#109 AIS

AIS (Automatic Identification System) (CD # 109)

Chapter 1 - Introduction to AIS

  1. What kind of system is AIS? [A - Transponder system]

  2. What was the start date for implementation of AIS? [C - July 1st, 2002]

  3. Seen from an operational point of view, how will you describe the AIS? [C - AIS is an automatic system]

  4. The AIS information transmitted by a ship can be divided in how many types? [B - 3]

Chapter 2 - Technical introduction

  1. Can AIS with MKD operate as a standalone system? [B - Yes]

  2. In case of AIS overload, what can you expect? [C - Targets far away drop out]

  3. How much can the AIS broadcast mode be overloaded without any significant operational effect? [C - 400 - 500%]

  4. The dynamic information update rate depends on? [D - Ship speed]

  5. The static information is updated every? [C - Every 6 minutes]

  6. The pilot plug should be installed where? [C - On the pilots conning position]

Chapter 3 - Operation of AIS

  1. The AIS transponder is designed to transmit information? [A - Automatically]

  2. When should the AIS transponder normally be activated? [D - Always]

  3. The AIS transmitted information is divided in how many main groups? [B - Dynamic data, static data and voyage related data]

  4. How is the voyage information updated? [C - Manually]

  5. How is the AIS technical status checked? [A - Automatically]

  6. Which parameters define dangerous target? [D - CPA/TCPA]

  7. Suppressing a dangerous target can only be done? [C - Temporarily]

  8. The lost target symbol is shown where? [B - In the last known target position]

Chapter 4 - Use of AIS information

  1. What is the IMO minimum display requirements for AIS? [D - AIS information on MKD]

  2. The shape of the raw radar echo gives? [B - Normally not a true representation of the dimensions of a target]

  3. When the ship alters course the hull experience how many actions? [A - 2]

  4. AIS aims to achieve a positional accuracy better than how many meters when associated with DGNSS? [C - 10 m]

  5. What is the best collision avoidance system? [D - Early action]

  6. What is considered the main VTS sensor for detection of ships? [B - Radar]

Chapter 5 - Limitations and possible future applications of AIS

  1. When using AIS the OOW should be aware of? [B - AIS information may not be correct]

  2. What is the accuracy of the AIS information? [D - The accuracy is as good as the transmitted accuracy]

  3. What happened when an AIS sensor fails? [B - AIS display “not available”]

  4. What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance? [A - AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation]

Chapter 6 - Assessment

  1. When were the performance standards for AIS adopted? [C - 1998]

  2. What is the ITU ship reporting capacity for AIS? [D - 4500]

  3. The selected target symbol represents? [A - A manual selected target]

  4. AIS position information accuracy is only as good as? [B - The information transmitted from each ship]

  5. Where should the pilot port be located? [C - Close to the pilots normal working position]

  6. In case of an AIS sensor failure, the following should happen? [C - The AIS automatically display a message]

  7. What can happen in case of AIS overload? [D - Targets far away will drop out]

  8. The technical status of the AIS is checked? [B - Automatically]

  9. When is the static information feed into the AIS? [B - During installation]

  10. A selected target is a target selected by? [A - The operator]

  11. How many target symbols are used in connection with AIS targets on a radar display? [D - 5]

  12. What are the criteria for a dangerous target in AIS? [B - A target calculated to violate preset CPA/TCPA limits]


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