What does the engineroom contain

1. What does the engineroom contain? The engineroom of a big vessel contains the main propulsion unit and a set of auxiliary machinery which normally includes three diesel generators which produce AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current) for lighting, various appliances, navigation equipment, automatic telephones, general alarm and detection systems, ventilation and other special purposes. Auxiliary machinery also includes some pumps and compressors. The bulk - carrier is a single screw, fixed pitch ship with engineroom and superstructure placed aft. The ship is propelled by Sulzer, 6 cylinder, RD76 engine of 9.600 BHP at 119 r.p.m., giving the ship speed of 16 knots. The main engine is a two stroke, compression ignition diesel. It is turbocharged by a single-stage axial flow turbine driving a centrifugal air compressor. Electric power is supplied by three generator sets, each set consists of: a diesel engine, four strokes, four cylinders, about 450 H.P, 514 r.p.m. starting is effected by compressed air. This generating set supplies 230 KW AC of 110/450V. The engineroom crew can control the generators, the main engine and the fixed pitch propeller from a sound - proof cabin. The respective pumps which serve the main engine comprise: 2 pumps of 5 m3/h capacity for the main engine fuel oil service ( one in service and one stand-by) 1 pump of 80 m3/h capacity for fuel oil transfer and 1 pump of 30 m3/h capacity for following services, a) stand-by pump, b) fuel oil daily service , c) diesel oil transfer. Besides you can find the lubricating oil pump, sea water circulating pump and fresh water circulating pump. Sea water circulating pump includes: oil cooler, water cooler and air cooler.

2. There are also centrifugal general service pump and bilge pump. Mechanical blowing ventilation of compartments is provided by means of axial flow fans driven by electromotors. The exhaust ventilation is partly mechanical and partly by means of various type ventilators. In addition the engineroom is ventilated by means of skylights. Słownik: contains - zawiera, set - zestaw, auxiliary machinery - urządzenia pomocnicze, propulsion unit - jednostka napędowa, includes - zawierać, alternating current - prąd zmienny, direct current - prąd stały, various appliances - różne przyrządy, general alarm and detection systems - wystem ogólnego wykrywania i alarmowania, purposes - cele, bulk - carrier - masowiec, single screw - jednośrubowy, fixed pitch - śruba stała, superstructure - nadbudówka, eft - rufa, propelled - napędzany, two stroke - dwusuw, compression ignition - apłon samoczynny, single-stage - jednostopniowa, axial flow - osiowa, driving - napędzająca, centrifugal air compressor - odśrodkowa sprężarka powietrza.

3. Pytania. What does the engineroom contain? The engineroom contains the main propulsion unit ( the main engine) and a set of auxiliary machinery. What does auxiliary machinery includes? Auxiliary machinery includes three diesel generators which produce AC ( alternating current) or DC (direct current) for lighting, various appliances, navigation equipment, automatic telephones, general alarm and detection systems. Auxiliary machinery also includes some pumps and compressors. What is electric power supplied by? Electric power is supplied by three generator sets, each set consists of: a diesel engine, four strokes, four cylinders, about 450 H.P, 514 r.p.m. how the engineroom crew control the main engine? The engineroom crew can control the main engine from a sound - proof cabin. What pumps can you find on the ship? I can find the lubricating oil pump, sea water circulating pump, fresh water circulating pump, centrifugal general service pump, and bilge pump. Słowniczek: supplied by - dostarczać, generators sets - zestaw generatorów, consists of - składać się z, effected by - dokonywać się, crew - załoga, propeller - śruba, sound - proof cabin - kabina dźwiękoszczelna, respective - poszczególne, serve - obsługiwać, comprise - obejmować, capacity - wydajność, fuel oil service - obsługa oleju napędowego, transfer - transport, for the following services - w celu zapewnienia następujących usług, daily service - codzienna obsłuba, beside - oprócz tego, lubricating oil pump - pompa oleju smarowego, sea water circulating pump - obiegowa pompa wody morskiej, centrifugal general service pump - odśrodkowa pompa ogólnego użytku, bilge pump - pompa zęzowa. Mechanical blowing ventilation - mechaniczny nawiew wentylacyjny, compartments - pomieszczenia, provided - zapewniać, by means - za pomocą, axial flow fans - wentylator osiowy, exhaust ventilation - wentylacja wyciągowa, partly mechanical - częściowo mechaniczna, addition - dodatkowo, skylights - świetliki.


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