away. With an angry glare at Lara, her manager
slouched back to his office, but the customer she was waiting on sighed.

“He is certainly a nice looking gentleman,
but I hope it isnłt bad news, honey."

Lara stuffed the business card in her breast
pocket. “So do I, maÅ‚am. So do I."


* * * * *


Bertram Martel was as good as his word. In exactly forty-four minutes he was waiting
by the front door. Since Gerald had
promised her she could go, he himself had to take over her register, pressing
against her small body unnecessarily as he did so. His very touch almost made her lose her

Fifteen minutes later she was sitting at an
outside café with a roast beef sandwich and an iced tea. She stared at the attorney as she took her
first bite.

“So why are you here? What do you want with me?"

Mr. Martel stirred sugar into his own tea as
he watched the young woman across from him.
She was as pretty as the picture her uncle had kept on his desk. Hair as brown as a mink and dark, doe
eyes. Her face had that peaches and
cream complexion just barely kissed by the sun.

He wondered idly if all the men in Clark River, Idaho were blind. Why wasnłt
this girl married with a couple of boys of her own? That would have solved all the problems. He sighed.
If hełd have been a generation younger

“Do you remember your uncle? Simon Kincade?"

She nodded.
“YesheÅ‚s my fatherÅ‚s older brother."
Suddenly, she remembered his card.
“Oh no!"

The lawyer nodded. “IÅ‚m sorry to inform you he passed away
suddenly last week."

Tears stung her eyes. “What happened?"

“He had a heart attack, my dear. IÅ‚m told he suffered very little."

“I havenÅ‚t seen him since I graduated from
college. He gave me a fancy pen." She gave a watery chuckle. “Thing didnÅ‚t last a week. But I loved it. He was the only one there to watch. It meant the world to me."

Mr. Martel smiled back at her. “It meant the world to him, too. Simon was a good man. And he loved you a lot. Kept an eye on you after your folks died."

Her lip trembled. She hated to think about the accident that
had claimed her parents and older brother.
A drunk driver on a snowy mountain road had ended their lives and
changed hers forever. “I should have
stayed in better touch with him."

Mr. Martel patted her hand. “He knew you had your own life. But he always watched out for you."

“He loved to play games with us when we were
kids. Poker, Crazy Eight, Kings on the
Corner, any card game. But his favorite
was Simon saysof course."

The silver haired man chuckled. “Gaming was something your uncle was very
passionate about."

Lara wiped her eyes. “He was one of the most competitive men I
know. He told me he went to Vegas at
least four times a year."

“Oh gambling was his one great love. He would bet on anything."

Giggling, she nodded. “YouÅ‚re right. Once, when we were kids, he bet my brother
which raindrop would slide down the window first."

“And did he win?"

“He did.
Even when my brother Eric spit on his drop to make it bigger and
heavier, Uncle Simon still won. He said
luck was always with him."

They both paused, lost in their

Then Lara shook herself. “So youÅ‚re here to tell me he died? WouldnÅ‚t a phone call have sufficed?"

“Not in this case." The lawyer shook his head. “As you know, your uncle lost his only son a
year after your parents died."

“My cousin, Sam. I remember."

“Because of his death, your uncle had to
have a new will drawn up."

LaraÅ‚s heart suddenly skipped a beat. “What are you saying?"

“My dear," Mr. Martel smiled. “I am here to inform you your uncle left
everything to you."

Her mouth opened then shut again. “Me?" she squeaked.

“You are the last of the Kincade line. There was literally no one else to
leave it to. I checked."

She blinked.
“You almost sound like you didnÅ‚t want me to inherit."

“ItÅ‚s not that. As a lawyer I shouldnÅ‚t care at all. But in this case, I had to be very
careful. You see, the men in my family
have always been the attorneys for your family.
So I know the history behind your inheritance."


He nodded.
“Yes. I have read the original
will of the first Kincade, and it stipulates the inheritance shall always go to
the oldest son."

Lara suddenly got it. “Ahhh"

“Yes, and with the deaths of the men in your
family, you are the only one left. There
was no clause in the original will to allow for that, so by state law it is all
yours. Even the Lady, which was never
supposed to belong to a woman again.

Frowning, Lara set down her tea. “What are you talking about? What lady?"

Sighing, Mr. Martel leaned back. “Before I go on, I must explain. Your late uncleÅ‚s estate has shrunken
dramatically. Simon was a great person
and loved his games, but he was no businessman.
Just before he died he sold all his properties."

“All of them?" Lara shook her head. Her uncle had owned places all over the
country. HeÅ‚d been very wealthy. “What did he do with the money?"

“He put it in a special account. He was determined to take care of The
Lucky Lady."

LaraÅ‚s heart sank again. “So youÅ‚ve taken me to lunch to tell me IÅ‚m
not going to inherit much because my uncle spent it all on some woman?"

The attorney laughed, almost choking on his
tea. “No, IÅ‚m sorry. I thought you knew. The Lucky Lady isnÅ‚t a woman itÅ‚s a







Chapter One



This isnłt a ship, Lara thought as she stood outside of the
gate that led to her new inheritance. This
is a ship wreck!

Obviously Mr. Martel hadnłt been to The
Lucky Lady in a while, or hełd have been hard pressed to call it anything
more than a disaster.

She stared at the peeling paint and broken
railings and wanted to cry. So much for
all her hopes and dreams. She should
have known it was too good to be true.

When the attorney had explained the lady he
was referring to was a casino boat, Lara had immediately understood. It would be just like her uncle to put all
his money into something like this. It
would be the ultimate toy for a gambling man.

But why had he let it go to ruin for so
long? The lawyer said it was up and
running, but it was a far cry from some of the other boats she saw tied up at
the docks. They all gleamed in the
sunlight. They were freshly
painted. The brass well polished and
shining brightly. Next to them, The
Lucky Lady looked as if she would be better served just turning turtle and
sinking into the water in embarrassment.

Gingerly, Lara stepped onto the dock. It didnłt make sense. The money was there in the bank waiting to be
spent on refurbishments. Not a lot, but
with careful management, the ship could be fixed up quite nice.

So why hadnłt he? Why had her uncle waited so long?

That question pulled at her as she made her
way to the rickety gangplank. The ship
was so badly damaged it was a wonder any guests came on board, especially with
all the free casino boats around. But
there was something to be said about history, and this one did have a history
the others hadnłt.

Mr. Martel had told her that her ancestor,
Bridget Kincade, had originally owned the boat in the early 1900s. In a day and age where everything was owned
and run by the male of the species, she had made quite a name for herself and The
Lucky Lady as one of the premier riverboat casinos on the Mississippi River.
Then one day she up and left the boat, no explanations given.

The boat had passed to her son, who while
making a decent living, never enjoyed the success of his mother. Her grandson too continued the downward
spiral, but no one could quite figure out why.
After a while it was said The Lucky Lady wasnłt lucky anymorebut

Hoping to change the family fortunes, Thomas
Kincade, Bridgetłs great-grandson, had moved the boat out of the Mississippi and taken it to the eastern coast of Florida where the tourist dollars were
booming. After a complete refitting to
make the boat seaworthy, he was ready to begin business as an open seas casino

But instead of giving the family coffers a
shot of life, the boat drained away the money.
It looked as if The Lucky Lady didnłt like being moved from her
river home. Engines failed and the
machines in the casinos went haywire.
Parts broke and the replacements went missing. Bit by bit, the once beautiful Lady fell into disrepair.

Lara shook her head as she climbed
aboard. Shełd had no idea it would be so
bad. Mr. Martel had warned her, but hełd
made it sound like a few coats of paint and some organizing, and all would be
well. This was much worse than shełd

She walked up to the bow and stared out at
the busy port. Shełd given up her job,
her apartment and her whole life. It had
been wildly satisfying to toss her badge back in that bastard, Geraldłs, face
and walk out of the Readymart forever.
She had sold almost everything, packed up what was left and driven her
small car across country from Idaho to Florida.
Lara had known she would have to begin over but she hadnłt expected to
start nearly from scratch.

Tears burned her eyes. “What would you do, Uncle Simon? What would you do if you were me?"

There was no answer except for the screaming
of the gulls. She stood there, watching
them dive and swoop for a long time.
Then Lara laughed. Hadnłt he
already answered her? Hełd given her the
boat. Hełd given her the money. Now it was up to her to make both their
dreams a reality.

Squaring her shoulders, she thanked her
stars she didnłt get seasick as she made her way across the swaying deck. She stepped through the main door and into


The place was a disaster area. Tables were filthy, chairs knocked over and
there was something on the wall that looked suspiciously likevomit?

There were several people milling about,
trying to get things cleaned, but to Larałs experienced eyes there wasnłt
enough time in the world to put this place to rights. Fury leapt up in her. She wasnłt sure what had happened, but shełd
make sure it was the last time. Just
because her uncle had died didnłt give these people the right

She counted to ten to calm herself.
Losing her temper would be jumping the gun. She would hear what happened first. Taking a deep breath, she stalked up to the
nearest worker. “Excuse me. IÅ‚m looking for the manager."

The man smiled. “Sorry, miss.
The boat doesnłt sail until 6:00pm."

Lara looked around at the messy dining
room. “IÅ‚m not looking for a
cruise. IÅ‚m the new owner."

There was the sound of crashing dishes as a
waitress dropped a stack of plates.
Everyone in the room gawked at her.

The worker swallowed. “YouÅ‚re El Kincade?"

L. Kincade. Lara. Whatłs wrong with everyone?"

“But youÅ‚re a woman," one of the bartenders
whispered loudly.

Lara rolled her eyes. “Last time I checked. So what?"

“ItÅ‚s justthe owners have always been men
in the past. Wełre just a little
surprised." Uncomfortable, the worker
glanced around at the others.

“That was then and this is now," Lara
said. She gestured around the room. “What the hell happened here?"

The bartender sniffed. “Last nightÅ‚s party got out of hand."

“I can see that," Lara commented dryly.

“IÅ‚ll go get Stan." The man sheÅ‚d first spoken to moved off

“Wait!" Lara called after him. “WhatÅ‚s your name?"

“IÅ‚m Tim, miss. Be right back." He was off like a shot out of a cannon,
disappearing down the long corridor.

Lara looked around the room. “Could you all come over here so I can meet

Everyone wandered over and stood in front of
the bar. There were about fifteen all
together, from a pimply-faced boy to an old woman who reminded Lara of her
Grandma Ellen.

One by one they gave their name and why they
were there. There were Missy, Tricia and
Donna, the cocktail servers, then Sandy and Bernard who tended bar. She had just met Tommy and Caleb, who bussed
tables and did general clean up, when a tall skinny man with a protruding
Adamłs apple strode into the room, followed closely by Tim.

“WhatÅ‚s this?" he inquired fussily. “Who do you think you are?"

Lara narrowed her eyes. This guy sounded too much like Gerald
Kravitz. She lifted an eyebrow. “I donÅ‚t think anything. I know IÅ‚m your boss. IÅ‚m Lara Kincade."

The manłs mouth opened and closed like a
fish. “L. Kincade. You youÅ‚re a girl."

Lara fisted her hand on her hips. She had quite enough of that. Her temper sparked dangerously. “Being the owner of this ship doesnÅ‚t require
a penis." The gurgle of laughter she
heard helped calm her. When the manłs
mouth dropped open even farther, she bit back a laugh herself. “What is your name?"

He reddened and cleared his throat. “IÅ‚mStan Falk. I am the manager here."

She looked around the room
meaningfully. “And what exactly are you

“This wasnÅ‚t my fault," he said
quickly. “It was a group of football
players. We tried to get them to calm down."

“Did you call the police?"

His eyes widened. “The police?
Of course not. That would be bad

Lara sighed, knowing he was partially
right. Any type of publicity while the
ship looked like it did would be bad.
“Tell me you at least got a damage deposit."

Stan puffed out his chest. “Of course."

“ThatÅ‚s something," Lara muttered. She knew she wasnÅ‚t getting off to a very
good start with her manager. Last thing
she wanted to do was act like some of the bosses shełd had in the past. But the mess
She sighed again.

“Tell you what. IÅ‚ve got a lot to go over with you. Why donÅ‚t you make sure all the books and
receipts are available and we will talk in a little while."

The manager swallowed and nodded. “Yes, maÅ‚am."

“Please," she said quickly. “ItÅ‚s Lara.
Lara to everyone. I want us all
to be on a first name basis."

He nodded again and turned to leave.

“Wait," called Lara. “Before you go Do we have any reservations
for the next few days?"

Frowning, Stan shook his head. “No, maÅ‚Lara. Most of our guests are walk-ups. The football players were a special
group." Without another word he
scampered from the room as if all the hounds of hell were following him.

Lara took another deep breath. It
was time to begin. Start as you mean
to go was her motto. She turned to
Tim. “Do me a favor. Can you please go put up a sign on the gate
that says Closed for Renovations?

“WeÅ‚re closing down?" one of the other
workers asked, worry filling her face.

Lara spoke quickly. Shełd been in
fear of losing her job before and knew how it felt. She didnłt want that same sense of
hopelessness here. “Not for good. I plan on fixing up The Lucky Lady,
and to do that we have to close down for a while."

She looked around at all the workers. “I know it might be difficult, but IÅ‚m
willing to keep you all on during the renovation. If you help me get the work done quickly,
there will be a bonus in it for each of you."

Their faces cleared immediately.

“What do you need us to do?" Tim asked.

Lara smiled in relief. “After I finish meeting you all, you can just
continue what you are doing cleaning up.
Then, after IÅ‚ve had a chance to look around and talk to Stan, IÅ‚ll give
you my game plan. Okay?"

Everyone grinned back at her and
nodded. Obviously she wasnłt the only
one relieved. Then her attention was
caught by the four people at the end of the line. Theirs were the only faces that werenłt
smiling. In fact, they looked quite

She walked over to the woman closest to
her. It was the older lady. The one who looked like her Grandma Ellen,
with a sweet face and sharp, intelligent blue eyes. She was wearing clothes right out of the
early 1900s, a black organdy formal dress and wide-brimmed hat. Lara smiled.
She must be one of the entertainers on the ship. “And you are?"

The womanłs mouth dropped open, and she
looked around her. “Are you speaking to

Lara frowned. “Yes.
Whatłs your name?"

The woman shook her head slowly. “My goodness.
You really are the owner, and a female to boot. How about that? Lara Kincade, is it?"

Trying hard not to be annoyed, Lara
nodded. “WeÅ‚ve established who I
am. IÅ‚m asking you your name and what
you do here."

The old lady gave a trill of laughter. “ThatÅ‚s a good one." She hit the young woman standing next to her
with a large cavernous purse. “You can
call me Lottie, my dear, and what I do is play cards. IÅ‚m one of your guests."

“My guest?" Lara questioned. “You were out with the football
players?" She just couldnłt see this
sweetalbeit daffyold lady out with a group of testosterone-filled party

But Lottie nodded. “Oh yes, dearie. I go out every night."

Lara shook her head. “Okaybut why are you still here? IÅ‚m sorry, but as you heard, there wonÅ‚t be
any trips out for awhile."

The old lady still smiled sweetly. “As you youngsters say, no worries. Isort of live on the boat." She motioned at the other people standing
near her. “We all do."

Blinking at the astonishing statement, Lara
turned to the young girl standing next to Lottie. She was also dressed as an entertainer with a
long, flowing peach gown and a heavily made up face. With hazel eyes and long blonde hair piled
artistically on her head, she was quite pretty in a hard sort of way. But she was staring at Lara with an
expression of hostility in her mascaraed eyes.

She didnÅ‚t wait for LaraÅ‚s question. “IÅ‚m Diana."

“Are you a singer?"

The anger in the young girlłs eyes lessened
fractionally. “I was." Then her chin lifted. “I am."

Lara sighed at the short answers. “And you live on the ship as well?"

“DidnÅ‚t you hear Lottie? We all do."
She waved a languid hand at the two men to her left. “ThatÅ‚s Charlie and Malcolm. TheyÅ‚re stuck in this hellhole, too!"

“Diana" hissed Lottie. “Watch your language."

The girl rolled her eyes. “Oh please.
In this day and age they say a lot worse!" She looked back at Lara. “IÅ‚ll bet she has."

Lara couldnÅ‚t stop a grin. “Oh yeah, a few times."

There was an exaggerated clearing of the
throat, and she turned to see a dapper older man with silver hair and a
handlebar mustache who looked like he was in his sixties. His clothes were also right out of the early
1900s. “Sir?"

The man smiled in delight as his green eyes
sparkled. “Did you hear everyone? She knows who I am?" He had a thick British accent.

Confusion was fast becoming a constant
companion. “IÅ‚m sorrybut I donÅ‚t."

He looked utterly crestfallen for a moment,
but then he lifted his chin imperiously.
“Of course you donÅ‚t. How silly
of me. I, am Sir Malcolm Finch, late of
his majestyłs army."

“His majestyÅ‚s?"

He took off his shiny, black top hat,
adopting a military pose. “His majesty,
King Edward VII." He
put his hat back on and gave Lara a wink.
“Quite a ladies man, he was."

“Was he?"
Lara stared at the old soldier.
He was obviously crazy.

“Oh yes," the old man went on blithely. “He would have liked you."

“Oh for GodÅ‚s sake, Malcolm."

“ThatÅ‚s Sir Malcolm to you, young
lady." He glared at the irritated
Diana. “IÅ‚ll have you know I knew the
king personally. Why back in 1896"

“Enough, Sir Malcolm," Lottie broke
in quickly. “Lara doesnÅ‚t want to hear
about that right now." She smiled
again. “SheÅ‚s got too much to do to hear
old war stories."

Seeing Sir Malcolmłs face was turning red,
Lara jumped in quickly. “Maybe you can
tell me later, when IÅ‚m not so rushed.
That way I can appreciate the storyproperly."

“Of course, my dear," Sir Malcolm said with
a small bow. “Most happy to."

That was a crisis averted. Lara shook her head. What odd people. And the old man was obviously a few
sandwiches short of a picnic.

Her gaze found the young boy standing
between Diana and the old knight. Tall
and gangly in his crewmanłs clothing, he looked like a young colt who hadnłt
grown into his legs yet. He had short brown
hair and gray eyes and was looking up at Diana with such a worshipful look on
his face, Lara realized immediately he had a crush on the singer. Diana looked like she was only a few years
his senior, but at that ageit meant everything.

“WhatÅ‚s your name?" she asked him.

His gaze dropped shyly to his scuffed
shoes. “IÅ‚m Charlie, miss. I help the captain."

LaraÅ‚s eyes widened. “I have a captain, too? I didnÅ‚t think about that." She looked around at the gathered employees
who were all staring at her oddly.
“Where is he?"

Diana snorted out a laugh. “The captain goes where he wants. HeÅ‚s not answerable to anyone."

“Now, Diana," Lottie remonstrated with the
younger girl. “You donÅ‚t want the new
owner to get the wrong impression." She
looked at Lara. “The captain is a good
man. Donłt let her tell you

“Surewhatever," Lara agreed absently. “But where would he be right now?"

“Most likely wherever they arenÅ‚t." Diana pointed at the other people as she

Lara thought she understood. “Not a people person, huh?"

The four all laughed loudly.

“That, my dear," giggled Lottie, “is an

“StillIÅ‚ll need to meet him." She turned to Tim who was watching her with a
look of concern on his face. “Can you
get the captain for me?"

His eyes flicked in the direction shełd been
staring. “Captain?"

“Yes, the captain. IÅ‚ll need him to walk the ship with me. Show me around. Maybe tell me what he thinks needs to be
fixed first."

“You must mean Mr. Tuttle, maÅ‚am."

“No," whispered Charlie from behind
her. “ThatÅ‚s not the captain."

Lara turned back to the younger man. “ItÅ‚s not?"

He shook his head wildly. “No miss.
Hełs a pretender."

“You are confusing the poor girl,
Charlie. She doesnłt understand,"
gruffed Sir Malcolm.

“I will if someone tells me. Why is Mr. Tuttle a pretender?"

“Mr. Tuttle isnÅ‚t a pretender, maÅ‚am. He runs the ship." Tim stared at her with the same look of
puzzlement she herself was feeling.

