The Modern Dispatch 045 Pinebox Pawn

The Modern Dispatch
Pinebox Places Pinebox Personalities
Pinebox Pawn
111 Monument Street
 Forest Harris
This small shop is located in downtown Pinebox on
Monument Street. The small door is green, with a Forester Harris is probably in his early seventies,
tarnished brass doorknob and little panes of glass though it is difficult to be certain based only on his
forming a half-sun motif at the top. Through a large looks. He is bald and wears small, wire-rimmed
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
window to the right of the doorway, you can see two glasses. His nose is peculiarly pointed, and his ears
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
mannequins, one male and one female, dressed in are slightly too large for his head. He is trim and
clothing from the 1920s or 30s. The window has a moves like a much younger man. The most startling
small sign hanging on the inside which reads,  We buy aspect of his visage are his large, dark eyes. They are
and sell everything your heart desires! deep brown, almost black, with disconcertingly large
 Howdy from 12 to Midnight
corneas. He is dressed in a white shirt, a black tie, and
In case you are not familiar with us, 12 to Midnight
Owned by Forester Harris, Pinebox Pawn has been
is a Texas-based RPG publisher specializing in suspenders.
on this street for nearly forty years. Like most of the
modern horror. You might not normally think  Texas
and  horror go together, but we are pretty sure you shops on Monument Street, it seems deceptively small A quiet man with a thin, raspy voice, Forester Harris
will change your mind after spending some time in has a perpetual smile that seems to say  I know
from the outside but is quite spacious within.
Inside, the lights are dim and the air is stale, reeking something that you don t. He smiles at everyone who
Pinebox, Texas, that is a nice little rural community
of age. enters his store, and seems to know all the locals by
smack-dab in East Texas. There is a university nearby,
Upon entering, patrons are greeted by a chime and name.
a pine forest called the Big Thicket, and a mess of
the sight of the front counter, where Forester Harris In conversation he sometimes gives the impression
beautiful wildflowers every spring. Unfortunately, it is
sits, reading a tattered old book. Almost always, Harris of being a conspiracy theorist, but anyone with the
also the epicenter of a whole lot of bad mojo. We re
holds his rosary beads, idly moving them through his resources to investigate would find his  speculations
talking dark magic, serial killers, haunted buildings
fingers. There is a small sign on the cash register, which entirely truthful. Forester s uncanny knowledge of
the whole ball of wax.
If you want to learn more about Pinebox, just visit reads  NO CREDIT. Just below it, another small sign
our Web site at You can start using
reads,  BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR! Author: khaver.Siddiquiżÿ
the free campaign setting on our site right now, then
All along the walls are pictures of many different
Contributors: Preston.duboseżÿ
watch it continue to grow right here in the pages of
people and places. Perhaps the most interesting is a
Modern Dispatch. Of course, Pinebox is our setting,
picture of John F. Kennedy in his motorcade, driving
but all the material in these pages can just as easily be
editors: Jerry.Blakemoreżÿ
down Dealy Plaza just before his assassination.
dropped into yours.
Every type of antique and collectable may be found Trey.Gorden
If you have any ideas for future issues,
within this shop; however, there are a few that are
or if you want to comment on what you
 special, and these all come with a story, a promise,
read here, please drop by the forums on
our website. or a curse.
Pinebox Pawn
Page 1
The Modern Dispatch
Forester  Forest Harris, cont d.
countless events both historical and mundane have His demonic ancestry provides him with several
Plot Ideas
given him a reputation as a walking encyclopedia, special abilities and talents. He has the gift of  reading
" Anything the heroes need to sell may be sold here at
albeit a disquieting one. others, knowing what they want and even what they
25 percent of the total value, or they may take a loan
If the day is slow, Harris spends most of his time in have done, or are willing to do, to attain it. Harris uses
on the item, for 75 percent of its value, by pawning
a small room at the back of the shop. The infrequent this ability to control others through gentle persuasion,
it to Harris.
customers find him sitting by a radio, listening to the intimidation, and even blackmail.
" An old diary that one of the heroes purchases at a
local news channel and fingering his prayer beads. As he grows older, he becomes gruffer and less easy
yard sale turns out to be the diary of Forester Harris s
Beside the small office is a metal staircase leading to for others to get along with. He often closes his shop
mother. It describes her rendezvous with the demon,
the second floor. This floor is dedicated to storage and down at odd times, locks up, and tells people to go
how she summoned it, and her pregnancy with its
a converted one-bedroom apartment. The apartment is away. However, he still does a brisk business, and
child. If Harris is shown the book, or if the subject
simple, and one seemingly steps into the past when his gifts allow him to find and identify very special
is discussed with him, he gets very angry and may
one enters this place. Harris lives alone and rarely antiques and items.
attack the heroes with demonic force.
invites anyone up to visit.
