Me and my civil husband A

Me and my civil husband A.S.Burdov stayed in Goa 12.11.2005-26.11.2005.Before the journey we asked about danger in the sea (snakes or any other threaten). Our agency convinced us that it was safe.

We stayed in Ramada Caravel Beach Resort (4+* or 5*) In South Goa.We repeated our questions there and the staff also told us not to worry. My husband died 22.11.2005.He was jumping on the waves his upper body was out of the water as he started to rush out to the shore (I was witnessing all these from the shore) He was falling and 2 foreign tourists and me run towards him. There was no lifeguard at all! (There were many people worried about that on the arrival to South Goa and it appeared there is absolutely no lifeguard there at all. We were discussing this before) My husband had a wound like a big coin reminding a bite, there was a bigger one on the hip and same fingers, I also saw some others on the hospital photos later. He had a shock, his eyes were mad and he couldn't breath. THERE WAS NO DOCTOR AT ALL!!! I was told that the doctor is on the was, a foreign women who tried to help him with the artificial respiration, he had a pulse and he was conscious but he could not talk, as I was explained after it was due to the beginning of paralyzing process he started to have blue spots. We stayed 20 min there waiting for help, then someone brought a sun bad and we carried him to the hotel, no one was answering my questions. When we left the hotel through the back door (as I was said that the ambulance is waiting there) we had to put him in the TAXY!!! THERE WAS NO AMBULANCE ANY DOCTORS AT ALL! The hotel manager went with him and I had to wait for another car,it took 15 min.I went together with 3 other managers and an interpreter to the hospital.I saw athat taxy car at the entrence 8 people were having a relaxed chat next to the car.I realised that he was dead by the face of the interpreter,his body was still inside the car.When I started to panic and to ask them about electroshok to struggle for his live,they were smiling at my face.After I was explained that it is normal for indian culture to react to death this way.They put him to morgue,I was having a heart ace,but doctors were just smiling,in 3 hours they gave me a pill in the morgue only.It is terrible to be in indian hospital,that was not renovated since 40 s.I was treated in the same small room with other patients and interrogated with the police,I was also given papers to sign.I refused to sign a paper that was saying that I m not going to start a case against the hotell.That caused a problem,they kept me 2 more hours there.All the managers were running here and there and they were successful to come up with the diagnose-DRAWN !!! NOT A WORD ABOUT WOUNDS,not a word about toxic poison,I was histeric.Next day I was sopposed to come back to the morgue for the medical conclussion,but the hotel management didn't let me go there,the insurance company didn't sent me an agent,they called me by the evening only.I was kept there till the day of my return ticket!!!5 days turned to be a hell,I was dissconnected from a tel line,not alloweded to calll moscow,stuff spyed on my each step.

I had to use my mobile (that costed me 2000 dollars)The local police staition people warned me that I have to bring them papers from russian side in 3 days otherwise they would have to crimate him in India.It was impossaible to get it in 3 days,relatives in moscow had to go to MID(Russian ministry of foregn affairs),make a report,and after official conformation from consulate in Mumbai,to transport him from Goa.This was impjssible to finish in 3 days.Later on I learned from Russian side that it was all a dellussion(it is all arranged by an insurance company)I had to use personal connections from Moscow to receive help.He was delievered to Russia 27.11.2005,although I was promiced that his body would be balzamied,it was not and his body came allmostly decomposed.They sent his body in such a condition that our criminalists and medical expert were shocked.I had an official paper signed and stamped by Russian consulate in Mumbai that said that his body would be balzamied.We had to burry him in a closed coffin.Why did they treat us this way,why did they do everything for us not to be able to have a second medical research here in Moscow,who paid for the truth never to be revielled?Goa is a reach state that mainly lives for tourizm. That's why no one was interested to warn about danger like snakes scatts and meduses,that cause of death.There was a 1.5 meter snake killed in our hotell,fnother day a murena was found on the shore,other tourists told me about4 meters snake.

A letter appeared that «tourists are responsible for the risk of swimming» another day.This had to be a proof of their so-called «precotions»They also tried to still my passport.I was really treated bad.In the beginning I was promiced that my bill would not include Alexandr expenses but at the end they took their words back.

It was a scatt most probably,he stepped on him and the sharp sning made a wound.The divers told me about the earth quaqe 2004 when a riff was destroyed and many sea snakes and scattes came closer to the beach line.I am receiving a lot of letters from people facing similar problems in Goa and everyones case were kept secret by Goan side.I also received a letter from a girl who stayed in the same hotel with us<she is saying that there eas no warning lettr after my departure.I didn't meet this girl before but she was writing me that she was talking to the village people and to the shack owner,every witness explained her that my husben was fliva when he was out of the water.Aftr she asked same quastions to the hotel guide and his answer was DRAWN just like the official version.She asked about the danger of swimming and he tried to convince her that it was safe.So she didn't believe and asked the interpretor.The girl was repeating the official verson,but after Tatyana(interpretor) told her the truth.He was wounded but alive she said.

There are official proofs in the Mumbai consulate,letters from witnesses about the wounds and others. There was an interview with general consule(to he said that my husbends parts were givven to expertise,the result is still UNKNOWN.

I want our government to figure out if this place is safe for tourists.I Have informations that other countries consider this to be dangerouse.I also want to rise the question about vacination(which is abligatory in many countries exept Russia)

I am asking to take precotions and to tart protecting russian citizens there,to check out for the danger or to close this place for tourizm.

With respect from russian citizen

Ponamareva Oksana


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