“My head is beginning to hurt," muttered

“I have some laudanum," offered Lottie as
she dug around in her big purse. “Will
that help?" With a victorious smile she
pulled out a small brown bottle.

Lara put up her hands. She turned
to Tim. “Charlie says Mr. Tuttle isnÅ‚t
the captain. So who is he?"

TimÅ‚s eyes opened wide. His mouth opened and closed again. “Charlie?"

Now Lara was getting mad. Were they all crazy or just stupid? “Charlie.
Standing right there." She
pointed. “Right next to Diana. I know you canÅ‚t miss her."

Tim swallowed and took a step
backwards. His face had gone pale. “I donÅ‚t know who youÅ‚re talking about,

“I said to call me Lara," she bellowed,
finally out of patience. She marched
over, grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to stand in front of the buxom
entertainer. “This is Diana and this,"
she said pointing right at the wide-eyed boy, “is Charlie." She glared up at her frozen employee. “Now tell me you donÅ‚t know who IÅ‚m talking

Tim didnłt say a word. Just stared straight ahead of him.

“Lara," whispered Lottie gently. “He canÅ‚t see us. None of them can."

She stared down at the old woman. “What the hell do you mean?"

Lottie ignored Dianałs snigger at Larałs
swearing. “You are the only one who can
see us, dearie. Itłs been that way since
the beginning. Only the owner of The
Lucky Lady can."

Now it was Lara whose mouth opened and
closed like a guppy. “YouÅ‚re kidding me,

Diana laughed. “Nope.
Shełs dead serious. Havenłt you
figured it out yet?"

“Figured out what?"

Lottie looked up at Larałs confused face
with that same sweet smile. “WeÅ‚re
ghosts, dear."

Lara couldnÅ‚t believe what sheÅ‚d heard. “Ghosts?"
She looked back at Tim and the others.
They were still staring at her like sheÅ‚d lost her mind. “This is a jokeright? Play an early Halloween prank on the new

“No, my dear," Malcolm spoke jovially. “It tells us you are the true owner of this
fine vessel. Dearest Lottie is
correct. Only the owner can see us."

“But you are the first to speak with us,"
Charlie offered. His face went red. “Mostly they just screamed or told us to

Diana laughed nastily. “And then they left themselves."

Still in shock, Lara turned back to Tim and
the others. “Tell me you see them. Four people.
Two men and two women."

“Sorry, Lara." Sandy the bartender looked as
scared as Lara felt. “There isnÅ‚t anyone
there. Maybe you should lie down for

“IÅ‚m not sick," she almost shouted. “There are four people in really weird
outfits standing right there."

“Well" Diana tossed her head. “That was rude."

Lara ignored the comment. “Okayfun is fun. But we have a business to get going
here. So, jokełs over."

No one moved or spoke. They just stood staring at her.

“Come on, guys." Lara began to get angry. “LetÅ‚s get back to work. Tim, you and Charlie go find Mr. Tuttle and
the mysterious captain and bring them to me."

Still, no one moved.

Sir Malcolm finally cleared his throat. “I think we are going to have to prove it to
her before she frightens all the mortals away."

“IsnÅ‚t that the goal?" Diana asked dryly.

“No, no.
What fun would it be if everyone were gone?" Lottie shook her head at the younger
girl. “Sometimes I think you have no

“Look whoÅ‚s talking. You donÅ‚t see me trying to put money into
those infernal machines. Youłre dead,
Lottie. You canłt gamble."

Two red spots appeared on the old womanłs
cheeks. “But I miss it so."

“Enough, ladies." Sir Malcolm walked over and offered them his
arm. “If we donÅ‚t show her, sheÅ‚ll never
believe it." He nodded at the young boy.
“Charlie, come along now."

With that, the four bowed to Lara. They turned and to her astonished eyes,
walked straight through the wall.

The last thought Lara had as she fainted was
she hoped the vomit was only on the wall and not on the floor.






Chapter Two



Lara woke up to the pungent odor of smelling
salts. She coughed and pushed away the
hand holding them under her nose. “Get
those away from me!"

“Are you all right, dearie?"

Slowly, she opened her eyes and found
herself staring into Lottiełs worried face.
She gazed around her, seeing she was in a small, sparsely-furnished
room. Diana leaned against the wall
across the room, blowing smoke rings at the ceiling.

“How did I get here?"

“That nice Tim carried you in here," Lottie
answered. “Such a handsome young
man. They all thought you were just
tired and needed a nap. They are still
out there cleaning up."

Lara blinked a couple of times before it all
raced back. That memory wasnłt one shełd
soon forget. “Oh God, you really are

The sweet-faced lady smiled. “ThatÅ‚s right, dear. Though we prefer to be called Ethereals. Ghost has such an unpleasant connotation to
it, donłt you think?"

true then." Lara shook her head. “I did see you go through the wall. IÅ‚m not crazy."

“Of course not!" Diana took a drag on the long thin cigarette
she was smoking. “YouÅ‚re not crazyjust

Lara sat straight up in the bed she was
lying on. “What?"

“Now donÅ‚t get ahead of yourself, Lara,
dear." Lottie glared at Diana through
the smoke curling around the womanłs pale head.
“Those coffin nails are going to kill you, Diana."

Diana gave a smirk. “Then itÅ‚s a good thing IÅ‚m already dead!"

Lara shook her head dizzily. “DonÅ‚t get off the subject. What curse?"

Lottie sighed. “ItÅ‚s a long story and one that isnÅ‚t fully
ours to tell. Suffice it to say one of
your ancestors did something, and now all the Kincades are paying for it."

“YouÅ‚re here because of a curse?"

“Got it in one." Diana touched the tip of her nose with a
forefinger. “YouÅ‚re a smart girl. Smarter than the men who preceded you, thatÅ‚s
for sure."

“And there is that, too," Lottie said
quickly. “You own the ship. And you are a woman. ThatÅ‚s not supposed to happen. Plus, youÅ‚re communicating with us. ThatÅ‚s never occurred before."

Diana gave a snort. “All the other owners ran screaming into the
night. Left the ship for someone else to
take care of."

Lottie looked at Lara admiringly. “You are very brave."

Another snort from Diana. “Wait until she meets the captain."

Lara begged. “Can you tell me what
happened? Why you are all here?"

“We can tell you some. But not everything."

crazy," Lara said. “Am I allowed to know
how IÅ‚m cursed?"

The women looked at each other then Diana
sighed. “YouÅ‚ll find out soon
enough." She gave a little shrug. “We are supposed to make sure this ship never
is successful again."

“But itÅ‚s not like itÅ‚s a gypsy curse,
dearwith all the woo-woo and scary stuff.
This is a more personal curse.
One we decided to do," Lottie added.

Why?" Lara asked in bafflement.

“Because your ancestor, Bridget Kincade,
cursed us into this existence. So we
have paid her back by destroying her fortune.
The Lucky Lady isnłt lucky anymore."

Lara stared at them. “You ghostsEthereals are the reason the ship
is falling apart?"

“Not entirely," admitted Diana. “Some of it was just hard times and bad

“Men can be so ridiculously arrogant about
things, you know," Lottie imparted in a whisper.

Lara suppressed a giggle. This was not a laughing matter. “So because my several times removed
great-grandmother pissed you offthis is payback?"

itÅ‚s payback," said Diana angrily. “She
didnłt just piss us off. She did much,
much more!"

“I donÅ‚t understand."

“My dear," said Lottie sadly. “She was the one who killed us."


* * * * *


It was much later in the day Lara had some
time to herself. The bombshell dropped
by two of the resident ghosts had shaken her more than she wanted to
admit. It was hard to be angry with
someone who you knew had been murdered.
And though she knew it wasnłt her fault, she still felt guilty over it.

The frustrating thing was the two women
would tell her nothing more. Only they
were all cursed and time was running out.
As if that made things clear.

She had left Lottie and Diana arguing and
walked through the now somewhat tidy salon, but no one said a word to her. Like talking to her might make her go crazy
again. If only they knew! Had Uncle Simon done the same thing? Talked to people no one else could see?

Needing some normalcy, she had gone straight
to Stan, the manager, and immersed herself in the day-to-day business of the
ship. This at least she understood. Receipts and bills and daily schedulesit all
made sense to her.

At a cursory glance, it looked to her like
Stan, for all his foibles, was a decent manager. He was organized and competent, but had been
hamstrung by lack of money and the fact her uncle hadnłt cared about The
Lucky Lady.

As she walked to the deck for some air, Lara
realized she now understood why. Hełd
known about the ghosts and wasnłt about to go near them. She remembered her uncle wouldnłt even watch
ghost stories, hełd been so frightened of them.
Then, when he inherited the boat, the poor man had walked right into
one. She was sure it was only the
codicil in the will about not being allowed to sell the ship that had kept it
in Kincade hands.

But that was all over. Ghost or no ghost, she was going to make this
ship a success. She didnłt know what
Bridget had done to the mysterious captainwho she had yet to meetor his crew
of four, but it didnłt have anything to do with her. And when she saw the captain, she would make
him see sense. She wasnłt about to let
some ghostor curse take away all her dreams.

As she opened the outside door to the bow of
the ship, she saw a figure leaning on the railing. It was too big to be Charlie or Sir Malcolm,
and the crewmembers had all gone home hours ago. Her heart beat wildly and she almost snuck
back inside, but suddenly she was overcome by such a strong sense of ownership
she stopped dead. This was her home
now. It was he who was trespassing!

Looking around, she spied the hammer Tim had
left out after putting up the sign.
Lifting it, she made her way toward the man. When she was a few feet away from him, she
cleared her throat.

“This is private property. What are you doing here?"

He turned around swiftly, and she was struck
dumb. Her heart stopped for a full three
seconds before it went back to the racing pulse of earlier.

He was tall.
At least six two. His hair, a
shade or two darker than her own, whipped wildly in the breeze. He had piercing blue eyes, the color of the
ocean. They were surrounded by a myriad
of fine lines, as if squinting against the sun was a common practice for this

His face was rough and masculine, with a
stubborn chin covered in several days of beard.
A neatly trimmed mustache graced firm, sensuous lips that were pressed
together in obvious irritation.

He was dressed in some sort of clothing she
didnłt recognize. Dark slacks and a
tightly fitted shirt were almost hidden by the seamenłs coat he wore. But the coat couldnłt hide the size of his
chest or the strong muscles in his thighs.

Larałs mouth went dry as she stared at
him. He was gorgeous. She swallowed and gripped the hammer
tighter. Damn. Why did he have to be a trespasser?

Justin Savage gazed at the pint-sized woman
who stood bravely before him. It had
been a long time since a woman had looked at him that way. She was so beautiful it took him several
breaths before he realized she could see him.
Reallysee him.

His eyes narrowed. It had to be her. Lara Kincade.
Charlie had told him about the new owner, but the boy was known for his
tall tales. It wasnłt until Malcolm backed
him up that Justin realized it was true.
The Lucky Lady had a new owner, and this timefinallyit was a

And what a woman she was. The face of a Madonna and the body of a dance
hall girl. Even in the unattractive
menłs clothing this generation was intent on wearing, he could see her
beautiful shape. The jeans showed off
long legs and slim hips, while the off-the-shoulder sweater showed him her long
neck and a hint of a creamy breast.

His cock twitched in arousal and he
jumped. He hadnłt felt that since hełd
been cursed almost one hundred years before.
His jaw clenched. Feeling it and
knowing he couldnłt do anything about it was worse than not experiencing it at
all. His temper flared.

“I could ask you the same thing, Lara
Kincade," he bit out. “What are you
doing on my ship?"

Her eyes widened. They were the color of melted chocolate, dark
and sinful.

“Your ship?" she squeaked in outrage. “Just who the hell do you think you are?"

Justin grinned. Soshe had a temper to match the fire he saw
in her eyes. “I am the captain of this
vessel," he said proudly. He bowed low
at the waist. “Captain Justin Savage, at
your service."

Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, so youÅ‚re the ghostly captain I keep
hearing about. Youłre the one who
allowed this beautiful boat to get into such horrible shape."

He stiffened. So, she didnÅ‚t fear him? That would soon change. Woman or notshe was a hated Kincade. “You donÅ‚t know of what you speak."

Glaring at him, she put her hands on her
hips. “I may not be a man or a sailor,
but I can see neglect and incompetence when I see it."

His anger roared to life. “How dare you, woman? I am not incompetent!"

She snorted.
“CouldnÅ‚t prove it by what I see.
I thought a captain was supposed to care about his boat."

He wanted to strike her for her words. But he would never hit a woman, and she was
ignorant of the truth. Spinning around,
he stared out over the water. “I do
care," he said roughly. “If I didnÅ‚t, The Lady would have been destroyed long

“You want me to thank you?" Lara shook her head. “You should be shot for doing what youÅ‚ve
done. I donłt care what Bridget did to
you, but why take it out on her boat?"

Lady was never her ship," Justin roared as he twisted back around. His sea-blue eyes flashed with fury. “She was mine, always mine."

She took a step back at his vehemence. “She was the owner. Not you."

He gritted his teeth to hold back his
wayward temper. “She stole the ship from me. No Kincade can be trusted."

Lara tossed her head. “I donÅ‚t know about Bridget, but I can see
you canłt be trusted. I want you off my

Justin stared at the little spitfire in
amazement. “You think you can order me
off my own ship?"

“IÅ‚m not afraid of you, Captain." She drawled the word out mockingly. “Ghost or notthis is my ship now."

He didnłt know how to respond. No one had ever stood up to him before. All the other owners had either ignored him
and dealt with his ethereal pranks, or runnever to be seen again. “You should be afraid."

She wrinkled her nose at him.
“You gonna jump out at me and say boo!"

Incredibly, his face grew hot. First, arousal and now embarrassment? Intolerable.
He moved close to her, crowding her and making her look up at him. Not for the first time, he wished he could be
physical with a mortal. Maybe that
would finally scare her.

“I donÅ‚t need to say boo, little girl," he
growled down at her. He took another
step forward and instinctively she stepped back away from him. “I can make your life a living hell, just as
your family made mine. I can scare away
your customers and your crew. I can
sabotage all your precious machines. I
can destroy your drink and spoil your food."

He kept walking forward as she retreated,
her dark eyes growing wider and wider as he recited all the things he could do
to her. He knew a fierce satisfaction at
the look on her face. “In the end, you
will have nothing. Just like me."

Lara stared up at him. The pain and anger he gave off was palatable.
She sensed a myriad of emotionsfear, anger and sorrow. Inexplicably, she found herself wanting to
comfort him, while at the same time she wanted to run away from his
presence. As he drew inexorably closer
to her, she took a last step backwards.

She cried out when her foot stepped back
onto nothing. Her hands flailed wildly
as she tried to catch herself. Without
realizing it, shełd stepped into an open hatch.

Justin cursed as he saw her fall. Hełd wanted to frighten, but a tumble like
that could kill her. Instinctively he
reached for her, though he knew in his ethereal state, he couldnłt touch

When his hand wrapped around her arm, he was
so surprised, he almost dropped her again.
Her startled cry had him reacting quickly, pulling her into his strong
arms and away from the dangerous hole.

“Are you all right?" he questioned
hoarsely. His hand unconsciously
smoothed her dark hair. She was so
softso warm. He couldnłt believe it, shocked
he could touch a mortal after all these years.

Lara snuggled against him, all animosity
forgotten for the moment. “IÅ‚m fine,
thanks to you. If you hadnłt pulled me
to safety"

Justin swallowed at her husky words. He could feel her beautiful body against his,
smell the aroma of her perfume. He could
even sense the frightened beating of her heart.
How? Why after nearly a century
could he finally touch a woman? And why
her? Why aKincade?

He stiffened a little, but the knowledge he
was holding his enemy in his arms didnłt lessen the enjoyment. Or the need.
His body slowly tightened the longer he held her, his cock hardening
almost painfully. It had been a long
time. He wanted to savor the sensation,
no matter who caused it.

“Are you all right?" she asked softly. Pulling back, she stared up at him. “Your heart is beating as hard as mine."

With a start, he realized she was
right. His heart was beating. What the hell
was going on? Nothing like this had ever
happened before.

When he didnłt answer, but just kept staring
down at her with an unfathomable look, Larałs cheeks flamed. What was he looking at? Uncomfortable now, she tried to move away,
but his arms tightened around her. The
fact she liked being in his arms spurred her to struggle.

“You can let me go now."

He finally dropped his arms, and they both
stared at one another. Larałs heart pounded,
like shełd run a long way. All of a
sudden she recognized the feeling. But
it was impossible, wasnłt it? She
couldnłt be attracted to him? To

To cover up her confusion she cleared her
throat. “Again, thank you."

“You are welcome." His voice was deep and sounded rougher than

Fighting the need to burrow back into his
arms, she turned and walked back to the railing at the bow. “I appreciate what you did. But it doesnÅ‚t change anything. I still want you off my boat."

He followed her silently, standing too close
behind her. “And I told you, I will not

She whirled around and stared up at
him. “Then weÅ‚re going to have to come
to an agreement if wełre both going to live here together."

Justin groaned inwardly. His body was already on fire. Knowing she was going to be staying aboard
just fanned it further. Angry at his
mindłs unruly thoughts, he struck out at her.
“You are in no position to bargain with me. I can and will make your life hell."

Tears filled LaraÅ‚s eyes. “But why?
IÅ‚m not Bridget. Whatever
happened between the two of you shouldnłt affect me."

The fact she was right didnłt make it easier
for him. “It doesnÅ‚t matter. You are a Kincade, and I have vowed to wipe
out your family."

Anger replaced the tears. “Then tell me why. I have the right to know why you want to
destroy me."

His jaw clenched as he stared at her angry
face. He had seen beautiful women come
and go on The Lucky Lady, but never before had he been so affected by
one. The fact she was the descendant of
the woman he hated was almost more than he could stand. Was this another punishment Bridget had
dreamed up for him? The one woman he
could touch and who touched him, was her great-great-great-great granddaughter?


Her soft voice brought him back with a
rush. He shook his head to clear
it. “You want to know why I hate the

“I do.
If I can understand the curse, maybe we can break it."

He laughed bitterly. “It is impossible to break it. Believe me.
I have tried."

“Tell me, damn it! I want to know!"

His temper flared again. “You want to know? Fine.
I will tell you the whole sordid story.
And then you will understand why I believe the way I do." He took a deep angry breath.

“I owned The Lucky Lady. She was mine.
Every board, bolt and rope on her."
Justin stared over LaraÅ‚s shoulder, looking into the past. “I loved her.
Put every penny I had into her.
And it was paying off. The Lady was getting noticed. Wealthy people, important people up and down
the Mississippi were beginning to know her name."

He ran a hand through his already tousled
hair. “ThatÅ‚s when Bridget came into the
picture." His eyes darkened. “She was small, like you, and smart as a tack. She took one look at The Lady and coveted her. So
she stole her."

“I donÅ‚t understand," said Lara softly. “How?
How did she steal her from you?"

Red crawled up his neck. “She was a beautiful woman and she used
that. She made me trust her and then
betrayed me."

“Are you telling me you had an affair with her?" Lara felt sick at the idea the man she was
attracted to had slept with her ancestor.

JustinÅ‚s mouth tightened. “It wasan arrangement. Between two adults. She traded her favors to me, and I allowed
her free passage on my ship. We were
together for almost a year but I was tiring of her. She must have known I was going to pay her
off. The next thing I remember was
waking up with a horrible hangover, sick as a dog."

He stared down at Lara, and
there was hate in his eyes.

“Bridget was standing above me
holding a document that said she was now the owner of The Lucky Lady."








Chapter Three


LaraÅ‚s mouth dropped open. “You gave it to her when you were drunk? Your ship?
Your pride and joy?"

JustinÅ‚s eyes went even colder. “It is what she wanted me to think. What she persuaded me to believe. Suddenly I was the pauper and she the rich
widow. She said I could stay on as the
captain of the vessel. Nothing had to

“And did it?"

“Not at first," he admitted. “I was reeling with what I had done. How I could have been so foolish as to give
away my lifełs work for a woman."

