B2 EXAM sample

B2 EXAM 2011 Name: ______________________________

max 60 p.

I. Provide the correct form of a verb. (15)

A famous New York institution (change) ______________________ address last year.

How long (you\study) ______________________ for this test?

If he (take) ______________________ my advice he wouldn't have ended up in prison.

I saw a terrible accident while I (walk) ______________________ on the beach.

I want to go (swim) ______________________ .

If she practiced more she (play) ______________________ more naturally.

I (study) ___________________ for the English test since January and I still have a lot to do.

Yesterday I (watch) ______________________ a great talk show

This is the first time I (fly) ______________________ in a jumbo jet.

Unless it is a nice day we (not\go) ______________________ anywhere.

She apologized for (borrow) ______________________ the book without permission.

Yesterday evening at 11.30 we (dance) ______________________ at the local disco.

She insisted on (stay) ______________________ with him.

We'll send for the doctor if he (feel) ______________________ worse.

She is very good at (solve) ___________________________- the problems.

II. Change into the passive voice (7)

They are modernising the road next to my house.

The road ___________________________________________________________________ .

Chinese invented the print.


Someone has left his car open.


They play this song every day in the radio.


They will send you the parcel next day.


They suppose she has good chances of being a new manager.


People believe the only place for investment is Warsaw.


III. Change into Reported Speech. Be careful about the questions. (10p. 4+3+3)

`My car won't start', exclaimed Mary. `The battery is flat again! Could you possibly give me a push just to start me down the hill?'

`Why don't you sell that car', said Bill.

`Nobody would buy it', said Peter. `What about just putting a match to it?'

`Press button A to start the engine', he said.

`But last time you told me to press button B', I said.

`That was a different type of machine', he explained.

`I've run out of beer, said my friend “Have you got any?”,

`No, but I'll buy some if you want'

`Don't bother, Susanna will bring some when she comes.'

IV. Paraphrase the sentence without changing the meaning. (8)

1.If you study more, you know more.

The more ___________________________________________________________________

2.The film was so good that I want to see it again.

It was such __________________________________________________________________

3. How did Peter's mother react?

Tell me how ________________________________________________________________

4.People suppose he put a cashier into a trance.

He is ______________________________________________________________________

5. It is a pity you didn't tell me.

You should__________________________________________________________________

6. I want you to prepare the report till Tuesday.

I'd rather ___________________________________________________________________

7. I have never been to Brazil.

Never _______________________________________________________________________

8. My favourite composer is Schumann.

It is _________________________________________________________________________

IV Explain in English the underlined expressions. (10)

1.They were wearing outrageous clothes.


2.She has been practicing a lot before a rehearsal


3.They aim for the world domination.


4.Actually, I don't like her


5.Stress can strongly affect your performance.


6.Don't touch it! it is contaminated.


7.Unfortunately those protests will retard the negotiations.


8.This involves considerable changes.


9.According to Mrs Langston the Aliens chased her husband yesterday.


10. The professor tried to encourage his students to work more.


V Translate into English (10)

  1. Nie jestem pewna co masz na myśli.

  2. Niepotrzebnie jej powiedziałem. Teraz jest na mnie zła.

  3. Gdybyśmy mieli mapę nie zabłądzilibyśmy wczoraj w lesie.

  4. Spróbujmy rozwiązać ten problem razem.

  5. Jestem przekonany, że on musiał tam wcześniej być.

  6. Powiedz mi jak wygląda twoje nowe mieszkanie.

  7. Chciałbym potwierdzić moją rezerwację na piątek

  8. Widziałem ciekawy artykuł o odkryciach naukowych.

  9. Najnowsze badania opinii publicznej mówią że ludzie słuchają coraz więcej muzyki.

  10. Na twoim miejscu porozmawiałbym z nią i przeprosił.


1 Traveling broadens the mind or 2 Our Civilization will end up in disaster or 3. Chairs.




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