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Sabbat Lasombra

The elders of our sect who still follow Gratiano's ways are the ones whom we must fear the most. It is they who try to cover up their shame at assisting, or turning away when our founder was killed. They now hunt us to cover up their shame, as we are reminders of their betrayal. The younger Lasombra of the Sabbat should be taken, and the truth made to be revealed. Most will not want to believe, but a small few have left the Sabbat when shown the evidence.


Insanity is the curse that all of their clan has had to bear with. Almost all of them are “touched” in one way or another. They are pranksters and mischief-makers. This is known and excepted with the vampiric community. While some are worthless for their insanity allows them no moments of clarity, there are some who have used their madness to see things that the rest of us are unable to. It is that “type” of Malkavian that I respect.


They are hideous and ugly beasts. Caine cursed them for their vanity many thousands of years ago. Now they appear disfigured and look to be the monsters of young children's nightmares. They fancy themselves to be information brokers and masters of all secrets. In reality they couldn't hide a rock amongst a sea of boulders. We pity them and loath them at the same time.


They are vile corrupters. Their history goes back to ancient Egypt where they worship the Egyptian god of set. Indeed, their official names are the Followers of Set. “Setite” is a rather new term created by the eastern culture. They will take every opportunity to attempt to seduce you and to bend your will so that they can use you. Do not allow them to, and keep your guard up while amongst them.

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Teachings of Don Chavez Juan Guavares


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