akwizycja test1

L1 - learner's first language or mother tongue

L2 - an additional language an individual is learning - it is also possible to talk about L3, L4 etc.

Target language (TL) - the language an individual learns or is formally taught in school

Acquisition - a spontaneous, subconscious process of getting to know an L2, where learner's attention is focused on meaning rather than form (Krashen 1981)

Learning - the development of conscious knowledge of an L2 through formal study (rule provision and error correction) (Krashen 1981)

Bilingualism - the use of two languages by an individual or speech community

Multilingualism - the use of three of more languages by an individual or within a speech community

Competence - a language user's underlying knowledge of language which is drawn upon in actual performance

Learning/instructional context - the situation in which the second language is learned or taught.

Formal instruction - it involves some attempt to focus learner's attention on specific properties of the L2 so that they will learn them.

Natural vs. educational contexts

Natural contexts - learners have contact with other speakers of L2 in a variety of situations (e.g. in the workplace, at home, through the media, etc.)

Educational contexts - learners have access to the TL in the classroom

In many cases language learning will involve both types of setting. Misconceptions about the nature of learning in natural and educational settings (informal vs. formal learning, social significance vs. subject matter, etc.). Misconceptions about the type of setting and the level of target language proficiency.

Types of natural contexts

Majority language contexts

Official language contexts:

International contexts

Educational contexts

Second language contexts vs. foreign language contexts

Institutional contexts

(education involves a combination of L1 and L2)


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