ELP Vocab Test 2

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6 -10)

1 Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

a cook

a nurse

a vet

a mechanic

an actor

a plumber

a sailor

a gardener

a musician

an architect

a dentist

0 He repairs cars in a garage. He's a mechanic.

1 He looks after people's teeth. He's ___________ .

2 He looks after sick animals. He's ___________ .

3 He plays parts in films and the theatre. He's ___________ .

4 He makes meals in a restaurant. He's ___________ .

5 He travels the world in a ship. He's ___________ .

6 He looks after people in a hospital. He's ___________ .

7 He plays the saxophone in a jazz band. He's ___________ .

8 He cuts the grass and looks after the flowers. He's ___________ .

9 He designs houses and flats. He's ___________ .

10 He repairs broken taps and pipes. He's ___________ .

2 Complete the sentences.

0 I keep all my books on a bookshelf in my bedroom.

1 It's very hot today. Turn off the c______ ______ .

2 My brother likes to look at himself in the m______ .

3 The living room c______ is very dirty, because people don't take their shoes off.

4 I always have a hot s______ in the morning.

5 My dad always puts the rubbish in the d______ at night.

6 I've got lots of p______ of my favourite pop stars on my bedroom wall.

7 In winter we have a fire in the f______ to keep the living room warm.

8 The sugar is on the top s______ in the cupboard.

9 There are two armchairs and a s______ in the room.

10 My sister has a lovely, soft p______ on her bed.

3 Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer for each space.

My dad and I went for a (0) B in the country. It was terrible! First, we forgot the

(1) _____ , so we couldn't have any sandwiches. Then a (2) _____ came over and ate all the (3) _____ . And then, I spilt hot (4) _____ all over my new (5) _____ . I was very cross! We did have some chocolate (6) _____ though, so we ate them - they were very nice, but we were still hungry so dad took me to a café. We got a (7) _____ . I had chicken and (8) _____ and my dad had a hamburger and (9) _____ . Although the picnic was terrible we did have a nice (10) _____ after all.

0 A party B picnic C snack

1 A knife B menu C bread

2 A dog B horse C chicken

3 A bread B snack C sausages

4 A plate B coffee C cup

5 A napkin B costume C skirt

6 A biscuits B chicken C chips

7 A take-aways B take-away C takes-away

8 A chips B chip C crisps

9 A salad B a salad C salads

10 A food B meal C snack

Elementary Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6-10) 1


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