
List and description of abbreviations


No of cyl (1) Number of cylinder

Compr ratio (1) Compression ratio

P rat (kw) Engine nominal

n rat (rpm) Engine nominal speed

Fmax (mm) Pumps fuel rack position at maximum output

Fmin (mm) Pumps fuel rack position at minimum output

D 15 (kg/1) Fuel density

T Visc (°C) Fuel oil temperature at viscosity control

T Fuel (°C) Fuel oil temp before engine (after final preheater)

IF (c ST) Type of heavy fuel oil

Visc (mPa s) Viscosity before engine (at viscosity control)

F1-F16 (mm) Pumps fuel rack position cylinder 1-16

Adapt mode ! (1) Number of test run during adaption

File No (1) Number of test run in the off-line memory

Operate (h) Operating hours of the engine

F meas (°C) Temperature at fuel clock gauge

Ship (kn) Speed of ship

P0 (bar) Intake pressure (same as barometer reading)

T0 (°C) Intake temperature (near the air-intake filter)

Fuel (mm) Mean fuel rack possition of fuel oil pumps

Speed (rpm) Engine speed

Power (kw) Engine output

Power (%) Engine output (in percent of full load)

MEP (bar) Mean effective pressure

SFOC (g/kWh) Specific fuel oil consumption

FOC (kg/h) Fuel oil consumption per hour

Poil M (bar) Lubricating oil pressure last main bearing

Poil C (bar) Lubricating oil pressure last camshaft bearing

Toil i (°C) Lubricating oil temperature before engine

PCW (bar) Cooling water pressure before engine

TCW i (°C) Cooling water temperature before engine

TCW o (°C) Cooling water temperature after engine

HT i (°C) High temperature before charge air cooler

HT o (°C) High temperature after charge air cooler

LT i (°C) Low temperature before charge air cooler

LT o (°C) Low temperature after charge air cooler

TbAirC (°C) Charge air temperature before charge air cooler

TaAirC (°C) Charge air temperature after charge air cooler

TaCyl1-Cyl9 (°C) Exhaust gas temperature after cylinder 1-9

TaTurb (°C) Exhaust gas temperature after turbine

PaTurb (bar) Exhaust gas pressure after turbine

PbAirC (bar) Charge air pressure before charge air cooler

PaAirC (bar) Charge air pressure after charge air cooler

TCW iC (°C) Cooling water temperature after gas inlet casing

TCW oC (°C) Cooling water temperature after gas outlet casing

nTurb (rpm) Turbine speed

T1bTur-T3bTur (°C) Exhaust gas temperature 1-3 before turbine

DpFilt (mbar) Differential pressure air filter turbine

DpAirC (mbar) Differential pressure charge air cooler

PfCyl1-Cyl9 (bar) Firing pressure cylinder 1-9

P comp (bar) Compression pressure

LOC (kg/d) Lubricating oil consumption kg/d

CZ 21 / Edition 04.02


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