The Direct Mail Method

The Direct Mail Method
by Torstein Erdal
First of all, thank you for taking action and purchasing this course.
The Direct Mail Method is all about how to get new clients for your business by using a
very strategic approach when making the first contact with local business owners
through direct mail and getting their attention.
I will show you how to find potential clients, how to write your letters, how to create your
attachments, and a few tricks to make your envelope get a lot more attention than your
competitors. I will also walk you through how to do follow up calls and meetings.
When you put what you learn here into action, which I hope you do, don t expect your
first send-out to be 100% perfect. Don t hold yourself back if you don t have everything
that is required or that I describe in the method. Action is the most important factor here.
For example, if you don t have business cards right now, then do the first send-out
without them. Do not put everything on hold until you have created and received the
business cards, but instead, go ahead and get started where you are, with what
you ve got, and improve as you go along.
So if you feel overwhelmed about all the little details here, then just start out with
something that is good enough to get your first clients, and improve it later.
With that said, let s get started!
Getting Started
So the first thing you have to do before you can use The Direct Mail Method, is to figure
out what kind of service you can offer to local businesses.
Choose your service
To get local businesses to pay good money for your services, you must have services to
offer. If you have not figured this out yet, here's a list of services you can offer:
·ð Web design/website development
·ð Website/blog maintenance
·ð Online reputation management
·ð SEO
·ð Email marketing
·ð Newsletter management
·ð Marketing consulting
·ð Web analyzing & strategy
·ð Advertising/PPC
·ð Copywriter
·ð Social media sites
·ð Video marketing
·ð Mobile sites
Position yourself
Before you can sell your services, you must know what you want to be, and then
position yourself as that.
Who do you want to be? Choose if you want to be a highly paid marketing consultant
getting paid for your thoughts and ideas, or if you want to be a SEO/social media/web-
design company, and doing all the labor yourself.
If you're going to position yourself as a highly paid marketing consultant, I would
recommend selling services to businesses/companies that already have employees
who are web savvy. You sell your knowledge, and they have the technical skills to
implement it, and do all the work.
But here we are going to focus on getting local businesses as clients, because that's a
great way to start getting paid for your services.
Whatever you're offering, I advise you to position yourself as an expert from the start.
Because experts are getting paid more, they don't have trouble with cheap clients
complaining, and experts choose who they want to work with. You would rather like to
have a few high-paying clients, than many low-paying.
To become an expert, you need to build credibility. For people to believe that you're an
expert, you need two things. First you need to actually have KNOWLEDGE.
If you know A LOT about a subject, and you have used hundreds of hours to get all the
knowledge you now have, then you are an expert, because you know more about it than
99,9% of people. You have researched it, and know the secrets. If you have read what's
considered to be the top 5 books/resources about the subject, and maybe you have
attended courses and have received a lot of information from the top experts in the
world on the subject, then you have some very valuable knowledge.
The second thing is that you need to have gotten RESULTS! If you have all that
knowledge, and you have results you can show people that you have used the
knowledge and you have gotten very good results, then people will believe you are an
expert, and will pay you good money for your expertise.
So... Knowledge + Results = EXPERT
If you are able to convey that to local businesses, you are worth much more than
everyone else.
Since you reading this, you probably already have a lot of valuable information about
internet marketing.
If you don't have results, then get it!
If you want to become a high-paid expert, then there's only one way around it if you
don't have good results when you start out, and that is to charge very little, like $20 an
hour. And when you have gotten results for some businesses, and have gotten a
reputation, you can charge more.
This approach requires more work, and it takes more time to get a reputation. And when
you get a reputation that you can deliver great results for little money, other
businesses/people will expect that you do the same for them, and will pay you the
You want to deliver great results and be expensive. But be sure you're worth much
more than the money you charge.
Find potential clients
Generally, you want to focus on businesses that are in markets where they are getting
paid a lot for each customer.
Example: If you get a dentist 20 new customers every month through SEO, then the
dentist will get paid a huge amount of money for those 20 customers, because dental-
services are expensive. But if you get 20 customers for a hair salon, it's not worth much
at all in comparison.
So whatever services you are selling, try sell them to businesses that get paid very well
for new customers, and to businesses where customers come back for the same or
similar services many times.
