Early History of Judaism

Early History of Judaism

It has been argued that Judaism can be seen not only as a single

religion, but as a group of similar religions. It has also been

pointed-out that through all the trials and tribulations that Judaism

has suffered through, that there have been common themes that have

proven omni-pervasive. Any institution with roots as ancient and

varied as the religion of the Jews is bound to have a few variations,

especially when most of its history takes place in the political and

theological hot spot of the Middle East.

In this discussion, many facets of Judaism will be examined,

primarily in the three temporal subdivisions labeled the Tribal /

Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy, and the Hasmonean /

Maccabean and Roman Era. Among all the time periods where the religion

has been split, these three seem to be the most representative of the

forces responsible.

As for a common thread seen throughout all Judiasms, the area of

focus here is the place associated with the religion : Jerusalem. This

topic will be covered in detail first, and then the multiple Judaism

arguments will be presented. In this way, it is possible to keep a

common focus in mind when reading about all the other situations in

which the religion has found itself. A brief conclusion follows the


A Place to Call Home No other religion has ever been so attached

to its birthplace as Judaism. Perhaps this is because Jews have been

exiled and restricted from this place for most of their history.

Jerusalem is not only home to Judaism, but to the Muslim and Christian

religions as well. Historically this has made it quite a busy place

for the various groups.

Jerusalem is where the temple of the Jews once stood; the only

place on the whole Earth where one could leave the confines of day to

day life and get closer to God. In 586 BCE when the temple was

destroyed, no Jew would have denied Jerusalem as being the geographic

center of the religion. From that point on, the Jewish people have

migrated around the world, but not one of them forgets the fact that

Jerusalem is where it all began. It is truly a sacred place, and helps

to define what Judaism means to many people; a common thread to run

through all the various splinters of the religion and help hold them


Even today, as the Jewish people have their precious Jerusalem

back (through the help of other nations and their politics) there is

great conflict and emotion surrounding it. Other nations and people in

the area feel that they should be in control of the renowned city, and

the Jews deny fervently any attempt to wrestle it from their

occupation. It is true that there is no temple in Jeruslaem today, nor

are all the Jews in the world rushing to get back there. But it is

apparent that the city represents more to the religion of Judaism than

a mere place to live and work. The city of Jerusalem is a spiritual

epicenter, and throughout Judaism's long and varied history, this

single fact has never changed.

Tribal / Pre-Monarchy

Judaism's roots lie far back in the beginnings of recorded

history. The religion did not spring into existence exactly as it is

known today, rather it was pushed and prodded by various environmental

factors along the way. One of the first major influences on the

religion was the Canaanite nation. Various theories exist as to how

and when the people that would later be called Jews entered into this

civilization. But regardless of how they ultimately got there, these

pioneers of the new faith were subjected to many of the ideas and

prejudices of the time. Any new society that finds itself in an

existing social situation, can do no more than to try and integrate

into that framework. And this is exactly what the Jews did.

Early Judaism worshipped multiple gods. One of these gods was

known as Ba'al, and was generally thought-of as a `statue god' with

certain limitations on his power. The other primary deity was called

YHWH (or Yahweh) and enjoyed a much more mysterious and illusive

reputation. He was very numinous, and one was to have great respect,

but great fear for him at the same time. Ba'al was not ever really

feared, as his cycles (metaphorically seen as the seasons) were fairly

well known, and not at all fear-inducing.

The fact that the early Jews and Canaanites had these two

radically different representations of a deity active in their

culture, basically assured that there would be splits in the faith.

One group inevitably would focus on one of the gods, and another would

focus on another. In this way, the single religion could support

multiple types of worship, leading to multiple philosophies and

patterns of behavior, which could then focus more and more on their

respective niche, widening the gap into a clear cut distinction

between religious groups.

This early time period was generally quite temporary and

non-centralized, stemming from the fact that technology was at a very

low level, and people's lifespan was fairly short. These conditions

led to a rapid rate of turnover in religious thought, and left many

factions of people to their own devices. Widespread geographic

distribution coupled with poor communication certainly did not help in

holding the many faiths together. The Tribal Period in Jewish history

is one of the more splintered eras in the religion, but since these

people were all living in the area near Jerusalem, the common thread

can be seen clearly through the other less-defined elements of the


Divided Monarchy

By its very name, it is apparent that this period of history is

host to a great deal of divergence in the Jewish religion. As Solomon

was king, people began to grow more and more restless. Some objected

to worshiping a human king, while others balked at the oppression of

the poor that was going on. Political unrest in this period led to a

decisive split in geographic territory, and thus a split in religious


A group of people left the area of Judah and traveled North to

found Israel, where they could be free to practice their own political

flavors, and their own religious flavors as well. This sort of

behavior has come to be seen as common of oppressed people, and the

result is almost always a great deviation in the ways of the `old

world'. A perfect example of this comes when examining the point in

American history where independence was declared from England. Now,

mere centuries later, America is as different in its politics,

religions, and social forces from England as one could imagine. This

was most likely the result when Israel was founded, far back in

Biblical history.

