Start to Make Your Life¾tter with Power¯firmations

Start to Make Your Life Better with Power Affirmations...

Listening to recorded affirmations on an MP3 player is the most effective way I have ever found to use affirmations.  To help you better understand the best ways I've learned to use affirmations, I've created this short 11 minute video to give you a quick overview.  I suggest that you take a few minutes in order to see exactly what I'm talking about.  Then, if you are interested in downloading up to 488 Power Affirmations MP3 recordings, just click on the link below:

You can improve your life with Power Affirmations.  You will be pleased to know that most of my best information is absolutely free.  There's a list of some of the things you can get for free further down this page.  All you have to do is join my email list (I don't spam--you can see a sample email below). 

They Are Available in Both Text Form
and As Individual MP3s

I have also made available two collections of Power Affirmations I made for myself for immediate download as MP3s.  There's a total of 488 MP3s between the two collections--over 8 hours of audio.  You can listen to 6 of the MP3s below to hear the quality of the content and the audio.  I'm not aware of a larger collection of recorded affirmations available anywhere (or a better collection for that matter).  You can learn how to purchase these MP3s for immediate download further down this page.  But for those only interested in free stuff...there's a ton of it available. 

I hope you will seriously consider the recordings.  After using affirmations for the past 30 years, I don't know of any more powerful way to benefit from affirmations than using recordings--either your own or those created by someone else.  This is the voice of experience speaking.

If you have questions, just send me an email.  I personally answer all of my emails (I don't have a staff) free of charge.  At this time, I don't charge any coaching fees.  It's my joy to help others.  My email address is  I usually respond to all emails within 24 hours. 

I've been helping people through my website since 1999.  I'm committed to making a positive difference in the lives of thousands of people every month (over 100,000 a year now--about 10,000 people per month on average).  This is not just my website, this is my mission.  This will become even more clear to you as you go through my site and see the quality of the information I provide. 

 Learning a "Language" of Success

Have you ever tried to learn a new language? One of the most effective ways is to interact with recordings of someone who already knows the language saying the same phrases and words over and over until you "own" the new phrases. With enough repetition, they become a habit for you.  It's even just beneficial to just listen to the recordings.  It's also very useful to record your own voice so you can hear yourself using the new words and sentences.

You can use exactly the same principle with the Power Affirmations recordings to condition your mind to think and speak success. There's over 203 individual MP3s in the "classic" Power Affirmations collection and 285 MP3s in "The Science of Getting Rich" Power Affirmations collection. Of course, if English is your native language, learning these affirmations is a lot easier than learning a new language. These Power Affirmations recordings will help you learn a new "language" of success.

Note:  Even if you decide not to get the recordings, you can still benefit from all of the free information you can get from my website...keep reading for more information.

Here's the text of the 6 samples (there's actually 203 in the entire "Classic" Power Affirmations collection--

  1. I am now filled with faith, certainty and confidence.  I now create and feel these emotions in my body.

  2. I am now fearless, courageous, and bold.

  3. I now relive the most joyous moments of my life.  And these moments inspire me to greater self-confidence and a greater feeling of self-worth.

  4. I now walk and move with assurance, poise, and personal power.

  5. I now achieve my goals with joy and laughter.

  6. Whenever I set a definite goal, I take immediate action to create and sustain massive momentum.

If you like these Power Affirmations (and the MP3s), there are a lot more available to you.  Between my two Power Affirmations collections (the 203 "Classic" Power Affirmations and the 285 Power Affirmations inspired by "The Science of Getting Rich"), there's a total of 488 affirmations available as both text and as MP3s.  It's the largest collection of its kind that I'm aware of anywhere.  Keep reading...

5 Specific Ways Power Affirmations Will Make Your Life Better

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These affirmations are educational.  These are not your typical "feel good" affirmations.  They actually teach you key success principles.  If you study the above sample affirmations carefully, you will notice that they contain valuable information in a highly concentrated format.  I could write pages of commentary on the principles in just these 6 affirmations.  Instead I've cut straight to the most important points.

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They will motivate you.  By using presuppositions, they are written in a way that will automatically move you to take positive, intelligent action.

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They will save you lots of time.  You don't have to "reinvent the wheel."  There are my original 203 "Classic" Power Affirmations in 6 key life areas including self-image, confidence, setting and achieving goals, health, relationships, and creating wealth.  And there are an additional 285 Power Affirmations inspired by "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

These 488 affirmations took me years of study and thought to create.  But you can review and pick the affirmations that apply to you and begin using them in a matter of minutes.

What saves you even more time are the Power Affirmations MP3s.  Both of the collections mentioned above are available in separate packages or together.  This saves you months of recording and editing time.  Even more important, by harnessing the power of repetition, they help you achieve the ultimate results you want faster than you may currently think is possible.  You may find that you can create decades worth of results in just a few months.

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They will help you create and maintain a positive mental attitude.  The best way to stay positive is to fill your mind with positive thoughts and that's exactly what these affirmations will do.  Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill that the most important quality he looked for in a business associate was a positive mental attitude.  Why?  Because he knew from experience that a person with a positive mental attitude can develop every other skill he or she needs to succeed in any undertaking. 

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They will help you model language patterns that you can use to create your own specific affirmations.  When you create your own power affirmations, you can be very specific with respect to what you want to achieve.  Maybe it's to earn a specific amount of money.  Maybe get a better job.  Improve a relationship.  Acquire a specific possession.  Learn a new skill.  Whatever it is you want, you just need to learn how to use your own mind and thoughts more effectively in order to get it.  The power you need is already within your own mind.  Creating specific power affirmations for yourself may be the master key to unlock the riches already within your mind.

Disc 1 - The Power of Power Affirmations [32 Affirmations- Audio mp3]

Disc 2 - Creating a Powerful Self-Image [48 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

Disc 3 - Achieving Your Goals [28 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

Disc 4 - Creating Physical Health, Power, and Vitality [27 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

Disc 5 - Creating Power Relationships [37 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

Disc 6 - Creating Wealth and Financial Abundance [37 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

The Science of Getting Rich [285 Affirmations - Audio mp3]

Power Affirmations



By William Marshall



by William Walker Atkinson

The Science of Getting Rich: The Power Affirmations Edition [e-Book-PDF]

By Wallace D. Wattles

With Power Affirmations by William H. Marshall

285 Power Affirmations Inspired by Wallace D. Wattle's “The Science of Getting Rich” [e-Book-PDF]

by William Marshall


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