SPEAKING EXAM GENERAL 10, 11 ustny IT exam

moze ktos umiescic swoja wersje "Your friend has finished college and has a lot of space time now.Write an email giving him/her some adivice on what to do over the summer holiday.Use these notes to help you."?

Dear John,
I'd like to congratulate you graduating from the college. I heard you have a lot of time right now. Let me suggest you what you can do during your spare time.
I assume that your main goal right now is to find a well-paid job. There is a lot of job offers in my city that would interest you. Some of them give you accommodation, if are from outside the city. So now you have a reason to pay me a visit and check out some of these offers. You don't need to hurry, I understand you need some relax right now, after all the stress connected with graduating the college. So why not going for a holiday? The weather is fine, and it's perfect for trips. We can go together, if you'd like to. They said on the TV that the water temperature in the Baltic Sea is pleasant, so I thought about checking it out. Two or three weeks off will be OK for both of us, and after that time you can start looking for sufficient job offer in my city. I hope you'll think about it and let me know.
Many greetings to you and your family.
Your Sincerely

  1. Living in a digital age - application of computer technology in a variety of contexts

We are now living in digital age, meaning that computers have become an important part of our live.
Computers help us to perform mathematical operations and improve their maths skills. They are used to access the Internet, to do basic research and to communicate with other people around the world. In school teachers use projectors and interactive whiteboards to give presentations, some teachers publish exercises for students on their website. PCs are also used for administrative purposes, for example write letters , make database.
In banks, computers store information about the money held by each customer and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out financial transactions at high speed. With online banking, clients can easily pay bills and transfer money from the comfort of their homes
Airline pilots use computers to help them control the plane. For example, monitors display data about fuel consumption and weather condition. In airport control towers, computers are used to manage radar systems and regulate air traffic. Travel agents use computers to find out about the availability of flights, prices, times, stopovers and many other details

2. Computer essentials - what is a computer, hardware, software, input and output devices, types of computer

Computers have become an essential part of our lives. A computer is an electronic machine which can accept data in a certain form, process the data, and give the results of the processing in a specified format as information.

A computer system consist of two parts: hardware and software.

Hardware is any electronic or mechanical part you can see or touch. There are three basic hardware sections:
-first is: the central processing unit (CPU), which is the heart of our computer, a microprocessor chip which processes data and coordinates the activities of all the other units
-second is: the main memory which hold the instructions and data which are being processed by the CPU, it has two main sections: random access memory ( RAM) and read only memory (ROM)
- and third section: peripherals which are the physical units attached to the computer. There are also three sections:
- input devices let us enter data and commands, for example the keyboard or the mouse
- output devices let us extract the results, for example the monitor,
the printer
- and storage devices which are used to store information permanently

Second part a computer system is software and it is a set of instructions, called a program, which tells the computer what to do, for example the system operating .

Finally I tell you about types of computer. I know 6 different types of computer:
- a mainframe which is the most powerful type of computer and it can process and store large amount of data
- a desktop PC which has own processing unit, monitor and keyboard
- a laptop (also called notebook PC) which is a lightweight computer and you can transport easily
- a tablet PC which looks like a book with LCD screen and you can write on this using a special digital pen
- a personal digital assistant (PDA) is a tiny computer which can be held in one hand
- and a wearable computer runs on batteries and it is worn on the user's body

3. Inside the system - processing, ROM and RAM, buses and cards, bits and bytes

The brain of our computer is the processor, also called CPU (central processing unit). This is built into a single chip which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer system. The chip is a small piece of silicon with complex electrical circuit called an integrated circuit.
The processor consists of three main parts:
-the control unit which examines instructions from memory and executes them
-the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) which performs arithmetic and logical operations
-the registers, high-speed units of memory used to store and control data

The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor.
When you run a program, the CPU looks for it on hard disk and transfers a copy into RAM (Random Access Memory) which is temporary or volatile and it holds data while your PC is working on it, but loses this data when the power is switched off. However ROM (Read Only Memory) is non-volatile, contains instructions needed by the CPU. The BIOS (basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with peripherals.

The main circuit board inside system is called motherboard and contains the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots and controllers for peripherals connected by buses which are electrical channels and allow devices inside the computer to communicate with each other.

Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory.

Computer do all calculations using a code made of just two numbers - 0 and 1. This system is called binary code. Each 0 or 1 represent state and is called binary digit or bit. Bits are grouped into eight-digit codes that typically represent characters. Eight bits together are called a byte.

4. Type, click and talk - describing input devices, keyboard elements, mouse actions

Input devices are the pieces of hardware which allow us to enter information into the computer. The most common are the keyboard and the mouse. We can also interact with a computer by using one of these: a light pen, a scanner, a trackball, a graphics tablet, a digital camera, a touch screen a microphone or a game controller like joystick .

