3 (199)

0x01 graphic

Ph The dressing of Mrs. Rattler left elbow, needs

to be changed BID. Her wound is still infected.

Clean the wound with NS and use the same

antibiotic, please.

RN: Do you want to see the wound? It has become

swollen and painful.

Ph: Oh, yes. Please call me, when you've uncovered patient's elbow.

I have to assess the wound again to order a new ointment. I'm afraid

that the patient has edema because she didn't keep her arm elevated. RN: She should do it QID or more often, but she really doesn't like it.

Ph: Did she complain of arm numbness? RN: No, she didn't.

Ph: Thank you, nurse. Be alert to pus discharge, please. RN: Okay, doctor. 'I will.

Complete the sentences:

1. The nurse has applied the bandage to the coating

2. She will use the bandage to the dressing.

3. The doctor has bandaged Pt's leg to the joint.

4, Patient's abdominal are with the bandage.

5. To keep the in the apply a circular

0x08 graphic
(There might be more than one possibility):

0x01 graphic

Aby udzielić informacji pacjentowi lub jego rodzinie o zmianie opatrunku, stosuje się w zdaniach imperative verbs:

0x01 graphic

  1. to note

  2. c/o

  3. assess for

  4. be alert for

  5. reinforce

  6. bandage

  7. apply

0x08 graphic
1.You have to apply the

2. The doctor ordered

3. Because the bandage was too loose

4.The nurse has assessed

5. Our patient e/o

6. This patient should be

7. Please encourage her to

8.The order was QID

9. Change the elbow dressing

10. Why did you

a. numbness

b. dressing

c. NS

d. complication

e. wound

f. discharges

g. signs and symptoms

a. wasn't it?

b. keep her leg elevated.

c. PRN, please.

d. collar due to head injury.

e. plaster cast for pt's elbow.

f. use this ointment for the abrasion?

g. his wrist pain.

h. the knee for swelling.

i. transferred to Surgical Unit.

j. a nurse reinforced it.

Match the verbs with the appropriate nouns:

Match the phrases from the first column with the phrases from the second column to make sensible sentences:


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