SHSpec 149 6205C24 E meter Data Instant Reads (II)

6205C24 SHSpec-149 E-meter Data -- Instant Reads (II)

People can get into more complications by figuring instead of looking!
Look, don't think. You can lose data if you are just being given a lot of
unweighted data, so that you cannot see importances and align them. The
"good" or useful data or important data get lost among the rest. Data are not
all equal.

Most scientists are defending a cult. Ask them for data, and they will
obfuscate the data and overwhelm you with a mass of unweighted data,
machine-gunned out with no amplification. Another way to obscure things is to
evaluate the reader and put in lots of footnotes referring to obscure sources,
etc. This is a typically professorial maneuver. It tends to develop a
priesthood. They are deriving their importance from their knowledge, which
they would consider to be worthless to them if everyone knew it. Their
knowledge is like a cloak of rare bird feathers. Polynesian navigators were a
priesthood. Modern navigators create the same effect by their obfuscations.


Podobne podstrony:
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