Example: If a plastic surgeon charges $3,000 -$5,000 for a surgery, then it probably
only cost the surgeon a little over $1,000 to do it. And the same clients often come back
many times, because they want to fix other things. Each customer has a high life-time
So sell your services to rich businesses, but also businesses where the life-time value
of customers is good.
High-paying customers + high life-time value = Ideal client for you
The good thing about the high-paying clients is that in general you will have much less
trouble with them. They can afford to invest in services which will grow their long-term
business. And they don't call you all the time asking why they haven't got any results
after a week.
·ð Lawyers/Attorneys
·ð Dentists
·ð Chiropractors
·ð Doctors
·ð Plastic surgeons
·ð Car dealerships
·ð Plumbers
·ð Other experts offering services (consultants)
·ð Hotels (very good if you re doing reputation management)
Getting the information
Before you can start to sell your services, you need to get the contact information to
local businesses that might need your services.
Get the yellow pages, your local newspaper, and those free weekly newspapers which
contain a lot of ads.
Go through the different markets which you think contain businesses that will pay you
good money for your services, and find some potential clients.
See if they have a website listed. If not, then search for their business name on Google,
and find out if they have one.
If you can't find it, then that's a potential client for your web design services, if that's your
service. If they have a very old website with design from 1999, they might consider
getting a new design.
Other things you should look for is: on-site SEO, web communication, rankings in
Google, reputation online, how they advertise, social media... etc...
If it's a business that could benefit from your services, then that's a potential client.
Depending on what kind of services you're offering, you might not want to work with two
businesses in the same market. Example: If you're offering SEO, then you would
compete against yourself if you try to rank two businesses for the same keywords.
Write down a list of businesses who you will offer your services to, and include contact
information and name of the business owner (or manager or other person in charge of
First contact: Direct mail
This method of sending mail has a very good open-rate, and a good response-rate. This
is with direct mail, not email.
When you're using this method, you must stand out from the crowd. The local
businesses you're offering your services to, might get a ton of mail about similar
services every week.
Once they understand that you're trying to sell them something, they will throw the
envelope in the trash. So you have to make your letter personal, and grab their attention
when they open the envelope, so they read your letter.
Write your letter
I have included some examples for your letter. I recommend writing your own, or editing
them so they fit your service.
Here are the main points in a letter. Use some of these, or all of them, and you can
easily create your own letter.
·ð Attention (the envelope itself will create attention, and the attachments)
·ð Problem  what is their problem (Example: not enough customers because of...)
·ð Solution  provide the solution (Example: being more visible in the search
·ð Benefit  what will be the benefit for them
·ð Social proof / credentials  who you've worked with, and what results
·ð Offer  make your offer (In the example below: free consultation)
·ð Scarcity  urge to buy, because it might be unavailable later (Use with caution)
·ð Guarantee -If you can guarantee something, use it
·ð Action -a call to action
·ð Warning  If you want to warn them about something
In this example of a letter sent to a business owner, you'll see what parts of the letter is
which point. The text shows how the letter is built up by using these points.
Dear business owner
Today, most people are on social media sites like Facebook.
So one of the most cost-effective ways to get new customers is to promote your business on
social media sites, so potential customers knows about your products and services. Most
businesses in your market aren't using this strategy, and just a few know how to do it correctly.
I'm an expert in social media sites, and work for We have worked with other
businesses in (area/city/state) - some similar to yours - to set them up at social media sites, and
they have all gotten between 200-1500% Return on investments, and some have grown their
numbers of customers each month by **% (put in some facts/results if you have some good ones)
I write this letter to inform you that for a limited time, I'm offering free consultation for a few local
businesses, where I get your business up on Facebook, and create a strategic plan to get more
customers through social media sites than any of your competitors.
This will not cost you anything. I only do this with a few businesses in this area which I view as
having good potential for growth by using online marketing strategies.
If you accept this offer, I guarantee I will not offer help to any of your competitors. If I worked with
competing businesses, I would work against myself.
Sounds good? If you're open to consider new marketing strategies to increase your number of
customers, and increase their life-time value, you can contact me and we can set up a time to
meet for a free consultation.
