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// detailwin have to be set or we will get errrors by Block.Detail- and Highlights-Popup
detailwin = false;

function exit(){
window.location.href = "../../../outro.html";

// Open external navigation window
function opennav(){

// Keeps window always on same position...

var popup = false;
var win_height = 768;
var win_width = 1024;
if (screen.width == 1152){
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var window_posy = (((screen.height)/2)-(win_height/2)-(screen.height*0.05));
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var window_posy = (((screen.height)/2)-(win_height/2)-(screen.height*0.1));
var window_posx = (((screen.width)/2)-(win_width/2)) ;

pTimerID = null;

//if (popup) pTimerID = setTimeout("movepos()",1000); DEACTIVATED for the moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

function movepos() {
pTimerID = setTimeout("movepos()",100);


function openurl(target){
window.location.href = target;

mediasequence = false;
sequenceend = false;
if(parent.frames[1]) parent.frames[1].seqend(0);

function openDetail(u,W,H,X,Y,n,b,x,m,r) {

var cU ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/close.gif'
var cO ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/close.gif'
var cL ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var mU ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var mO ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var xU ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var xO ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var rU ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var rO ='D:/TNCinteraktiv_Version_2/HTML/pl/assets/icons/nix.gif'
var tH =''
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var xpos = window.screenLeft+355;
var ypos = window.screenTop+55;
return chromeless(u,n,W,H,X,Y,cU,cO,cL,mU,mO,xU,xO,rU,rO,tH,tW,wB,wBs,wBG,wBGs,wNS,fSO,brd,max,min,res,tsz,xpos,ypos)

function openpopup(url){

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var basepathname = url.substring(0,searchstring_filename);

var path = document.location.href;
var searchstring_path = path.indexOf("/"+basepathname+"/")+1;
path = path.substring(0,searchstring_path)+url;

if(detailwin) detailwin.close();
detailwin = openDetail(path,670,617,null,null,'mywin001');

Um diese Webseite anzuzeigen, wird Javascript benoetigt
Ihr Browser unterstuezt leider kein Javascript oder Javascript ist in Ihrem Browser deaktiviert.

Sondy pomiarowe TS i TT


function end(){
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if(document.getElementById("help")) document.getElementById("help").style.visibility = "visible";
sequenceend = true;
if(parent.frames[1]) parent.frames[1].next();

function keypressed(button){

var urlback = "";
var urlnext = "/Home/Bedienkomponenten/BGBJDIGA/BGBJDIGAn103f1";
var urlup = "../../.././Home/Bedienkomponenten/Bedienkomponentenn10039.html";

if(button =='browser'){
if(window.event.keyCode == 32 && mediasequence && !sequenceend && stop && urlnext != "") next();
if(window.event.keyCode == 32 && sequenceend && urlnext != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlnext+".html";
if(window.event.keyCode == 37 && urlback != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlback+".html";
if(window.event.keyCode == 39 && urlnext != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlnext+".html";
if(window.event.keyCode == 38 && urlup != "") window.location.href = urlup;
if(button =='space'&& mediasequence && !sequenceend && stop && urlnext != "") next();
if(button =='space' && sequenceend && urlnext != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlnext+".html";
if(button =='left' && urlback != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlback+".html";
if(button =='right' && urlnext != "") window.location.href = "../../../."+urlnext+".html";
if(button =='up' && urlup != "") window.location.href = urlup;



Dalej klawiszem STRZAŁKA-W-PRAWO lub klawiszem odstępów

3D-sondy pomiarowe firmy HEIDENHAIN pomagają w zmniejszaniu
kosztów: Funkcje wyposażania, pomiaru i funkcje kontrolne wykonywalne
są wraz z cyklami pomiarowymi iTNC w trybie automatycznym.


Sondy pomiarowe TS wspomagają
operatora przy nastawieniu obrabianych przedmiotów, przy wyznaczaniu punktów
odniesienia i przy pomiarze obrabianych przedmiotów.

Przy pomocy sondy pomiarowej narzędziowej
TT można dokonywać pomiaru i sprawdzania narzędzi bezpośrednio
na maszynie.


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