Lara felt a quick snippet of anger at his
words. “Indeed."

He didnÅ‚t notice her irritation. “I watched as she turned my beautiful casino
into a pleasure palace." He laughed bitterly at LaraÅ‚s wide eyes. “DidnÅ‚t you know your precious granny ran a

“She turned The Lucky Lady into a

He shook his head. “Not in so many words, but everyone knew you
could do more than gamble on board. And
that was the final straw."

“What do you mean?"

“I gave her an ultimatum. If she didnÅ‚t change my ship back to what she
was before, I told her I would leave."

“But you didnÅ‚t."

Justin paced over to the railing and grabbed
hold of it as if he wished it was BridgetÅ‚s neck. “She went crazy. Accused me of cheating on her. Ranted and raved, saying I would be sorry for
everything. Next thing I knew, shełd
tossed me out of the cabin. I could
still hear her shouting as I walked away."

He turned back around and stared down at
Lara, his eyes bleak with memories. “I
went to pack up my things. I was numb
inside, knowing I was leaving everything I cared about behind me. I had just finished when I got a message from
Bridget saying she wanted to return something to me."

Lara touched his sleeve. “You thought she meant The Lady?"

He stared down at her small hand. It was a pleasant feeling, having a womanłs
hand on him again after so long.
“Uhhhyes. I thought maybe she
had come to her senses. She asked to
meet me in the lounge, but when I arrived, she wasnłt there. Only Diana was."

“This Diana?"

He nodded.
“She was one of the new acts I had brought on board just before I lost
the ship to Bridget. I barely knew her."

“But Bridget thought otherwise?"

Justin gave her a startled look. “Yes.
She thought I was sleeping with Diana.
She rushed into the lounge and accused us both. I denied it, but it didnłt matter. My rejection of her sent her over the edge."

“What did she do?"

“Your beloved ancestor dabbled in a little
black magic," Justin informed Lara roughly.
“Before I could say another word, she cursed me. Told me I was damned to walk the decks of The
Lucky Lady forever since I loved the ship more than I loved her. Suddenly, I was shouting in pain as an icy
coldness enveloped my body. I died,
Lara. Right then and thereshe killed

She stared at him in horror. “But how?"

“Her words.
The curse was a powerful one. And
because she used black magic and spoke them on the one night where evil is

Lara gasped.
“This happened on Halloween?"

He nodded grimly. “Yes.
Since Halloween night, 1910, I have been an Ethereal, a spirit doomed to
walk in the human world."

Tears stood in her eyes as she
listened. “But the others? Why them?
I can understand Diana, but Charlie and Sir Malcolm and Lottie?"

JustinÅ‚s face grew harder. “Bridget didnÅ‚t care who she hurt as long as
I was destroyed. The same spell intended
for me caught Diana, too." His lips
tightened. “Charlie was my shadow,
always close by. I told him to wait
outside, but he didnłt, so he was killed as well."

“And Lottie?"

He gave a bark of bitter laughter. “Her only crime was falling asleep near the
bar. She died before she was even
awake. Sir Malcolm was caught when he
tried to stop Bridget." Justin shook his
head. “The old man always had more
courage than sense."

“ThatÅ‚s monstrous. How could she do such a thing?" Lara wrapped her arms around herself as she
thought of the old people and the innocent boy.

“ThereÅ‚s more," he said almost wearily. “As she threw the spell, she told me I hadnÅ‚t
given her The Lucky Lady. Shełd
drugged me and forged my signature.
Since I couldnłt remember, I bought ithook, line and sinker. The last thing I remember before I died was
her laughter."

“Oh, Justin," she whispered. “IÅ‚m so sorry."

His eyes glinted. “She was sorry, too.

“What did you do?"

“As soon as I figured out how to manipulate
the corporeal world I had my revenge. I
scared away the guests, destroyed the machines, made her life a living
hell. The others helped gladly. Bridget couldnłt do anything about it. Her black magic couldnłt reach me where I
was, so that left her with only one choice."

Understanding dawned. “ThatÅ‚s why she left."

Triumph gleamed in his sea-blue eyes. “I chased her away from everything she had
sold her soul to get." He stared down at
Lara. “And IÅ‚ve continued doing it to
her son and his son and every other son thereafter."

Lara wanted to weep for him. What he and the others had been through was
worse than she ever could have imagined.
“And youÅ‚ve been this way for one hundred years?"

He grinned fiercely. “Yes.
And I will continue to do it until the last Kincade is rotting in hell."

She froze.
“I am the last Kincade, Justin.
There are no more Kincade sons left for you to haunt."

There was a
flicker of something in his eyes, but it was quickly gone. “You are still a
Kincade. Your family stole my life, my ship and the lives of innocents. I can
never forgive that."

Her chin went up.
“Did it ever occur to you IÅ‚m an innocent, too? The same as Lottie or Charlie.
How is what youłre doing anything different from what Bridget did?"

Justin cursed
loudly. “I am nothing like that witch. My revenge is just. I only take back
what was taken from me."

“I didnÅ‚t take anything from you."

“You play at
words, Lara Kincade. But your name tells me what I need to know. You are my

Her bottom lip
trembledhe could see it in the moonlight. Some unknown emotion stirred, but a
century of hate squashed it.

“I wonÅ‚t make it
easy for you like my uncle did," she finally murmured softly. “And IÅ‚m not
going anywhere. I will make this ship beautiful again. With your help or
without it."

He had to admire
her grit. “It will be without. And I
will do everything in my power to sabotage your efforts."

Anger and sadness
warred in her chocolate eyes. “Then I guess itÅ‚s war." She held out her hand to
him. “I wonÅ‚t wish you luck."

Automatically, he
took her hand, noting while it was small and feminine, it was also callused and
strong. Without thinking, he bent and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I
donłt need luck."

Her gasp made him
go very still. Abruptly, he realized what he had done. Holding onto her, he
looked closely into her face. Larałs
eyes had dilated in shocked arousal, and awareness hit him like a sledge

He wasnłt the only
one experiencing desire. She wanted him, too.

When her lip
trembled again, Justin gave up worrying about the curse. He forgot about the ship and the knowledge
she was his enemy. Standing before him
was a beautiful, sexy woman, and he needed her desperately if only to see if
her lips were as soft as they looked to be. Why wait any longer?

Without any more
hesitation, he pulled her against him and bent his head. He slanted his mouth
over hers with a voraciousness that made her gasp. Justin took immediate
advantage of it, thrusting his tongue between her lips to taste the sweetness
he knew was within.

A groan rumbled up
from his chest. Hełd been right. She tasted of woman and sex and desire.
Flavors hełd almost forgotten. Holding her tighter, he explored her secrets,
instinctively wanting to know her in every way possible.

When she protested, he nipped at her lower
lip, before starting all over again, slower this time, intent on savoring the
delicious flavor of her mouth.

Lara had never before felt such an intense
need from a man. She was surrounded by
him, by his heat, by his desire. She
trembled once and then surrendered, letting the waves of passion roll over
her. When his tongue speared into her
mouth, it was so forceful she struggled, but then he immediately gentled,
soothing her as he explored her farther.

Her body began to respond. Softening in his arms as he pulled her closer
to him. She kissed him back,
instinctively using her own tongue to tease and torment. When he gave a growl of hunger, a thrill of
delight ran through her.

As he continued kissing her, the hard line
of his erection pressed against her stomach.
The sudden wetness between her thighs told her she wanted him as much as
he wanted her. Without thinking, she
rubbed herself against him, enjoying the feel of the powerful body against

Justin broke out in a sweat at the innocent
movement. His body clenched with the
need to take Lara right where they stood.
His hand threaded through her hair and pulled her head back so he could
feast on the naked flesh of her throat.
The other hand moved to cup one breast.

He groaned, deciding right then and there
these new fashions werenłt so bad. At
least he didnłt have to dig through a corset to find the supple mound. He squeezed gently, glorying in the softness
of her.

“Beautiful," he whispered.

The single word jerked Lara out of the
sensual fog she was in. What was she
doing? Making out on the deck of a ship
in plain view of God and everyone? Not
only that, she was in a lip lock with a ghost!
One who despised her no less.

She struggled against him. “Let me go!"

He only held her tighter. “No," he muttered
hoarsely. “Not yet."

His need pulled at her, but she forced
herself to be strong. She turned her
head away and pushed at his chest. “NO!"

Blinking, he frowned. Then understanding filled his eyes, and he
pushed her away with an oath.
Apparently, he too finally realized what they were doing.

“Your womanÅ‚s wiles will not work on me this
time, Kincade!" he shouted at her.

LaraÅ‚s mouth dropped open. “I didnÅ‚t start this, you jerk! You kissed me."

Justin knew she was right and that made him
angrier. Striking out at her he gritted,
“You have no shame. You would do
anything to get your way, just like she did."

said a very unladylike swearword and walking forward, poked him in the
chest. “You donÅ‚t know anything about
me. I was willing to help
you. To try and break this horrible
curse you are under. But now? I hope you rot on this boat. IÅ‚ll save my pity for the others."

“None of us need your pity! Just leave my ship. It will be best for all of us." He glared down at her, as angry at himself
for wanting her as he was at her for being who she was. “I donÅ‚t want anything to do with a Kincade!"

Putting her hands on her hips, she smirked
up at him. “You didnÅ‚t say that a minute

Anger and embarrassment warred inside of
him. “That meant nothing. I havenÅ‚t touched a woman in a century. I would have felt the same for a two-dollar whore!" Reaching out, he ran a long finger down her
soft cheek. “In fact, I think the last
whore I had kissed better!"

All the color leached out of Larałs
cheeks. She stared at him, pain filling
her eyes. He thought she might cry, and
he searched for the satisfaction it would give him, but for some reason it
eluded him. He opened his mouth to
apologize, but her words stopped him.

“You really are a bastard," she
whispered. “Maybe you are getting
just what you deserved." Then her eyes
flashed as she stepped up and punched him hard in the stomach.

He went to his knees in surprise, leaving
her standing over the top of him.
“There. Now a woman has really
touched you!" With a final sniff, she
turned and ran back inside the salon.


* * * * *


Up above, in the wheelhouse, Lottie and
Malcolm watched the little drama with avid eyes.

“Well, now," murmured Lottie. “What do you know about that?"

“He could touch her," Sir Malcolm said in

“Then itÅ‚s happening. Just as foretold."

The elderly man snorted. “If the young whelp wonÅ‚t give her a chance,
nothing will happen."

Lottie blew her breath out in
frustration. “That woman may be our
salvation. We are running out of time,
and I wonłt allow a manłs pigheadedness to stand in our way of breaking the

Sir Malcolm lifted a snowy eyebrow. “Madam, not all men are pigheaded and

His companion stared up at him with bright
blue eyes. “WerenÅ‚t you the one who
refused to leave Diana and Justin and so was cursed as well?"

The knight drew his stocky frame up
straight. “That was not being
stubborn. That was doing the right

“Of course it was, dear." Lottie patted his arm. “What would any of us do without you?"

“Quite so," he responded.

“But now we have to figure out how to get
the two of them together," Lottie fretted.
“And make Justin see his stubbornness is hurting us all!"


* * * * *


“What the hell do you meanno?"
Justin snarled. “I want you to go
sabotage the new ice machine she just put in the kitchen."

Sir Malcolm brought himself to his full
height. “I said no, my dear boy. And I do mean it. I refuse to help you hurt that poor girl."

“Nor will I," put in Lottie. She put her hand on JustinÅ‚s sleeve. “She is sweet, Justin. You do her wrong by comparing her to that
awful woman."

“And she is pretty, sir." Charlie blushed as he spoke. “I do like her smile."

Justin swore aloud. “Have you all taken leave of your
senses? This is a Kincade we are talking
about. Her family killed us!"

“Quite right," the older man agreed. “Her familynot her."

“Since when does that make a
difference? She is still a Kincade."

“But my dear," said Lottie anxiously. She being a she is the
difference. Have you forgotten the

“How can I forget?" Justin shouted. “I live it every day of my non-life!"

The old woman sighed. “Then think!
Instead of concentrating only on what happened, think about what was
said to fix it."

“What are you talking about?"

“For GodÅ‚s sake, Justin." Diana gave a theatrical sigh. “DonÅ‚t you remember the gypsy?"

JustinÅ‚s mouth dropped open. “You canÅ‚t be serious." He stared around at his friends. “Are you talking about that crackpot Bridget
brought in to exorcise us?"

Lottie patted his sleeve again. “Oh good.
You do remember."

Of course I remember. But so
what? You canłt have taken her words

“But Captain" Charlie looked up at him with
beseeching eyes, “she said we could break the curse."

“ItÅ‚s what some of us have been holding
onto, Justin," Diana put in quietly. “For all these long, horrible years." Her usual hard demeanor was softened by

Justin bit back harsh words. He couldnłt bear to put out the light in
Charliełs eyes or ignore the hope in Dianałs.
“The words didnÅ‚t make sense."

“ThatÅ‚s because we thought they were an impossibility,"
Sir Malcolm stated. “But now we know
they are not."

Shaking his head, Justin sighed. “You lost me."

“DonÅ‚t you see, Justin, dear?" Lottie wriggled in the chair in her
excitement. “Lara is the answer."

He scowled at her. “How is she the answer to anything?"

“You can touch her. And if you can touch her, you can have a
relationship with her," Lottie explained.

Justinłs body tightened as he thought of
Lara lying in his arms. How he had
wanted to do more. Then he reddened when
he realized what the old lady had said.
“You were spying on us."

“Just taking in some air," put in Sir
Malcolm jovially. “But we did see the
evidence with our own eyes."

“ItÅ‚s the first time in a century a woman
has taken an interest in you, dearie."
Lottie giggled. “Of course sheÅ‚s
the first one who could, and that means she might be the one."

“Be the one to what?"

“To break the curse, you idiot!" Diana
snapped. She took a quick puff on her
cigarette. “Remember what the gypsy
said? To break the curse and set all to
right, a human woman would have to fall in love with you, just as you are."

“Since no one but the male owners of The
Lucky Lady have been able to see you in almost a century, you had no chance
of breaking the curse," Lottie said excitedly.
“But now the owner is a woman, so you do."

“You know Bridget believed the gypsy. She put that clause in the will about the
ship only going to male heirs to thwart any chance of breaking the curse." Sir Malcolm laughed and shook his head. “She didnÅ‚t bargain on there being no more
male heirs."

Justin looked around at them all. They had to be crazy. “Let me get this straight. YouÅ‚re saying you believe if Lara Kincade
falls in love with me we will go on to our rewards, and the curse will be

“It has to be done soon though," Lottie put
in anxiously. “Remember, the gypsy gave
you until midnight on Halloween of the one hundredth year."

CharlieÅ‚s AdamÅ‚s apple bobbed. “ThatÅ‚s the end of the month, Captain."

“I know when it is, Charlie," Justin
growled. “I just donÅ‚t accept you all
believe this claptrap."

“Damn it, Justin," Diana snapped back at
him. “You better believe it! If you donÅ‚t weÅ‚re done for. And unlike you I donÅ‚t want to spend
an eternity on this broken down tub!"







Chapter Four



Dianałs words whirled in Justinłs head as he
stared through the wall at the bent head of the woman who might have the power
to break her ancestorłs curse. Lara was
sitting behind her desk, going over paperwork.
There was a furrow between her eyes as she stared at a long list of
numbers, and he had the impulse to smooth the lines away with a kiss. He knew how overwhelming running a casino
ship could be. Lara had been thrown in
head first. To his shame, he realized
hełd been happy to let her sink.

He sighed.
Diana and the others had talked him into at least trying to break the
curse. He wasnłt sure he believed it,
but after seeing the hope in their eyes, he knew as captain, he could do no
less for the crew who had followed him all these lonely years.

It wasnłt easy. Letting go of a century of hate and distrust
wasnłt something done in an hour or even a day.
But he kept telling himself Lara wasnłt Bridget. She hadnłt taken his livelihood or stolen his
life. And he was very attracted
to her. Seducing her would be no

He wondered how to approach her. They didnłt know each other, and there was
less than two weeks left until Halloween.
He had to hope the overwhelming attraction hełd felt between them would
make up for the short time they had. And
as Diana had so blisteringly reminded him, comparing her to a two-dollar whore
wasnłt the way to go about winning a ladyłs heart. That much he did know.

She stretched and yawned, rubbing her
eyes. When she stared off into space,
Justin wondered what she was thinking.

Lara chewed on her pencil as she
thought. The renovations were coming
along quite well. Crews were busily
working from sun up to sun down, and she could really see a difference
now. The Lucky Lady was going to
be beautiful.

The main salon where the casino was located
was almost finished. Re-painted,
re-carpeted and cleaned from top to bottom, Lara could finally see what the
ship had looked like in her heyday. The
machines were in the process of being refurbished, and the bar was going through
a complete change to give it more of a saloon / tavern look.

All in all, Lara was pleased. Once she got the main area fixed up, she
could concentrate on the rest of the ship.
But still she was uncomfortable.

The problem was it was quiet. Too quiet. There had been no sabotage, no hauntings, no
sign of ethereal pranks for almost three days.
Shełd seen and talked with the other four ghosts, but of Justin, shełd
seen no sign.

Had they given up? She shook her head tiredly. Doubtful.
She remembered the look on the captainłs face and shivered. Shełd never seen that type of hate
before. Especially aimed at her. He was probably waiting until the ship was
closer to being finished. Then, he could
do more damage. If he had his way shełd
be off the boat and starving in some alley.
For him that would be the ultimate revenge.

But why then had he kissed her? Had it really been because he hadnłt been
with a woman in so long? She couldnłt
stop thinking about how his lips had tasted against hers. He made her feel things she didnłt know were
possible. Shełd never forgotten herself
like that before. Had he felt it,
too? Then tears filled her eyes when she
remembered his crushing remark.

“I do too kiss better than a whore," she

Hearing her, Justin groaned. She was thinking about that? Still?
He sighed. She was right. He really was a bastard. He walked through the wall, pulling out a
handkerchief as he went.


Lara gave a little scream. “Damn it, Captain! You scared the hell out of me."

He gave a repentant grin. “Sorry."
He held out the hanky. “And I
mean that about more than scaring you."

Her eyes narrowed speculatively, but she
took the proffered handkerchief and dabbed at her tears. “What?"

Justin sat on the corner of the desk. “IÅ‚m sorry for what I said the other
night. It was uncalled for."

“Yes, it was."

He grinned, hoping to soften her. “You pack a pretty good punch."

A small smile was his reward. “You deserved it."

“Just so you know, you kiss a hell of a lot
better than a two-dollar whore,"

Lara reddened, but sniffed. “IÅ‚ll have to take your word on that since
youłre the only one in the room whołs kissed both of us."

He chuckled at her wit. “We got off on the wrong foot, you and me."

“Not my fault." She lifted her hands innocently. “I wanted to play nice."

“YouÅ‚re right," Justin agreed. He bent closer. “Can we start over?"

She stilled.
“Why are you being so sweet to me?"

He sighed under his breath. She didnÅ‚t trust him and rightly so. “IÅ‚ve been told by the others it isnÅ‚t fair
to blame you for what Bridget did." He
shrugged. “I guess you could say we are
all tired of fighting."

LaraÅ‚s eyes widened. “Are you telling me youÅ‚re giving up this
vendetta you have against my family?"

Justin gritted his teeth. Saying it out loud was even more difficult
than thinking it. “Itit wonÅ‚t be easy
for me. After one hundred years IÅ‚ve
gotten in the habit of hating. But I
promise" he met LaraÅ‚s dark eyes sincerely, “I will try."

Lara stared at him for a long moment. She wanted to believe him, but her natural
born caution made her hesitate. She was
so used to things going wrong for her, the thought of something going right was
almost scary.

She looked at his beautiful sea-blue
eyes. There were shadows there she might
never fully understand. Hełd been
through hell. Her family really did
deserve his hatred. Though now he
sounded like he wanted to put the blame where it belonged. Back on Bridget herself. Could it be he wanted to make up for what he
had done to Bridgetłs descendents?