You can contact me on phone ***-**-**** or email ******* You are the first to get this
offer, but if I don't hear from you within Friday of this week, I'll assume you are not open to this,
and I will offer this consultation to someone else.

Your Name
Here you have another example:
Dear business owner
A friend of mine recommended you as a good dentist/dental clinic. But it was not easy to find your
website when I was searching for on Google.
I can see how this can affect your business, when you lose customers to competitors because
they are more visible online.
If your website showed up at the top 5 results for the search phrase «dentist, city you would
dramatically increase the number of customers each month. There are **** people searching for
that phrase every month, and those are potential customers for you, as you can see in the
attachments to this letter.
Fortunately, I have studied internet marketing for 4 years, and online visibility is one of the areas
which I'm specialized in. I offer internet services through my company and my
work is to get good results with cost-effective marketing, which leads to high returns on
The benefit of being visible on the internet, is so that people who are in need of your services, are
able to find your website and your contact information, instead of your competitors'. In the market
you are in, most people who search for your services are people who are in need of them now,
and will make contact quickly, instead of researching the best or cheapest dental clinic.
(Social proof)
I have worked with a dentist in another city, and we focused on getting his website more visible in
the search engines. The results were **** and people who were in need for his services called
him more often. There was just as many people in need of his services as earlier, but he was
more visible to them, so he got contacted by more people. The overall increase in customers
every month was ***
The reason I'm telling you this, is because for a limited time I am offering my services to a few
local businesses, where I will look at your business' online visibility, search engine rankings and
your current marketing strategies, and create and implement new strategies to improve it.
I must inform you that I'm only working with one business per market in each area. If not, I would
work against myself. And you are the first in your area to get this offer.
If I implement the strategies we create, I guarantee that you will be able to increase your online
traffic by at least ****% and your number of new customers each month by ****
(Call to action)
If you want to talk further, call me on 555-55-5555 or on email *********@****.com.
If I don t hear from you within within Friday next week, I will assume you are not open to consider
this, and I will offer this service to someone else.

Your name
You see how easy it is to write the letter? You don't have to use all these points,
because it can make your letter long. I recommend getting all the text to fit on one page,
and just focus in your letter to get a response. You want them to call you, or email you,
so you can set up a time to talk more face-to-face.
Create attachments
Have attachments to your letter, which will make it even more personal. Make a
document where you show some statistics/results/facts/graphs that's relevant, and you
also have hand-written text on the printed document about how you can help them.
Example: If you're offering SEO, you can use Google AdWords Keyword Tool, and
print-screen how many people are searching for a search phrase which is relevant to
what their business has to offer, and then you also print screen the top Google search
results for that keyword. You paste both images into a document, print it out, and you
write on it (hand written!) «Here you can see how many people are searching for your
services/products online. These are potential customers!. And on the search results,
you can write «Here are your competitors, and they are the ones who are best at being
present and visible online to all those potential customers who are interested in what
they are searching for
Example: If you're doing online reputation management, it could be a printed paper of
bad reviews online, and you say something like «This is what people are saying about
your business! I can help you get good reviews...
Example: If you're doing web design, you can add a print-screen of their old website
from 1999, and give some examples of professional-looking websites you have created,
and hand-write «I can create a professional website like this for you. In fact, I have
already made one half-finished for you to view. Go to and
see how your website could look, and you have just put up a quick professional
wordpress-theme with their company logo and company name, and some random text.
Example: If offering mobile websites, then make an attachment which shows how their
website looks on your phone, and how it could look with the mobile site you're offering.
Here are some images of attachments I made for you as examples:
Image description: This first image is an example of how you can add attachments to
your letter. The first attachment is a print screen of their very old website from 1999, and
the second attachment is a print screen of the new website you offer them.
Image description: An attachment you can create if you offer SEO services. Just print
screen from Google AdWords Keyword Tool and from Google Search Results, print out
and write with red pen a simple explanation. This is how teachers in school comment on
tests. This will get very much attention.
Image description: A second attachment for SEO services.
