Strong performance. Strong communication.
The new 317 CPUs.
Do you want to optimize the productivity of your machines in order to gain a
competitive edge? Then the innovative 317 CPUs are your first choice. Whichever
of these new high-end CPUs of the SIMATIC® S7-300 family you choose  with
PROFIBUS interface or Ethernet/PROFINET onboard  you will always be opting for
maximum performance. Opting for success!
High performance for the SIMATIC S7-300 
the new 317 CPUs
The new 317 CPUs supplement And with extended diagnostic func- interface. This CPU is also used for
Component based Automation, our
the high-performance range of the tions you will pinpoint potential
concept for the modular construction
SIMATIC S7-300 series. This new sources of errors much sooner. The
of plants and machines. It can be
family of products offers excellent advantage for you: significantly fewer
programmed from a central program-
performance for program execution downtimes.
ming device/PC via Industrial Ethernet
and communication  and the right
CPU 317-2 PN/DP:
using STEP® 7. You can even access the
solution for every application.
PROFINET takes Ethernet
devices in the lower-level PROFIBUS
There s nothing magic about speed down to the field level
from here without having to reconnect
The efficient processing speeds The CPU 317-2 PN/DP connects the
the programming device.
significantly shorten the program world of PROFIBUS with Industrial
Further 317 CPUs
runtimes, enabling higher machine Ethernet. It has both a combined
" Technology CPU 317T-2 DP with
cycle rates to be achieved. And that PROFIBUS DP/MPI interface as well as
integrated motion control functions
means greater output and higher a PROFINET interface. PROFINET is the
" Failsafe CPU 317F-2 DP for safety-
productivity. cross-vendor Industrial Ethernet
relevant applications
standard for automation tasks.
Graphical programming
PROFINET offers integrated real-time
Thanks to the large main memory,
communication which, in addition
even graphical programming lan-
to the communication between con-
guages such as S7-GRAPH can be
trollers, enables the connection of field
used for process chains. This makes
devices over Ethernet, e.g. distributed
it much easier to generate programs
and saves both time and money.
More simultaneous connections
CPU 317-2 DP CPU 317-2 PN/DP
As many as 32 active connections to
RAM 512 KB 512 KB
other programmable controllers such Usable micro memory cards Up to 8 MB Up to 8 MB
as PCs, operator panels or program- Instruction runtime
" Word operation, min. 0.1 µs 0.1 µs
mers can be maintained simulta-
" Floating point arithmetic, min. 2 µs 2 µs
neously. These resources are available
in equal measure for cyclic and acyclic
" Bit memories 32,768 32,768
communication as well as for PG/OP
" Timers 512 512
" Counters 512 512
Inputs and outputs Digital channels, max. 65,536 Digital channels, max. 65,536
CPU 317-2 DP: PROFIBUS included
Analog channels, max. 1,024 Analog channels, max. 1,024
Integrated interfaces
The standard CPU 317-2 DP is ideally
1st interface MPI/PROFIBUS DP, 12 Mbit/s, MPI/PROFIBUS DP, 12 Mbit/s,
equipped for communication with other
configurable as master or slave, configurable as master or slave,
controllers, operator panels or program-
supports DP V1 communication supports DP V1 communication
mers. It has both a PROFIBUS DP inter-
and equidistance as master, and equidistance as master,
125 DP slaves can be 125 DP slaves can be
face and a combined DP/MPI interface.
connected connected
Both can be configured as PROFIBUS
2nd interface PROFIBUS DP, 12 Mbit/s, 1 x Ethernet/PROFINET
master or slave. This CPU also supports
configurable as master or slave, 10/100 Mbit/s,
communication according to the
supports DP V1 communication RJ45 socket
PROFIBUS DP V1 standard. DP bus nodes and equidistance as master, Protocols:
125 DP slaves can be · PROFINET
can be parameterized acyclically  even
connected · From 08/2004: Expansion
if the devices come from other manu-
facturers. This means they can be far
· S7 communication
· PG/OP communication
more easily integrated into SIMATIC
· From 11/2004: TCP/IP*
automation solutions.
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 80 x 125 x 130 80 x 125 x 130
*Existing CPUs can be simply upgraded by downloading the firmware.
SIMATIC® is a registered trademark
Siemens AG
of Siemens. Other designations used
Automation and Drives
in this publication may be trademarks
Printed in Germany
whose use by third parties for their
P.O. Box 48 48
Order No. E20001-A390-P210-X-7600
© Siemens AG, 03/2004
own purposes could violate the rights
90327 Nuremberg, Germany 41C8157 MK.AS.CO.52.3.15 SB 03045. of the owners. Subject to change without prior notice
The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance
which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further develop-
ment of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in
the terms of contract.


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