The bottom line was she wanted to
trust him. More than she probably
should. But if he could help her fix up The
Lucky Lady so it would be a home both of them could be proud of then why
was she waiting? Trusting him might not
be easy, but it was the only way.

She stuck out a hand. “Then okay...
Letłs give it a shot."

Like before, he took her hand and brought it
to his lips. “Agreed."

Her gaze met his and she smiled. “IÅ‚m glad, Captain. I really am."

Her smile made Justin hungry for her all
over again. “As am I." He scooted closer on the desk. “I want to help you in any way I can."

“You do?"
She lifted a dark eyebrow skeptically.

He bent over her, his eyes on her parted
mouth. “I do."

Just as he was ready to touch his lips to
her, she grinned. “Then what do you
think about automating all the electronics?"

He blinked.

Lara bit back a laugh and tried to look
innocent. She had a feeling she was
playing with fire. The attraction
between them was hot enough to set her office on fire. There was a part of her that wanted to throw
caution to the wind and do what her body was craving. Her cheeks heated at the thought of making
love to him here, on her own desk. She
dragged her wayward thoughts back with an effort. She couldnłt believe she was thinking about
having sex with a ghost.

But he felt so damnsolid.


She blushed and brought her thoughts back to
business. “IÅ‚m saying right now someone
has to go around and manually turn on each of the machines as soon as we cross
the three mile barrier into international waters."

Justin narrowed his eyes, wondering at the
redness of her cheeks. Then his mind
snagged on her question. “So?"

“Going around to each machine is time
consuming and it costs us gambling dollars.
Terry, the slot key supervisor says it can take up to twenty minutes to
get all the machines on. Thatłs twenty
minutes of time someone could be feeding money into each machine, but arenłt."

He immediately saw what she meant. “And so weÅ‚re losing money."

She nodded and tapped at the paper in front
of her. “This much, every night."

Looking to where she was pointing, he
whistled. “Damn."

“The automation will cost us, but in the
long run, it will pay for itself. I
think we should do it."

Justin thought for a moment. The fact she asked his opinion pleased him
greatly. “IÅ‚m not up on the newer technical
aspects of gambling, but the facts are right there on the paper." He grinned down at her. “Sounds like a great idea to me."

She smiled back at him and their eyes met. Suddenly, the room became very, very
warm. This close to her, he could smell
her arousal. Then, unthinkingly, Lara
licked her dry lips.

The heat in his body went to flash point in
just seconds. He tried to concentrate on
the business at hand, but when she swayed toward him, he was lost.

Catching her up in his arms, he pulled her
to him, reveling in the softness of her body against his. His mouth came down on hers as greedily as it
had the first time; his tongue plunging inside to sup from the sweetness he now
knew was there.

Her taste was more erotic to him this time
around. He growled low in his throat,
knowing he needed her, curse or not. He
wrapped his hands in her hair, holding her still so he could make love to her
mouth. His tongue stroked in and out,
showing her what he really wanted to do to her body.

Lara trembled at the sudden assault, but she
couldnłt find it in her to pull away.
Ghost or not, she really didnłt care anymore. Her entire being was caught up in him. From the strength of his arms, to the taste
of his mouth. The more he touched her,
the closer she wanted to be. She wrapped
her arms around his waist, and tasted feminine triumph when he shuddered in her

Her hands massaged his back, finding hard
rippling muscles. She pulled his shirt
out of his waistband and whimpered with irritation when she found instead of
male skin, the softness of flannel. She
pulled and tugged, but the undershirt wouldnłt come free. Finally giving up, she made do with imagining
the sculpted feel of his warm flesh.
Wishing she could touch him freely, she held him tighter.

God she felt good. Was it only because hełd been without so
long? Or was she special? Justin didnłt know and he didnłt much care. His cock was throbbing so hard it hurt, and
the leg of his union suit was already wet with pre-come.

His hands moved over her, enjoying the
curves of her body, aching to do more.
He ran a hand up her slender thigh and under the short skirt she was
wearing. His groan mingled with her gasp
as he cupped the moist hot mound between her legs.

With a low curse, he laid her back on her
messy desk and ripped the wet panties right off of her.

Lara cried out in shock. Justinłs eyes were so dark with need they
were almost black. Leaning over her, he
looked like a fallen angel with his tousled hair and intense face. His mouth came down on hers again as he
massaged his fingers through the small thatch of hair on her mound.

She moaned and allowed him to spread her
legs apart, lost to what he was building in her. Never before had she wanted a man so
intensely. When a callused finger
speared into her, she cried out again.

Justin gave another feral growl at the feel
of her slick, heated channel. She was so
hotso wethe almost exploded right then and there. It had been too long for him to muster much
control, and she was ready, he sensed it.
He couldnłt wait much longer or his cock would have permanent
impressions of buttons up its length.

He ripped open his pants, uncaring of what
would happen to them. The pinging of a
falling button was heard, but all he could think about was burying himself deep
inside of her. He struggled for a moment
with the fastenings of the underwear, but it wasnłt long until he freed

When his long, hard cock rubbed against her
naked thigh, Lara moaned again. His
finger continued its sensuous dance deep in her wet quim, and passion curled in
a hot, tight band low in her stomach.
Sensation licked at her nerve endings.

When he moved between her thighs, she gasped
out loud. It was her fantasy come true,
but suddenly she was nervous. What if
someone were to come in? She tore her
mouth away from his. “No! Not here!"

He stiffened slightly, raising his
head. Hot eyes burned down at her. “Whatever the lady wishes." Pulling his finger from her body, he swept
her up in his arms. Dropping to his
knees, he placed her carefully on the floor.
Coming down on top of her, he muttered, “Easier this way, anyway."

Lara almost laughed. “Notwhat I meant," she breathed. His teeth nibbled gently at her throat as his
hand began another foray up her skirt to the aching flesh hełd loved
before. “Someone mightcome in."

“They wouldnÅ‚t dare," he muttered. He kissed her soundly. “DonÅ‚t worry.
I can see through walls, remember?"

She decided to quit worrying. “How about clothes?"

He grinned as he pushed her skirt up out of
his way. “Unfortunately that isnÅ‚t a
gift we Ethereals have."

Lara giggled, but then gasped as his fingers
found the small nubbin of flesh between her folds. “Oh God"
She arched instinctively against him.

Justinłs eyes flared. With one movement, he pulled the T-shirt she
was wearing over her head. His breath
caught as he gazed down at the swells of flesh revealed by the dark blue lacy
bra she wore. His cock throbbed when he
saw the darkness of her nipples showing through.

“Oh God is right, sweetheart," he
groaned. “You are going to kill me. I definitely like these modern clothes." With a quick flick of his finger, he undid
the front fastening and her breasts spilled out. “Really like them. So much easier than unlacing a corset. Creations of the devil, they were."

He ran his hand up from where it was sweetly
torturing her clit and used both hands to cup her breasts. “A man likes to see a woman. And this is a much better view than IÅ‚ve had
in the past."

Her eyes narrowed. “You look at other women? The guests?"

He grinned.
“They canÅ‚t see me. And itÅ‚s
never much. Itłs not like they undress
here. IÅ‚ve only seen a few
adjustments. In the ladiesł powder room."


“ItÅ‚s all right, darlinÅ‚. No one holds a candle to you."

“ThatÅ‚s not what I meant," she huffed. “Promise me you wonÅ‚t do it again."

He sighed.
“Ahhh, youÅ‚ll take away all my fun."

“Justin," she warned.

“All right."
He pretended to look sad then dropped a kiss on both pointed
nipples. “But I better be compensated
for my sacrifice."

Her breath came quickly. “Y-YouÅ‚re seeing me now."

His mouth quirked into a smile. “IÅ‚ll do more than see." With that last comment, he bent and sucked
one of her dark nipples into his mouth.

She cried out and arched against him. His tongue flicked against the extended berry
intent on overwhelming her with sensuous sensation. She writhed under him, as if trying to get

Sweat broke out on Justinłs forehead. Hełd been able to slow down a little, but her
natural sensuality was his undoing. He
needed her. Now! Transferring his mouth to the other breast,
he treated it to the same sweet torment as he moved himself between her
thighs. As gently as his lust would
allow him, he spread her thighs and pushed into her.

She was even hotter now, and though she was
wet and willing, he was a big man and it took several strokes before he could
get partially inside. He lifted one of
her legs, bending it so her knee rested against the outside of his hip. With that, he was able to ease in a little
farther. She held him like a fist, so
tightly he had to grit his teeth against her breast so he wouldnłt explode
before he was able to get fully within her.

Larałs eyes flew open. He was larger than shełd expected, and it had
been a while for her, too. Could she do
this? His panting breaths filled the room
and she could tell he was struggling not to hurt her in his overwhelming
desire. That knowledge made her relax, and
with a loud groan, he slipped totally inside of her.

They both lay still for a moment, taking
pleasure in being together. But that
didnłt last long. Their need for each
other was too great. Justin began to
move, and reaching down between their bodies, he pressed his thumb against the
small throbbing flesh nestled in her curls.

Heat poured through her. She muffled her cry against his shoulder and
her hips bucked against him.

That was all it took. Lights flashed behind Justinłs eyes. All the heat in his body shot straight to his
cock. With a loud shout, he thrust in
and out of her, every stroke feeding the passion hełd so long been denied. Out of control, he pounded against her,
barely able to think as his orgasm built within him.

Lara held on, glorying in the knowledge she
was responsible for his losing control.
His wicked finger rubbed against her clit, and her quim wept in its own
need. Desire danced in her groin until
without warning, it exploded.

Lights and color filled her mind as she spun
into a mind-blowing climax. Her body
shook and shivered, and Justinłs cock moving in and out of her made the
sensations stronger.

She opened her mouth to scream, but his
mouth covered hers, swallowing the cry.
Writhing beneath him, she was sure she would die from the pleasure.

Justin barely had the forethought to cover
her scream with a kiss before he gave in to his own orgasm. His cock swelled and throbbed and then burst
deep inside of her warmth as he shouted out her name. He shook with the strength of his climax,
knowing one hundred year dry-spell or notthis was the best sex he had ever

Collapsing on top of her, he barely had the
strength to prop himself up on his elbows so as not to crush her. They were both still, breathing hard as they
tried to recover.

Lara came slowly back to herself, her cheeks
heating when she realized what she had done.
Fantastic sex or not, she had never done something so foolhardy
before. Giving in to lust had never been
high on her priority list. Unprotected
sex? On the floor? Where anyone could have walked in on them?

And donłt forget the part about her lover
being a ghost. A ghost she wasnłt sure
she could trust and who might
still hate her guts. Even if he did seem
to lust after her body.

She shuddered inwardly. Oh Godwhat had she done?

Justin enjoyed the feel of her soft body
beneath his. His own was satiated for
the moment, but he knew hełd have to have her again. If this was how he could break the curse, it
would be a most pleasurable task.

But Lara seemed to be uncomfortable. The tell tale stiffening of her body told its
own story. While shełd enjoyed their
lovemaking before, now it seemed she was embarrassed by her actions.

But he couldnłt afford to alienate her
now. Too much rested on it. Lifting his head, he nibbled gently on her
ear. “You make me believe IÅ‚m alive
again. Thank you."

Lara shut her eyes. Her heart leapt. She had at least given him that. “II donÅ‚t know what to say."

Justin looked down at her. “Say I pleased you, too?"

Her lips quivered into a smile. “You did.
You know that."

“IÅ‚m glad."
He bent his head back to hers for a gentle kiss. “You are so soft, so beautiful."

He hardened in her again, and she gave a
gasp. “I canÅ‚t. Not again."

He groaned.

“Let me up, Captain. Please."

It was the panicked note in her voice that
made him obey. Gently, he pulled out of
her and rolled off. He tried to take her
into his arms, but she moved away, climbing to her feet and smoothing down her

He frowned at her lack of response.
He stood also, tucking himself back inside his union suit and
pants. “What is wrong? You called me Justin before."

She turned away, trying to refasten her bra,
but the hook kept leaping out of her shaky fingers. Finally, after watching her third attempt, he
cursed lightly and turned her to face him.
He brushed away her hands.

“Allow me."

Deftly he refastened the small hook and eye
then straightened the lace covering her soft breasts. Then he lifted her chin with one finger. “You wonÅ‚t look at me now?"

She flushed, her whole body turning
red. “IÅ‚m sorry. IÅ‚m not very good at this."

Justin thought briefly of Bridget. She would have still been lying on the floor
in utter abandonment even if there were others in the room. No, he was learning Lara was nothing
like that witch. He traced Larałs cheek

“I beg to differ. I think you were very good."

Lara went redder. “I meanthis.
This whole thing. Iłm sorry. We canłt do this again. Itłs not right."

Now it was he who stiffened. “Why?
Why isnłt it right?"

She bit her lip. “I know I was a willing participant, and I
did enjoy it, but I canłt do this. You
and I donłt have a future together."

“We live on the same damn boat," he said his
temper sparking at her words.

She met his gaze with unflinching eyes. “But we donÅ‚t really, do we? IÅ‚m a human and youÅ‚re a ghost. You arenÅ‚t alive at all.







Chapter Five


Her comment haunted Justin over the next
several days. Hełd lost his temper with
her that day, telling her she was a child who needed to grow up. Then hełd turned and stomped out of the

Hełd left her alone the whole next day, his
anger in direct proportion to his need to have her in his arms again. But then, when he happened to see her
struggling to understand what the mechanic who was upgrading the boat engine
was saying, he couldnłt bear to stay away any longer.

Hełd materialized next to her, but other
than a small jump of surprise and a slight flushing of the cheeks, she did
nothing. When the mechanic tried to tell
her she needed a whole new engine that would cost a fortune, he spoke to her,
telling her the man was trying to con her.

Lara had met his eyes and smiled, telling
him without words she understood. Justin
fed her the words to say to the dishonest mechanic, laughing at the manłs
surprise Lara knew so much about engines.

And so an uneasy truce was formed. Neither of them said anything about the
episode in her office, but it was there between them every day. He got in the habit of following her around
and offering her advice and ideas on the ship.
She got the reputation of being someone who talked to herself, but since
she wasnłt insisting on seeing people who werenłt really there, the crew didnłt

For Lara it was bittersweet. If Justin had been a living man, she could
easily see herself getting closer to him.
He was intelligent, funny and of course, gorgeous. But he also had a temper and was quite
arrogant. She couldnłt count the number
of times hełd tried to tell her what to do.
The fact she was the boss was a constant frustration to him.

But he seemed to enjoy their verbal
tussles. His eyes lost that dead look
theyłd had when shełd first met him.
Lottie confided the captain seemed happier these days. Lara hoped it was true. God knew he deserved some happiness. Daily, she longed to take him in her arms and
soothe away the shadows in his eyes.

But, him being a ghost prevented her from
taking that step. She couldnłt see a
future with him, no matter how much she wanted him. And keeping their relationship a more
business one made sense and was better for them both.

At leastthatłs what she kept telling

Now, as they stood staring at the sparkling
new casino salon, she knew at least their business sense was right on the

The floor was positioned with a set of crap
tables in the center closest to the bow, then a line of four black-jack tables,
parallel to a set of four poker tables.
At the other end of the line was a pair of roulette wheels. Areas called pits were placed between all of
them so the supervisors could keep an eye on dealer and customer alike.

All around the main tables, circling the
entire room, were rows of slot machines.
Nickel slots all the way up to the five dollar machines. On the aft end of the room was the bar, with
its polished mirror, and a huge picture of The Lucky Lady taken back in
the early days when she still sailed the Mississippi river.
Next to it was the buffet tables, spotlessly clean and waiting for food.

The cashier was set up on the other side of
the room, right next to Larałs office.
Justin had told her once it had been his office before he died. But since the mention of the room made them
both uncomfortable, they usually ignored it all together. They hadnłt been alone in the room since the
day they made love.

Everything gleamed. The wooden tables and bar were buffed to a
high shine and the metal on the machines were polished so brightly, you could
see your reflection in it.

“It came out beautiful," she said with a
happy sigh.

Justin looked down at her. “Like the woman who created it."

She colored, and he was charmed by the fact
she could still blush, even after their intimacies with each other. He longed to pull her into his arms, and it
was only the fact there were others in the room that prevented it. She would look damn funny cuddling against a
man no one else could see.

“ItÅ‚s almost ready," she went on. “TheyÅ‚re working on the lounge and the galley
as we speak. They finished the outside
painting yesterday and the mechanics are almost done as well." She turned to him.

“Thank you for letting it all happen. You donÅ‚t know what this means to me. I think I was cursed too, before I came."

Justin treated himself to a gentle touch on
her cheek. “I know you had a hard time
before you got here. Couldnłt hold down
a job. Got fired from everywhere you

Lara stared up at him with her mouth
open. “How did you know that?"

He gestured at the crew working around
them. “They talked. None of them believed you would show up, let
alone do what youłve done. They admire
you now." He grinned. “Even with your weird habit of talking to

She gave him a shove with her shoulder. “Sometimes I swear you do it on purpose just
so they will look at me funny."

“CanÅ‚t help it," he answered with a
laugh. “You wonÅ‚t let me play any
pranks, so I have to amuse myself some way."

She smiled.
“You know this is as much your success as it is mine." Her eyes met his seriously. “You helped me so much."

“I told you I would."

Lara bit her lip. “I know.
I guess I didnłt really believe you."

He looked down at her. “And do you now?"

She looked out over the beautiful casino. “I couldnÅ‚t have done it without you. We will be ready to open, just as I planned."

“When will that be?"

“I think, as soon as we are seaworthy, I
will take us out on a test run. Have a
little party just for the employees."

His heart warmed at her generosity. Every day she showed him she wasnłt anything
like her ancestor.

“It is a wonderful idea." He opened his mouth to tell her just how
wonderful she was but was interrupted.

Phone call!"

They both turned. Stan was waving at her from the office
door. She waved back. “On my way."
She turned back to Justin. “IÅ‚ll
talk to you later?"

He nodded.
“Bet on it."

Smiling, she walked away, disappearing into
her office. Justin watched her, wishing
he could follow her in and lay her down on the floor one more time. His cock stiffened painfully, obviously
wanting the same.

“HowÅ‚s it going, my boy?"

Startled out of his reverie, Justin turned
to see the smiling faces of Lottie and Sir Malcolm.

“Where have you two been?" he asked,
ignoring the question.

“Doing a little shopping," giggled
Lottie. “Dear Lara is setting up a gift
shop in that room next to the lounge. She
has some very nice things to sell."

“Smart girl, our Lara," nodded Sir
Malcolm. Then the elderly manłs eyes
narrowed. “But how is it going with you,
Captain? We only have ten days left
until Halloween. Any progress?"

Justin thought of the exquisite feel of Lara
wrapped around his plunging body and wanted to groan. “Some," he growled.

Lottie smacked him with her purse. “Hurry up!
Even in my day the men moved faster than you do!"

“I must agree, my boy. YouÅ‚ll never get anywhere if you donÅ‚t leave the
safety of the harbor. Take a
chance. A risk. The rewards will be great!" Sir Malcolmłs eyes twinkled and he waggled a
bushy eyebrow at Justin.

Justin swore. “IÅ‚m trying.
Iłm trying. Shełs just so damn
hard to understand!"

The old lady patted his arm. “I think you know her better than you
realize." Lottiełs bright intelligent
eyes met his. “What are you afraid of,

He opened his mouth and then closed it
again. The question made him think. Just what was he afraid of? Why did he hesitate?


* * * * *


Later that night, he stood in the doorway to
Larałs room listening to her move around in the small bathroom. He still hadnłt answered Lottiełs question,
but he was determined to show Lara they could be together.

He had been careful not to come here
before. Of all the cabins she could have
chosen, she had picked his as her own.
The knowledge she was sleeping in his cabin, in his own bed, sorely
tried his self control. Every time he
thought of the way she felt in his arms, hełd break out in a sweat.

But he was tired of waiting. He knew there was something between them, and
Lottie was right. There were only ten
days left. He had to try and make her
fall in love with him. And he planned on
enjoying every minute of the journey.

She came out of the bathroom and froze when
she saw him standing there. He let out a
low groan. She was wearing nothing but a
skimpy towel.