Package envelope
When buying envelopes, don't choose white as the color. You want to stand out from
the crowd, and everyone is using white envelopes. You can buy those packages which
contains multiple envelopes in different colors (red, green, yellow...) I like to use tan
Don't have your company-logo on the front of the envelope (or any part of the
envelope). You want to make it look personal. Address the envelope and the letter to
the business owner with hand-written text. Also, the size of the envelope should be the
same as a folded A4 paper (the envelope size is C5). The letter should fit in the
envelope after you have folded it once.
In the return address field of your envelope, only put the address, not your name. And
use regular stamps.
When you are ready to put the letter into the envelope, fold it with the text on the inside
of the fold. And have the folded side pointing down into your envelope. Then you put our
business card inside the folded letter.
Image description: How to put your letter and business card into the envelope.
When someone now opens the envelope and take out the letter, your business card
should fall out of the envelope. Now the business owner who opens it, will have to pick it
up to see what it is, and it will get a lot of attention. And then he will look at your letter,
and be very curious to what this whole thing is.
A trick I learned a while ago is to put two dice in each envelope, but outside of the
folded letter, so the envelope is bulky. This will create even more curiosity. But don't use
dice with sharp edges, which can result in a rift in the envelope. If you choose to do this,
you will probably have to pay more to send it, or have more stamps on your envelope.
When you are finished with all your envelopes, go down to the post office and send
them. Now you just wait a few days and you might some responses. The first time you
do this, I recommend sending out at least 20-30 envelopes to different business owners,
depending on what kind of service you try to sell. If the businesses you send letters to
really need your services (good leads), there's a much bigger chance that some of them
will respond.
After this first attempt, you will know what your response-rate is. If you live in a big city,
you could probably find hundreds of business owners to send your letters to, but I
recommend starting a little smaller first. Because it's just easier to complete the creation
of 25 letters, attachments and envelopes, and a lot more likely that you send them out,
than if you would create 100 of them the first time.
Most of these business owners will open your letter if you have done this process like
described above, a few will respond, but most of them will read your letter, so you have
now made the first contact with them.
Picking up the phone
Now you're going to pick up the phone. You will receive calls from the business owners
you sent letters to, and you will do follow-up calls on those who didn't respond.
Luckily I've had the experience of working a few months at a call center. But I know
many people are uncomfortable with talking to strangers on the phone, because I used
to be very uncomfortable myself. But it got a lot easier after a few calls, and after a few
days I was feeling much more comfortable about calling strangers.
Here's how you can become more comfortable on the phone:
Call people! It doesn t matter who it is; just have a conversation over the phone with
someone. It could be your friends or someone in your family you haven t spoken to in a
while, or people you don t even know.
I have worked as a telemarketer, and I remember how nervous I was before my first
sales call. The crazy thing is, I actually got a sale on that first stuttering call, and it was a
great feeling. After a few calls it got so much easier to call people, and it felt natural
after a while.
Prepare for callbacks
After sending out envelopes, you should be prepared for callbacks. If an unknown
number is calling you when you're at the mall a few days after you sent the letters, let it
go to voicemail. Don't pick up the phone when you're not prepared.
Make sure your voicemail is clear, simple and professional. «Hello, this is name>'s voicemail. Please leave your name, number and the reason for your call or
something similar.
When you get home or back to the office, you can get the information about the
person/business who tried to call you, and then you are prepared to call them.
Note: I m NOT suggesting that your strategy should be to avoid picking up the phone
when someone call you, then check your voicemail, and then call back later. Instead:
Be prepared, so you can pick up when someone calls.
You can also have copies of the letters and attachments with you in a file folder all day
long, so you're always prepared for a call.
When you get a callback after sending a letter, you know the person calling you is
interested in your service, or at least curious enough to know more about it. So set up a
time for a meeting.
Follow up calls
Make follow up calls to everyone who doesn't respond. Only 1 of 4 will actually be able
to talk to you when you call them. Some won't answer the phone, some of them aren't
there at the moment, and some will answer but not have enough time to
continue/complete the conversation.
Everyone who's NOT able to talk, you just call back another time.
So if you call 20, you'll only be able to complete 5 conversations with people you want to
talk to.
Everyone who says no, just cross them off your list as "no". Remember that NO doesn t
mean NEVER. They might have said no because they don't have time to talk to you.
You can look them up online a few months later, and see if they still have the problem
you are able to solve. If they still have it, you can call them again.
