Answer keys

Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Secret Codes
3.2 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F
Book key
3.3 1 by sending
1.1 Open answers
2 by putting
1.2 Open answers
3 by writing
2.1 secret
4 By reading
5 by deciphering
6 by sending
text messaging
3.4 Possible answers:
a an insect
d a semaphore message
e Braille writing
b a sign for a man with a gun
c Go to Canada
4.1 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 c
4.2 1 B 2 E 3 D 4 A 5 C
2.2 Easy to decipher
4.3 10
The ship sails soon.
2.3 1 are used
2 are meant
3 have been used
4 had been used
5 was developed
6 could be deciphered
2.4 Possible answers:
1 Mary, Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I of
4.4 Open answers
5.1 1 c 2 d 3 g 4 e 5 b 6 f 7 a
2 They were both queens.
5.2 Open answers
3 The pictures were painted in the 1500s.
5.3 1 Conan Doyle, who wrote the Sherlock Holmes
4 Mary s biggest problem was that she spent much
stories, was a doctor, not a detective; he started
of her life as Elizabeth s prisoner. Elizabeth was
writing detective stories because not enough
worried that her people might want Mary as their
sick people came to see him and he needed another
way to make money.
5 Both queens used secret codes and ciphers to find
2 It is finally found but looks unimportant: a bag of
out information about their enemies. Mary used
old metal and stones.
her secret codes and ciphers to send messages to
3 It means,  Come here at once.
her followers.)
4 One light means a, two lights mean b, three lights
3.1 9
mean c
5 Part of the message  or the whole message  might
not be seen in time.
5.4 Open answers
6.1 1 Open answers
2 I m on the phone.
3 Open answers
4 Open answers
5 our mother, sheep pain
6 Nashu is a secret language that was used by women
in a village in China.
c Pearson Education Limited 2007 Secret Codes - Answer keys 1 of 3
Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Secret Codes
6.2 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 T 4 a slave
6.3 1 Cockneys, who speak a form of English, are b email
difficult to understand. c clue
2 Cockneys speak a form of English that is always d raise
changing. e pattern
3 Do you know anyone who can speak Pig Latin? f trade
4 Johnston spoke Navajo, which gave him a good g bury
idea. 5 a 3 b 5 c 1 d 2 e 4
5 The girls in Pumei Village, who could not write 6 a 4 b 3 c 2 d 1 e 5
Chinese, wrote in a secret language. 7 a The man with the light has been murdered.
6 American Sign Language is a language which deaf b A box full of papers was burnt.
people use. c Secret information was being sent to Paris.
6.4 Open answers d Several stations have been built.
8 a Clytemnestra said she wanted to have information
Talk about it Open answers
Write about it Open answers
b Claude Chappe asked how they could make money.
Project Open answers c Morse asked people if they had heard about
electrical magnets.
Discussion activities key
d The British government asked a man if he had
1 36 Open answers
broken the code.
e Scherbius asked spies if they would like to see
Activity worksheets key
1 codes
9 a Musgrave
b Poe
c Maugham
d Brown s
e The Chappe brothers
f Scherbius
10 a Cockney, which is a form of English, is spoken in
England. / Cockney is a form of English which is
spoken in England.
2 a T
b Pig Latin, which is easy to learn, can be spoken in
b F  Mary was his daughter.
two different ways.
c F  He attacked Scotland because it was not part of
c Phillip Johnson, who knew a lot about Navajo, had
an unusual idea.
d F  He was killed by his enemies.
d Body language, which is not easy to understand, is a
e T
secret language.
f F  He was Elizabeth s father. James V was Mary s
e The Masons, who are a large international group,
have a secret handshake.
g F  Many English people didn t like Elizabeth so
11 a F  People do not use them any more.
they didn t want her as their queen.
b F  6,000 symbols.
h F  Elizabeth sent Mary to a country house and
c F  It was made of stone.
kept her there as a prisoner.
d F  It lasted for about 3,000 years.
i F  Mary even had servants to help her.
e F  They re often deciphered because of personal
j F  They had been using spies since 1324.
reasons and mistakes.
3 Both: her father was a king
f F  Egyptian hieroglyphics are older.
Mary: got married, had a son, was a Catholic, was
g T
killed at the age of 24, developed a cipher
12 13 Open answers
Elizabeth: was a Protestant had a secretary
c Pearson Education Limited 2007 Secret Codes - Answer keys 2 of 3
Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Secret Codes
Progress test key
1 a F  There are symbols in a cipher.
b F  There can be symbols too.
c F  It means different things to different people in
different parts of the world.
d F  Sometimes they re very simple.
e T
f T
g F  He broke a code.
h T
i F  He invented it to communicate with his soldiers.
j F  No, they re useless without a telescope only over
long distances.
k F  It s a false message meant to distract the enemy.
2 a 1 b 3 c 10 d 4 e 6 f 7 g 9 h 2
i 5 j 8
3 a 1 b 3 c 3 d 2 e 3
4 a F  It s a book about World War 1.
b F  These are clues for Brown s next book.
c F  It s a piece of art exhibited in the CIA building.
d It s a large public cipher puzzle.
e F  Da Vinci invented the cipher tube.
f T
g T
h T
5 a 5 b 3 c 1 d 4 e 2
6 a old Greek
b Champollion
c different
d killed
e numbers
c Pearson Education Limited 2007 Secret Codes - Answer keys 3 of 3


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