Communication between the two cities was sparse. The priests and

prophets were undoubtedly addressing items pertinent to one group, but

not neccesarily the other. The influence of foreign traders to each of

the two places, as well as the political attitudes of each all would

have had enormous impact on a newly-spawned religion. Thus, it can

easily be seen that the religion was split into (at least) two major

divisions during this time period.

Toward the end of the Divided Monarchy, it seems that the

prophets began calling for major changes in the basic foundation of

the early Jews' lives. The kings and priests had no major disputes

with the status quo, but apparently the prophets were calling for a

reorganization. This sort of `turmoil within' can do nothing but

further split people's faith. It was is if the question was posed : to

follow the kings and the priests, who have guided us and kept us safe?

or follow the far-seeing prophets, who are more like us and honestly

have our best interests at heart? As the next major historical

division occurred this sort of argument would continue, and thus the

Jewish people were left to practice their religion in whatever way

they felt best : multiple groups of people with varying faith in the

many forms of Judaism as it existed toward the end of the Divided


Hasmonean / Maccabean and Roman Era

This time period in Jewish history is politically tumultuous,

leading to high levels of splits and variations in the religion

itself. One of the most disruptive types of all wars is a civil war.

And this is exactly what occurs at the outset in the Jewish homeland

of Jerusalem. The Jewish civil war was against the extreme Hellenizers

(people who tended toward utter reason in their beliefs) and the

moderate Hellenizers (people who can see things rationally, but

believe there are more items to consider than this -- ex. the

Maccabean family, who became the Hasmonean kings). So right away, it

is apparent that the ideas that the Greeks introduced into Jewish

culture have acted as time-bombs of social memes, and have created a

major split in the religion.

When the violence of the war has subsided, the moderate

Hellenizers have won (“everything in moderation!”) and rule for a

short time, until the Roman empire attacks and throws even more kinks

into the Jewish society. When the Romans take over, the Hasmonean

kings are left in place as `puppet kings,' which ultimately forces the

general population to question their governing body.

When the Romans destroy the temple in Jerusalem, it is made

painfully clear that some changes are going to be made. Most obvious,

the priests suddenly have no major role in the religion. Their primary

purpose had been to tend to the sacrificing of animals, and since it

is illegal to sacrifice an animal outside the temple, the priests were

in an unsettling position.

As can be seen in countless other examples, politics and

religion are invariably tied, and people began practicing their own

flavors of Judaism after their civilization had been so radically

altered. At this point in history, there is really no solid rule to

prevent such splits, and for a time a mixed form of Judaism with many

varieties flourishes.

No one was sure what to do once the heart of Judaism (the

temple) had been destroyed, but it soon became apparent that an

appealing option was arising. Two major social groups of the time

period were vying for power. The first group, the Saducees were

associated with the displaced Hasmonean kings. The second group, the

Pharisees, had an idea that would help work around the tragic

destruction of the temple. People were split, once again. They could

stay with the traditional Saducees (who had the political power,

believed in only written Torah, and did not subscribe to resurrection

-- basically a conservative view), or they could side with the

newcomers, the Pharisees (who had religious power, believed in both

the written and the oral Torah, and believed in resurrection) and hope

to preserve their Jewish heritage by worshiping outside of the temple,

in their everyday life.

It was not a hard decision, and the Pharisees eventually gained

power, leading the Jewish religion into its next phase of Rabbinic

Judaism. It is apparent that in each of the three time periods

discussed above that many factions of the same religion were active.

Competing philosophies, outside political forces, and geographic

isolation are among the most obvious of the dividing forces. However

many other influences `pound' each and every day on a given social

institution, subtly forming it and changing it into something it was

not. For this reason, the answer to the debate whether Judaism is a

single, or multiple religion(s) is an obvious one, depending upon how

you choose to look at it. Every religion has many pieces, but as long

as there are a few constants (such as the birthplace, the language,

literature, etc) it is possible to view the whole as a single force,

and still acknowledge variations that will inevitably spring-up.


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