Origami Cat
This is probably the easiest of our origami animals, so it is
perfect for beginners. It looks great on a greetings card with
a bow under its chin, or tape it to a wooden spoon to make
a puppet. If you use a very large piece of paper you could
even make a mask!
We have used stick-on googly eyes and a black marker to
draw our cat s features.
1. Start by folding your
2. Fold your triangle in half again 3. Take the top point of the triangle
square in half diagonally,
to form a crease. Open it back and fold it down along the crease,
and creasing carefully.
out again. about 1/4 of the way.
4. Take one of the bottom 5. Fold the other corner up 6. Turn the model over, and add
corners and fold it up, taking too. your cat s features!
it at an angle as shown in the
photo above. The point will
form the cat s ear.
Keeping Kids Busy


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