Unit Test

Straightforward Advanced Unit Test 11

Name _______________________ Score ______/50_


A Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

(1) I can't stop _______ that tune, even though it annoys me.

a) buzzing b) humming c) muttering

(2) I was just _______ through the newspaper when I found the article.

a) browsing b) gazing c) staring

(3) His latest photos are _______ display in the local art gallery.

a) in b) on c) out of

(4) The poem was so beautiful it made my heart _______.

a) float b) flutter c) wander

(5) Her eyes _______ like diamonds.

a) flashed b) shone c) sparkled

(6) I love spending a rainy afternoon _______ around the local art gallery.

a) gazing b) viewing c) wandering

(7) I can't believe he wrote you a poem - that's so _______ character.

a) in b) on c) out of

(8) It was so nice and quiet, and then the silence was _______ by a loud noise.

a) shattered b) creaked c) cracked

(9) He kept _______ in my direction - I don't know why.

a) glancing b) twinkling c) viewing

B Complete the text with words from the box. Each word can only be used once. There are three extra words.

bang beep buzz clatter clink creak rattle rumble sizzle

Onomatopoeic words are words that sound like the sound they refer to. Although all languages have such words they are often quite different. So, a native speaker of English will know that you (10) _______ your car horn or that a door can (11) _______ or (12) _______ when it is being shut, but this might not be obvious to a speaker of another language. When you hear your tummy (13) _______ it means you are hungry. Before you take the first sip of champagne you should (14) _______ your glasses and sausages (15) _______ when you cook them. Learning these collocations can be great fun and is, in many ways, part of learning the culture as well as the language.

C Are these sentences correct (C) or incorrect (I)? Correct the ones that are incorrect.

(16) He's got one of those fancy clocks that clinks every hour.


(17) I stood staring in amazement at the picture - it was fantastic!


(18) I'm sure he did that on mistake.


(19) The painting is so good you can almost feel the ship being tossed around by the waves.


(20) The leaves rustled in the wind.


(21) When she plays the violin she makes a horrible beeping sound.


(22) They came in droves to see his paintings.



D Complete the conversation with words from the box. Each word can only be used once. There are three extra words.

a little much quite these every all both either neither one this those

Matthew: Hey! Sanja, come over here and look at (23) _______ paintings. There are lots to see!

Sanja: Yuck! They're (24) _______ horrible.

Matthew: No, they're not - look at (25) _______ one.

Sanja: What? Don't tell me you like it.

Matthew: Well, yes, though only (26) _______ bit.

Sanja: You must be joking. They're terrible.

Matthew: What about (27) _______ ones over there?

Sanja: The two over there? Yeah! They're (28) _______ alright

Matthew: Which (29) _______ do you like the most?

Sanja: I'm not sure. I think the smaller one is (30) _______ nice.

Matthew: So if you could have one of them, would you have (31) _______ on the living room wall?

Sanja: In my living room? No, I don't think so.

E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(32) I wish I _______ (have) your talent.

(33) If he could _______ (sing) as well as he can play the guitar, I'm sure he'd be famous.

(34) I hope she _______ (win) the award. I think she's got a good chance.

(35) Imagine you _______ (be) nominated, how would you feel?

(36) It's high time I _______ (learn) to play the guitar.

(37) If only I could _______ (paint) like that.

(38) I'd rather you _______ (not play) your music at full volume.

F Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

(39) If you were take / to take art classes, I'm sure you'd enjoy them.

(40) I really don't like them. Either / Neither one is very good.

(41) I'd sooner go / went to a live concert than watch it on TV.

(42) For all / every his talent, I don't think he'll be remembered as a great musician.

(43) All / Every one of them has a chance of winning the award.

Speech feature

G Complete the sentences words from the box. Each word can only be used once.

book poem exhibition gaze humming concert sound

(44) His _______, it was so piercing and intense. It made me quite nervous, especially as I didn't know why he was staring at me.

(45) It's very romantic, that _______. I really like the first verse. Every time I read it I think of my first love.

(46) That _______, it was so loud. When I heard it I almost jumped out of my skin.

(47) I wish you'd stop it, that _______. It's so annoying and particularly as you're not even in tune!

(48) The _______, it's amazing. I never knew your brother was such a good artist.

(49) Did you enjoy it, the _______? I know you've always liked their music.

(50) It's rather long, that _______. I've read all his others, but I just couldn't finish this one

Straightforward Advanced Unit Test 11 p4


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