Problems for tests

Half term test :


1. Explain the concepts of `la langue' and `la parole'.

2. Explain the structuralist notion `grammar of literature', and how it may be applied to literary studies.

3. What is semiotics and where it is most often applied?

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars

New Historicism

1. Describe the method of a `thick description', explain how a social anthropologist works.

2. What is the difference between the traditional historic approach to literature and New Historicism.

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars


1. How is psychoanalysis connected to literature?

2. Explain the mechanisms operating as `dream work.'

3. Explain the Lacanian process of becoming self.

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars

Final test:

Reading Writing and Reception

1. Compare two models of texts by Eco and Barthes.

2. Present the phenomenological models in literary studies. (Iser, Ingarden)

3. How is text independent of its author?

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars


  1. What are the main concerns of feminist criticism?

  2. Explain the concept of ecriture feminine.

  3. How do prominent French feminists rebel against patriarchal symbolic system?

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars


  1. Explain the literary phenomenon of `empire writing back'

  2. Explain the Eurocentricism

  3. Explain the term of `postcolonialism'.

4. Glossary terms

5. Name the scholars


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