Lara clutched the towel to her breasts.
“What are you doing here?"

He stepped toward her, shedding his coat as he
came. It was only in her presence he
could remove his clothes at will. He
stopped when he saw her eyes widened. “I
wanted to be with you."

Her mouth opened but nothing came out when
he unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing.
It wasnłt until he shrugged out of it and the top of his union suit that
she made a noise. His cock stood
straight up at the appreciation he saw in her eyes. Damnit was good to feel like a man again.

Lara swallowed hard. Without his shirt Justin seemed bigger, more
masculine. Even when they had made love
before, it had happened so quickly neither of them had undressed. Now she saw what shełd missed. Broad shoulders, strong muscular arms and
chest tapered down to rock hard abs and slim hips. He had a light furring of dark hair on his
chest with a narrow line of it disappearing into his pants. Her fingers itched with the sudden need to
touch him.

She blinked as his hands went to his
pants. They were old fashioned slacks,
using a type of button shełd never seen before.
Quickly, he unbuttoned them and peeled them and the one piece underwear
away. Now she understood why she
couldnłt touch him last time. Then she
looked closer and the space between her legs dampened. No wonder hełd had trouble entering her
before; he was huge!

“Justin," she breathed out again as he stood
before her naked as the day he was born.
Her whole body ached to touch him.
“We said we wouldnÅ‚t do this again."

“You said," he corrected softly. He walked over to herso close she felt the
heat of his body. “I never agreed to

“But itÅ‚s wrong." Her voice was a soft whisper.

“How is it wrong?" he whispered back. Reaching down, he took her hand and slowly
wrapped it around his throbbing cock.
“See what you do to me?" he ground out.
“How could this be wrong?"

Larałs mouth went dry. Hard, yet soft, hot and alive, he was
everything she wanted. And he was
hers. All she had to do was reach out
and take him.

“But youÅ‚re a ghost," she said making one
more effort to free herself from his sensual spell. “We have no future."

Justin held her hand against him, smiling at
the desire that dilated her dark eyes.
“Then give me the present, sweetheart.
Give me now. For the first time
in one hundred years I can touch a woman.
Feel her body against mine. Taste
her generous lips." He bent and kissed
her. “The fact the fates have given me a
beautiful woman who I can easily care for makes it all the sweeter."

“Care for?"

He moved even closer and cradled her face in
his hands. “You are beautiful and loving
and sweet. You make my heart stumble and
my cock throb. I want to be with you all
the time. I watch you with your crew and
am awed a woman like you even exists."

Pulling her into his arms, he offered one
last plea. “Give me your warmth,
Lara. For as long as youłll have
me. Give me the memory of a real womanłs

Staring up at him, she felt him throb
against her, saw the deep need in his eyes.
She closed her eyes as realization hit.

She was in love with him.

How long? Her heart beat
wildly. How long had she been in love
with him and not even known it? She
started to shake, and with a small cry she buried her head against his
chest. His arms came up around her and
held her tightly.

She shook her head. Shełd only known him for a few weeks and had
spent most of that at war with him. When
had her feelings changed? When had they
gone from being furious with him to loving him?

Sweetheart? Are you okay?"

She didnłt move for a moment as she fought
her emotions. Who knows how long they
would have together? They were both
bound to The Lucky Lady. Maybe
they could have a relationship. At least
until he tired of her as he had her ancestor.

“IÅ‚m fine, just surprised."

Justin smoothed her dark hair as worry
filled him. He hadnłt expected this
reaction. Pulling her away, he searched
her shadowed eyes. “I wonÅ‚t hurt you,
sweetheart. I promise you. I will show you exactly how precious you

Lara swallowed back tears. “I know you wonÅ‚t, Justin." She reached up with her free hand and ran a
finger over his mustache and then down across his sensuous lips. “You know I want you, too."

His eyes flared and he bit down on her
finger as it made its next pass across his bottom lip. In retaliation, she squeezed his cock harder
and moved her hand up and down the shaft.
When he shuddered, she smiled. “I
think IÅ‚m the boss of you now."

He chuckled deep in his chest. Then he snagged the towel she was wearing and
jerked it off of her. At her gasp, he
gave a leering grin. “Two can play at
that game." He cupped her breasts in his
hands and squeezed. “You are so

She closed her eyes again. “You make me feel beautiful when you touch

“Then by the time the sun rises in the
morning, youłll feel like the most gorgeous woman on the planet."

He tried to move her backwards, but she
shook her head. “Not yet. I want to do something for you first."

Laughing, he gave her another push towards
the bed. “Lie down and you will."

She grinned as she sat. “YouÅ‚ll get your turn." She used his penis to pull him closer,
smiling wider at his indrawn breath.
“Let me show you how a twenty-first century woman makes love to her

Justinłs eyes widened as she took him in
both her warm hands. His cock thickened
and throbbed even harder with the attention she was giving it. His legs almost buckled when she used her
thumbs to carefully smear the drops of his own pre-come over the broad, dark
head of his penis.

“Lara," he managed. He thrust against her, loving her hands on

She didnłt respond, so enthralled was she
with touching him. She stroked him, up
and down, squeezing the base of his cock and then moving up the shaft
slowly. Then she cupped the head in her
hand before stroking down and doing it all over again.

Fire licked his balls. He hadnłt even touched her yet, and he was
close to coming. “Lara," he said
desperately. “Enough."

She shook her head. “Oh no," she murmured. “IÅ‚m just getting started."

When she bent her head, he almost shouted
her name. Would she do that for
him? Hełd never asked that of a woman before. As her warm mouth closed around him he sucked
in his breath. It was all he could do
not to thrust his cock deep in her throat.

He was too big to take in her mouth fully,
so Lara sucked on him, using her tongue to tickle up the bottom of the shaft to
the thin ridge of skin under the head.
When he cursed, she grinned around him.
Sweeping her tongue over the broad head made him shudder and grab at her

Slowly, she moved up and down his cock with
her searching tongue. Her hand reached
up to cup his balls, and he groaned loudly.
She could taste him now. His
salty essence leaking into her mouth.
Suddenly, she was determined to take this all the way.

Grasping him firmly, she began to stroke,
using both her hand and her mouth on him.
After a moment he moved with her, thrusting his cock as deep into her
mouth as he could go.

Justin gritted his teeth as the fire built
in his loins. Her mouth was so hot
around him he could barely stand. Her
tongue licking him, her hands stroking him brought him to such a high state of
need, his whole body literally ached.
When her free hand reached up and squeezed his balls, he called her name
and grabbed at her head.

“Lara! Stop I canÅ‚t"

She ignored him, sucking on his weeping shaft. The tension built up in him so rapidly he
couldnłt stop it. His head went back as
his eyes closed. Sparks of color painted his eyelids. With a roar of her name, he exploded, filling
her mouth with his seed. He thrust
against her again and again as he quaked with the strength of his release.

Lara swallowed frantically. Shełd never gone this far before, but she
wanted all she could from him. He tasted
salty and slightly bitter, but she took everything he had, allowing him to fuck
her mouth until he was shaking above her.

Finally, he took a deep breath and drew back
from her, his still semi-hard cock popping out of her swollen mouth. He stared down at her for a long moment, his
sea-blue eyes filled with an emotion she couldnłt name. Touching her lips, he said hoarsely,
“Sweetheart, did I hurt you?"

Lara shook her head. “No, I enjoyed every minute of it."

His eyes darkened, and he bent and lifted
her to him. Gingerly, he kissed her, as
if he had never tasted his own essence before.
Then, as she pressed closer against him, he shuddered and pushing her
back on the bed, he covered her body with his own.

Justin didnłt know what to say to her. His body had taken over and ignored all his
signals to stop, but she didnłt seem to mind.
In fact, she looked smug and downright pleased with herself.

“I have never before allowed a woman to do
that," he said softly. “I was afraid I
would hurt you."

She smiled and kissed his chin. “You are pretty big, but I managed."

His neck went red. “You are a very special woman." He caressed her face with his big hand. “IÅ‚m not sure IÅ‚ll ever get enough of you."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around
him. “DonÅ‚t try."

He grinned.
“I think I would rather try and please you, lady."

Wriggling against him, she giggled. “Oh yeah?
IÅ‚m right here."

He groaned as his shaft went suddenly
rigid. Hełd come so strongly before, he
was surprised he could get hard again.
“I think itÅ‚s your turn."

“Going to show me some of those 1910 methods
of lovemaking?"

His eyes glinted. “Some things get better with age."

Wrapping his hands in her hair, he kissed
her, using his tongue to thrust in and out of her mouth while at the same time,
he thrust his cock between her legs.
Lara moaned and spread her legs wider.
His shaft slipped between the wet folds of her outer lips and rubbed
against the swollen flesh of her clit.

She gasped as he pushed against her with the
same strong moves he was using in her mouth.
Desire built rapidly, and her juices trickled down her leg, she was so

His mouth moved to her neck and he bit and
nibbled at it. His other hand cupped her
breast, flicking at the nipple with a callused thumb. Heat shot through her as he pulled and plucked
at both breasts.

“Justin!" she cried out. She writhed beneath him. “Please!"

“Soon, sweetheart," he whispered. JustinÅ‚s own need was building again
rapidly. His cock throbbed as it rubbed
against her slick heat.

Without warning, she reached down and
grabbed his naked butt, grinding herself against him. He swore out loud and moved quickly,
spreading her legs wider. He stared deep
into her desire blackened eyes.

“Do you want me?"

“Yes," she cried as she tried to get
closer. “Now, Justin. I want you in me."

With a rumble of masculine possession, he
buried himself deep within her. They
both cried out as they became one, the heat building impossibly higher as he
forcefully moved in and out of her.

“Take all of me." Using her own trick, he ground his hips
against her. She cried out again and
clutched at his shoulder, leaving marks behind to show her passion.

He moved against her. Lightning and fire shot though her as his
cock rubbed at her clit. It was so
intense; it was a pleasure-pain. “Justin!"

“YouÅ‚re mine," he growled as he pulled all
the way out and then plunged back in again.
“All mine."

Lara whimpered.

“Say it," he said fiercely.

“Yours!" she screamed, as he buried himself
in her again. Her body imploded in hot
white light as she surrendered to the fire he wrought in her.

Her quim clenching down on his own swollen
cock sent Justin into his own climax.
His head exploded with pleasure, and he shouted her name again as she
milked him dry. He thrust against her
mindlessly, his own spasms reflecting hers as he filled her with his hot

Afterwards, they both lay half unconscious
while their bodies shook from the aftermath of a passion so strong, neither of
them could speak. Finally, Justin raised
his head and kissed her lips. When she
sighed and snuggled against him, he smiled.

Everything would be fine now. She had true feelings for him, he could
tell. If he was lucky, they would grow
into love. He refused to consider his
own emotions. The warmth and
possessiveness was just because he hadnłt been with a woman in a long time, and
God knew, Lara was an exceptional woman.

She bit his chin, and his pulse leaped
again. Hełd make sure this was a night
they would both remember. He grinned
inwardly. It was a good thing he was
dead. If he wasnłt, shełd probably kill him with sex. He wasnłt sure about this whole curse thing,
but he had until Halloween night, and he was going to take advantage of every
minute with Lara.

And until then, he had her eating out of his
hand. Once again, he would be in control
of The Lucky Lady. This would be
a piece of cake.







Chapter Six



“YouÅ‚re what?"

Lara blinked as he roared the words at
her. She wondered if her hair had blown
back from the force of his anger. “I
said we are going to have a Halloween Party as a grand opening promotion."

She turned to face the employees and smiled,
hoping Justin would calm down. “As you
know we are going to have a special ęCrew Nightł on the twenty-ninth, to
celebrate all our hard work. We will
take The Lucky Lady out on a test run
and have a party at the same time."

The room erupted in cheers. Laughing, Lara held up her hands. “You all deserve it. But then itÅ‚s back to work. On the thirty-firstHalloweenwe will set
sail on our first real cruise, and we will promote it with a Halloween Bash."

“Oh, no you wonÅ‚t!"

Lara flicked a look at the furious man
standing next to her. She spoke through
gritted teeth in the semblance of a smile.
“Not now, Justin. IÅ‚m talking to
the crew."

“Then tell them you made a mistake. My ship will not host another Halloween

Forgetting herself, she turned to him. “Your ship?
Wełve been through this before!"

He growled down at her. “It was my ship and always will be. I will not allow this this abomination."

Now LaraÅ‚s temper was sparked. “Not allow?"

Justin knew he was pushing too hard, but he
couldnłt help it. So much for
controlling her. “I am the captain of
this vessel! And I say no Halloween

“You have no right to give me orders!"

“I have every right," he roared again. “I am not only the captain, IÅ‚m your lover!"

Lara went beet red as she remembered the
crew. She was thankful for the first
time they couldnłt see or hear Justin.
Glancing at them, she saw they were all staring at her with that same
stupefied look on their faces. They
thought shełd lost it again.

Turning her back on the angry man, she spoke
to her crew. “ItÅ‚s going to be very busy
over the next few days. We have less
than a week to put it all together. IÅ‚m
happy to listen to any ideas or suggestions.
Just leave a note on my desk."

She took a deep breath, knowing her next
words would further infuriate Justin. “I
think the Halloween idea is a fantastic one and will draw in a big crowd. We have to get our name out and this holiday
is a good way to start. Stan and I are
getting together all the particulars and we will be posting them as soon as we
have everything finalized. I am looking
for a sold out crowd for Halloween, so talk it up amongst your friends."

“Should we wear costumes?" Tim asked.

Lara nodded.
“Yes. If you are scheduled to
work that night, then a costume is mandatory.
If you want to dress like they did back when The Lady was on the river, thatłs cool, too."

“You canÅ‚t be serious," Justin snarled. “Tell them you made a mistake. There will be no party."

“I wonÅ‚t," she whispered back at him. “Everything I said stands."

“You canÅ‚t do this!"

“Watch me!"

Angrier than hełd ever been, Justin jerked
her around to face him. “DonÅ‚t do this
Lara. If you do, you will be sorry."

She pulled herself away from his hard hands,
wondering what the crew thought of her gyrations. “What are you going to do, Justin?" she said
angrily. “Scare everyone? That would just add to the ambiance."

He ground his teeth together angrily. “I will not allow this to happen. I will sabotage every machine on this ship
before I let you have this party."

Lara stepped away from him in shock. Again, she forgot the watching audience. “You
would destroy all the hard work wełve done?
Just because you donłt like parties?
Are you crazy?"

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he gave her a
little shake. “IÅ‚m not crazy. I have my reasons, woman. Do not refuse me, or I will destroy
everything. This I swear."

“Then tell me why, damn it. YouÅ‚re not making any sense."

Justin thought of the last Halloween party
heÅ‚d been to and shuddered. “You will
have to take my word for it. Abandon the
idea. Now!

Tears sparkled in Larałs eyes as she looked
up at him. So much for their truce. It had lasted just long enough for her to
fall in love with him, but it was obvious The Lucky Lady and its past
meant more to him than she did. For a
brief moment she wondered if this was how Bridget had felt.

Tell them."

Sudden fury filled her. She was sick and tired of having everyone
else tell her what to do. She pushed him
hard on the chest. “How dare you! How dare you tell me how to run my boat! If I wanted to, I could dry dock this ship
and youłd never sail on her again. What
do you think about that, Captain?"

“Lara I"

“Or," she said as her temper got the best of
her. “I could burn her to the ground and
collect the insurance money. Then where
would you be? Stuck in limbo
somewhere?" She poked a finger into his
hard chest. “I swear to you, if you
touch one bolt on her, I will do it just to spite you. Whołs the boss now, Justin?"

Justin froze in the act of reaching for
her. He stared at her for a moment
before his eyes misted over in rage.
When he spoke his voice was filled with restrained fury.

“You would do that, wouldnÅ‚t you?" He stepped back and wiped her touch away as
if it were poison. “You are just
like Bridget, destroying everything and everyone you touch. You disgust me."

Larałs face went paper white at his
words. Her dark eyes searched his before
filling with tears. Shełd lost her
temper and said things she didnłt mean, but Justin looked like he meant every
word. How could she have fallen in love
with a man who thought so badly of her?
Sickness crawled up her throat, and she bolted past him, grabbing her
purse off the table. She had to get out
of there.

Justin swore loudly as she ran through the
main door. He chased after her, calling
her name, but it did no good. By the
time he got to the gangplank, she was off the ship and in the parking lot. And he couldnłt follow her there. He watched helplessly as she climbed into her
car and peeled out of the marina.

“Damn it," he swore again.

“I guess so," came the mocking answer. “ItÅ‚s no wonder you havenÅ‚t gotten laid in a
hundred years.

He turned swiftly to see Diana staring at
him. “That mouth of yours is going get
you into trouble."

She laughed.
“And yours doesnÅ‚t?"

He gave a grunt of irritation. “She makes me angry."

Diana laughed again. “You returned the favor."

canłt have a Halloween Party. I donłt
want to go through it again."

“You really are an idiot," Diana said fondly. “My God, Justin. We all despise Bridget for what she did, but
youłve taken it to an art form." She
shook her head at his confused look.

“It wasnÅ‚t the party that cursed us. It was the woman. Having a party now wonÅ‚t hurt. It could actually be fun and draw the people
in. Just like your Lara needs."

Justin stuck his hands in his pants pockets
and hunched his shoulders sulkily. “I hate Halloween."

Diana rolled her eyes. “ItÅ‚s just a holiday. YouÅ‚re letting Bridget win by acting like
such a fool. And you didnłt help the
situation by refusing to tell her the reason.
Or by telling her she was like that bitch."

Justin flinched as he remembered his harsh
words. “I didnÅ‚t mean it."

“She thinks you did," Diana pointed
out. “You hurt her."

Guilt curled greasily in his stomach. “I lost my temper."

“IÅ‚m sure she did, too. But you arenÅ‚t going to make any headway
beating the curse if you keep acting like an idiot."

“Enough," he growled. “I will make it up to her."

“I sure hope so," the singer said as she
faded from sight. “As much as you hate
Halloween, I hate this boat."


* * * * *

Where was she? Justin
paced the deck as he glanced up at the moon.
Other than giving the other Ethereals the information about the upcoming
Halloween party, hełd been here all night waiting for Lara. But it was almost three in the morning, and
there was still no sign of her.

He stared down the darkened street, willing
her to appear. Hełd have something to
say to her, all right. She had no right
to worry him like this just because theyłd had a difference of opinion. He had decided to forgive her for the crack
about burning the boat down. He knew it
was a heat of the moment remark. But she
should damn well know what hełd said was, too!
Even if it had been a little personal.

His head jerked up when a set of headlights
could be seen, but let out a curse as they continued past the small parking
lot. If she didnłt get back soon He stomped to the bow railing and stared out
into the open channel. The silvery
moonlight reflecting off the small swells made the water shimmer.

He pounded his fist on the railing. What if something had happened to her? Worry, anger and fear all churned in his
stomach. Shełd been so upset. Maybe shełd wrecked that car of hers. He never really trusted those things. They were still so foreign to him. If only he could leave the ship. He was sure he could find her. But he was stuck on board The Lucky Lady. For the first time in one hundred years, he
considered ignoring the curse and trying to leave the ship anyway.

More headlights flashed, and this time he
gave a huff of satisfaction as he saw them stop in the parking lot. He paced to the top of the gangplank and
watched as Lara climbed slowly out of her car.
She stumbled as she walked, shaking her head dizzily. Fury filled him again as she came into the

Her makeup was smudged and her clothes were
awry. It even looked like she was
missing a shoe. Her blouse was covered
in dirt, and her long hair was messy and pulled out of its braid. Justin ground his teeth. All this time hełd been worried, and shełd
been out carousing with another man.

Lara weaved up the steps of the gangplank,
happy to be home. What a night. The fight with Justin had just been the
beginning. Now all she wanted was a hot
shower and bed. Shełd deal with
everything else later.

“Have fun?"

Justinłs deep rough voice came out of the
dark and she jumped. Clutching her hand
to her breast, she glared up at him.
“Damn it. I wish youÅ‚d stop

He sneered down at her. “It is still my ship. I can go wherever I want."

