07 50 ENERGY

New Phase in Oshołs work: Energy Darshans

New Phase in Oshołs work: Energy Darshans
In February 1979, Osho announces he will not wait to move to the new commune; he will start a new phase with energy darshans. Up to 200 people are present in evening darshans. Instead of answering personal questions Osho now gives 'come close energy darshans', using mediums and live music. The 'guest' sannyasins sit in front of Osho, surrounded by mediums, who may place their hands on the guest, and sway or dance in place. Osho touches the guests and sometimes the mediums on the third eye. The ashram lights are turned off so everyone can participate. Some guests are so overwhelmed, they need to be assisted or carried back to their places.
Before beginning the 'energy darshans' Osho speaks to the mediums:
With me you have to be in a relationship which is not a relationship at all. So if I put my hand on your head, it is not somebody else's hand, it is your own hand. And when I put my head on your head it is not somebody else's head, it is your own head. That feel has to grow. As it grows, you will become more and more open vehicles for my energy. That has to be remembered, then your being mediums will become your great meditation. It will not only be helpful to the guest, to the person who has come for the close-up; it will be a tremendous upsurge in your being too.
The second thing: this is the beginning of a new phase of work. I will relate many more things to you--many more that you cannot imagine, many more that you have never dreamt about--but the first basic you have to learn before that can be conveyed to you is: let this relationship with me be absolutely exclusive. This has not to become your gossipping.
The temptation will be there, because when you know something and somebody else does not know about it, there is great temptation to play the role of the knower, and to say it. It is a human temptation. But this has to be remembered, that whatsoever transpires between me and you is an absolute secret.
And remember, it is not the matter that is important; the matter may not be important at all. It is your capacity to keep it secret that is important. I may have simply told you that two plus two are four--that is not the point. It is immaterial whether you convey it to somebody or not; that is not the question. The content is not the question, the question is: your capacity of keeping it absolutely to yourself, your not revealing it even to your own spouse, your friend, your lover....
So that is not the point--the content, or any secret--but your capacity to contain it. That you have to remember. If any of you starts gossipping, it is bound to reach me, remember: gossip has wings! And those who do that will automatically be dropped, slowly slowly. The higher work is not for them; they are childish.
And the third thing: Vivek will be your chief, so you have to listen to her, to whatsoever instructions she gives to you. I have been working on her for seven years; now she is ready.
So you have to surrender to her, you have to listen to her; whatsoever information she conveys to you, you have to follow.
And I am in search of creating a big group of mediums, because as the commune grows I will need much bigger groups of mediums to help people. Thousands are going to come, and they are going to come so fast that you will not be able to manage them!
So remember these three things. join27
Again, before giving the 'come close energy darshans', Osho addresses all the mediums.
While you are absorbing my energy feel utterly sexual, sensuous. In the beginning it will look very sexual. Soon there comes a point of intensity when it starts changing, when it starts becoming something that you have not known before at all, something that can only be called spiritual--but only later on, and only if you go totally into it. If you inhibit, your taboos come in and you stop yourself, then it remains sexual, it never becomes spiritual.
All taboos, all inhibitions, have to be dropped; only then at a certain intensity does the transformation happen....
This is the first thing to remember. The second thing to remember is: when you are joyous your energy flows into the other; when you are sad you start sucking energy from the other. So while functioning as mediums, be as joyous, ecstatically joyous, as possible; only then will your energy start moving into the guest. Only then will you shower your energy into the guest, only then will he start overflowing. Joy is contagious. So you are not to be a medium out of duty; it has to be a joyous celebration.
The third thing: your bodies are musical instruments. The medium has to be just a harp in the hands of the master, so I can play on the music of your body, so I can help the music become awake in you. It has to be a very musical process, very graceful, very caressing, loving. When you play upon a musical instrument, you caress it with each touch. You have to become my harps, and you have to remember that--to be very very soft, open, vulnerable, available.
A little resistance from your side and the music will disappear. Then you can go on moving in an empty gesture. It will be empty, of no use; it will make you tired. If you are not making an empty gesture, the guest is going to be helped and you are going to be helped; both are benefited. In fact the mediums will be benefited more, because they will be available every day.
The fourth thing: the first medium, on whom I will be working more, has to function as a triggering point. So whatsoever starts happening in the first medium, you have to fall in tune with her, you have to just move with the first, you have to be just one with the first. And you will be surprised: what is happening to the first will start happening to you all, exactly the same, because it is not a question of the physical body, it is a question of an energy-field. I am just creating an energyfield: if you are ready, the first will be the triggering point and soon you will be taken possession of. So wherever you are--a few people will be standing here behind the guest, a few mediums will be sitting.... Those who are sitting, they can also participate just by sitting there.
The fifth thing: this is not only a small experiment to help the guest; this is to transform the whole energy-field of the commune. Right now it is a small commune.
