SHSpec 159 6206C19 Question and Answer Period

6206C19 SHSpec-159 Question and Answer Period

[Notes are fragmentary on this tape.]

To turn off a persistent rockslam, during listing, call the PC's
attention to a room object. She old solution was to repeat a null word, e.g.
the name of a room object, until the rockslam disappeared, then continue.

A rockslam is a symptom of not having listed enough goals.

[Since the major aberration is in GPM's,] it may take as long or longer
to clear a free-track case, than a Black V.

A release is a person who is better by reason of auditing and knows it.
He also knows that he won't get any worse. [Combines Life Repair and ARC
Straightwire release definitions.]

A chronic TA at 4.5 is symptomatic of crowds; a chronic TA at 2.5 is
symptomatic of machines.

You could read minds by moving someone's somatic strip and reading the

Fortune telling works by getting the "seeker" to agree to a postulate.
When confronted with an undesirable future from one, get the fortune teller to
change it around until you get an acceptable future.