Lara closed her eyes. “IÅ‚m tired, Justin. Can we fight about this in the morning?"

With a hiss, he slid his hand into her hair
and pulled her head back. “You dare
dismiss me? You spend the night with
another man, coming back filthy and smelling of drink, and you think you can
just walk away?"

Her eyes popped open. “What?
What are you talking about?"

Justin gave her a hard shake that made her
teeth rattle. “You belong to me
remember?" Giving into his anger, he
pressed his lips against hers in a bruising kiss. She squirmed beneath him unable to get away
from his devastating mouth. He pulled
her closer, wanting to hurt her as much as he was hurting inside at the thought
shełd been with someone else. Hełd show
her who the master was here.

Finally she was able to tear her mouth
away. She pressed a shaky hand to her
now swollen lips. “What is wrong with

“You ask me that when you are out whoring
with another man?" he roared at her.

Her head pounding, she pressed the heels of
her hands to her eyes. “I donÅ‚t believe
this. I donłt fucking believe
this." She moved her hands and stared up
at him and he was taken aback by the naked fury in her face.

“I donÅ‚t have to explain myself to you,
youstupid jerk! Not after what you said
to me earlier."

“You will explain this!" he shouted as he
grabbed at her tousled shirt. “You
didnłt even bother to hide your actions from me."

LaraÅ‚s eyes narrowed. “You want to know where IÅ‚ve been and what
IÅ‚ve been doing?" she spat at him.

“Tell me!"

Pushing past him, she made her way to the
bow and leaned over the railing to calm herself. Again she asked herself; why had she fallen
in love with this jerk? He was arrogant
and controlling and downright hateful at times.

“IÅ‚m waiting."

Her eyes sparkled angrily. Add impatient to the list, too. “I went for a drink."

“That much I can smell on you!"

“I swear IÅ‚m gonna push you in the water if
you donłt shut up," she shouted.
Whirling around, she faced him.
“I found this neat little club down in Cocoa Beach called Coconuts. It has an outside bar overlooking the
ocean. I had a couple of drinks."

“More than a couple."

“Shut up!"

He snarled at her, but went silent.

“Got hit on a couple of times too, but I
turned them both down." She
sniffed. “After your attitude earlier, I
wasnłt in the mood for masculine company.
So I went for a walk on the beach.
I wanted to clear my head."

“For nine long hours?"

Her eyes narrowed at him. “I can walk on a beach as long as I want. You arenÅ‚t the boss of me just because we
slept together! And no, it was only for
a few hours. For your information, I got
in my car to come home about eleven."

Justinłs head was going to blow off, he was
so angry. “It takes you four hours to
drive back from this Cocoa place?
I donłt think so."

She shook her head wearily. “I donÅ‚t know why youÅ‚re so worried about

“By your own words, you belong to me."

She shrugged her shoulders. “You ended that when you told me I was just
like the woman you hate most in this world."

“I was angry. You know I didnÅ‚t mean it." He grabbed her shoulders again. “Now tell me where you were?"

Tired tears filled her eyes and spilled
over. “On the way home, I was driving
along this stretch of road on the coast.
I got a flat. I had to fix it."

Justin went still. “It doesnÅ‚t take that long to fix a flat
tire, does it?"

Lara wiped at the tears. “No, but it does take that long to find an
all night vet."

He gaped at her. “What?

She almost laughed. If she hadnłt been so tired and hurt, his
incredulous face would have been funny.

“When I was fixing the tire, I heard this
sound coming from the side of the road.
I found a kitten. Its leg was
crushed. It had obviously been hit by a
car and left for dead. I had to get it
some help, so I tracked down a vet."

She sighed.
“I spent the last few hours in the waiting room of the clinic. I wanted to see if she would be okay or not."

Justin stared down at her. “YouÅ‚ve been at a veterinarianÅ‚s officewith
a cat?"

She nodded.

“Christ, Jesus," he muttered. Guilt burned his stomach. When was he going to stop thinking the worst
of her? He was exactly what shełd called
him. A stupid jerk. Worse, he was an untrusting stupid jerk. Then he remembered the stink of alcohol on
her. What about that?

As if sheÅ‚d heard him, she turned away. “I want to take a shower. IÅ‚m tired and I smell. Can we finish this in the morning?"

He looked down at her shadowed eyes. They still werenłt done, but now he had an
overwhelming need to take care of her and make up for his ugly behavior of
before. Without asking for permission,
he swept her up in his arms.


“Hush, sweetheart," he murmured. He headed for the doors and it was just at
the last minute he realized he couldnłt go through them like an Ethereal
would. Pushing them open, he walked
through the shining casino and down the short passage to her small
stateroom. He carried her into the
bathroom and turned on the hot water.

“Justin, you donÅ‚t need to do this."

Bending down, he covered her mouth with his
in a deep kiss. “I know, but I want
to. Let me take care of you. Itłs the least I can do for being such a fool. I am so sorry, Lara."

She was so tired she didnłt have the
strength or the heart to say no. When he
was treating her so sweetly, she was putty in his hands. She was unmoving as he efficiently stripped
off her clothing and then his own, lifting her into the small cubicle.

She giggled as they shuffled around, trying
to get situated. “YouÅ‚re too big. Only one of us really fits in here."

His eyes glinted. “Then I guess we better fix that."

Confused, she looked up at him. “How?"

Gently, he ran his hands over her, covering
her with the jasmine scented soap she loved.
She leaned into his hands, enjoying the warmth and strength of him as he
washed her. “Feels good," she murmured.

“It will feel better in a moment."

Lifting her, so her legs wrapped around his
waist, he braced her against the wall as he continued to soap her. His fingers teased at her breasts and made long
sweeping movements down her sides to the curly hair brushing against his hard

She moaned quietly, and his own temperature
rose. “I am going to make love to you,
Lara," he murmured as his hands cupped her soapy breasts. “Tell me now if you donÅ‚t want this."

Sighing, she lifted sultry eyes to his. “You can be so irritating, you know."

He grinned, knowing by the softening of her
body he was forgivenfor now. “As can
you, love. We are a perfect pair."

“This isnÅ‚t over," she gasped out when he moved
the broad head of his penis into her wet folds.

“Then we can finish fighting later," he
groaned as he slipped into her waiting heat.

She whimpered as he moved within her. “A-Agreed."

The hot water streamed over them as he
thrust hard into her. She could hear the
slap of their bodies coming together, could smell the tangy scent of sex in the
steamy air. Hungrily, she bit down on
his shoulder and then kissed the small indentations in apology.

“Lara," he growled. “I wonÅ‚t last long if you continue that."

All her tiredness had fled the second his
cock had filled her. All she wanted now
was to feel. To hold on to the heat of
his desire and experience it all through her body.

“I want you," she whispered as she bit the
lobe of his ear. “DonÅ‚t be gentle! I want you now!"

Justin groaned again and plunged deeper, his
need rising even higher. He was
constantly surprised at how fast they could get to each other. “You want it rough, sweetheart? You got it."

He slanted his mouth over hers, his tongue
plunging inside in the same rhythm as his body was moving against her. When she wrapped her legs tight around him,
he gave a low curse. Grabbing her wet
ass, he ground himself against her clit, her channel clenching down hard on him
in response. He pounded against her,
knowing he wouldnłt be able to last much longer.

Lara sucked hard on his invading tongue,
feeling him swell even bigger in response.
He was huge inside of her, but he felt so damn good, she never wanted it
to end. Tangling her hands in his hair,
she kissed him for all she was worth.

“Take more of me," he whispered as he
adjusted his body so his cock rubbed right on her clit. “Give me everything."

Lara trapped his mouth again as heat started
coiling in her stomach. A little more
and shełd explode. When he reached down
and pinched her clit, she did.

Screaming, she twisted in his arms,
tightening her legs around him. As she
unraveled, she heard him swear.

Her orgasm triggered his own and seconds
later he poured himself into her with a shout.
Shuddering against her, his last thought was he hoped they made up like
this every time they had a fight.









Chapter Seven



if you only had a couple of drinks, why did you smell like a distillery?"

Lara jerked in surprise. Their lovemaking had been hard and fast, and
she was glad she wasnłt the one standing.
She could barely hang onto Justin, she was so limp. But apparently, hełd been serious when he said
theyłd finish fighting later. She sighed
and raised her head from his wet chest.

“I felt bad about saying IÅ‚d burn the boat
down, so I stopped to get you a surprise.
Remember when you said you liked tequila?"

He nodded.

“A friend told me about this special brand
that was blue. We didnłt have any on the
boat, so I picked some up as a peace offering.
I thought if we were together, you could taste it. But when I had the flat, it bounced off the
seat and broke. I got it all over me."

Justin sighed as he turned off the
water. He let go of her hips, and their
bodies separated as she slowly slid to the ground. He opened the door of the shower and gave
Lara a little push outside.

She resisted for a few moments, as if not
wanting to go out into the cold, but then she surrendered to his greater

“You were right to call me a stupid jerk,"
he said quietly. “But it would be more
accurate to call me a stupid jealous jerk."

Lara leaned back against his chest as he
dried her off, purring at his hands in her hair. “Jealous?"

“I was furious with you, yes. For the party and for running from me. But when you didnÅ‚t come homeI allowed
myself to think the worst of you. I am
sorry for that."

“IÅ‚m not Bridget!"

He wrapped the towel around her as he
pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I know. I know." He tipped her chin up. “I didnÅ‚t mean the things I said, any more
than you did."

“I still donÅ‚t understand why"

He covered her lips with his fingers. “I know.
And that is my fault, too." He
led her over to the bed and pulled her down beside him. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment
before he spoke.

“It was at a Halloween party we were all

Larałs eyes widened as she snuggled against
him. “At a party?"

“Bridget threw a huge gala that night. It was decadent, with women, drink and drugs
like opium available. It was the most
hedonistic thing IÅ‚d ever seen."

“And afterwards, she cursed you?"

Justin shook his head. “No. I
had pulled her aside during the party to demand the changes. She called me into the lounge while the party
was going on next door."

She stared at him in horror. “She killed all of you while people partied
next door?"

So you can see why I reacted the way I did."

“IÅ‚m sorry.
If I had known"

He pulled her close against him. “You were right. The party is a good idea. I shouldnÅ‚t let the past color my
thinking. If it will help you bring more
customers to The Lucky Lady, then I should be helping you, not hindering

“Are you sure?"

“As sure as I am I owe you an apology for my
behavior this day." He smoothed back her
wet hair. “I am not used to caring about

“Or trusting them."

He sighed.
“You are right. But I ask you to
give me a chance. There is something
special between us, Lara. I would like
to find out just what it is."

She ran her hand through the furring of
chest hair. “I would too, but we have to
be careful. We both have tempers."

Justin looked down at her with mock
surprise. “Temper? I am the most even tempered man."

She snorted and raised an eyebrow. “Really?
I havenłt seen that part of you."

He narrowed his eyes and rolled over on top
of her. “I believe you bring out the
animal in me, sweetheart."

Lara grinned and wrapped her arms around
him. “Good. IÅ‚ve always wanted to tame the beast!"


* * * * *


The next few days passed quickly. Lara was busy getting all the decorations and
supplies for the Halloween party, as well as putting ads in papers and doing
promos all over the marina. Justin
watched her proudly, finding she was a true artist when it came to putting an event

The worst part was they rarely had any
chance to be together and he was constantly reminded of how short his time
really was. The only time he had her to
himself was in the evening when everyone else was gone. And he took full advantage of it, stealing
into the office and sweeping her into his arms to carry her to their bed to
make long, beautiful love to her.

He wanted to imprint himself on her. But as he did it, he realized he was
the one who needed. The thought of being
without her was killing him. There was a
part of him that didnłt want the curse to be broken. He wanted to stay with her.

He was the one falling in love.

After a hundred long lonely years, he had
finally found the woman who could complete him.
But Justin knew he would have no true happiness if his friends were left
to suffer. Diana especially was hoping
the curse could be broken. She hated The
Lucky Lady.

So he prayed for a miracle. One that would give his friends what they
needed but let him stay with Laraforever.


* * * * *


“You did a wonderful job, my dear," Lottie
shouted over the music. Her inquisitive
blue eyes swept over the crowd.
“Everyone is having a marvelous time."

Lara grinned. “I couldnÅ‚t have done it without you. The decorations were all your idea. And the music was DianaÅ‚s."

“We all did our part." The old woman giggled. “Look at Charlie. HeÅ‚s doing his now."

Lara glanced over at the young man. He was moving through the crowd, touching
peoplełs arms and breathing down their necks.
Since Lara had advertised The Lucky Lady as a haunted casino, he
was playing it up right. The people he
touched all shivered and looked behind them, trying to find who or what had
given them the willies.

She laughed.
“HeÅ‚s enjoying himself. Good."

“They all are," Lottie chuckled. “You throw an excellent party."

Lara gazed over the completed casino
proudly. She had a sold out crowd, just
as shełd hoped. People in costumes of
all sorts gambled, laughed, ate or stood at the bar listening to the music of
the band shełd hired for the evening.

Shełd decorated the room lavishly, spending
a small fortune to make a worthwhile impression. Streamers of orange and black looped from the
ceiling and pumpkins with electric candles were set all around the room. Spooky statues of vampires, monsters and of
course, ghosts were placed strategically near some of the tables.

All the crew was outfitted in costumes as
well. She saw Frankenstein and the
wolfman, an angel and a few devils.
Several of the dealers were dressed as Dracula, complete with fangs and

“I think The Lucky Lady is a hit,"
she thought aloud.

“Was there any doubt?" Lottie asked.

Lara shrugged. “I never count my chickens before theyÅ‚re
hatched. And I never quite believed it
would all come together. I think I was
afraid Justin would change his mind."

“Where is the captain, anyway?"

Shaking her head, Lara worried her bottom
lip. “I donÅ‚t know. I havenÅ‚t seen him since" She blushed.
“Since earlier."

Lottie grinned and smacked Lara with her
bag. “Since he climbed out of your bed?"

Lara went even redder. “Lottie! Have you been peeking?"

The old woman chuckled. “DonÅ‚t need to. Boy wears a smile a mile wide every
morning. And he whistles, too." She leaned in close to Lara. “Only time a man whistles like that is when
hełs gettinł some."

“Lottie!" Lara gasped.

“Oh my," LottieÅ‚s lower lip trembled. “DidnÅ‚t I say it right? Diana says it all the time."

“You said it fine," Lara managed. “ItÅ‚s just not something IÅ‚d expect from
someone like you."

“You mean an old broad?"

Lara gave up and laughed out loud. “Oh Lottie, what would I do without you?"

Something came and went in the old eyes, but
Lara missed it. She was still worrying
about Justin.

“I donÅ‚t know where he is," she
fretted. “I didnÅ‚t expect him to come to
the whole party since I know how he feels about Halloween, but I thought hełd
at least poke his head in." She glanced
at her watch. “ItÅ‚s almost eleven."

“HeÅ‚ll be here honey," Lottie comforted
her. “He wonÅ‚t be able to stay away once
he sees you in that outfit."

“Do you like it?" Lara smoothed down the fine silk. “I couldnÅ‚t believe I found it. It was perfect."

She was dressed up like an old time saloon
girl in a dark emerald dress that was cut low over her breasts. A modern push up bra gave her plenty of
cleavage to show off and the full ruffled skirt swept up high on one side to
tempt with a peek of creamy thigh.

Shełd added a black boa and a feather in her
hair as accents and had even put a fake mole over one lip to add to the

“I love it," Lottie answered her. “I canÅ‚t wait to see JustinÅ‚s face."

Lara grinned. Shełd chosen the outfit just for him. She already was having daydreams of him
peeling it off her.

“Hey, Lara!"

Turning her head, she saw Tim waving at

“ItÅ‚s time.
Give us a song like you promised."

She sighed and gave a quick look around the
room for Justin. Shełd chosen the song
for him too, and it looked like he was going to miss it. Damn him!
Where was he?

Shrugging, she moved forward to where the
band was. Shełd made the mistake of
telling her crew she had done some singing in college. In fact, shełd worked as a singing waitress
and had even done a few local productions.
She was no diva, but she could hold her own.

She leaned toward the leader. “Do I Wonder WhoÅ‚s Kissing Her Now. Just like we rehearsed." At his nod, she turned back to the milling
crowd. The music started and Lara took a
deep breath. It had been awhile since
shełd sung in public.


You have loved lots of girls in the sweet
long ago,
And each one has meant Heaven to you.
You have vowed your affection to each one in turn,
And have sworn to them all you'd be true.
You have kissed 'neath the moon while the world seemed in tune
Then you've left her to hunt a new game.
Does it ever occur to you later, my boy,
That IÅ‚m probably doing the same.


Twirling her skirt, Larałs full rich voice
carried out over the crowd. People
quieted and began to listen. With help
from Tim, she stepped up on the bar so the crowd could easily see her. Enjoying herself now, she smiled and hammed
it up.

Do you wonder who's kissing me now?
Wonder who's teaching me how.
Wonder who's looking into my eyes
Breathing sighs, telling lies;
Do you wonder who's buying the wine,
For lips that you used to call mine.
Wonder if I ever tell him of you,
Do you wonder who's kissing me now?


People in the crowd laughed as she bent and
tickled a fat man under the chin. His
bleary eyes were fastened on her exposed cleavage and with a giggle she gave a
little shimmy, her perfumed breasts bouncing right under his nose.


If you want to feel wretched and lonely and
Just imagine the girl you love best
In the arms of some fellow who's stealing a kiss
From the lips that you once fondly pressed.


Laughing, she danced down the bar and kicked
the hat off a man wearing an Abraham Lincoln costume. Blowing him a kiss, she swished her skirt,
showing off her long legs as she continued.

But the world moves a pace and the loves of today
Flit away with a smile and a tear.
So you never can tell who is kissing me now,
Or just whom you'll be kissing next year.


she did a quick turn on the bar, she looked out over the crowd. Justin had appeared in the room and was
staring at her with an incredulous look on his face. She grinned and crooked a finger at him,
beckoning him closer. She sang the last
chorus directly to him as he made his way through the crowd.


Do you wonder who's kissing me now?
Wonder who's teaching me how.
Wonder who's looking into my eyes
Breathing sighs, telling lies;
Do you wonder who's buying the wine,
For lips that you used to call mine.
Wonder if I ever tell him of you,
Do you wonder who's kissing me now?

she finished, the crowd went wild, cheering and clapping. Flushed with embarrassment and pleasure, she
bowed and blew kisses.

watched with angry eyes as the woman he loved paraded up and down the bar like
the saloon girl she was costumed as. He
gritted his teeth when she bowed and more of her beautiful breasts spilled out
over the top of her bodice.

one of the guests reached up and fondled her leg, hełd had enough. Hełd never been jealous before, but with
Lara, he was finding he was a different man all together. Pushing his way through to the bar, he glared
up at her.

it, Lara! Get down off of there."

giggled and bending over, ran her finger over his tense lips. “Now why would I want to do that,
Captain? Is there something in it for

us another, Lara!" The shout came from
the crowd.

looked down at him, the devil lurking in her laughing eyes. “Well?
Am I going to get a better offer?"

swore loudly. Hełd be damned again if
hełd let all these men get another look at her breasts. With a growl, he stepped up and tossed her
over his shoulder, uncaring of how it would look to the people watching.

gasped. “Justin! What are you doing?"

you another offer," he snarled. “YouÅ‚re
coming with me."

pounded on his broad back, not hearing the cheering guests. “Put me down.
You know how this is going to look?"

he understood. All the guests would see
her carried out by an invisible man.
Then he shrugged. Hełd told her
to get down. It was her fault if people
were frightened.

her cursing, he carried her into the short hallway between the lounge and
casino and set her down in the tiny alcove.

beneath her breath, she straightened her clothes. “That was unnecessary, Justin."

if it wasnÅ‚t," he shot back. “No woman
of mine is going to act like a tart, even in fun."

eyes glinted. “Be careful, Justin. WeÅ‚ve been down this road before. You arenÅ‚t the boss of me."

your lover. Doesnłt that mean
anything?" He crowded her against the
wall and ran his hand up her silken thigh.
“Do you know what it does to me to watch those men drooling over you?Å‚

Lara gasped as his hand slid up her leg to her warm mound. She threaded her fingers through his
hair. “You are the one IÅ‚m with," she
whispered. “I donÅ‚t want anyone
else. Just you."

