
Matur 2003 - powtórka z  część 7
to work = be employed, have a job, work for sb, be engaged (in), earn one's living, do business;
work hard = put in a lot of effort, make efforts, labour, sweat;
a job =employment, occupation, work, business, profession, career, trade, vocation / calling
your job may be: interesting, absorbing, entertaining, satisfying, challenging; low-paid; well-paid;
highly-paid; responsible; strenuous(wyczerpująca); unpredictable; demanding; hard; difficult;
undemanding; easy; unchallenging; boring; dull, monotonous, repetitive, tedious;
you are unemployed = jobless = out of job - you receive unemployment benefit (zasiłek) - you are
on the dole (na zasiłku)- you look for a job - you go through advertisements in newspapers - you go
to the employment office every week;
you apply for a job/post - you write your CV and fill in the application form - you go to a job
interview - you are underqualified - overqualified - you don't have much experience - you are a
suitable/ideal candidate for a post -
you are employed - you are a trainee (przyuczasz się) at first - you work part-time - then you are
promoted (awansujesz) - you have a full-time job - you receive a salary every month OR you receive
a wage every week - you receive social benefits (dodatki socjalne) - you respect you superiors
(przeło\eni) - you are a disciplined, conscientious, hard working employee - your employer
appreciates your work - you get a rise in salary - then the company you work for takes a loan (kredyt)
and is indebted (zadłu\one) - the management (kierownictwo) announces that reduction of the staff
will be necessary - you work overtime in order not to be fired - you compete with your co-workers /
colleagues - you take part in the rat-race - you join the trade union (związek zawodowy)
you lose your job / you are laid off / made redundant / sacked - and you are given a two-week notice
(dwutygodniowe wypowiedzenie) - you get a payoff (odprawa) - you are unemployed again -
you set up your own business - you open a wholesale firm (hurtownia) - you hire/employ workers -
you start production - you open a network of retail shops (sieć sprzeda\y detalicznej) - you run your
business successfully - bankruptcy is not a threat to your enterprise (przedsiębiorstwo);
occupations: accountant - księgowy; architect; actor; baby-sitter; baker; butcher; building worker;
beautician (kosmetyczka); broker; car-dealer; carpenter (stolarz); cashier (kasjer); cook; chemist;
copywriter (autor reklam); computer-programmer; computer-graphics specialist; consultant; DJ;
driver; dentist; doctor; engineer; farmer; electrician; fisherman; fireman; gardener; human resources
(kadry) manager; hairdresser; judge; journalist; lawyer; locksmith (ślusarz); manager; mechanic;
monk; musician; nurse; nursery teacher; nun; priest; policeman; painter; photographer; psychoanalyst;
pilot; plumber (hydraulik); PR (public-realtions) specialist; postman; politician; receptionist; reporter;
real-estate agent (agent nieruchomości); singer; secretary; sportsman/woman; stuntman; steward/ess;
soldier; scientist; sales-representative; shop-assistant; shop-owner; shoemaker; surgeon; tailor-
dressmaker (krawiec); teacher; translator; travel agent; tourist guide; vet(-erinary doctor); web-master;
writer; waiter/waitress;
a blue-collar = a manual or industrial worker = a labourer - his payment is wage;
a white-collar = an office worker - his payment is salary;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Matur 2003 - powtórka z  część 7
money = cash, hard cash, ready money, change - drobne; banknotes, currency-waluta; coin;
finance, capital, funds, assets, resources, financial means;
money in the form of: salary - wage; fee - honorarium; royalties - tantiemy; pension-emerytura;
scholarship - stypendium; dole - zasiłek; grant; allowance - przydzielone pieniądze; tip - napiwek;
pocket-money - kieszonkowe; rent - czynsz; loan - po\yczka; installment - rata; tax - podatek;
insurance - ubezpieczenie; debt - dług; savings- oszczędności; shares - akcje; investment;
bank account - konto; payment - płatność; transfer - przelew; debit - debet;
price - cost - value (wartość) - fare (opłata za przejazd)
you get money: you earn, make money on sth; you inherit a fortune (dziedziczysz) - you come
by/into money; you take a loan; you invest your money in sth; you make a profit - masz zysk; you
save money - put aside - reduce the costs - cut down on your expenses - economize; you are
economical - sparing - stingy;
you spend money: pay in cash - with a credit card - by cheque; you buy by mail order; you expend;
you are generous with money; you waste money = you are a spendthrift (rozrzutnik); you make a loss
- you lose money on sth- masz straty;
you have money- you are rich, wealthy, well-off, affluent, well-to-do, prosperous; you have a fortune;
you have no money- you are poor, poverty-stricken, penniless, hard up, needy, impoverished, as poor
as a church mouse, in the red, indebted - you owe sb money; broke - bez grosza; you hardly make
ends meet - z trudem wią\esz koniec z końcem; you live from hand to mouth - \yjesz z dnia na dzień;
sth is cheap = inexpensive, low-priced, low-cost, economical, reasonable, moderately priced, reduced,
marked-down, discounted, a bargain; worthless - valueless - bezwartościowe;
sth is expensive = dear, costly, high-priced, exorbitant, overpriced, extravagant; priceless - bezcenne;
invaluable - valueless - nieocenione, bezcenne;
city = town, borough, urban area, metropolitan area, metropolis, municipality, conurbation,
concrete jungle;
country = countryside, rural area, village, cottage, hamlet, settlement - community - colony -
siedlisko, osiedle; a farm - a ranch, a hacienda; an estate - posiadłość;
local authorities - the city council; the community council; the administration; the town hall - ratusz;
magistrate / councillor - radny; mayor - mer, burmistrz;
housing estate - osiedle - neighbourhood; quarter, district, zone - dzielnica, część miasta;
a house - a detached house - wolno stojący; a semi-detached house - blizniak; terraced houses -
zabudowa szeregowa; a block of flats; the slums; a cottage - a country house; a mansion - rezydencja;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Matur 2003 - powtórka z  część 7
street - road, avenue (aleja), boulevard, alley (mała uliczka), drive, crescent - ulica w kształcie łuku;
promenade, square, yard/courtyard (podwórko), passage, pedestrian precinct - tylko dla pieszych;
pavement - Am. sidewalk - chodnik; curb/kerb - krawę\nik; drive - podjazd; parking space/lot; multi-
storey-car-park; block - teren pomiędzy przecznicami; suburb - przedmieście; outskirts - obrze\a
miasta; industrial zone; shopping centre, shopping precinct, Am. shopping mall;
a street is: crowded/teeming with; busy - noisy- bustling; packed - congested; wide/broad/multi-lane;
empty - deserted; quiet/peaceful/sleepy; unfrequented (nieuczęszczana); narrow; secluded (na uboczu)
how to get there: go straight ahead - straight until you see& - along a street - down a street - past sth
(obok) - go back - turn around; you turn right - take the first turn on the left - take the first turning left
- pass two blocks and then turn left - bear right at the junction; cross the road - the bridge - the river -
the square - go across the street - you see sth across the street; you can't miss it; you see it on your
right; it's opposite the& ;
przymiotniki i ich negacje (w ró\nych znaczeniach!)