" Any psychic hero who enters the premises feels a
Character Speak
great evil and sorrow within, and recognizes danger.
 Welcome. What are you looking for? Perhaps I can
Harris also senses the psychic, and the two may be
Forester Harris is actually a Teifling, the product of
help you.
headed for a showdown!
Martha Lynn Harris s infernal union with a demonic
 I have about anything you could want, but some of
spirit she summoned one Halloween night in 1931.
" Harris occasionally has dreams of the future and,
it comes with a hefty price.
Despite his tainted blood, Harris grew up to become
if he is on friendly terms with a hero, may provide
 Are you certain you want that? Sometimes these
a fine citizen of Golan County. He served in the
warning of impending trouble.
things are not as they appear.
Korean War and, upon returning to Pinebox, became
" Harris is a member of the Texas 13, a special force
 I m closing now, so you had best make a decision
a sheriff s deputy and served admirably for the next
of warlocks and wizards being put together by Red
and move on.
twenty years. In 1977, he was elected sheriff of Golan
McCoy, the mayor of Pinebox (see Modern Dispatch
 Everything and everyone has a price. Everything
County, and the crime rate dipped to an all-time low.
#26). While Harris does not harbor the racial hatred
is negotiable.
He was reelected twice before retiring and opening
of McCoy s Texas National Militia, old age has led
Pinebox Pawn.
him to crave power and immortality two things
promised by the Texas 13.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission.  d20 System and the  d20
System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of
this License can be found at
Pinebox Pawn
Page 2
The Modern Dispatch
Pinebox Pawn
Special Items
Pinebox Pawn carries all the usual items typically found in a pawnshop. There are gun racks, antiques, stereos, old computers, video games, music, clothing, jewelry, and
many other items for sale. A Search check (DC 12) allows the heroes to discover one or more of the following special items (at the GM s discretion):
Johnson s 12-Gauge, Pump-
Escalante s Crucifix Plot Ideas:
Action Shotgun
" A vampire has moved to Pinebox. The Escalante
This golden crucifix is six inches long and heavy.
Crucifix would be invaluable in stopping him,
One shotgun catches your eye. Its wooden stock is
It is set with a single red ruby behind the figure s
but he has found out about it too and has sent his
engraved with the image of an antlered deer, and the
head, where the crossbar meets the staff, and is a
servant to obtain it.
barrel is a beautiful gunmetal blue. It is obviously a
bit tarnished with age. A tag attached to it reads
" One of the heroes begins dreaming of this crucifix.
pump-action 12 gauge and probably dates to the early
 Escalante s Crucifix, late 1790s.
One day, he finds it in the pawnshop. Harris says
1960s. A tag on it simply reads,  Johnson s 12 Gauge.
the hero is  destined to use it, then lowers the
The crucifix is made of iron, plated with a thin layer
A Hunter s Weapon!
purchase DC to 15.
of gold. It is an exquisite piece of Spanish treasure
" The spirit of a raven trickster has been awakened
Forester Harris purchased this shotgun from Old Man
that should be in a museum, rather than for sale
by a cult of Native American worshippers. The
Aries Johnson, who was a local legend in Golan County.
in a pawnshop. It was brought to Texas by Father
raven is truly evil and seeks power by controlling
He is still considered by many to be the greatest hunter
Joseph Escalante, the priest responsible for saving
others. This particular spirit was defeated in 1796
and tracker in the history of East Texas. Aries used this
the nearby mission of La Bonita in the late 1790s.
by Father Escalante, and anyone wielding the
shotgun on many hunts, from 1961 until 1991, when
Escalante converted many Native Americans to
crucifix can control him. He hires the heroes to
his age and health began to take a toll on his body so
Christianity and protected the early Spanish settlers
purchase the crucifix and bring it to him, or he has
that he was no longer able to hunt the woods as he had
of East Texas against the forces of darkness. In
his followers attempt to steal it.
once done.
truth, Father Escalante belonged to the secret Order
Aries, an African American, fought for civil rights
of St. Tyrannio, whose practice was to seek out and " Anyone who purchases the crucifix and uses it
in East Texas and had several vigilante run-ins with
face evil in faith. Father Escalante fought many evil against evil begins receiving dream visitations by
the local Ku Klux Klan in the mid 1960s, conflicts in
spirits and demonic forces. This cross was given to Escalante s spirit. The benevolent padre attempts
which this gun played a pivotal role. Aries now lives in
him when he took his holy vows to the order. to help this living  warrior of faith as best he can.
the Pinebox Hospice, his body withered and frail.
This crucifix is an artifact of power, and anyone His spirit is tied to the crucifix, and remains such,
The shotgun was built by a local gunsmith named
with the ability to sense such things feels the gravity unless the crucifix is broken.