His mouth came down on hers in a
voracious kiss. Their tongues danced and
teased, the heat warming them as the ever present desire grew again.

Lara rubbed the palm of her hand
against his straining erection, determined to show him how much she needed
him. He gave a groan and eased a finger
beneath her satin panties to tease her warm folds. She whimpered as her need drenched his
exploring fingers.

Pulling his mouth away, he laid his
forehead against hers. “How can I
believe that?" he asked in a tortured voice.
“IÅ‚m a dead man. They are
alive. You can have a future with any
one of them. MeIÅ‚m just a night time

Larałs heart squeezed, and she
cradled his face in her hands. “You are
much more, Justin. Donłt you know
that? Donłt you understand what I feel
for you?"

His heart pounded. If she said what he hoped she would, it would
be the end of everything. Yet how could
he ignore it?

“Hey, Lara Ooopssorry." Tim came into the hall and then turned
red. “DidnÅ‚t know you were still
occupied." He nodded at Justin and then
turned around and made for the door.
“When you can, thereÅ‚s some old lady who wants to talk to you."

Lara stared after him in shock,
forgetting completely sheÅ‚d been found in a compromising position. “Did you see that?" she whispered to Justin.

Justin had frozen in place at Timłs
words. All desire fled with the surprise
of discovery. “Hecould seeme."

“I donÅ‚t understand. How can this be?"

“I donÅ‚t know, sweetheart. We need to find the others. But" he took her chin in his hand, “we will
continue this later."

She nodded and quickly putting their
clothes to right, they left the hallway and entered the salon. The music had started up again and people had
gone back to gambling and having a good time.
They spied Lottie and Charlie standing near the wall. They looked as shocked as Lara felt.

“Captain," stammered Charlie as they
approached. “The mortals can see us."

“HeÅ‚s right," Lottie agreed. Her open face was white with surprise. “He nearly got his head taken off when he
blew down some womanłs blouse."


“I thought I was invisible, Miss

“What the hell is going on?" Sir Malcolm came trotting up with Diana in
tow. “I just had to pull some young
whippersnapper off of our Diana."

“I didnÅ‚t ask for any help," the
singer complained.

The old soldier glared at her. “DonÅ‚t be fast, girl. YouÅ‚ll come to a bad end one of these days."

“Please," Lara said quietly. “DonÅ‚t argue. We have to figure out what is going on. Why can people see you now?"

“I can answer that question, my
sweet granddaughter."









There was a long moment of silence as they
all turned and saw the thin form of an elderly lady. She was dressed in later period clothing than
Lottie or Diana and was sporting a bobbed haircut. She had dark hair and dark eyes that held an
odd light in them. She was staring at
Justin with a heated expression, like shełd seen him before.

Suddenly the quiet was broken by a stream of
powerful curses. “Bridget," Justin
rasped, his eyes glinting in fury. “What
are you doing here?" His hands clenched
and unclenched as if he would like to wring her thin neck.

here for the show," the woman smiled at him.
“You are looking good, lover."

eyes flashed. “It was never love."

she spat at him. “And that is why you
are here now. Cursedon this damned
boat." She turned to Lara. “And you, you arenÅ‚t even supposed to be

stared at her. This was her
ancestor. The one who had caused all the
trouble. It was weirdlike looking in a
slightly twisted mirror. Bridget had the
same coloring as she did, but that was where the resemblance ended.

“You said you could tell us why they can be

“Because, my dear granddaughter, itÅ‚s one
hundred years later. Close to the
witching hour, where all things are possible."
She laughed cruelly. “But not
everything, and itłs for that reason I have come. I want to see the curse at work!"

Lara didnłt understand, but she realized she
didnłt care. Having Bridget here was
perfect for what she wanted to do. Now
shełd prove to all of them she and her ancestor were nothing alike.

“You didnÅ‚t think about a woman inheriting,
did you?" she said to the old woman.
“But it happened. And IÅ‚m going
to make up for what you did."

laughed. “There is only one way to do

eyes flashing, Lara shook her head. “IÅ‚m
not sure why youłre here, but Iłm glad of it.
I want you to see this."

Turning to Justin, she sighed. “I was going to do this later, but I think
now is a perfect time." She pulled out a
folded document and handed it to him.

this?" he asked gruffly, not wanting to take his eyes off his enemy. Being in the same room with her made him

it and see."

Justin opened up the paper. His hands
froze momentarily and then started to shake.
He jerked his head up to stare at Lara.
“What have you done?"

should have been done a hundred years ago."
She touched his face with a gentle hand.
“IÅ‚m giving you back The Lucky Lady.

Bridget screeched.

Lara said as she continued to look into JustinÅ‚s shocked sea-blue eyes. “You used this ship to lure him to his
death. Itłs only fitting I give it back
to him in the same way on Halloween night."


course, I had to do some legal maneuvering and it has to be in both our names
since you donłt exist. But this way if
something happens to me, it will go to any descendants you might have." Her dark eyes searched his. “It was the only way I could do it."

why?" he said hoarsely. “Why have you
done this?"

smiled. “DonÅ‚t you know, Justin? CanÅ‚t you figure it out?"

held their breath. There was a sense of
expectation in the group Lara didnłt understand.

knew she held his future in her hands.
If she said she loved him, he would be forced to leave her, but if she
didnłt, he and his crew would be caught in limbo forever.

hissed Bridget. “I wonÅ‚t allow it. You canÅ‚t.
Youłll ruin everything."

frowned. “This is between Justin and
me. Itłs not your business anymore. You have nothing to do with it."

reached for Lara, ignoring the angry woman.
He held her tight against him.
“Tell me, Lara. Tell me what you
feel for me."

“No!" Bridget snatched the paper out of JustinÅ‚s
hand and ripped it in two. “You canÅ‚t do
this. Hełs using you just like he used

listen to her, Lara," Justin begged. He
cast a quick glance at his timepiece.
There was only fifteen minutes more until midnight.
“Tell me."

looked at the Ethereal group. All of
them had identical expressions of worry and concern on their faces. She stepped back, suddenly uneasy. “WhatÅ‚s going on?"

eyes gleamed. “Has he told you about the

sighed. “Yes, of course he did. He had to, so IÅ‚d understand everything. So we could find a way to break it."

old witch laughed. “Ohpoor Lara. He didnÅ‚t tell you they already knew how to
break the curse?"

unease grew. “What are you talking
about?" She turned to Justin. “What is she saying?"

was silent for so long she thought he wouldnłt answer her. When he finally spoke, it was as if it was
pulled from him.

few years after we died, Bridget called in a gypsy to exorcise us. She was tired of the damage we were doing to
the ship and her reputation. But instead
of cursing us again, the gypsy felt sorry for what had been done. She gave us a way to beat the curse and go on
to our rewards."

blinked in confusion. “But why havenÅ‚t
you said anything to me about this?"

our fault, dearie," Lottie broke in.
Tears were streaming down her face.
“We knew we were running out of time, and we put pressure on him."

are sorry, Miss Lara," Charlie muttered.

for Godłs sake," Diana said scathingly.
“It was our only choice. What
else could we do?"

have found something," Sir Malcolm pulled out his handkerchief for Lottie. “WasnÅ‚t right. WasnÅ‚t right at all."

Justin growled commandingly. “It was my
decision." He stared down at Lara. “I didnÅ‚t tell you because if I had, it would
have destroyed any chance of us breaking the curse."

donłt understand."

laughed. “You are slow. CanÅ‚t you guess?"

silent, woman!"

old witch ignored him. “The only way he
could defeat the curse was to have a human woman fall in love with himjust the
way he was. And he had to do it before midnight on Halloween night of the hundredth year of
the curse."

didnłt move. She didnłt breathe. The words pushed through her consciousness
like painful arrows of truth. Her face
lost all its color as she finally realized what Bridget meant.

had all been a set up from the beginning.
Hełd never really cared for her at all. He had used her, just as
Bridget had said.

Justin said desperately. He saw in that
moment hełd lost her. His heart pounded
in sudden agony. “DonÅ‚t believe
her. It wasnłt like that."

She lifted tragic eyes to his. “You didnÅ‚t set out to seduce me?"

His neck reddened, and he dropped his eyes,
unable to meet her gaze. “It sounds
worse than it is."

Sickness pooled in Larałs stomach. It was trueall of it. With a cry of pain, she turned and ran out
onto the bow of the ship. It was empty
and she made her way to the railing, taking deep breaths of the clean ocean

Justin and the others followed her out.
“Please. You have to believe
me. I never meant to hurt you."

She closed her eyes as her heart shattered
into little pieces. She loved him and
hełd used her. Tears burned in her eyes.

“He did the same thing to me," Bridget spat
out hatefully. Unknowingly, her words
mirrored LaraÅ‚s thoughts. “I loved him
and he used me. But I got even with
him. He paid for his treachery.

Slowly, Lara turned and met the eyes of the
man she loved. His were dark and angry,
but she saw no shame in them for what he had done. “Why didnÅ‚t you tell me?"

His jaw clenched. “I set out to seduce you. I couldnÅ‚t tell you why or it wouldnÅ‚t have
worked. But something else happened,
Lara. You werenłt the one who was
seduced. I was." He reached down and took her by the

“I fell in love with you."

Her heart twinged, but she couldnłt believe
him. “Did you? Or was I just convenient" she nodded at
Bridget, “as she was."

“Damn it.
Do you think IÅ‚d have cared if Bridget made a spectacle of herself on
the bar?" he growled. “It didnÅ‚t matter
to me who she whored herself with, and I swear to you, I never stayed up half
the night worrying about her."

He stepped closer. “We have something special, Lara. Curse or not.
The hardest thing IÅ‚ve ever had to do was go forward with seducing you."

“Why?" she whispered as she turned her face
away. “I made it easy for you."

He shook her gently. “DonÅ‚t be
sorry for what we have. I hated going
forward, because if you did fall in love with me, the curse would be broken and
I would go to my reward." He touched one
hand to her face. “I didnÅ‚t want to
go. I wanted to stay with you."

Her heart throbbed in pain. “Please, Justin. No more."

“You have to listen to me," he said
desperately. “I love you. But I couldnÅ‚t tell you. I couldnÅ‚t tell you anything or it might ruin
it for the others."

Her eyes closed as she understood what he
was saying. Hełd been thinking of the
others, not just himself. It was just
like him. It was one of the reasons she
loved him. But hełd lied to her, and that
wasnłt something she could bear. Now she
would never know if he loved her for himself or because of the damned curse.

“Let me go, please."

searched her face, looking for something that would show him how she felt. He had the horrible feeling either way, hełd
lost her. If she loved him, he would go
on to the reward the gypsy had promised, but if she didnłt, her knowing hełd
lied to her would sound a death knell for any relationship they could have in
the future.

dropped his hands and stepped back. He
kept his eyes on Lara as she stood still as a statue, her beautiful dress
whipping in the night breeze. “I love
you, Lara. More than my own
existence. All I ask is you remember

cackled with glee. “Give it up,
Justin. Youłve lost. She knows the type of man you are now! Take back the ship, girl. Show him what youłre made of."

lifted her eyes to the dark man standing above her. Behind her, she heard the ringing of the
shipłs bell as it called out the beginning of the midnight watch.
They were all out of time. As
hurt as she was she couldnłtwouldnłt be like her despicable ancestor.
Suddenly, she knew just what to do.

turned to her great-great-great-great grandmother. “IÅ‚m not you, Bridget. You destroyed yourself and these people over
what? Lust? Money?
Power?" She shook her head. “It certainly wasnÅ‚t love." She looked up at Justin. “If you love somebody, then you want whatÅ‚s
best for them."

he murmured.

ignored the soft spoken plea. “I hate
what she did to you. It was immoral and
wrong. But IÅ‚m not her. You should have been honest with me. Lying was wrong, too." She sighed.

“I know you love your crew, and you did what
was necessary to free them from the curse."
She stepped close to him and touched his hard jaw. “Whatever the reason, it worked. You have The Lucky Lady. No matter what youÅ‚ve done or how you did
it. She took a deep breath.

“I love you, Justin."

her words, Bridget screamed. A high
keening sound that was shrill in the quiet night sky. “YouÅ‚ve ruined everything, you stupid
girl. I will kill you for this!"

Her eyes were filled with hate as she threw
herself at Lara, her sharpened nails reaching toward her eyes. Evil, dark words issued from her mouth.


“By the dragonÅ‚s light, on this Halloween

I call to thee to give me your might

I conjure thee to destroy all you see"


shouted Justin. He threw himself between
the two women, grabbing Bridgetłs arms before she could make contact with Lara
and finish the curse. The old womanłs
fingerłs gouged scratches down his face.

the bow exploded with a bright white light.
Everyone cried out and covered their faces as they were thrown off their
feet. The air was pure and clean and a
sense of peace and joy shot through them all.

happening!" cried Lottie.

cannot be!" shrieked Bridget. She
scrabbled away from the light like a brittle old spider.

Suddenly, the brightness faded. The radiance changed to an ugly red color,
undulating across the deck. Tendrils of
it reached out, wrapping around the witchłs struggling body.

“No!" she screamed again as the air became
bitter and foul.

They all choked from the horrible smell and
watched in horror as Bridget twisted and turned, screaming out obscenities as
she fought against it. It seemed to go
on forever before finally, she dissolved into a putrid puddle of melted flesh
in front of them.

the light disappeared and with it, all sign of Bridgetłs liquefied body. There was silence on the bow for several long

heavens," Sir Malcolm said as he helped Lottie to her feet. “What has happened here?"

put a helping hand under Dianałs elbow.
“The witch is gone. The light
took her."

staggered to his feet, wiping the blood from his face. He looked back and forth across the
deck. “WhereÅ‚s Lara?" he shouted.

raced to the side. “She went over when
the light hit us." She looked up at
Justin, and there was fear on her face as she pointed to the bloody
railing. “She must have hit her head."

cold terror congealed in Justinłs veins.
“No," he whispered hoarsely.
Without thought he jerked out of his coat and kicked off his boots. Scrambling up onto the rail he stared into
the dark sea. When he saw the dark color
of feathers in the moonlight, he didnłt hesitate, but dove over the side.

cleanly into the water, he opened his eyes in the stinging salt water,
searching frantically for sight of her.
He shot to the surface and filled his lungs with air before diving back,
deep into the unforgiving sea. Deeper
and deeper he went, refusing to give up.

Three times he dove, looking for his lost
love. His heart pounded with fear and
anger. He refused to believe they had
gone through all this only to lose her completely. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the trailing
end of a feather. Kicking hard, he swam
towards it, his hand outstretched.

When his hand touched her skin, he almost
recoiled at the iciness of her flesh, but grabbing her around the waist, he shot
to the surface, his lungs burning with the need for air.

Coughing, choking on seawater, he waved his
hand at the receding ship as he held LaraÅ‚s head above the water. “DonÅ‚t quit on me now, sweetheart," he
rasped. He covered her mouth in a life
giving kiss, thankful hełd watched the crew classes on mouth to mouth

He heard a shout and saw a small boat
heading their way. He waved his hand
again, but never stopped breathing into Larałs slack mouth. His eyes stung from a combination of tears
and salt water.

It wasnłt long before the boat reached
them. Charlie and Diana were there to
help him lift Larałs limp body to safety.
Climbing into the craft himself, he laid her in the bottom of the boat.

“Get us back as soon as you can," he said harshly. “WeÅ‚ve got to get her warm." Bending low, he listened for the beat of her
heart, but could find none. “I wonÅ‚t
lose you this way," he muttered to himself.
Again, he covered her mouth with his, breathing life into her.

“Please, love," he begged. “DonÅ‚t leave me."

The small craft skimmed over the waves as
Justin continued his life saving actions.
Over and over again, he breathed for her, his heart pounding in fear.

Godhad he been too late?

Just as they reached the small landing
platform on the side of The Lucky Lady, Larałs body twitched. Convulsing in his arms, she coughed and spit
up sea water.

“SheÅ‚s alive!" Diana cried. Tears flowed down her cheeks.

Lifting her so she could breathe easier,
Justin let his own tears come. He
pressed his lips against her cold forehead and tried to warm her shivering


“IÅ‚m here, sweetheart. Everything is fine now. YouÅ‚re safe.
IÅ‚ve got you."

“Whathappened?" LaraÅ‚s throat felt like it was on fire. “My head"

“BridgetÅ‚s gone, Miss Lara," Charlie said
with a big smile. “The light knocked you
overboard, but the Captain, he saved you."

Lara opened groggy eyes. “Butyou shouldnÅ‚t be here. I brokethe curse."

“It didnÅ‚t work," Justin said as he held her
close against him. “But donÅ‚t worry about
it. Iłm damn glad it didnłt. I wouldnłt
have been able to save you."

Dianałs voice held an odd tone.
She stared at him and her eyes were bright. “Do you realize what we just did?"

He frowned and held Lara tighter as she
shivered. “What are you talking about?"

“DonÅ‚t you see?" Diana wrapped her arms around herself in
awe. “Justin, weÅ‚re not on The Lucky

He stared at the singer, freezing in the
process of lifting Lara into his arms.
His mind raced at her words. She
was right! Hełd gone into the water to
save Lara, not even thinking of the curse.
It wouldnłt have let him leave the ship.
He would have been stuck on The Lucky Lady, forced to watch the
woman he loved drown.

“Oh, my God," he said hoarsely. “It worked."
He stared at Lara. “You did break
the curse, sweetheart. But not like we
thought it would be broken."

“Instead, weÅ‚re alive," Diana said
brokenly. “ItÅ‚s a miracle."

“But, Captain." Charlie frowned. “I thought we were going to heaven."

Justin held Lara tight against him as he
finally realized the reward the gypsy had waiting for him. “I am in heaven, my friend," he
whispered, looking down into Larałs dark eyes.
“And IÅ‚m holding my very own angel."







Chapter Nine



Once on board ship, Justin took Lara straight
to her cabin, the other Etherealsex-Etherealsfollowing close behind. At his growling command they waited in her
room while he carried her shaking body into the bathroom. He stripped them both and climbed into a hot

“WeÅ‚ve got to stop meeting like this," he

Larałs blue lips chattered as he held her
under the warm water. “This was not the
way I had planned for you to take my dress off."

His eyes darkened. “I think your dress is a topic better left
for another time." He wrapped his arms
around her, warming her with his own body.
“But I will say as much as I liked you in it, I love you even more
without it."

She stiffened slightly at his words. “ItÅ‚s okay, Justin. You donÅ‚t have to pretend anymore. The curse is broken."

He swore aloud. “I never lied to you about loving you,
Lara." He framed her face in his
hands. “I swear to you. Once I realized it, I prayed I could have it
all. I wanted to stay with you, but I
knew I had to break the curse."

She searched his beautiful eyes looking for
the falsehood she knew was there, but all she saw was the same sincerity that
filled his face whenever he looked at her.
Could it be true? Could he really
love her?

Justin saw the doubt in her face. “I mean it, sweetheart. I do love you. IÅ‚m so sorry I didnÅ‚t tell you
everything." He bent and kissed her,
lingering over her now warming lips.
“Please, donÅ‚t let it come between us.
Canłt you see what we have is something most people only dream of
finding?" He rubbed his big hands down
her back, pleased the warmth was returning.

“I love you, Lara. And now IÅ‚ll have a lifetime to prove it to
youif youłll let me."

Sighing, she buried her face in his
chest. She was so tired and she didnłt
understand what had happened. But one
thing she knew. She hadnłt stopped
loving him. If only she could trust him

“I donÅ‚t know, Justin. I do love you, but trust"

He pulled her head back and slanted his
mouth over hers, stopping the words before they could be spoken. He held her so tightly, she could hardly
breathe. “Give me a chance," he begged
softly when he freed her. “Let me show
you I can be trusted."

