11 There is a lot of important discoveries In history and iÊn

There are many important discoveries In history and i can’t chose only one of them. In my opinion some discoveries are more important than the others.

I would choose discovery in medicine, which is significant. For me discoveries in this area are more important than many others, for example astronomy or geology. Discovered medicaments helped and still help people around the world. The best example is the discovery of antibiotics. In the past, people were dying on many types of diseases. However, when doctors began to use antibiotics, these diseases could be easily treated and they are not dangerous for people lives in these days. Moreover antibiotics also help in preventing infection.

I would also say about discovery, which is the most significant Polish discovery for me. I mean Maria Sklodowska-Curie, who discovered two roots: polon and rad ,together with her husband. She received the Nobel P rice twice. This discovery started a new scientific research in physic and chemistry. Her discovery is used in medicine, for example in cancer treatment, and is widely used in industry.

These discoveries I can surely call significant, because they had huge influence on the world science development.
