Gramatyka ćwiczenia do testu mix V klasa

Unscramble the following sentences.

Example: speak can you English. - You can speak English.

1. you can play the violin?

2. draw they can't well.

3. play I basketball can.

4. we can come house to your?

5. she sleep can't

6. you cook can?

7. watch can television I?

Complete con can o can't.
1. Where  _________I see a good rock concert?  
2. Can Lisa speak French?
No, she ________ .  
3. What __________ you do?  
4. Can Lucy drive?
Yes, she  __________.  
5. Where __________ I buy a new camera?  
6.  _________you read in Portuguese?  
Yes, I can.
7. Can I invite my friends?
Yes, they  ___________come.  
8.  __________you help me, please?  
9.  ____________you play the piano?  
10. I ____________ find my keys. Where are they?

Relative pronouns who / which / whose.

who: when we talk about people

which: when we talk about things

whose: instead of his/her or their

Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose.

1) I talked to the girl …......................... car had broken down in front of the shop.

2) Mr Richards, …............................... is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich ….............................. is in East Anglia.

4) This is the girl …................................ comes from Spain.

5) That's Peter, the boy …...................................... has just arrived at the airport.

6) Thank you very much for your e-mail …......................... was very interesting.

7) The man, …................................. father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8) The children, …......................... shouted in the street, are not from our school.

9) The car, ….................................. driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10) What did you do with the money …................................... your mother lent you?

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

(a)  Who

(b)  Which

(c)  Whose

(a)  which

(b)  that

(c)  whom

(a)  who's

(b)  that's

(c)  who

(a)  Whom

(b)  That

(c)  Who

(a)  whom

(b)  who

(c)  that

(a)  that

(b)  whom

(c)  which

(a)  that

(b)  who

(c)  that's

(a)  which

(b)  that

(c)  who

(a)  which

(b)  whom

(c)  who's

(a)  whose

(b)  which

(c)  who

Put in the correct form of Saxon Genitive

Początek formularza


I met 0x01 graphic
 my friend/mother yesterday.


I really like 0x01 graphic
 Kate/new dog. It's cute.


The 0x01 graphic
 children/toys were scattered all over the room.


My 0x01 graphic
 parents/room is being redecorated now.


I would like to meet 0x01 graphic
 Susan/husband at last.


I'm going to 0x01 graphic
 Ann and Bill/wedding next week.


Mary stood in a queue to the 0x01 graphic
women/changing room.


I knocked at the 0x01 graphic
 boss/office but he wasn't there.


0x01 graphic
 Mr Brown/garden is small but very beautiful.


0x01 graphic
 Alex/brother is going to India next month.


I have to check my 0x01 graphic
 students/papers this week.


I hate buying 0x01 graphic


0x01 graphic
 Tom and Jane/friends are completely different.


0x01 graphic
 the Smiths/house is going to be sold soon.


I'm a bit nervous before 0x01 graphic
 today/meeting with my boss.


It's 0x01 graphic
 my younger sister/birthdaynext Sunday.


Her 0x01 graphic
 cat/fur is black, white, grey and brown.


We'd like to invite our 0x01 graphic
 neighbours/children to the party.


The 0x01 graphic
 girls/dresses at the wedding were very elegant.


Your 0x01 graphic
 village/name reminds me of some other place.

Dół formularza

Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 There aren't ___glasses in the cupboard.0x01 graphic

2 There are ___shops in the High Street.0x01 graphic

3 I have ___stamps in my bag.0x01 graphic

4 Do you have ___photos with you?0x01 graphic

5 Are there ___notebooks in the shop?0x01 graphic

6 He doesn't have ___keys in his briefcase.0x01 graphic

Wstaw some lub any.
(Complete sentences using some or any.)

