function cpdf continue text

cpdf_continue_textPHP ManualPrevNextcpdf_continue_textcpdf_continue_text -- Output text in next lineDescriptionvoid cpdf_continue_text(int pdf document, string text); The cpdf_continue_text() function outputs the string in text in the next line. See also cpdf_show_xy(), cpdf_text(), cpdf_set_leading(), cpdf_set_text_pos().PrevHomeNextcpdf_set_word_spacingUpcpdf_stringwidth

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function cpdf continue text
function cpdf continue text
function pdf continue text
function cpdf begin text
function cpdf begin text
function cpdf set text matrix
function pdf continue text
function cpdf set text rendering
function cpdf end text
function cpdf end text
function cpdf rotate text
function cpdf set text pos

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