A standard PC keyboard has various groups of keys:
-Alphanumeric keys - which represent letters and numbers, as arranged on a typewriter
-Function keys - which appear at the top of the keyboard and be programmed to do special tasks
-Dedicated keys - which are used to issue commands
-A numeric keypad - which appears to the right of the main keyboard
-Cursor control keys - which includes arrow keys that move the insertion points and keys such Home, End, Page up, Page down which let move around documents

A mouse is a hand-held device that lets you move a pointer and select items on the screen. It has one or more buttons to communicate with the PC. It is a few mouse actions:
- to click - press and release the left button
- to double-click - press and release the left button twice
- to drag - hold down the button, move the pointer to a new place and then release the button
- to right-click - press and release the right button, this action displays a list of commands

5.Capture your favourite image - scanners, digital cameras, camcorders

Scanner, digital cameras and camcorders we include to input devices, because this devices send information (picture, video , sound) to our computer. But how exactly they do?
Scanner sees images and convert the printed text or pictures into electronic code that can be understood by the computer. He read the image as a series of dots and then generates the digitized image that sent to the computer and stored as a file.
Digital camera- takes photos electronically and converts them into digital data. It's doesn't use the film found in a traditional camera; instead it has a special light-sensitive chip. Photographs are stored in the camera's memory card before being sent to the computer. Some cameras can also connected to a printer or tv set.
Camcorder or digital video camera record moving pictures and convert them into digital data that can be stored and edited by a computer with special video editing software. Digital video cameras are used by home users to create their own movies or by professional.

7. Choosing a printer - types of printer

We have a few types of printer. First is a Dot-matrix . That printers use pins to print the dots required to shape a character. They can print text and graphic: however they produce relatively low resolution output- 72-180 dots per inch (dpi). Second is Inject . This printers operate by projecting small ink droplets onto paper to form the required image. Colour and hues are created by the precise maxing of cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink. Resolution of this printer is 2400dpi. Next is Laser. This printer produce output at great speed and with a very high resolution of 1200-2400 dpi. They scan the image with a laser beam and transfer it paper with a special ink powder called toner. Next is Thermal transfer. Printers are used to produce colour images by transferring a wax-based ink onto the paper. They are
Popular for printing bar codes. The last is Imagesetters produce very high-resolution output 3500dpi on paper or on the actual film for making the printing plates. In addiotion they are extremely fast.

8. Devices for the disabled - assistive technology

Assistive technology is designed to help disable people to use computers and do they jobs in the office or learn at school.

Examples of devices for the blind users:

-Braille keyboards - have Braille lettering on keyboard overlays, allowing user to easily identify each key
-Braille embossers - printers, that produce tactile Braille symbols on both sides of a page at high speed
-speech synthesis system - it has a speech synthesizer, which produces the audio output, and a screen reader - the program which reads aloud text, menus, databases and Web
-screen magnifier - the type of software which enlarge text and images on the screen by up to 16 times, for the people with limited but usable vision.

Examples of devices for deaf users:

-visual alerts -they alert the user when they receive new mail or when there is a system error, by a blinking menu or by a message on the screen
-electronic notetakers -they use software that types a summary of what is said in meetings onto the computer screen
-textphones - allows to type and read phone conversations

Motor-impaired workers unable to type on a standard keyboard can employ expanded or ergonomic keyboards
-on screen keyboards - which are software images of a keyboard that appear on a screen and may be activate by a trackball, touch screen or eye movements
-adaptive switches - they are operated by muscle movements or breath control
-and finally the Voice Recognition System - which allows the computer to interpret human speech transforming voice into digitalized text or instructions.

12. The operating system - function, GUI operating systems

An operating system is a set of programs that control the hardware and allow people and applications to communicate with the hardware. Typical function of the OS are handling input/output operations, running programs and organizing files on disks, gives acces to network and allows multitasking (running several programs and do various tasks).

Examples of operating systems :
-Windows family - designed by Microsoft, and used on most PC's
-Mac OS - used on Macintosh computers
-Unix - found on mainframes and workstations
-Linux - developed under the GNU (General Public License)
-Windows Mobile - used on PDA's and smartphones

GUI mean Graphical User Interface and is user-friendly. It makes use of a WIMP environment (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer). System functions are accessed by selecting self-explanatory icons and items from menus.
The pointer is the arrow controlled by the mouse. The backround of the screen is called desktop, which contains pictures called icons. Icons represent files or folders. Double-clicking a folder icon opens a window which shows the programs, documents, or other folders.

13. Word processing - features

Word processors usually suport these features :
-cut and paste - allows you to romove a section of text and insert it somewhere else
-find and replace - allows you to direct the word processor to search for a particular word or phrase
-word wrap - automatically moving to the next line when you filled one line with text
-print - send a document to a printer to get a hard copy
-graphics - allows you to include illustrations and graphs in document
-header, footers and page numbering (space at the top and the bottom of every page)
-layout (wygląd) - allows you to specify different margins
-merge (połączenie) - allows to merge text from one file into another file
-spell checker - a utility that allows you to check the spelling of words
-thesaurus - allows to search for synonyms


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