acceptable unacceptable infectious uninfectious
accurate inaccurate legal illegal
adequate inadequate legitimate/lawful illegitimate/unlawful
agreeable disagreeable likely/probable unlikely/improbable
ashamed unashamed, shameless luxurious poor/austere
available unavailable obedient disobedient
believable/credible unbelievable/incredible obtainable/attainable unobtainable/unattainable
breakable unbreakable painful painless
careful careless pleasant unpleasant
comfortable/convenient uncomfortable/inconvenient polite impolite
conclusive inconclusive predictable unpredictable
dangerous/harmful safe / harmless productive unproductive
delicate indelicate provocative unprovocative
dependent independent regular irregular
discreet indiscreet relevant irrelevant
edible/eatable inedible / uneatable reliable unreliable
experienced inexperienced/unexperienced reluctant willing, eager
explicable/explainable inexplicable/un/inexplainable responsible irresponsible
fearful fearless / courageous sophisticated unsophisticated
flexible/yielding inflexible/ unyielding skilful unskilful
fictious/fictitious factual / truthful soluble/solvable insoluble/unsolvable
glorious /perfect miserable / imperfect successful unsuccessful
grammatical/correct ungrammatical / incorrect trustworthy untrustworthy
hospitable inhospitable valid invalid
hostile / aggressive friendly / unaggressive visible invisible
impressive unimpressive wary/cautious unwary/incautious
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Matur 2003 - powtórka z  część 7
najczęstsze końcówki przymiotnikowe:
-able -ible -uble
unanswerable; indispensable - nieodzowny; changeable; memorable; uncontrollable;
incompatible; unimaginable; incomprehensible - niezrozumiały; negligible - pomijalny, mały;
dissoluble - rozpuszczalny; voluble - gadatliwy;
-ful -less
pitiful - \ałosny / miłosierny; pitiless - bezlitosny;
powerful - powerless;
useful - useless;
helpful- pomocny; helpless - bezradny;
hopeful; hopeless-beznadziejny;
colourful - colourless;
painful - painless;
malicious - zły, złośliwy; spacious - pojemny; ambiguous - dwuznaczny; unanimous - jednogłośny;
famous; capricious; superstitious - przesądny; notorious - niesławny; simultaneous - jednoczesny;
-ish -y
childish; foolish; greyish; smallish; sunny; bumpy - wyboisty; sleepy; woolly; shiny; smelly;
-ic -al -ical
magnetic; basic; romantic; specialistic; realistic; energetic; economic; regional; universal; traditional;
musical; logical; economical; biological; technological; grammatical; medical; apologetical; political;
abusive - obrazliwy; successive - następujące po sobie; productive; descriptive; defective - zepsuty;
evasive - wymijający; deceptive - mylny;
-ate -ete
immediate; moderate; illiterate - niepiśmienny; desperate; innate - wrodzony; obsolete - staromodny;
-some -ar
handsome; tiresome; fearsome; troublesome; lonesome; wholesome - zdrowy;
regular; familiar - znany/obeznany; solar; angular; molecular;
-ant -ent
significant, arrogant, ignorant, repentant - skruszony; persistent - uporczywy; affluent-zamo\ny;
convenient, evident; subsequent - następny;
-ing -ed
outstanding; fascinating; easy-going; dilapidated - zniszczony; excited; moved - poruszony;
podstawowa końcówka -ly dodawana jest do przymiotnika:
reasonable - reasonably; emotional - emotionally; social - socially;
moody - moodily; skilful - skilfully; hungry - hungrily; tiresome - tiresomely;
niektóre przysłówki mają formę identyczną jak odpowiadające im przymiotniki:
fast - fast; near - near; far - far; cowardly - cowardly; weekly - weekly;
przysłówki zdaniowe - wyra\ają komentarz mówiącego:
generally; usually; really; actually; basically; frequently; personally; frankly; honestly; clearly;
obviously; naturally; probably; surely; certainly; definitely; understandably; surprisingly; hopefully;
undoubtedly - niewątpliwie; unfortunately; fortunately; undeniably-niezaprzeczalnie;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Matur 2003 - powtórka z  część 7
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
