11 12 06

I used to live in flat. - I don't live there anymore.

I am used to living in a flat - I am accustomed to it, it is nothing strange

I will have to get used to living in a flat - reach the point at which it is nothing strange

I am used to seeing - I am accustomed

I was used to seeing - I was accustomed

I used to - I would

I didn't use to/did you use to

To be used to doing

I was used to living

I will be used to living

I have never been used to living

be used to = to be accustomed to, describes a state in which something is normal for us

get used to = process of getting accustomed, reaching normality with a new situation

be used to/get used to - gerund ING

In a new job you might have to get used to working together with other people.

Get used to wearing more formal clothes

Get used to being polite/ being more patient

Get used to meeting up with fans

Get used to giving autographs

Get used to hiding away from paparazzi

Get used to seeing your face on the cover of tabloid magazine whether you like it or not

I am getting used to my new job. LIVING

I might have to get used to my new job

I am getting used to living in a flat.

I got used to living in a flat. (past)

Going on a diet

Get used to eating little

Get used to exercising a lot.

Get used to eating food you don't like

You have to get used to drinking more water.

Get married

When you get married you might have to get used to living with your partner.

Get used to working harder

Get used to buying things for your wife.

Get used to having more money so she can spend it whenever she wants.

Get used to being faithful.

Get used to seeing dirty socks all over the bedroom.

Get used to sharing a bed

Get used to paying attention to your children

Spending time with them

Caring about them

Buying present for them

Worrying too much about their safety

Get used to waking up early

Get used to them telling you that they got a bad grade at school.

You retire

Get used to not working

Get used to getting paid for doing nothing

Get used to feeding birds

Get used to going to church a lot

Get used to taking out your grandchildren.

Get used to annoying your neighbors

If I went to live in Britain, I would find it difficult to get used to driving on the left side of the road

: drinking tea at 5 o'clock

: eating British food

: speaking another language

: wearing school uniforms

: eating lunch at 1 p.m.

  1. Get used to having

  2. Used to cook

  3. Is used to eating/ has got used to eating

  4. Used to write

  5. Get used to

  6. Be used to driving/ have got used to

  7. Get used to driving


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