How to draw SCOOBY DOO


Step 1.

 Start with a circle for the head, and then add the facial guidelines. You will then add a neck, and attach two connected shapes to the neck as you see here.


Step 2.

 Now you can start drawing out the shape of Scooby's neck, and head. Notice how I only did a quick single line drawing. You should be able to complete this step easily. Start by drawing the ear, and then add the lining for the neck, and muzzle.


Step 3.

 Finish drawing out the shape of Scooby's face which includes his big chin, and smile. Be sure to add some chin whiskers, and color in a nice sized nose. Next, add his eyes, and then color in some eyebrows. You will then finish drawing his collar name tag and all, and then begin drawing his shoulders, chest, front legs and paws. Add some dog chest fuzz, and then his spots.


Step 4.

 for your last drawing step, all you have to do is draw out his hind legs, and then his back paws or feet. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one, and then that's it!


Step 5.

 Now that you are all done, you should end up with a drawing of Scooby Doo that looks like the one you see here, or pretty close to it. Grab your crayons, markers, colored pencils, or paint, and begin adding some color to mans best friend.


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