be going to ćwiczenia

be going to

I Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj konstrukcji be going to + jeden z podanych czasowników:

come cycle play light read miss attack have crash writePoczątek formularza

1. I __________________________ across Africa.
2. My sister __________________________ a baby next month.
3. My father __________________________ a letter.
4. We __________________________ chess this evening.
5. It’s very cold. I __________________________ fire.
6. Her mother __________________________ stay with us next weekend.
7. This plane __________________________.
8. They __________________________ the bus.
9. These dogs __________________________ us.
10. I __________________________ a book.

II Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania zawierające konstrukcję be going to:

1. (cook / dinner / they) .......................................................................................................................................................
2. (tennis / John / I / with / play / tomorrow) .......................................................................................................................................................
3. (be / she / late) .......................................................................................................................................................
4. (Susan / watch / evening / this / TV)

5. (I/ coffee/ this/ drink)

6. (parents/ buy/ a camera/ my)

7. (Alice / Italy / go)

8. (Father / postcards / write)

9. (stay / really / hotel / a / nice / I)

10. (it / great/ be)


III Zamień podane zdania na pytania:

1. She is going to fly to Rome.

2. You are going to leave Poland.

3. They are going to call you tonight.

4. My sister is going to buy a car.

5. I am going to have a bath.


IV Zamień podane zdania na przeczenia:

1. She is going to go to Warsaw.

2. Professor Fredricksen is going to come to Wroclaw.

3. This dog is going to bite you.

4. They are going to build a new house.

5. It’s going to rain again.

.......................................................................................................................................................Dół formularza


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