production and support 372302B9

Production & Support

var backPath = './../../';
var imgPath = './../../images/';
var nodeInfo=[{view: "view:_LVCagP5WEdmAzesbYywanQ", path: ["_LVCagP5WEdmAzesbYywanQ", "_AUv4MAIMEdq-_NKqZM1EhA"]}];
contentPage.preload(imgPath, backPath, nodeInfo, '', false, false, false);

Production & Support

This View gathers all Method Content specific to the Production and Support Role Set. This role set consists of those roles not directly related to the other role sets but that are needed in order to support the software development process, or in order to produce additional materials required by the final product.



Production & Support


Work Products

Tool Mentors

©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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