'How much is ' Chin r counting system) PRINTABLE VERSION

`How Much Is This?'

An introduction to the `Chinese Derivative Counting System'

How much is it? (그것은) 얼마 입니까?

(그것은) 얼마 예요?

(그것은) 얼마 야?

It's 100 won. (그것은) 백원 입니다.

(그것은) 백원 이에요.

(그것은) 백원 이야.

How much is it? (그것은) 얼마 예요?

It's 200 won. (그것은) 이백원 이에요.

How much is this? (이것은) 얼마 예요?

It's 1000 won. (그것은) 천원 이에요.

How much is this? (이것은) 얼마 예요?

It's 3000 won. (그것은) 삼천원 이에요.

How much is that? (저것은) 얼마 예요?

It's 10 000 won. (그것은) 만원 이에요.

How much is that? (저것은) 얼마 예요?

It's 40 000 won. (그것은) 사만원 이에요.

It's 100 000 won. (그것은) 십만원 이에요.

It's 500 000 won. (그것은) 오십만원 이에요.


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