I was waiting for the new commune, but I think it will be delayed a little more, hence I decided that the work has to start. But in a way it is good: if you can fill these six acres of land with your energy, then it will make you able to fill the new commune. The new commune will be big, at least three square miles. But if you can fill six acres of land with your energy, it will not be difficult to fill the three square miles. It is not a question of how big the place is; the question is whether you have got the knack of it.
So before the new commune happens I am trying to give you the knack of it. And it has started happening: the whole commune is affected. Even people who have not participated, who have not been here at all, even in their rooms they are affected.
From tomorrow, the time for energy communion will be the time when all the lights in the ashram will go off. All activities will stop; for that half hour or forty-five minutes there will be utter darkness and all activities will stop.
People, wherever they are, have to sit silently and be in a receptive mood, and whatsoever starts happening to them--there in their room, in the garden, wherever they are sitting, on the roof--they have to allow.
So this will be the beginning, and once the experiment succeeds here, then I can prepare a bigger group for the new commune, because then there will be the need of a bigger group.
The sixth point: the people who are sitting here in silent darshan, they can also participate. But they have to be aware: when the group is ecstatic, they can be ecstatic; when the group falls silent, they have to fall silent; when the group becomes absolutely quiet, they have to become quiet, otherwise they will be a disturbance. But when the group is going into ecstasy, into movement, into wild laughter, they can also. So you can also participate with closed eyes.
Just two things to be remembered: when the group stops, you have to stop immediately; and the second thing, you are not to disturb somebody else who is sitting by your side, you are not to touch somebody else by your side. You have to be alone, on your own.
So these things to be remembered. Good. join28
Osho addresses the guests:
What I am trying to do here is to give you a few moments, those peak moments when life becomes suddenly comprehensible. It is possible only if you move to the optimum; it is possible only when your energy pulsates totally. It is possible only when you are not holding anything back, when you are drunk, when you are madly drunk--drunk with your own energy, drunk with your own existence.
Just the sheer beauty of being, the sheer beauty of existing, the sheer beauty that "I am breathing and my heart is beating", is more than enough to be grateful, to be absolutely thankful to God or to the whole.
These "close-ups", these energy communications are just moments for you to move with me to the optimum. If you relax, if you fall in rhythm with me, if you don't keep yourself apart, the impossible becomes possible. And once you have tasted a few moments then you know that it is within your grasp. Then you can try those moments on your own. I can only give you a flavor, then you have to work it out.
This is not the end of the work, this is only the beginning. I can simply open the window for a moment so that you can see that outside is the infinite sky and the stars. But then you have to work it out. Slowly, steadily you have to move and open your own windows, your own doors.
But those first glimpses are absolutely necessary. Without those glimpses you will never have the idea of what life can be, what life is. And without the idea there will be no longing. Once you have tasted something, once you have chewed a little experience, once you have digested something of the unknown and it has entered your bloodstream, then you cannot remain at rest. Then you are going to become aflame. Then the great longing to attain to those moments again and again...and then finally not only to attain to those peaks but to abide there.
So while you are here with me in these intimate energy communions don't remain separate. Fall utterly in tune with me. Dance, sway, hum, and be taken away from yourself. Allow me to take you away from yourself. Allow me to pull the earth from beneath you so that you can start falling into the abysmal. Allow me to turn you on into a totally different dimension of which you are not even aware, which you have not even dreamed about. Let me give you a dream, a vision. But it all depends on you: you can be just a spectator and then you will miss the whole thing. You have to be participants, you have to fall en rapport with me.
This is subtle work, very subtle. You cannot see it from the outside. You will see the mediums moving and swaying, but that is nothing. That is only the visible form of something mysterious that is happening within them. Even they will not be able to explain it to you; it is not explainable. It can only be experienced and cannot be explained.
So be participants, and not just so-so; that is meaningless--either one hundred percent or nothing. Below one hundred percent nothing ever happens. If you can keep this in mind then I can take you to the ultimate Himalayan peaks of consciousness. And once you have seen those sunlit, virgin peaks you will not like to come back, you will like to remain there.
That longing--to abide there forever--is religion. Jesus calls it the kingdom of God, Buddha calls it nirvana; you can choose any name you like. But life is utterly meaningless without those peaks. And life is a turmoil if you go on living in the dark valleys, the dark valleys of mundane existence.
These moments are sacred. I am trying to take you to the holiest of the holies, to the innermost shrine of your being. Come with me! Don't remain spectators. corner22
When a true disciple comes to me and I touch his third eye, there is an energy connection. I become plugged into him, he becomes plugged into me: immediately an exchange of energy happens. It is an actual life-energy exchange. But a few people come, I touch their third eye...but they are just pretenders, they are not disciples.
When a disciple bows down and touches my feet, immediately there is an energy exchange. My feet can immediately feel his touch. It is not just a touch of his hands, his whole life is pouring there. But then there are others who simply touch as a formality. Their touch is ugly, their heart is not in it.
In close-up sessions the same thing happens. There are many who are moved to their very depths. Yogi and Rakesh have to carry them. They are so moved, so thrilled, they become so liquid, that they cannot move on their own. It is impossible for them to walk back to their places. They have to be carried. wlotus07
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