
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------
// copyright 2000 by voxeo corporation. (see LGPL.txt)
// US Postal Codes database, Copyright (c) 2000 CD Light
// All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// v1.0 Coded in PHP 4.0, ASP, PERL, JSP, Cold Fusion, and as a Java Servlet
// v1.0 Coded by John Higgins, Stephen J. Lewis, and Omi Chandiramani
// This application is prompts users over the phone for a 5 digit
// zipcode, then accesses a database containing the US Postal Code
// information for the year 2000 to find cities (and states) that
// match the zipcode. It will read the results to the caller,
// then ask for another zipcode. The same application has been
// written in PHP, JSP, ASP, PERL, Cold Fusion, and as a Java Servlet (q.v.)
// as sample code on how to use CallXML and backend scripting languages.
// This zip file contains the following files:
// US Postal Codes.mdb <---- The actual database file itself
// schema.ini <---- Database ini file
// <---- abstracted ODBC database routines (PHP)
// LGPL.txt <---- opensource license agreement
// readme.txt <---- This file
// zipcode.cfm <---- Cold Fusion version (part 1)
// getzip.cfm <---- Cold Fusion version (part 2)
// <---- PERL version
// zipcode.php <---- PHP version
// zipcode.asp <---- ASP version
// zipcode.jsp <---- JSP version
// <---- Java servlet version
// Several audio files are associated with this application:
// MainMenu.wav
// Results.wav
// NotFound.wav
// YouHaveTakenTooLong.wav
// MultipleResults.wav
// All audio files are PCM format, 8-bit, mono, unsigned.
// Quick Start Instructions:
// 1. Unzip the package onto your server.
// 2. Connect the database file as an ODBC data source.
// 3. Point a phone number to the voice
// application.
// a. Point your browser to the voxeo community page:
// Click on the "account login"
// button.
// b. Click the "log in here" link. (Or create an account if
// you do not already have one by clicking the "you can
// get one here" link.)
// c. On the "account administration" page, click the "phone
// number administration and url mapping" link.
// d. Fill in the url mapping form:
// select a city near you
// platform: leave it on the "CallXML" default
// url: point to the zipcode file (ASP, CFM, PL, PHP, JSP, JAVA)
// Click the "Add Mapping" button.
// e. Edit the pathstring within the code to point to your own webserver:

zipcode.asp: PathString = "" $PathString = "";


zipcode.php: $PathString = ""; private static String baseURL = "";
private static String servletURL = baseURL + "/ZipcodeApp";

// f. A new number should appear with the URL. Test the URL link
// by clicking it. You should see a XML file that starts with
// the following line:


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