Readme (719)

Jasmine - version 1.10 - as a patch of Mocha
Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by SourceTec Software Co. Ltd.


Jasmine is 100% Java-based, so it can run on all platforms which support Java.
Such as: JDK 1.0.x and JDK 1.1.x for any platform, JRE 1.1.x for any platform,
Microsoft's Java SDK 1.x and SDK 2.x for Windows95/NT and so on.


1) What do you need before install Jasmine:
a. Your platform should support Java, that means you should have install JDK or some products
which include JDK, such as Symantec Cafe or Sun Java Work Shop. Just use the command: "java" in
command mode, for example DOS box in Win95/NT. If you get a list of usage options you got it.
b. Download Jasmine version 1.10 product package. Which could be found at

c. Download Mocha package. Which could be found at

2) How to install:
Step 1: Choose a directory or create a new directory as the Install Directory,
for example "\JavaTools".
Step 2: Choose a Zip/Unzip tool, for example WinZip for win95/NT, and unzip ""
to the Install Directory.
Step 3: Unzip "" to any directory you like, for example "\temp", you should
get two files from it, "readme.txt" and "". Then unzip "" to
the Install Directory. Note: you should unzip the file "" to Install Directory,
NOT "".
Step 4: Change to command mode, for example DOS box in Win95/NT, and change current directory
to the Install Directory. You should find two subdirectories in it, which are "Jasmine"
and "mocha".
Step 5: Use the command: "java jasmine.Install" to install Jasmine. This operation will
transfer Mocha classes to Jasmine classes and patch them.
Step 6: Add the full path name of the Install Directory to your CLASSPATH string, for instance:
SET CLASSPATH=c:\myclasses;c:\JavaTools;

That's OK, you could use Jasmine. The old version of Mocha is also could be used.


Jasmine is invoked from the command line (i.e. DOS box, if you're using Win95/NT) like this:

for JDK and SDK:
java jasmine.Decompiler [-s] [e extension] [-v] [-o] Class1.class Class2.class ...
for JRE:
jre -cp jasmine.Decompiler [-s] [e extension] [-v] [-o] Class1.class Class2.class ...

"java" or "jre" invokes the Java virtual machine;
"jasmine.Decompiler" (note the case!) specifies the class to run;
"-s" to save the output in file, default output is to stdout;
"-e extension" Specify extension of the output file, the default
extension is .jasmine, this option will be effective only when -s is also used;
"-v" optionally specifies verbose output;
"-o" optionally overwrites existing .jasmine files;
"ClassX.class" specifies the .class file(s) to decompile;

Wildcards (* and ?) are accepted.


Check out the license.txt and register.txt for license and register information

You can purchasing a license online at out web site:

Windows95/NT user can use the register program to purchasing a license, check out register.txt
for detail.


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