Don't spend too much time with these follow up calls. They have either read your letter
or not.
Remember that the ones who are very interested have already responded to your letter.
Some are interested, but they were busy and haven't responded yet, or they just forgot
about it. And that's the business owners you want to find when doing the follow up calls,
so you can get a meeting with them. Potential clients!
Some will have questions, and that's OK. You'll just try to get a meeting with them too,
where you'll explain things better, and how you can get results for them.
And some are not interested after reading your letter, and after talking to you, so don't
waste your time.
Script for follow up calls:
Note: This is the outline for your script. Fill in so it fits you, your company or your
 Red is you
Blue is the prospect. In this example: Bob
(Green is to explain things, and not part of the conversation)
 Bob, please
 Hello Bob, this is . I'm calling from . I sent you a letter
last week about ________, did you receive it?
 Good. As shown in the letter, you have ____________________ (identify the
problem, and what could help him). Were my explanations in the letter understandable?
Yes, but I haven't had the time to think about that.
 That's OK. As I wrote in the letter, I'm _____________________ (a sentence for
credentials/social proof), and I have developed an idea on
__________________________ (hot-button) for ______ (fill in profession/people in
positions) like yourself, and I will be happy to give you the opportunity of seeing it. I'm
calling you because I'm going to be in your area tomorrow around 1, and I wondered if
you would be there for nine minutes, if I dropped by?
 Good, I'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow around 1.
If they didn't receive the letter, tell them shortly what it's about, and you can scan copies
of the letter, and send it to them on email.
In the script it says  (hot-button) , and that s where you fill in your hot-button. A hot-
button is a sentence that describes the benefits of your service. It s a simple explanation
of the most motivating reason for why they should meet with you, or use your service.
Hot-button examples:
- In SEO a hot-button can be  Getting more customers and spending less money
on advertising or it can be  The most cost-effective way of marketing online
- In online reputation management a hot-button can be  Suppressing negative
mentions and create a more positive reputation
So create your own little hot-button that fits your service, and fill it in in your version of
the follow-up script. Think about how you can explain the benefit of your service very
simply and shortly.
A complete example of the script
 Bob, please
 Hello Bob, this is John Johnson, I'm calling from XY Consulting. I sent you a letter last
week about how difficult it was to find your website when I searched for your company
on the internet, did you receive the letter?
 Good. As I mentioned in the letter, this can affect your business, since you may be
losing customers to your competitors because they are more visible online. And if your
website showed up in the top 5 results for the search phrase  dentist in your local area,
it could dramatically increase the number of customers you get each month. Were my
explanations in the letter understandable?
Yes, but I haven't had the time to think about that.
 That's OK. As I wrote in the letter, I'm specialized in online visibility, and I have
developed an idea on how to get more customers, and spending less money on
marketing for dentists like yourself, and I will be happy to give you the opportunity of
seeing it. I'm calling you because I'm going to be in your area tomorrow around 1, and I
wondered if you would be there for nine minutes, if I dropped by?
 Good, I'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow around 1.
When you get a few appointments/meetings, you are going to do some preparation for
Get contracts for your clients. You can do it before you have a meeting, and bring some
copies of your contracts with you. If you don't have a written contract when you are
having the meeting, but you get a sale, just arrange for another time to come back and
go through and signing the contract.
Here's how you get contracts made: Offer your services to a lawyer, and in return you
get your contracts written.
If you want to make your own contracts, you can visit to get
some free sample contracts as inspiration for your own contracts. I strongly recommend
that you at least get a lawyer to look over and approve it.
In your written agreement with your client, you can include these points:
·ð Monthly payment
·ð Payment in the start of each month (or before you do any work for the client)
·ð If the client wants out of the contract, they have to get out of it before the 1st of
each month, (or before you start working on them for that month). If not, they will
have to pay you for that month
·ð What will happen if they don't pay
·ð Auto-renewal of the contract unless somebody wants out
Note: If you have already arranged a meeting with a business owner, but don t have
your contracts written, don t worry! Just meet with them, and you can come back later
with the contracts and get them to sign them.
