Future Perfect i Future Perfect Cotinuous

Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

Wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie:

1. By the end of the year I ……………………………………………… in Madrid for three years. BE

2. Jane ………………………………………………………………… her dinner by 5 o'clock. COOK

3. By the end of June they ……………………………………………… in Poland for ten years. LIVE

4. I ……………………………………… in that company for a year by the end of the month. WORK

5. By next year I ……………………………………………………… English for five years. STUDY

6. The play …………………………………… by the time we get to the theatre. ALREADY/START

7. Don't worry. You …………………………………………… the money back in a year's time. GET

8. I ……………………………………………………… for two years by the end of the year. SMOKE

9. By January I ……………………………………………………… my project for three months. DO

10. They …………………………………………… a couple of times by the end of the week. ARGUE

Uzupełnij zdania czasem Future Perfect Continuous:

1. …………………………………… after my baby for five months by the end of July? SHE/LOOK

2. I …………………………………………………… coffee for ten years by next year. NOT/DRINK

3. ……………………………………………………………… for ten hours by 9 o'clock? HE/SLEEP

4. Joe …………………………………………………… me for twenty minutes by now. NOT/TEASE

5. ……………………………………………………… a bicycle for two hours by now? JANE/RIDE

6. My parents ……………………………… together for a year by the end of the month. NOT/LIVE

7. …………………………………………… French for two years by next semester? NICK/LEARN

8. Her cousin ………………………………………………… her for three years by now. NOT/CALL

Uzupełnij zdania czasem Future Perfect:

1. ………………………………………………………… your new job by next week? YOU/START

2. She ………………………… that book by Monday if she keeps on reading so slowly. NOT/READ

3. ………………………………… for twenty years by next year? YOUR PARENTS/ BE MARRIED

4. They …………………………………………… up by the time you turn up in the house. NOT/GET

5. ………………………………………………… her conversation with Joe by 2 o'clock? SHE/END

6. Tom …………………………… that problem by tomorrow because it's too complex. NOT/SOLVE

7. …………………………………………………… German by the end of the year? THEY/LEARN

8. Bill ………………………………………………………… my letter by tomorrow. NOT/RECEIVE


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