His touch, the knowledge he really loved
her, warmed her more than any shower ever could. When his lips took hers again, she
surrendered, knowing she couldnłt fight her feelings anymore.

Trust may have to be earned, but love was
given freely. As they stood there
surrounded by heat and steam, she knew the only future she wantedwas with him.


Sensing she still had a few doubts, Justin
let the conversation go and finished ministering to Larałs shivering form. Once she was clean and dry, he wrapped her in
her fluffy robe. Then, to Larałs
amusement, he realized his only clothing was in a wet pile on the floor.

Where before, it would have magically dried
itself, now it sat there, a soaking lump of wet fabric. Grumbling under his breath, he shouted at
Charlie to go to the gift shop and buy him something to wear.

Once properly clothed in a pair of gray
sweat pants and T-shirt that read, Are You Feeling Lucky?, he carried
Lara out to the bed and wrapped her in some blankets.

Larałs attention was caught by the sight of
Diana going through her closets. When
the sultry blonde saw her looking at her, she shrugged.

“You donÅ‚t mind, do you?" She brushed at her peach frock with
disgust. “IÅ‚ve been wearing this for a
hundred years. I could definitely use a
change of wardrobe."

Laughing weakly, Lara shook her head. “Go ahead.
Wełre about the same size."

“Captain," Charlie began hesitantly. “Can you tell us what happened? Why arenÅ‚t we dead?

Justin sat on the bed, pulling Lara against
him. “IÅ‚m not sure of anything, Charlie,
but this I know. The curse is

“I did it," Lara whispered.

“Your love for Justin saved us all,"
murmured Lottie. Her eyes welled up with
tears and Sir Malcolm handed her his ever present handkerchief.

“What about this?" Diana stood with one of LaraÅ‚s sundresses
against her. When she saw their
exasperated looks, she rolled her eyes.
“For GodÅ‚s sakes. WeÅ‚re
alive. ThatÅ‚s all that matters. Now we can have some fun." She flounced toward the bathroom door. “IÅ‚m going to try this on."

“But how, sir?" Charlie questioned again,
once she was gone. “How did we get alive

Justin kissed the top of Larałs damp head,
breathing in the familiar jasmine scent.
The memory of her limp body still made him shudder. “I think it was the light. I remember something going through me when we
first saw it."

“But it killed Bridget." Sir Malcolm tucked LottieÅ‚s hand into his
arm, patting it gently. “Not that the
old girl didnłt deserve it."

Justin nodded. “I think the white light saved us because the
curse was evil. We werenłt meant to die
yet. The red light took Bridget and destroyed
her because of what she was and what she tried to do."

“She was wicked." Lara rested her head on JustinÅ‚s chest. “ItÅ‚s hard to believe I came from such a
horrible woman."

“You made everything right, dearie," Lottie
sniffed. “Just as it was meant to be."

“I wonder if part of the curse was all the
trouble I had before I came here," Lara mused.
“If I hadnÅ‚t been so angry with my life, I might not have worked so hard
to make this all happen."

Pulling her against him, Justin nodded. “It could be.
The gypsy had a long reach."

“IÅ‚m glad to be alive, Captain," put in
Charlie. “I just always thought going to
our reward meant we were dead."

“I donÅ‚t think so," mused Justin. “I think the curse caught us in some sort of
limbo. Not dead, but not really alive
either." He looked down at Lara. “It was more than just a chance the gypsy
gave us. She could tell the future. She knew I would fall in love with Lara and
her with me. So she crafted her spell to
reflect that."

“And our rewards would be coming back to
life." Sir Malcolm shook his head. “IÅ‚d forgotten how pleasant breathing could
be." Then he chuckled. “Or how creaky these old bones are."

They all laughed. Diana chose that moment to reappear from the
bathroom. She twirled in a circle, her
hazel eyes bright with pleasure. The
yellow and green dress swirled above her knees.

“What do you think?"

The men in the room were struck
speechless. Finally, Charlie blurted
out. “Miss DianayouÅ‚ve got legs!"

Lara and Diana both burst out laughing.

Lottie looked only a bit less
scandalized. “Oh my goodness." She looked at the younger woman. “That willtake some getting used to."

Lara wiped the tears of laughter away. “You look great, Diana. Keep it.
Looks better on you than it ever did on me."

“I prefer you naked, anyway," Justin
muttered in her ear.

She blushed, even though no one else could

“Knowing we are part of the world again will
take some getting used to," Lottie said.
“Being an Ethereal was easier in a way."

“You mustnÅ‚t worry," Lara said quickly. “You can all stay here for as long as you want
to. In fact I canłt imagine The Lucky
Lady without you. That is" she
glanced up at the disheveled man holding her, “if itÅ‚s okay with the co-owner

Justinłs eyes darkened, and he held her
tighter. His jaw clenched with
emotion. “Are you sure, sweetheart? IÅ‚d understand if you changed your mind. ItÅ‚s different now."

She blinked up at him. “I donÅ‚t see any difference. The Lucky Lady belonged to you then,
and it should belong to you now." She
gave a little grin. “But nowyou have a

Diana snorted. “Oh, you two are gonna have some great

Lara giggled at Justinłs raised
eyebrows. “Oh no, Diana. DidnÅ‚t you know? Justin is the mildest of men."

Everyone burst out laughing.

“Well," Justin growled as he pulled a still
chuckling Lara into his lap. “One thing
I do know is making up will be great!"

They all laughed again at Larałs reddened

“I donÅ‚t know about you all," Diana said
excitedly, “but we still have a few minutes left of this party cruise, and IÅ‚m
going to go have some fun." Her eyes
brightened. “Maybe they will let me sing
a number."

Lara smiled.
“Tell them I sent you."

“I think itÅ‚s time we all departed." Sir Malcolm pulled Lottie to her feet. “LetÅ‚s leave these love birds alone."

“First round is on me," Diana cried. She hooked her arm through CharlieÅ‚s. “And even you get a drink. You may be only twenty, but having lived a
hundred years in limbo makes you way past any silly drinking age."

They all were chattering happily as they
made their way out of the room. As she
passed through the door, Diana turned back and gave them a wink.

“DonÅ‚t do anything I wouldnÅ‚t do."

As the door shut behind her, Justin
snorted. “That leaves a lot of open

“Be nice."
Lara stared at the closed door.
“SheÅ‚s been through so much. Let
her have her fun. Shełs smart. Shełll be okay."

“I donÅ‚t really care about Diana just this
moment." Justin lay prone on the bed,
pulling her with him. “I care more about
the woman IÅ‚m holding in my arms."

Lara snuggled against him. “I do love you, Justin."

He rolled so she lay beneath him. “Enough to forgive me? To give us a chance together?"

She stared up at him. He looked so vulnerable, her heart
softened. She threaded her fingers
through his messy hair. “I do. It may take a while for me to fully trust you
again, but I promiseIÅ‚ll try."

They were both suddenly aware of those same
words heÅ‚d spoken to her in the office, so long ago. Bending, he kissed her gently. “ThatÅ‚s all I ask, sweetheart. I swear IÅ‚ll prove my love for you a hundred
times over."

She smiled and moved against him
gently. “Then you better get cracking."

Justinłs body hardened in a glorious
rush. “Are you sure? YouÅ‚ve been through a lot tonight."

Lara reached up and bit him gently on the
chin. “IÅ‚m still cold inside. I need you to warm me up."

He gave her a slow, sexy smile. “Well IÅ‚m just what the doctor ordered
then. Because IÅ‚m hotter then hell for

She giggled, lifting her arms to encircle
his neck. “Show me."

“Yes, maÅ‚am!"

He slanted his lips over hers in a hungry
kiss that showed her exactly how he really felt about her. She sensed the emotions pouring from him as
he held her close. Desire, need, passion
and now she recognized another sensation shełd seen in him before.


He did love her. It had been hidden with all the other
emotions, but it was there, just like it had been there before.

Tears filled her eyes and any reservations
she may have had slipped away. He
loved. She loved. It was perfect.

Justin kissed down her neck, loosening her
robe as he did so. Spreading it apart,
he feasted his eyes on her naked body.
All at once, he was overcome with the thought of how close hełd been to
losing her.

Burying his head in her stomach, he held her
close. “God I was so scared."

She wrapped her arms around his dark
head. “I donÅ‚t remember much after the
light exploded. The first memory I have
is your face leaning over me.

“I almost lost you."

“But you didnÅ‚t," she whispered. “IÅ‚m here now."

He shuddered one more time. When he raised his head, his eyes were
wet. “I love you."

“I love you, too."

He bent his head back to her stomach and
kissed her again. His tongue swirled
into her bellybutton and she gasped.
Gently he continued down, kissing each hip, before rubbing his bearded
face softly over her curly mound.

“Justin," she whispered.

“Easy, sweetheart," he said hoarsely. Her scent made him throb with his own
need. “Let me love you. I want to."

Surrendering, she lay back. Her hands clutched at the sheets as his mouth
trailed kisses down the insides of her soft thighs. She moaned and he burned even hotter.

Gently, he moved so he lay between her
legs. Using his elbows, he carefully
spread her knees farther apart, leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze.

“So beautiful," he growled.

Lara bit her lip. Her juices were trickling down her leg, she
wanted him that much. She watched him,
her breath quickening as he used a finger to wipe at the liquid and then bring
it to his lips. He tasted her, his
nostrils flaring with arousal.

“Justin," she choked out. “Please."

Smiling, he bent his head to her again. He ran his tongue up the outside of her moist
nether lips. When she cried out, bucking
against him, he chuckled.

“So responsive. I like that in my lady."

She grabbed at his head, but he ignored her,
nuzzling the soft hair until he had moved the wet lips apart. His tongue snaked out, lapping at her,
tickling up one fold and then the other.
Slowly, he licked at her, tasting her essence, making the heat rise in
her body.

Then, using his fingers, he widened the now
swollen folds. His tongue darted inside
to tickle her clit. She moaned again,
her body jerking against his hold.
Unmercifully, he licked her, teasing the throbbing bud with his tongue
and lips.

Lara writhed beneath him, her body already
out of control. Her breasts throbbed and
sharp tendrils of heat danced in her belly.
It was like she was dancing on the edge of a sword, the need and pleasure
warring with each other.

Without warning, he speared his tongue deep
into her hot wet channel. Over and over
again he plunged it deep inside of her.
She screamed as the heat in her body all shot to her groin. Her toes tingled and her breasts swelled and
when he suddenly sucked on her throbbing clit, she exploded, screaming his name
as pleasure like shełd never felt before swamped her.

She convulsed against him, her body jerking
in climax. Justin groaned as his cock
throbbed hard against the sheets.
Suddenly, he too, was close to coming.
Sliding up her still shuddering form, he eased himself inside her,
groaning as her quim clenched down on him.

He moved slowly inside of her, their eyes
fixed on each other. Wild with need, his
sea-blue eyes were darkened to the color of a storm. He saw in hers mysteries he wanted to spend a
lifetime exploring. Bending down, he
kissed her, showing her again without words just what she meant to him.

He wanted to make it last, but the tightness
of her hot channel was too much for him.
Giving into his bodyłs needs, he moved strongly against her. Incredibly, she tightened even more around
him as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

Justin shuddered as their bodies pressed
even closer together. He couldnłt tell
where she stopped and he began. “Ineed
you," he muttered, his powerful strokes bringing himself and her to the edge of
the cliff.

Her whispered reply of “I love you," was all
it took to send them both over. The same
white light that had brought them back from limbo exploded around them. They both cried out as the sensations rocked
through their bodies. As they climaxed,
love, desire, passion and need enveloped them.
Shaking wildly, they gave themselves over to it, knowing they had found
what theyłd been searching for their whole lives.

True love.










Lara stood in the corner of the noisy
casino, a satisfied smile on her lovely face.
Everything was going wonderfully.
People had talked about the fantastic time theyłd had on the Halloween
cruise, and afterwards they had close to sell out crowds every night.

Since theyłd decided The Lucky Lady
was more of a specialized casino cruise, they didnłt make it free, like so many
others were. They charged a small
boarding fee, but then immediately gave most of it back with free drink
tickets. It gave their ship a kind of
elegant ambiance some of the others didnłt have.

They had two shows nightly in the lounge,
plus gambling and all the free food you could eat. Charlie had come up with the idea of having
tours of the ship, using its haunted history as the premise. Since he knew the stories intimately, he was
in charge of that aspect of the business.

He had decided to stay on The Lucky Lady
as had Lottie and Sir Malcolm. Grumbling
about space, yet not meaning a word of it, Justin had renovated the lower
portion of the ship into more cabins.

But, only two. Giggling like a couple of teenagers, Lottie
and Sir Malcolm had announced their engagement only a day after the Halloween
curse had been lifted. As soon as Lara had
found someone to make fake identifications for them all, they dragged their
adopted family down to the courthouse to make it legal. Seemed they both thought a hundred years of
courting was plenty.

Justin hadnłt wasted any time himself. Hełd proposed to Lara immediately. He even jumped up on the bar during the
middle of a cruise to do it. Hełd
thoroughly embarrassed himself and her, but she loved him all the more for
it. And of course shełd said yes.

A colorful bundle of fur leapt up on the slot machine next to her.

“Gypsy!" Lara scolded rubbing the felineÅ‚s
multi-colored head. “How did you get in
here? Charlie let you out again?"

The cat purred as she watched her mistress
through slitted eyes. She still walked
with a limp due to the crushing injury of her leg, but the fast medical
treatment and lavish loving shełd received since Lara had found her made all
the difference. As soon as she was able,
Lara brought the cat back to the ship.
It was now her home, too.

Now, as she wandered the decks and dock at
will, she acted like she owned The Lucky Lady. She was an odd assortment of orange, black,
yellow and white, giving her an exotic look that earned her the name Gypsy.

And, if her rounding stomach was any
indicationpretty soon there would be a whole band of gypsies on board.

Lara sighed and touched her own
stomach. She could be in the same boat
as the cat. Unprotected sex with a ghost
was safe, but it had taken them several days to remember Justin was a real man,
in all ways. Her period was almost a
week late. If she was right, there may
be more than kittens born in the near future.

She smiled.
If it were so, Justin would be pleased.
Hełd already told her he wanted a big family.

She caught sight of him as he wandered
through the tables, talking to the pit supervisors. Pride filled her as she stroked Gypsyłs soft
fur. Damnhe was so handsome, as well as
being good at his job. Made running the
casino look so easy. Although they had
lived up to Dianałs prediction of some really good arguments, mostly she left
the running of the casino to him. He was
the expert. He had the gift.

Lara stayed in the background, doing what
she was best at, planning events and dealing with the money side of it. She had been able to put in her automated
system almost immediately with the profits they made and by the time of their
wedding, she was able to give him a special gift.

The wedding had taken place out at sea, with
all the crew invited. They were their
family now. Lara, being as honest as she
was, told the truth about Justin and the others. Some of the crew thought it was a joke,
otherłs frowned and wondered, but quite a few believed her. They had been on the boat long enough to know
about the sabotage and the odd happenings.
The fact Justin carried the name of the original owner clinched it for them.

So they married, with Charlie being the Best
Man, and Lottie the Matron of Honor. Sir
Malcolm gave away the bride and Diana, in a stroke of romantic genius, sang the
theme to the movie ęGhostł at the reception for their first dance as a
married couple. Tears filled both their
eyes as theyłd listened to the haunting words about hungering for a loverłs
touch a long lonely time.

It had been beautiful.

As her gift to him, shełd presented him with
the deed of The Lucky Ladyin his name only. Now, the ship had come full circle, back to
whom it belonged. She hadnłt understood
his laughter, until hełd given her his gift.

Shełd burst into tears when shełd seen
it. Hełd given the boat to her. His sacrifice of the one thing she knew he
loved other than herself had broken down any barriers left over his
deception. She knew now he loved her
more than anything.

Gypsy nuzzled her shoulder, and Lara sighed
in remembrance. After a weekłs
honeymoon, where she showed him the sights of Florida, they both decided to keep the deed as it
had been on Halloween night. The
Lucky Lady had brought them together.
She would belong to both of them.

The hardest part of the last month had been
saying goodbye to Diana. The woman had
waited to go until both couples were married, but everyone knew she wanted to
leave. Shełd made no secret of
that. After a quick shopping spree, she
took her suitcase and the generous nest egg Justin gave her and said
goodbye. She was off to make her way in
a brand new world.

Lara smiled as she watched Justin lean over
and speak to Lottie. She and Sir Malcolm
were playing the nickel slots. There
were two machines reserved just for them each night and they played madly,
enjoying when they won, cursing when they lost.
All the crew knew they were part of Larałs unique family and treated
them like the honored elders they were.

“Hey baby!
Ya miss me?"

The greasy voice jolted Lara out of her
pleasant daydreams. Gypsy hissed beside
her as she whirled around. Her mouth
fell open in shock.

Gerald Kravitz?"

Her old boss laughed. Dressed in a loud Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda
shorts that showed his knobby knees, he was the very epitome of a tacky
tourist. “HowÅ‚s it going, honey?"

“What are you doing here?"

He threw a companionable arm around her
shoulders and gave her a hug. “Heard
about your little venture. When it came
time for my vacation, thought IÅ‚d give it a look-see." His small greedy eyes swept around the casino
floor." “Thought you could use some
managerial help, since you donłt have any skills."

LaraÅ‚s temper slowly heated. “Did you now?"

“Hey," he grinned giving her a sloppy kiss
on the forehead. “Knowing what we were
to each other, how could I not?"

“Excuse me?"

“Now Lara," he chuckled. “You know you wanted me. If you hadnÅ‚t come east, both of us know what
would have happened." He ran a hand down
her arm to her hip. “Love the little
black dress."

Justin heard the manłs words through a cloud
of red fury. It wasnłt the first time
hełd had to explain matters to an over exuberant guest, but this guy acted like
he knew Lara.

“Is there a problem here?" he bit out.

Both of them jumped. Lara turned to him with relieved eyes. “Justin."

Gerald looked the big man up and down. “Nice suit.
But wełre fine." He gave Lara
another squeeze. “Just getting

Seeing the anger in Justinłs eyes, Lara
spoke quickly. “Gerald, I donÅ‚t think
youłve metmy husband, Justin Savage.
Justinmy old boss, Gerald Kravitz."

Gerald swallowed hard. His hand slid away when he saw the ice in the
other manÅ‚s eyes. “Youryour husband?"

“Yes," Justin gritted out as he pulled his
wife to him. “Her very jealous husband."

“I-I didnÅ‚t mean anything by it," Gerald
stammered out. “I didnÅ‚t know she was
married, honest."

“You didnÅ‚t give me much time to tell you,"
Lara said dryly. She leaned against
Justin, enjoying the feel of his hard body after the soft flabby one of her old

“The last man to put his hands on my wife
wound up overboard, Kravitz," Justin growled.
“Do I make myself clear?"

GeraldÅ‚s AdamÅ‚s apple bobbed. “Yesyesexcuse me. Have to go to the menÅ‚s room." Turning, he sprinted away, knocking over one
of the waitstaff in his hurry.

Lara giggled. “You scared him."

“Damn right," Justin groused. “Little bastard had his hands all over you."

Turning, she wrapped her arms around his
waist. “He barely touched me. I was so shocked he even tried anything, I
couldnłt move at first."

“Should have punched him."

“You did that to the delivery guy,
remember? All he did was smile at

JustinÅ‚s neck reddened. “It was the way he smiled."

“You take such good care of me," she teased.

Finally relaxing, he hugged her
tightly. “I love you, Lara. I plan on taking care of you for the rest of
our lives.

She smiled.
“I guess that means IÅ‚m a very lucky lady."

Chuckling, he pulled her tighter. “I guess I have a pair of lucky ladies then."

Lara gazed around her at the bustling casino
filled with their crew and many new friends.
She saw Charlie arguing companionably with Lottie and Sir Malcolm. She looked up at the handsome man she was
fortunate enough to call her husband, seeing the love in his sea-blue
eyes. She reached up and pulled his dark
head down to hers.

“No, my love. We have much more than that." She touched her lips gently to his. “What we have is a full house."


The End

