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6) Covert power is always preferable over overt power.

Only a select few of us have embraced the Camarilla as our new homes. For those who have it is always better to not hold the offices that they offer, rather to control the people sitting in those chairs. Other kindred will always be envious of what they don't have. If you hold an office you just make yourself the target of the envious. If you control the chair from the shadows, you can always disappear when the chair is taken over, and again resume control.

7) Patience can be the difference between success and failure.

The best-laid plans through out history have taken centuries to implement. When factoring in possible situations you must account for every possibility. It takes time and patience for a plan or scheme to be executed perfectly and without any repercussions. Take your time and be through. The reward of a flawlessly executed plan can be worth that of priceless treasures.

8) Never threaten your intended target.

When you have been betrayed or you have reason to remove an obstacle in your way, it is always better that the target be unaware that you are coming. Never give an opponent time to plan for your wrath. Instead make them your new best friend. They won't be expecting an attack to come from their ally.

9) Don't brag about what you can do or what wealth you have.

By doing so you succeed in making yourself a target to those who would be jealous of your accomplishments. Be modest and simply hint around at what exactly you can do and what power you command. By being vague your enemy will grossly overestimate your ability and think twice about confronting you. While he is thinking twice you can remove him.

10) Always remember that no clan in existence is better then the Lasombra.

It is rumored that the first childe that Caine sired was the basis for all Lasombra. While strictly a rumor, the statement above is indeed true. Of all Kindred in existence, we are the ones worthiest of the title “Kindred”, as we have never strayed from the laws that Caine set up in the first city. We are masters at everything we do and everything we do is done with perfection. We are what other kindred aspire to become. Take pride in that and remember that whatever you do is a reflection upon the rest of the Lasombra.

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Ten Laws of Montano