1.      Would you like ............... orange juice?

o        some

o        any


2.      Peter didn't buy .............. sweets yesterday.

o        some

o        any

3.      I have ................... pens in that drawer.

o        some

o        any

4.      Can I have ................. chips, please?

o        some

o        any

5.      Did you find .................... keys yesterday?

o        some

o        any

6.      Mark has seen .................. ghosts this week.

o        some

o        any

7.      Would you like .................. chicken?

o        some

o        any

8.      They haven't got .................. brothers.

o        some

o        any

9.      Do you have .................. dogs?

o        some

o        any

10.  Kate and I won .................. money ten years ago.

o        some

o        any

11.  My friend doesn't like .................. vegetables.

o        some

o        any

12.  Lucy's cats caught .................. mice last week.

o        some

o        any


13.  Sarah and Mike didn't draw .................. pictures last month.

o        some

o        any

14.  Would you like .................. milk?

o        some

o        any

15.  Does she eat .................. fruit?

o        some

o        any

16.  Have you got .................. questions, boys?

o        some

o        any

17.  I write .................. letters every week.

o        some

o        any

18.  His son doesn't know .................. famous writers.

o        some

o        any

19.  These girls bought .................. new dresses two days ago.

o        some

o        any

20.  Have you read .................. newspapers this month?

o        some

o        any





Enter "a", "an", "some" or "any" in each of the boxes below.
The first one has been done for you.

0x01 graphic

John: I am going to go shopping now. What do we need?

Mary: We need (1)___ apples
          and (2)____ melon.
          We don't have (3)____ bread,
          so could you get (4)____ bread, too?

John: How about cheese? Do we have (5)____ cheese?

Mary: Yes. There is (6)____ cheese in the fridge,
          but we need (7)____ milk.
          Can you get (8)____ bottle of milk as well?

John: How about vegetables?

Mary: Oh yes. Can you get (9)____ head of cabbage
          and (10)____ potatoes?

choose the correct pronoun

  1. Kate,wait for _______. a) we 
    b) us
    c) our

  2. Kris and Lilly don't know ______ because they live in other city.
    a) them 
    b) they
    c) theirs

  3. Pam found a free seat for ______ , please.
    a) his 
    b) he
    c) him

  4. This chocolate is for ______, Honey!
    a) you 
    b) your
    c) yourself

  5. Is that book ______ ?
    a) her 
    b) us
    c) yours

  6. My house is bigger than ______ .
    a) yours
    b) yourself
    c) us

  7. Tom has bought ______a new car.
    a) us 
    b) she
    c) we

  8. My hobby is sport. And what's ______ ?
    a) you 
    b) yourself
    c) yours

  9. Try this cake. I have made it ______ .
    a) myself 
    b) him
    c) ourself

choose the correct pronoun

  1. That bags are very heavy. I can carry______ ______ 
    a) it, mineself 
    b) they, myself 
    c) them, myself

  2. Everybody except ______ accepted the rules. 
    a) him 
    b) he 
    c) his

  3. Many of______ agreed to the rules 
    a) we 
    b) me
    c) us

  4. Milk is too hot for______.
    a) you
    b) his 
    c) I

  5. You must remember to feed______ dog everyday.
    a) you 
    b) your 
    c) it

  6. Please, book ______ a seat in this restaurant 
    a) my 
    b) me 
    c) myself

  7. Do you think______ new car is big enough for______ family? .
    a) our, our 
    b) we, us 
    c) us, our

  8. I would like to invite______ to the wedding.
    a) them 
    b) they 
    c) we

  9. Today______ quite busy.
    a) me 
    b) I'm 
    c) I

Napisz słownie liczebnik porządkowy (bez przedimka) 


15 - 0x01 graphic


2 - 0x01 graphic


19 - 0x01 graphic


21 - 0x01 graphic


75 - 0x01 graphic


90 - 0x01 graphic


200 - 0x01 graphic


101 - a 0x01 graphic


2,250 - 0x01 graphic


3,000,000 - 0x01 graphic


17 - 0x01 graphic


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