Toombs, and it has taken on certain qualities that may
of its presence. Anyone of true faith who holds the
" Anyone who uses the crucifix against evil becomes
be beneficial to anyone who wields it. When fired in
crucifix before him receives a bonus of +2 on Will
known to the present-day Order of Tyrannio.
combat, the damage increases from 2d8 to 2d10.
saves and inspires those fighting evil within a 15
Members of the order approach the character with
Damage 2d8/2d10, Critical 19-20, Damage Type
radius with a +1 on all attack and damage rolls and
questions about where he got the crucifix and how
Ballistic, Range Increment 30 ft., Rate of Fire S,
a +1 on all saving throws. Any evil spirit faced with
he has used it. If the character is of a holy bent, he
Magazine 5 box, Size Large, Weight 12 lb.
this crucifix must make a Will save (DC 14) or flee.
may even join the order and gain from their long
Purchase DC: 16.
Purchase DC: 19
history of fighting the forces of darkness.
Pinebox Pawn
Page 3
The Modern Dispatch
character falls under the control of the evil spirit
Plot Ideas
Talking Toaster
if he fails a Will save (DC 15). The check is made
" Aries Johnson dies and his spirit enters the weapon.
every 12 hours and increases in difficulty by an
This metallic toaster is a vintage antique of the
He speaks with the new owner in dreams and visions,
increment of 2 each time so after 12 hours the
1950s. A small tag on it reads,  Antique Toaster.
attempting to create a new vigilante hero against
check will be made at a DC of 17; after 24 hours,
Dupree s Rampage, Collector s Item!
oppression and racism.
at a DC of 19; and so on. The possession may be
" A successful Research check (DC 12) reveals
broken by keeping the toaster at least 10 feet away
Outwardly, this appears to be an ordinary toaster
that Toombs was a dabbler in the occult and often
from the target for at least 24 hours. Anyone eating
from the 1950s, in excellent condition. But there
called upon various earth spirits when creating his
bread from the toaster must make a Will save (DC
is an evil spirit that posses this vintage toaster a
weapons. If the heroes seek out Toombs descendents
12) or feel compelled to hold the toaster, cradling it
spirit bent on wreaking havoc and chaos. The spirit
in Pinebox, they happily sell them a copy of his self-
like a baby! Clutching the toaster in this way inflicts
is that of an ancient, unspeakable evil or bizarre alien
published book, Native Rites and Modern Weapons.
a penalty of -2 to Dexterity.
entity, and it causes the toaster to talk and attempt to
The book describes several arcane marks. These
Purchase DC: 4
manipulate its owner into going on a killing spree.
marks bind the wielder to the weapon, if both bear
The first known appearance of this toaster is in
the same mark. A successful Search check (DC 10)
1952, in Roswell, New Mexico. At a small farm, an
Plot Ideas
reveals a mark on the butt of the weapon. The mark
entire seven-member family died in what was then
" In the middle of another adventure, a well-dressed
is that of the  Hunter. While carrying the gun in the
labeled a bizarre, cult-related suicide pact. The truth
business person launches a random attack upon
woods, the owner who gets a matching tattoo gains
is that, although the McGills led a relatively ordinary
the heroes by swinging the toaster by its cord.
the Tracking feat for free and the following bonuses:
life against the backdrop of the New Mexico desert,
Hide +2, Move Silently +2, and Survival +2. " The heroes investigate a murder/suicide involving
 Pops McGill murdered six members of his own
a newlywed couple who had been opening their
" The mayor of Pinebox, Red McCoy, hears that the
family before taking his own life.
wedding gifts before suddenly turning violent.
shotgun has been found and he approaches the heroes
Then, in 1984, Mark Dupree, an ex-policeman,
about purchasing it. He is angry that Harris has kept " A woman wearing a tinfoil hat and carrying a
walked into Pinebox State Bank and Trust. That
the gun secret from him. He wants the gun enough to toaster accosts the heroes on the street, pleading
November day would be very long indeed, as
send several members of the Texas National Militia with them for help. She weeps,  What s the
Dupree, with a fully loaded shotgun, C4 strapped to
against the heroes to get it, if they refuse to sell. (See frequency? Can t stop the signal. (Extra points for
his body, and a toaster clutched to his chest, held the
Modern Dispatches #26, #30, and #34.) those who get the pair of pop-culture references
entire bank and its patrons hostage.
one old, one new in her plea. Post the answers
" Anyone holding the gun must make a Will save
After sixty-three hours, the state SWAT team
on our forums at
(DC 12) or see an image of himself hunting in the
was able to disarm Dupree, taking his weapons, his
woods, shooting a great buck. For hunters, it is a " The heroes are drawn into tracking a serial killer
explosives, and his kitchen appliance. During the
nice dream. whose victims are all chefs or caterers. The killer
trial that followed, Dupree s lawyer argued that his
is herself a caterer, slowly working her way
client suffered from temporary insanity.