Prepare the meeting
Spend some time on preparing the meeting in the beginning. Here's a checklist of things
you should do before the meeting:
·ð DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Google the prospect, and gather information about the
business, their market, customers, employees, role and background of the
person you're meeting with (is it a 60 year old local family company that the
business owner's family started from scratch?), etc... This also includes getting
information about what might be their problems, and how you can solve them.
·ð Make copies of letters, attachments, reports, references, graphs, statistics,
pictures and everything that you will bring to the meeting.
·ð Make sure your equipment is ready, like enough battery on your computer/tablet
(if you bring one) etc.
·ð If you choose to set up a slide show or PowerPoint, make it clean, simple and
understandable. It's not a fashion show.
·ð Prepare answers to possible questions and objections, and make sure all your
answers and explanations are easy to understand.
·ð What's your «objective? Is it to convince them to buy, or to help them with what
they are having a problem with, so they see value and want to work with you
after your meeting is done?
·ð Prepare questions you can ask them to gather information
·ð Of course dress nice, but be comfortable and congruent!
·ð If you don't achieve your main objective, what will be your second objective? Is it
to help them, so they will know that your services are available in the future if
they need them? Maybe you can refer them to someone else if they have any
problems that are outside of your expertise?
·ð Step into the prospects shoes. How would you look at things if you were in their
·ð Write down a list of points about how you would like the meeting to turn out
·ð Put an empty seat in front of you and test drive the whole meeting. If you practice
something when you are not under pressure, you will learn better than when
practicing under pressure (or actually doing meetings). And by practicing, and
visualizing a positive outcome in your mind,,, your mind will think that you have
done meetings many times before, and you won't feel so much fear or being so
nervous when you come to the meeting. If you want more information about this,
I strongly recommend that you read the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell
During the meeting
When you have a meeting, the prospect doesn't owe you anything. So the smartest
thing to do is to have the main focus on them, their problems, and how to solve them.
Forget the big sales-presentation where you talk about your service/products/features.
Let them talk about themselves.
Other things to remember during the meeting are:
·ð Be on time!
·ð Keep track of time if you have a time limit or if the prospect is a very busy person.
You don't want the prospect to have to leave when you're only half-way.
·ð Smile
·ð Qualify yourself discreetly
·ð Write down any decisions made
·ð Be friendly, and have a friendly dialog
·ð Do more listening than talking
·ð Be an expert, not a salesperson
Here's the basic outline for the meeting:
1. Introduction
·ð Thank them for meeting you
·ð Connect with the prospect
·ð Get a smile on their face before you start talking about the reason you're
2. Purpose of the meeting
·ð What results are the prospect having right now?
·ð Step into their shoes, and try to understand their current strategy and why
they are doing it
3. Identify their problems
·ð Don't over-emphasize
·ð Don't invent problems that don't exist!
4. Help them and talk about solutions and what the benefits would be
·ð Don't talk about your own services yet
·ð Stick to basics
·ð Allow questions and make sure they feel they got it answered
·ð Talk about what results others have experienced by using the solutions
you're talking about (talk about results in number of customers, and return
on investment
5. What you can do for them
·ð Offer your service to help them with the problems you identified
·ð Talk about the results they can expect from your service. Don't talk so
much about any features, since you want to keep it simple and not
confuse them with any technical things
·ð At the end (no matter what the outcome of the meeting is), ALWAYS make
an honest and appreciative expression to them for meeting you
When you discuss their problems and the solutions, you can use the copies you brought
to show them something, or to explain something, if it's relevant to what you're talking
But remember: If you show them something or if you have a presentation, look at what
you're showing. If you look at the prospect, the prospect is forced to look at you, and
won't pay attention to what you're showing. But if the prospect looks at you, and you're
looking at the thing you're showing them, they will have to look at it too.
If you're almost done with the meeting, and the prospect says «I need some time to
think about it, ask them in a relaxing tone «how much time do you feel you need?
And get a written down appointment for a phone call, or to when you should talk again.
After the meeting
Think about the meeting, what went good, what went bad, and think «How can I
improve future meetings?
When you get a signed contract or a check, send your new client a personal hand-
written card to thank them for trusting you. You can also buy them a small gift (exclusive
chocolate, cookies, a fruit basket...etc.) and send it to their office. This will make you
more memorable. It's also a «trick to make your clients stay with you longer.


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