Brachial Nerve KT method

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Screening Test Tape Specification KT Method
KT Method
Brachial Nerve
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: seated, facing
forward with the shoulder abducted to
90 degrees in neutral position.
Ask the patient to move the wrist to
flexion and apply the base of the  Y
tape to the dorsum of the hand with
no tension.
Peel the tape backing as you apply
the tape to the skin with no additional
Ask the patient to move the elbow to
maximal flexion and continue tape
application over forearm to upper arm
with paper-off (10%) available tension
directly over the olecranon process.
The tape should separate into the two
tails just superior to the olecranon
Return the shoulder to the neutral
position with the arm at the side and
elbow and hand in a relaxed position.
Ask the patient to laterally flex and
rotate the head to the opposite side to
increase tissue tension on the nerve
roots and trunks of the brachial
Stabilize the base of the Kinesio Tex
above the olecranon process.
Apply the superior  Y tail with paper-
off (10%) available tension toward C7,
following the lateral border of the
triceps brachii muscle.
With the head and neck in the neutral
position, flex the shoulder to 110
Stabilize the base of the Kinesio Tex
above the olecranon process.
Direct the inferior  Y tail along the
medial border of the triceps brachii
muscle to finish at the level of the T7
spinous process. 2007-12-22
Strona 2 z 2
Completed Kinesio Tex application
0138-NE-AR Brachial Nerve Go
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved 2007-12-22


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