through her competition for catering a black-tie
In his official statement, Dupree claimed he was
charity event at the state capital in Austin. She and
under the influence of the kitchen appliance. After
her toaster have big plans for that evening.
the trial, there was no evidence indicating anything
unusual about the toaster. It was simply auctioned " The possessing spirit wants to be free and
off and bought by Forester Harris. manipulates its owner into stealing magical tomes
This toaster, when in close proximity to its owner, and ingredients necessary for performing the
bestows a temporary +2 bonus to Constitution and ritual. Rare occult volumes are disappearing from
inflicts a permanent -2 penalty to Wisdom. The the city, foreshadowing dark things to come.
Pinebox Pawn
Page 4
The Modern Dispatch
A Pair of Tickets to the
12 Black & White Television, circa 1982
Big Thicket Flyer
This old television set is marred with numerous scratches in its plastic frame, yet surprisingly, it still works
These tickets are found in an old cigar box, among
more or less. Only five channels work, the rest come in solid black. The channels are 13, 26, 39, 52, 65.
indian-head nickels, matchsticks, buttons, and other
This innocuous old television set is a window to other things mankind was not meant to know. Too much
odds and ends. The tickets, yellowed with age but
dimensions, times, and places. Even if connected to exposure to such mysteries can lead to madness.
otherwise in remarkable shape, both read,  Big
cable, the set only picks up the channels listed in the Purchase DC: 4
Thicket Flyer, Stanley Spur to Baton Rouge, Admit
paragraph above, nor can it be repaired. Channels
One, Coach, August 3, 1939. Neither appeard to
13, 26, and 39 are normal channels. The other two
have been used. Plot Ideas
are anything but normal.
" In the midst of an adventure, the Channel 52
In 1939, the Big Thicket Flyer was the only passenger Channel 52 appears as an infomercial, personalized
announcer offers the heroes the physical clue or
train to serve Pinebox. It traveled the Stanley Spur, off for whoever is watching. The handsome huckster
item the need to resolve their problem. Can they
the Gulf Coast Line, connecting several East Texas sells anything the viewer may desire from his
resist the temptation to take the easy way out? Can
and western Louisiana towns along the express line. missing car keys to the old girlfriend or boyfriend
they pay the ultimate cost?
That summer, the Flyer derailed at Sandy Fork Bridge, who got away. Anything and everything is for sale
" Shortly after the heroes become accustomed to the
killing every person on board. However, at least four for a price. The TV personality is a demon, and the
silver-tongued devil on Channel 52, he disappears.
ticketed passengers never boarded the train. (See Last price is the character s soul, although usually not
The camera points to an empty desk. The next day,
Call for the Big Thicket Flyer in 12 to Midnight s in so many words. Often, the price is a  favor, to
 The Network asks the heroes to investigate. If
Green s Guide to Ghosts for the whole story behind be payed at a later date. Those who default on their
the heroes have purchased something from the
the Flyer). payments face terrible consequences.
station, The Network offers to erase the debt.
Channel 65 is a window to our own world and
Purchase DC: 5
" Channel 65 shows a future in which the heroes are
time, as well as countless alternate worlds and times.
murdered in just two days time. Is it an alternate
Sometimes it is easy to discern that the  program
Plot Ideas
reality or their own? Is the future written in stone
is an alternate reality such as the one in which
" Following the night of the accident, these tickets
or sand?
Pig-Latin-speaking reptillians rule in the place of
became cursed. Whoever owns them dies in a
" The television ends up in the rec room of a
humans but sometimes the differences are much
transportation-related accident and is doomed to
mental hospital. Some patients completely snap
more subtle. Sometimes there is no real difference
haunt the next owner. To release all the trapped
when exposed to Channel 65, while others grow
at all.
spirits, the tickets must be torn by one of the missing
strangely calm and even draw strength from the
The viewer has no control over what is to be found
visions. Yet others unite in a quiet, mysterous
on channel 65. Those who have owned the television
" A series of numbers are printed in pencil on the
in the past have often avoided watching the channel
back of one of the tickets. Are the numbers a safe
altogether, since the subject matter often reveals
combination, latitude and longitude, or a coded
message? Whatever the case, powerful people want
those tickets and will do almost anything to get
" Tearing the tickets instantly summons a ghost train
to the user. The train can take two passengers on a
one-way trip to any known location in the world,
bypassing even the most airtight security.
Pinebox Pawn
Page 5
The Modern Dispatch
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Pinebox Pawn
Page 6


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